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What Cities in China for Black Guys?

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

(Thread title edit since my original questions about Taiwan were answered)

I've read the China threads but Asia is different for chocolate guys.

My monthly budget is $2,000 from telecommuting but if I would make more teaching English or something (not preferred) over there, that is an option. I speak crappy Mandarin but it's improving. My game is above average and my looks are average - I rely heavily on conversation and humor. I don't look thuggish or polished and average looks alone have never gotten the job done. I've always needed to get them talking - so night club game is not my thing. I do best where I can be heard.

I've been told by friends that know me that I'd do well in Japan, but the cost of living has kept me from going so far. (That and you've got to dress the part as well)

Would I do better in another Mandarin speaking country?
Is there any way to pipeline?

I've got a few friends over there so I can run some social circle game but I have no idea of the level of talent in that group - and it is only one group.

Anyone have any experience?

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Unfortunately the world of TEFL is pretty racist. In all honesty, you'll find it extremely hard to get a teaching job there a as a black man. They'd be more likely to hire a Swedish person as that'll please the parents. The schools don't hire teachers to teach English, they hire white faces to promote their business.

They select candidates based on this order of priority:

1) White face
2) Blonde hair
3) Big nose
4) Blue eyes
5) Degree and Qualifications

(Just to make it absolutely clear to any sensitive members on the forum, I think this is absolutely ridiculous).

I only met one black English teacher in my time there, he quit because the boss's wife kept referring to him as 'Obama' to 'calm' the parents down. She also remarked how 'His face will become whiter as he becomes more comfortable with teaching' :/

You're best hope is to ONLY target schools with American owners, they usually don't care about skin colour and actually select candidates based on their teaching credentials!

In terms of black guys in the clubs. There are some African guys that live there, but they only hang around Roxy and Wax. There are some 'black-hunters' in those clubs, IMO you could pull much easier than a white guy from Roxy, Wax and Babe18 (though the girls that go there aren't of tremendous quality. Some definite hot sluts though!).

I remember a lot of the girls I dated talked bad about black guys. Taiwanese girls are pretty racist. Princesses with huge entitlement usually.

It kinda works like Korea. Being with a black guy is still seen as 'taboo'. This means it'll be tough in the main clubs, but there should be some girls crazy hungry for a black guy to 'rebel' against social norms, just a matter of finding one of them.

Either way, in the main clubs, you'll be the only black guy.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Definitely not trying to become an English teacher if possible to stay afloat as I have heard what you are saying and agree with it.

What about pipe-lining?

And China? (I hear it is worse)

Do you think pickup would be different for Black-Americans? I really don't look African since I'm 1/8 Canadian (Asians can't tell that at all as far as I can see but it's REALLY obvious to Westerners. The girls here act confused when they hear my accent and ask where I'm from since most have never met a Black American before and have no idea that Black folks can be from the US too.) - I'm about Tiger Wood's complexion.

I hope it's not the case that the only two Chocolate friendly countries in Asia are Japan and the Philippines (and that's only due to US occupation).

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (03-19-2014 04:50 AM)Dagnasty Wrote:  

What about pipe-lining?

Pipe-lining in Taiwan is an absolute waste of time.

It's a WORLD apart from Thailand.

The girls online in Taipei have tenfold entitlement. Only gonna bag 5's from that unless you do a MONUMENTAL amount of copy and pasting. Not worth it. Much better to grab a beer and hit the clubs. If anyone's bagged a 7 from online there then I'd really want to see evidence as I'm pretty unmovable on this opinion haha.

I did some online stuff there for about two days and realised it was slow as HELL and not gonna produce anything. It's worse than POF in Britain in my experience.

Quote: (03-19-2014 04:50 AM)Dagnasty Wrote:  

Do you think it would be different for Black-Americans? I really don't look African sine I'm 1/8 Canadian (Asians can't tell that at all as far as I can see but it's REALLY obvious to Westerners. The girls here act confused when they hear my accent and ask where I'm from since most have never met a Black American before and have no idea that Black folks can be from the US too.) - I'm about Tiger Wood's complexion.

To be honest, I don't think it'll matter that much. Taiwanese girls seem to only have a big prejudice against African-Africans.

