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24 things you didn't know about Britain
4 things you didn't know about Britain
I have a question for the Brits here. What is the monarchy going to do if all the Brits are so dissatisfied and move away while at the same time the immigrant population grows exponentially?

Team Nachos
4 things you didn't know about Britain
Quote: (05-19-2014 08:43 AM)Parlay44 Wrote:  

I have a question for the Brits here. What is the monarchy going to do if all the Brits are so dissatisfied and move away while at the same time the immigrant population grows exponentially?

The Queen is descended from Germans, her husband Prince Philip is Greek. They will cope.

Or if you believe David Icke, they're all extraterrestrial paedophile blood-drinking lizards. So in that case they will equally get on OK.

"I'd hate myself if I had that kind of attitude, if I were that weak." - Arnold
4 things you didn't know about Britain
Maybe they'll move to one of their former colonies and leave Brit to the wolves. Kind of like how they did the Aussies back in the day (went to Australia, saw how fcuked up it was and said..hey..let's dump our criminals here and let them die in all this heat/insects/crocs..



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards
4 things you didn't know about Britain
Quote: (05-19-2014 05:04 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

Quote: (05-19-2014 04:25 AM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

- Or Australia where you cannot got one metre without something wanting or being able to kill you. And lets not start with their aggressive attitude from the get-go. "holy shit mate, you lookin at my bird?

10/10 uninformed talking out of your ass. Why do Brits always think Australia is full of crazy spiders and snakes that will kill you,

You're easily led on aren't you? This thread isn't serious at all.

Sort of like how American beer should be sold in the UK. [Image: banana.gif]

@ Parlay

Before that happens serious racial and social upheaval. Any major war with Russian interests and Western power will bring that to the fore.
4 things you didn't know about Britain
Great, I now have zero urge to ever visit...
Shitty weather, shitty food, shitty teeth part made me laugh.

Chicago Tribe.

My podcast with H3ltrsk3ltr and Cobra.

Snowplow is uber deep cover as an alpha dark triad player red pill awoken gorilla minded narc cop. -Kaotic
4 things you didn't know about Britain
Quote: (05-19-2014 08:43 AM)Parlay44 Wrote:  

I have a question for the Brits here. What is the monarchy going to do if all the Brits are so dissatisfied and move away while at the same time the immigrant population grows exponentially?

Hey Parlay,

That's a good question, one theory I have of this is that a lot of immigration comes from countries that the English Monarchy used to own the people who come in are familiar with them and would accept them as they are.

Also people forget the amount of PR work that the Royals do across the Globe so that no one really forgets their brand.
4 things you didn't know about Britain
2013- Lions rugby, Murray tennis, froom cycling, rose golf. 2014 Hamilton f1, 3.2% growth, financial capital of the world + most billionaires in one locations. Developed the most effective daygame model, We still pack a punch ;p
4 things you didn't know about Britain
The monarchy will go eventually (I support it by the way).

The reason is because in Britain people are anal about following rules and 'being fair'.

Having the figurehead of your country be a position you are born into goes against all that. Which is why such hereditary privilege is continually being chipped away at.

First thing to go was the hereditary peers who used to sit in the House of Lords (the second chamber which helps control the laws passed by Parliament).

That used to be 100% hereditary. Only a few remain (the ones the got voted to stay on by the others in the House of Lords) and they will not be replaced when they die. Pretty soon - the House of Lords will become an elected senate of sorts.

The Tories should have fought against these proposals. But they have no principles. Not a single one. The only principle they have is wetting their finger and sticking it in the air and seeing which direction the political winds are blowing in.

The left wing in the UK definitely want to see the Monarch removed. And are just biding their time. The left wing agenda for the next 50 years consists of two major issues. Introducing euthanasia - and then going after the royal family.

The media are like a crowd of drunks watching a fight. As long as one side is winning - it is happy to join in and do some kicking. But as soon as the fight turns - and the other side starts to get the upper hand, it will switch sides and start kicking their former allies.

And this applies to all issues.

For now the royal family is pretty popular. But it just takes a few bad stories for opposition to flare up. And when that happens - the media will start attacking the royals and the left-wing will seize the opportunity to bring an end to a thousand years of history.

All in the name of equality and fairness.

And throughout it all - the Conservatives will be in the corner with their dick in their hand sitting out the fight before coming down on the side of whoever wins.

The left wing run the UK. Every time they enact any sort of change - the Tories pretend that their 'philosophy' (which doesn't exist) means they are just about prepared to support this change. But are drawing a line in the sand at this point.

