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Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Love how this is slowly evolving into a race thread.

[Image: popcorn3.gif]

Speakeasy's law(tangential to Godwin's Law):

"If a heated discussion on any topic goes on for long enough, the chance of it turning into a race thread approaches 1."

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I am a 30 year old White American male and I have only banged 7 women so far. All of them were either Pinay chicks or Brasileiras. And they were all living in poverty. I am rich compared to them, and I do not even make that much money.

I have never banged an American woman because my game is not good enough to get a woman from a first world country. And I am not physically good looking enough to make up for my lack of game.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 03:07 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Anyone who thinks banging asian girls is even as remotely difficult as banging white girls (esp. as a white guy) is deluding themselves.

And I'm sure you guys are banging those asian chicks in the pics [Image: rolleyes.gif] [Image: tard.gif]

Finally, 19 year old white girl > 19 year old asian chick, 7 times out of 10. I've banged both asians and white girls, so please don't bullshit me on this because it won't work. To the guys who say otherwise: when was the last time you banged an American white girl under the age of 21?

The last time I was in California, about 10/11 months ago. She was 19. Started sucking my dick while sitting in the black faux leather recliner in the living room.

A 19 year old SEA girl (Not American Asian) is hands down better than a 19 year old white American girl. Not only that, there are significantly more of them running around who are fit, feminine and wear heels and skirts. I guess we have to agree to disagree on that though. I've fucked both, lots of both, and my vote goes to SEA easily. Though, of course I love 19 year old white girls as well. Who doesn't?

I also don't fuck poor Thai girls, which I'm sure will be someones next comment. I was fucking a 90lb 19 year old Thai girl for a while whose dad owns some sort of deanship, or import business, dealing with Mercedes. Not sure exactly what it was, but the little girl had traveled all over the world on daddies dime.

How many trips to SEA have you made? You keep arguing about Asian chicks, but have you ever been to Asia? Or are you just making shit up that you've never experienced?

This thread is hilarious.

We have guys hating on Americans for how easy and low quality American women are, and then Americans hating on SEA for how easy and low quality those girls are.

Since I'm basically getting called out as a second rate player on this thread, I'll drop a photo. This chick is 19 or 20. This is about the average quality I pull in BKK. Some better, some worse.

[Image: attachment.jpg13139]
[Image: attachment.jpg13140]

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

This is insane- the more I read, the more I want to increase my game! Not having bedded a single girl is a low point for me, but I'm trying pretty hard. You guys are all SERIOUS players, dominating the game. Props to you!

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

CS, don't worry too much. You're just a young'un yet (and consequently we can't give you a hell of a lot of direct advice for a few years). Start internalizing this stuff and live it, but rest assured you have WAY longer on it and are getting off to WAY earlier of a start than most of us did.

Check out my occasionally updated travel thread - The Wroclaw Gambit II: Dzięki Bogu - as I prepare to emigrate to Poland.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 10:13 PM)CaliforniaSupreme Wrote:  

This is insane- the more I read, the more I want to increase my game! Not having bedded a single girl is a low point for me, but I'm trying pretty hard. You guys are all SERIOUS players, dominating the game. Props to you!

How old are you?

Looking back, the #1 piece of advice I would give myself as a younger guy would be to be more aggressive. Don't be timid. Don't worry about a girl rejecting you. Sure, she may snicker, or your friends may laugh, but EVERYONE gets rejected.

I missed out on a lot of bangs by wondering "Does she want me to make a move?" "If I try to kiss her and she rejects me I'll be so embarrassed." etc.

Basically, fuck that noise. Be aggressive, and let a girl KNOW you are flirting with her. They really do love that shit. Being passive and timid will get you nowhere. Flirt with her and keep turning up the heat until you get somewhere, or you blow out. If you blow out, just move on to the next one.

The more girls you fuck, the easier it becomes. Also, the more girls you've fucked that other girls know about, the more they want to fuck you. My buddy I mentioned who I hated on when I was young was an absolute hound dog. Girls would always say how disgusting he was, and how they'd never fuck him. But guess what? They pretty much all ended up fucking him.

Keep reading this forum and improving yourself and it will happen.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

No diss on Samseau, but I think he's tripping on this thread, and I'm not even into Asian chicks, maybe he's been reading a bit too much of that Heartiste.