There's no positive exotic capital for being a white guy there. So, a well-dressed white guy and a well-dressed black guy should produce results in the same ball-park I reckon.

The only girls that specifically hunt for black guys or white guys there are the absolute dregs of society. 5's that go to Babe18 and Roxy every week.

Dress well and hit Luxy. You'll be above 99% of the scuzzy English teachers there I'm sure.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Haha thanks for the advice. I kind of figured as much since I didn't see anyone talk about pipelining in the threads.

It sounds like I should give China a chance. I wonder what parts are best...

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

I have heard great things about Hong Kong, but China does not appeal to me unless you are doing business.

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What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Not that I'm interested in living in Asia or even Asian women in general, but I'm curious, how do black ESL teachers get treated in Japan vs China and Korea?

I've heard that Japan is generally less racist to blacks than China and Korea. Any theories on why?

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (03-19-2014 11:54 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Not that I'm interested in living in Asia or even Asian women in general, but I'm curious, how do black ESL teachers get treated in Japan vs China and Korea?

I've heard that Japan is generally less racist to blacks than China and Korea. Any theories on why?

I've heard they like dancehall a lot in Japan. Also read the Jamaican guy's book on Japan 'Yellow Passenger in Black Cab' or something. My friend from HK never advises me on anything but he told me I would 'kill' it in Japan.
Unfortunately, Asian lizards don't do much for me. I wouldn't mind some pinays but the rest of Asian lizards are anything to me. Bear in mind that I haven't been to Asia so they might look sexier on the home turf but the ones I saw in London, Toronto, Markham, Richmond Hill..were aiight to me.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (03-19-2014 04:45 AM)LeightonBlackstock Wrote:  

I only met one black English teacher in my time there, he quit because the boss's wife kept referring to him as 'Obama' to 'calm' the parents down. She also remarked how 'His face will become whiter as he becomes more comfortable with teaching' :/

I died when I read that [Image: biggrin.gif] [Image: biggrin.gif] [Image: biggrin.gif] (stoned)

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (03-19-2014 11:54 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Not that I'm interested in living in Asia or even Asian women in general, but I'm curious, how do black ESL teachers get treated in Japan vs China and Korea?

I've heard that Japan is generally less racist to blacks than China and Korea. Any theories on why?

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

I recommend the black passenger yellow cab book with a few caveats.

The author is an admitted FEMiNIST so yeah....
there is some of that in the book. Also this dude has extreme yellow fever so an Asian 9 in his eyes and descriptions in the book would probably be like a 6.5 to the average black dude. I saw some pics of dude online with some of his conquests and wasnt impressed.

Not hating at all tho. Do u.

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

To the OP:

I havent been to China, no interest there.
But I know a brotha married to a chinese chick. Hes traveled the globe and said he never experienced the kind of stares he got there.

Also met a brotha from NY teaching in China and working on a business who loves it. If the desire is strong enough go for it.

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Go to YouTube... Search "do you like black man Japan" or some variation of it. That how u get treated in japan. I actually met that dude btw... I got no racism at all in Asia. China, Thailand, or japan. Chinese are nationalist, and u will get nonsense, that way. But most issues are not because u being black. It's because ur a foreigner. I'm not a teofl guy but went and lived with friends who were in both japan and china. Both never complained about being treated different. As a matter of fact one gave private lessons to a very very high profile Chinese persons family. We spent time at the house and everything. They even asked if I would go on a vacation with them to some place... Like a rich resort island.(I had never heard of it)

But his clients would take him to places like that as if he was family. Incedentally they offered me just because I would always visit them with him. I'm not saying there aren't racist people there... But I am giving a first hand account, of being black in these places. Along with others who were black and living there for years.

"All My Bitches love me....I love all my bitches,
but its like soon as I cum... I come to my senses."

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Swing through Guangzhou, which is an area with a lot of black people, mostly from Africa.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Whites get rented in China. Must be the easiest paid gig in the world.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Plenty of black dudes in Guangzhou and also Beijing.

I also saw plenty in Tokyo, and they were doing better than I was.

But China is good even if you have no game at all. The population is simply so vast, there are endless dating opportunities.