Until the next left wing change come about and so on.

It even gets to the point where the Tories introdocue policies (like gay marriage - which was never even a part of their manifesto) as a way of preempting their opponents. If they are sure their opponents will bring about a change. And if they are equally sure that they will never do anything to reverse them. Then they may as well enact the changes themselves and take whatever political credit comes about from such changes.

It was only a matter of time before Labour bought in gay marriage. So the Tories thought they may as well beat them to the punch.

Just look at the changing attitudes of the Tories to the IRA.

35 years ago they killed the Queen's cousin.

30 years ago they killed Margaret Thatchers closest political ally.

28 years ago - the Tories watched them starve to death in hunger strikes rather than recognise them as politcial prisoners.

25 years ago they nearly killed Margaret Thatcher.

And 20 years ago they tried to kill John Major with a direct attack on 10 Downing Street.

13 years of Labour government later - and you now have members of the IRA being invited to have a state banquet with the Queen.

[Image: queen-mcguinness.jpg]

[Image: Martin-McGuinness-and-the-008.jpg]

And nobody bats an eyelid.

The only principle the Tories have is winning elections at all costs. Which is why they were the most successful political party of any democratic country in the world - during the twentieth century.

Can you imagine an American president shaking hands with the very same person who TWICE tried to kill the US president? Hell - even Al Qaeda never tried to pull off shit like that.

And it is because of the fundamentally apolitical nature of the Conservatives that the left wing no it is only a matter of time before they get to enact any legislation they want. And unlike in other countries - once it is on the statute books it will remain there forever.
4 things you didn't know about Britain
Quote: (05-19-2014 11:25 AM)Pinocchio Wrote:  

2013- Lions rugby, Murray tennis, froom cycling, rose golf. 2014 Hamilton f1, 3.2% growth, financial capital of the world + most billionaires in one locations. Developed the most effective daygame model, We still pack a punch ;p

What day game model was that?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards
4 things you didn't know about Britain
I would also add that many Brits, especially in and around London, live in digs that are just antediluvian, without proper heating, insulation or what I would call proper sanitation. It is really quite pitiful and I have lived in shacks in so-called third world countries that have had more modern facilities than some places I have stayed at in London.
4 things you didn't know about Britain
WD-40- I do agree that the creature comforts in North America are definitely higher. For all the moaning I was doing about Toronto, it's a better place to raise your family and live a middle class life than London.

London, you watch your neighbour's hand carefully if he reaches for another plate of sandwiches cos everything costs so dearly there.

As my mate says, half the size and twice the price.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards
4 things you didn't know about Britain
The 10 Reasons I left Britain:

1) Aggressive people. Go out on a Saturday night in any city centre (except London) and you'll see what hell is really like. You wouldn't think you were in a first-world country. A mistimed catching of the eye/accidental brush of someone's shoulder can get people riled up as fuck. Hell, just walking around the streets in a drinking hotspot usually results in a group of people shouting abuse at you "Uwotm8?!". I probably wouldn't even feel comfortable wearing a damn shirt around some places for fear of being targeted. "Look at that massive gay!"

You have to have your wits about you and constantly look over your shoulder. I stuck to the student-friendly bars for a reason. Used to get that weird feeling in my balls when we'd decide to hit Southampton city centre. I've never gotten that feeling in twenty months in Asia, not even in fucking Cambodia.

2) The 'LADS ON TOUR' phenomena. This is our shit attempt at American college culture.

Most young Brits seem hit the clubs in 'packs' and generally compete with each other to be the loudest virgin twat in the club. The entertainment for the night includes hilarious stuff such as: sticking your nob in your mates pint while they're pissing and shaving off your friends eyebrows in their sleep.

I may sound like a hipster keyboard warrior here, but IMO you should never disrespect your friends like guys do in Britain. If you approach a girl you'd probably get a backing chorus of "WHEEEEY MATE. FUCK 'ER GOOD SAN' or something from your crew. I don't like rolling with people who are so unbelievably oblivious to the 'laws of 'wingmanship' . This is a big problem amongst young British dudes.

I remember being at Raleigh Beach in Thailand last July. I was staring at a crab. Some British guy asked me "What the fuck are you doing mate?". Another time I was hand-in-hand with a girl on Khao San Road. A British guy in shorts asked me "Why are you in a suit mate?". ...Anddd that's why I left.

3) After 8pm the streets resemble a 'V for Vendetta'-esque curfew. No one's out. No one's doing shit. You know where everyone is? Inside rotting in front of the TV.