P.S. Thanks for that great article about renting white dudes!

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (03-19-2014 11:54 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I've heard that Japan is generally less racist to blacks than China and Korea. Any theories on why?

Same with the Philippines - because those places belonged to US on a map.

That's my theory.

I've heard nothing but good things about Japan for chocolate guys - I just can't afford to live there, I ball on a budget haha. Plus, I would 100% get turned off by a Japanese girl in bed. I can't stand that squealing and the whole dead starfish thing they seem to like.

Thanks for the info on China, I will give it a shot. I've been in the PI for a while but I want a higher quality LTR than I can find here so far.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Chinese can be very racist - regardless of what you've read here, their overall impression of blacks, whether African American or from Africa, for most people is negative. (Chinese are biased in general about skin color - fair skin is attractive, the more dark, the more negative the impression -the spa I frequent has busboys with the darkest skin, the foot massage people are also darker, and as the job gets more lucrative, the masseurs and masseuses get more fair-skinned).

Its very media fueled - for some reason the media here loves to run stories about Chinese immigrants or tourists in American running into problems or worse with African Americans. A friend who teaches English to children will show them pictures of people - if he shows even these children a black face, they'll often scream ghost, ghost. My gf, who is from Taiwan, also has this ingrained view which I am slowly trying to work out of her. Her basic reaction to black folks is that they're probably bad - I ask her what its based on. And as bright as she is, its something like watching "Walking Dead" with its positive black characters which seems to make more of an impact than debating about how biased the news is. Lack of positive exposure and positive media portrayals though have had a deep and lasting impact.

Guangzhou and Beijing have plenty of black folks walking around, either doing business or otherwise. I think the reactions you'd get in any major city would range from outright fear to pleasant curiosity (and in some cases sexual curiosity). Life is an adventure, you sound like you're willing to walk the road, so regardless of these downsides, I'd come visit, travel around, and see for yourself if you think its a good fit for u. If you come through Shenzhen, let me know - we can get a beer.

I've referral links for most credit cards, PM me for them & thanks if you use them
Strip away judeo-christian ethics ingraining sex is dirty/bad & the idea we're taking advantage of these girls disintegrates. Once you've lost that ethical quandary (which it isn't outside religion) then they've no reason to play the victim, you've no reason to feel the rogue. The interaction is to their benefit.
Frequent Travs
Phils SZ China

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Being black in China wasn't too big an issue. I had a few kids at the school I worked in who absolutely refused to take classes with me, the rest had 0 problem (a couple of the teenagers wanted to learn slang from me, but that's pretty harmless). The school I worked at was Chinese but was pretty easy going on where people were from, we had a Pakistani-Brit, three Americans (two of color), a Canadian, and two Scots for awhile.

I did get called Obama a shit ton. That being said, in my city there were a handful of us, and none of us experienced anything too bad. Here and there you'd encounter someone who had a problem with it or thought you were from Africa and not the US or Europe, but other than that it wasn't a big issue. Hell, one of my buddies decided to go with the Chinese name "Obamao". Half the people he met fucking loved it!

Like someone was saying, you will get plenty of Chinese nationalism, so get ready for that more than anything. "China has had thousand of years of history, America only two hundred years." Yet China can't get indoor plumbing...

Get ready for people to say "nay-guh" a lot, which depending on the region can sound like "nigga". Confused the shit out of me the first time I heard it. Never quite got used to it.

All the lotion is going to have whitening cream in it, so be ready for that (not that it does a damn thing), and you'll never, ever, find a pick for your hair in the entire country so bring a metal one.

If you are going to impose your will on the world, you must have control over what you believe.

Data Sheet Minneapolis / Data Sheet St. Paul / Data Sheet Northern MN/BWCA / Data Sheet Duluth

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (03-19-2014 11:54 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Not that I'm interested in living in Asia or even Asian women in general, but I'm curious, how do black ESL teachers get treated in Japan vs China and Korea?

I've heard that Japan is generally less racist to blacks than China and Korea. Any theories on why?

Its mostly due to the fact that Korea and China weren't occupied by The west, There's a lot more to it, but that's the short version.

Japan was closed off by its government to froeigners for a long time leading up to WWII (even though there was trade etc with outsiders) But the Japanese government was pretty damn oppressive, and pretty much forced war on its citizens. . .

But yeah short story, they were pretty much exposed to Western culture and embraced it. . .oh and the Marshall plan had a lot to do with it as well. . .at that was pretty much the first time in History that a country REBUILT the country it just defeated in war.

Also because they were isolated from the rest of the world for so long, AND are really homogenous, all these elements pretty much combine to what it is now.

Also, there's the whole thing of the U.S. "protecting Japan from China" There are suprisingly a LOT of Japanese people who are happy the U.S. Military is there, and really think that if the U.S. military leaves that China will attack them or something. . .this was very ..very very suprising to me, pretty much the only people who really don't like the U.S and the military are the Okinawans. . .but that's a whole pandora's box of issues there. Like Taiwan and China but 50x more complicated.

And yes, this is also taking into account the whole white skin =not a farm worker cultural thing as well. . .

Also Japanese folks believe themselves to be pretty much superior to all of Asia. So much so that, most people either love black folks/and white folks or are just indifferent to black folks/foreigners in general. I can go on and on about it but put it simply, Japan got better exposed to the west (black and white people) than China and Korea did. First through the war, and rebuilding, and basically Ending their terrible and oppresive WWII government, then from there, the culture permeated through as well.

Oh and yeah When America Opened up the ports (Perry). . .that was a BIG thing and really made the Japanese fall in love with the west (before their government went batshit crazy).

Quote: (03-19-2014 05:08 PM)Dagnasty Wrote:  

I've heard nothing but good things about Japan for chocolate guys - I just can't afford to live there, I ball on a budget haha. Plus, I would 100% get turned off by a Japanese girl in bed. I can't stand that squealing and the whole dead starfish thing they seem to like.

= The squealing loud stuff happens a lot less than you think, the Dead Tunafish thing. . .sometimes happens, but you just gotta lead in the bedroom. I rarely got that kind of thing.(I can only remember really ONE lay like

Quote: (03-19-2014 04:21 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Whites get rented in China. Must be the easiest paid gig in the world.

That article is pretty damn funny, especially when I think of my time as an RA in college and going throuhg all the "racial sensitivity training" with my co-workers (I'm black but the majority of the co-workers are white) I found it to be a waste of time, as they were trying to convince us that we can"change the world" or whatever nonsense by being overly PC. . .when the rest of the world "ain't havin' that noise" - as a freind of mine used to say. Personally, my opinion on race is . . .especially as a black guy is, "just deal with it." Sure there's some stuff that goes down that isn't right for us, but. . .so what? Now that doesn't mean I'm going to head off to China or Korea (that goes against my philosophy of finding your own niche and going there) but what it means to me is that I'm just going to let people be who they are, and keep on moving as best I can.

Life's too short to get bent out of shape over it. . .but on the same token I am always on the lookout for places that are my "niche" or Poosy paradise for guys like me: Which for Black guys seems to be Germany,Sweeden, EE, Japan, Austrailia, and the Philipines. . .

To me, that's more than enough places, for me to visit in my lifetime.

Isaiah 4:1

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

I've heard Chinese people make relatively racist comments about Black people. It's more ignorance than any conscious ideological hatred. As much as it annoys me, I can only try to calmly explain that there are good and bad people in any ethnicity and not all Black people are...well, poor, criminals or whatever they think. Most Mainland Chinese seem really to have this blind, immediate and total acceptance of stereotypes without question...because the media and movies are 100% accurate and realistic, not just in regard to Black people but any group.

Since the average Han-Chinese have never met a non-Han-Chinese person in their entire lives, there's often this truly child-like naivite aboute the outside world (to an extent this can be true with the Japanese, too, but at least the Japanese will be classier about it).

Quote: (03-19-2014 01:07 PM)elabayarde Wrote:  

Go to YouTube... Search "do you like black man Japan" or some variation of it. That how u get treated in japan. I actually met that dude btw...

It's called "Do you love Black men?"