Go out at 10pm in Bangkok/Taipei/Ulsan and you'll see families eating food/shopping together and people calmly enjoying beer. The only one's out in Britain at that time are drunk students, chavs and hooligans.

4) You can't buy any fucking food past 9pm. OK, I'm exaggerating. But: If it's 4am here and I want a sandwich I stick some clothes on and go to the 7-11 at the bottom of my building. Or the FamilyMart ten metres away. Or the other one fifty metres away. In Britain you have to get in the car and drive seven miles to the 24-hour Tesco.

I don't think I could ever re-adapt to not being able to buy food when I'm hungry.

5) The weather is SHIT. It's not too hot. It's not too cold. It's just annoyingly 'in-the-middle'.

I love the glorious overbearing heat in Thailand. I also appreciate the beautiful winter in the Swiss highlands. I can see why people like one, and I can see why people like the other.

In Britain though, it's always Autumn. Never cold enough to make a snowman. Never hot enough to sunbathe. You spend ten months of your year in trousers and a jacket under the cloudy sky. I remember my last May there. I wore a hooded sweatshirt for most of it because I was cold. A summer's day typically lasts anywhere between one hour and whenever the clouds feel like fucking with you.

6) Dumb-as-hell people who rant about the same shit every day (perhaps a lot of irony as I'm typing this!). Watch 'Question Time' or click on the Daily Mail website and have a look at the comments section. I bet you'll find a predictable 'rent-a quote' such as "They should hang him by the balls and cut off his thumbs". The intonation patterns of these sentences usually flow quite nicely and cover up the stupidity of their content.

I like living abroad as I no longer have to listen to this.

7) Chavs.

8) Prude people who prioritise company policy over fun. For some reason you're not allowed to make jokes about anything or have an open attitude to sex. I can't imagine even mentioning a 'date' to my colleagues in England. Here we talk about tits in the office all day and what girl we banged last night, in Britain you have to talk about your broken washing machine and your brand new trouser press at work.

9) Expensive as hell. A taxi home is like 20 dollars. Here I sit in a taxi for an hour and it's 4.

10) SHIT food. I don't even know what British food is. I don't even know how I survived all those years. At university I cooked curry every day. Other people ate pizzas and frozen food from Iceland supermarket. Diets are horrendous in Britain. What is British food?

There's no spice. No flavour. No vegetables. No Colour. No fun. Just geometrically-perfect dollops of beige crap.

No way in hell I'm getting on that plane back there.
4 things you didn't know about Britain
Bit of a misleading thread title. Should be "25 things to hate about Britain".

Anyway, despite it all that the English language is still the most powerful communication tool that has ever existed in this world. I think that reveals something. The British are good at exporting ideas, and the people who create or spread them. Their problem is with the permanent underclass at home. In centuries past they'd just be shipped off to Australia or elsewhere, and be forced to succeed in making a life for themselves there. The end of empire, and the rise of the welfare state, has left these people with no prospects at home, and seemingly nowhere else to go to improve their lot.

From my time spent in Britain I'd say you have to divide the country in two. The top half, quarter, or whatever, who either run the place or directly help in this, and the rest who don't do much of anything. I have a mostly positive impression of the country, but then I dealt with the top "half" and could easily just ignore the problems of the rest. For example I overwhelming found that British companies were better run, and more professionally, than similar companies I dealt with in Canada. Actually spectacularly so. Sorry Canadians, myself included. Also better than US companies, but my experience there is more limited. But these companies are run by the top "half" in Britain The bottom are on the dole and won't get anywhere close.

The "solution" is probably probably mass emigration. Where to I don't know, but if some event (similar to the Irish potato famine, say) caused people to have to take action to save their very lives there would be an improvement over the long term. Like many others I have large numbers of British ancestors from 100-200 years ago, and many of them were faced with real decisions. Get out of "Blighty" or eventually die in a gutter in the East End. Or likely come to some other unfortunate end.

Anyway, IMO mass emigration is the/an answer. Which of your country's is signing up to the plan to accept refugee's from the UK?
4 things you didn't know about Britain
London daygame model
4 things you didn't know about Britain
Quote: (05-19-2014 12:59 AM)cardguy Wrote:  

The only good thing about the UK is our music and our comedy.

Haha. I've said this myself a few times, although usually phrased as "the best things" or "only current worthwhile exports seem to be..."

Perhaps beer and cider could be thrown in for good measure.