I was approached by this guy in Club Pure (Osaka)! He tried to get me to subscribe to his Youtube channel. I didn't take him too seriously, though, as he didn't seem to have his shit together. Maybe I'm wrong though, who knows.

Quote: (03-19-2014 11:42 PM)Osiris Wrote:  

Get ready for people to say "nay-guh" a lot, which depending on the region can sound like "nigga". Confused the shit out of me the first time I heard it. Never quite got used to it.

那个nèige (pronounced "nay-guh", as you said) means "that". It's commonly used as a fill word when you're trying to think of the next word, similar to "like" and "y'know" in American English. People in Mainland China, especially northern parts, use it a lot. There's also 哪个neige, which can mean "which?"

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (03-21-2014 01:04 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

Quote: (03-19-2014 01:07 PM)elabayarde Wrote:  

Go to YouTube... Search "do you like black man Japan" or some variation of it. That how u get treated in japan. I actually met that dude btw...

It's called "Do you love Black men?"

I was approached by this guy in Club Pure (Osaka)!

Same dude approached me on mixi, asking me to join his mixi group.

I didn't respond.

I mean yeah its cool that I guess he's trying to spread the word or whatever but it just comes off strange to me. . .The real cats who are pullin dimes left and right are not wasting their time making youtube videos about it.

Isaiah 4:1

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

I feel like I encounter this every day with Chinese - they make these sweeping statements about various groups of people based on something they read or saw in a movie. And I feel like I've given the same reply as you have too many times to count….

[quote='Sargon of Akkad' pid='683380' dateline='1395381862']
I've heard Chinese people make relatively racist comments about Black people. It's more ignorance than any conscious ideological hatred. As much as it annoys me, I can only try to calmly explain that there are good and bad people in any ethnicity and not all Black people are...well, poor, criminals or whatever they think. Most Mainland Chinese seem really to have this blind, immediate and total acceptance of stereotypes without question...because the media and movies are 100% accurate and realistic, not just in regard to Black people but any group.

Since the average Han-Chinese have never met a non-Han-Chinese person in their entire lives, there's often this truly child-like naivite aboute the outside world (to an extent this can be true with the Japanese, too, but at least the Japanese will be classier about it).

I've referral links for most credit cards, PM me for them & thanks if you use them
Strip away judeo-christian ethics ingraining sex is dirty/bad & the idea we're taking advantage of these girls disintegrates. Once you've lost that ethical quandary (which it isn't outside religion) then they've no reason to play the victim, you've no reason to feel the rogue. The interaction is to their benefit.
Frequent Travs
Phils SZ China

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (03-21-2014 01:25 AM)CJ_W Wrote:  

Quote: (03-21-2014 01:04 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

Quote: (03-19-2014 01:07 PM)elabayarde Wrote:  

Go to YouTube... Search "do you like black man Japan" or some variation of it. That how u get treated in japan. I actually met that dude btw...

It's called "Do you love Black men?"

I was approached by this guy in Club Pure (Osaka)!

Same dude approached me on mixi, asking me to join his mixi group.

I didn't respond.

I mean yeah its cool that I guess he's trying to spread the word or whatever but it just comes off strange to me. . .The real cats who are pullin dimes left and right are not wasting their time making youtube videos about it.

Nah I know, him. He's got kids and everything now and a wealthy wife as well. Hes doing well financially. He just says he doesn't think he would have had the quality of life he has....if he stayed in the US(being black). And as for girls(before he was married). I have seen realtime proof, of the very realtime. Which at his age, he wouldn't have gotten that quality in the states, which he gets regularly there. But understand he is fully matriculated in society there with social proof. just a thought.

"All My Bitches love me....I love all my bitches,
but its like soon as I cum... I come to my senses."

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Yeah, most Chinese/Chinese girls seem to be pretty prejudice, or maybe just ignorant/unaware.

I spent two months in total in China on two separate trips there recently. I actually never saw any black dudes with Chinese chicks when I was there. Whether in nightclubs or on the street or whatever. Some dudes I saw were with white expat women.

On the other hand, when I was in Japan I saw a lot of black guys with cute to pretty hot Japanese women. I'd choose Japan over China any day for better living conditions in any case, but I guess you're already used to third worldish conditions living in the Philippines.

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