Some legendary guitar amps were invented there in the 1960s, but that is already a long time past.

If only you knew how bad things really are.
4 things you didn't know about Britain
The amount of TV people watch in the UK is frightening.

Most of the chicks cannot believe that I don't have a TV.
4 things you didn't know about Britain
Quote: (05-19-2014 05:33 AM)Cunnilinguist Wrote:  

Great post, Cardguy. Although I think youre taking a much too critical attitude towards Britain. I agree with the above poster who said that Englands literary contributions are incredible. Not too mention all the great music thats come out of the UK.

And the cars. They at least make some sweet rides.

[Image: 2009_jaguar_xf_premium__luxury-pic-39700.jpeg]

[Image: 640px-Paris_-_Mondial_de_l%27automobile_...9_-_07.JPG]

[Image: Prior-Design-Bentley-Continental-GTC_Wal...50x531.jpg]

[Image: a-kahn-design-styling-package-for-the-as...3355_l.jpg]

[Image: landroverlrx1.jpg]
4 things you didn't know about Britain
Quote: (05-19-2014 12:35 PM)Bad Hussar Wrote:  

Anyway, IMO mass emigration is the/an answer. Which of your country's is signing up to the plan to accept refugee's from the UK?

Hmmm, they should have held on to Canada more closely... and then could be sending more people to the tar sands.

Obviously, the UK would need to cut welfare benefits in order to motivate people to leave.

But they are currently taking in lots immigrants, no?

If only you knew how bad things really are.
4 things you didn't know about Britain
All those cars are possibly designed in Britain.

But they are definitely built abroad.

And the companies that make them are owned by foreigners.

Not sure how British they are these days...
4 things you didn't know about Britain
@ Cardguy have to pull you up a little (I work in the auto industry).....Bentleys are all made in Crewe, England....and all Jaguars and Land Rovers are currently made in England (West Midlands + Liverpool)....that said production of the new Range Rover will part be UK, part be in China, but this will be the first overseas production for JLR.
4 things you didn't know about Britain
Quote: (05-19-2014 12:45 PM)Pinocchio Wrote:  

London daygame model

Break down how this model is better than other existing models.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards
4 things you didn't know about Britain
Quote: (05-19-2014 01:12 PM)sportbilly Wrote:  

Bentleys are all made in Crewe, England....and all Jaguars and Land Rovers are currently made in England (West Midlands + Liverpool)

Also, Rolls-Royces are designed, manufactured and assembled in Goodwood.
4 things you didn't know about Britain
Quote: (05-19-2014 12:55 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  

Quote: (05-19-2014 12:35 PM)Bad Hussar Wrote:  

Anyway, IMO mass emigration is the/an answer. Which of your country's is signing up to the plan to accept refugee's from the UK?

Hmmm, they should have held on to Canada more closely... and then could be sending more people to the tar sands.

Obviously, the UK would need to cut welfare benefits in order to motivate people to leave.

But they are currently taking in lots immigrants, no?

Yes, paradoxically more people are moving to Britain than out. IMO the people without specific skills, or a very good plan, are making a mistake moving to the UK, or Europe in general. Given the amount of effort and energy they would need to put in to rise above the very bottom nearly all would be better off in the colonies. This includes people heading over to Europe from North Africa in rickety boats. Unless your country really is in a state of civil war (and most on these boats do not come from them) they'd almost certainly be better off spending their energy at home.

The cutting of welfare benefits is closer than most think. In a financial crisis both the conservatives and labour would drop the welfare class in a heartbeat if it was needed to prop up the city.
4 things you didn't know about Britain
Well from a Portuguese I won't argue that we are an "appendage" of Europe but in terms of similarities here I wouldn't say there are many.

Also, Spain could also perfectly be included in the lot. The difference is that on most of the other factors I think we can agree that both Spain and Portugal are generally more pleasant than the UK to live in.

Even with the crisis, and for people WITH money, ESPECIALLY with the crisis.

Quote: (05-19-2014 03:46 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

The UK reminds me of Portugal. For 100 years they were the dominant power in Europe, conquering half the world. Then it was like the air went out of the balloon and they have been a flaccid, apologetic appendage of Europe ever since. To mix my metaphors.

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
4 things you didn't know about Britain
[Image: laugh5.gif]

This has got to be one of your best posts in a while Cardguy (and the quality of your posts is very high so this is saying a lot)! I laughed out loud so much while reading this. Perhaps because it describes a post modern -society so well [Image: biggrin.gif].

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