I personally prefer white girls over any other ethnicity with Latinas a not too distant second, however, how am I going to assume that every other guy will prefer white women as well? How the hell can anyone say that "white girls are better than Asian girls", that's just one guys' perspective or opinion, seriously flawed thinking to believe that is an absolute truth that applies to everyone.

Furthermore, while I believe Samseau has banged Asian chicks, that's here on U.S. soil, it's a different story if you're in Bangkok or Tokyo, unless you've been there yourself I wouldn't talk about stuff you have no idea about. That would be like me watching Ip Man, then trying to act like I am an expert of Wing Chun Kung Fu. Unless you've personally experienced a country, I don't think it's fair to make judgments about their women.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Seems that SS is trolling us here with his dash globalesque comments. He's been around here long enough and he appears to be a smart kid overall to know better. Or at least I hope so.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 10:21 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Looking back, the #1 piece of advice I would give myself as a younger guy would be to be more aggressive. Don't be timid. Don't worry about a girl rejecting you. Sure, she may snicker, or your friends may laugh, but EVERYONE gets rejected.

See, I can believe this guy has banged lots of quality girls, because he's not just dropping a number. He's here being mature about it: his vibe isn't egotistical, it's just pragmatic and helpful. He doesn't come off as trying to prove anything.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 10:21 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2013 10:13 PM)CaliforniaSupreme Wrote:  

This is insane- the more I read, the more I want to increase my game! Not having bedded a single girl is a low point for me, but I'm trying pretty hard. You guys are all SERIOUS players, dominating the game. Props to you!

How old are you?

Looking back, the #1 piece of advice I would give myself as a younger guy would be to be more aggressive. Don't be timid. Don't worry about a girl rejecting you. Sure, she may snicker, or your friends may laugh, but EVERYONE gets rejected.

I missed out on a lot of bangs by wondering "Does she want me to make a move?" "If I try to kiss her and she rejects me I'll be so embarrassed." etc.

Basically, fuck that noise. Be aggressive, and let a girl KNOW you are flirting with her. They really do love that shit. Being passive and timid will get you nowhere. Flirt with her and keep turning up the head until you get somewhere, or you blow out. If you blow out, just move on to the next one.

The more girls you fuck, the easier it becomes. Also, the more girls you've fucked that other girls know about, the more they want to fuck you. My buddy I mentioned who I hated on when I was young was an absolute hound dog. Girls would always say how disgusting he was, and how they'd never fuck him. But guess what? They pretty much all ended up fucking him.

Keep reading this forum and improving yourself and it will happen.

Age is almost 18 >[Image: biggrin.gif]
It seems that a lot of people didn't start young, and hearing this, I don't want to make the same mistake. Thank you to everyone and their advice, it's helping me start from the bottom and make my way up. Apart from my own lack of experience, the only thing in my way is logistics. But when there's a will, there's a way!

My true goal I've set until around age 20 is to "grow into my own skin" and basically grow a pair- today's society doesn't have balls, I don't want this to continue on to me. I don't really care about sex all that much, but I definitely want to shape myself into an alpha male.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I lost my virginity at 16, and I lost it before a lot of guys. 18 is nothin, don't worry about that.

The other piece of advice, start going to a lot of parties. A lot of my younger bangs came because my buddy had the party house. He and my other friend got their own place the summer right after senior year. I was still 17. We had parties every weekend and it was the flop house. Always had booze so girls always wanted to come party. The girls who get drunk and stick around late night are almost always down to fuck, you just have to be aggressive with them.

If I was you, I'd get one or two buddies together and get a place. Try to get a house or duplex where you have less neighbors than an apartment. Stock up on booze and start having parties. Once you have booze, girls will follow. Get a bunch of Apple Pucker or Boones Farm, that shit is worth its weight in gold with young girls.

Keep a sleeping bag and pillow in the trunk of your car. There's never enough blankets at the flop house, so let the girl you've been drinking with and being overly aggressive with sleep in the sleeping bag with you. Almost 0% chance you don't get the bang once everyone is asleep an she's in the sleeping bag with you. Tell her you can't sleep in your jeans, it's too uncomfortable. She won't mind.

Fuck I miss high school right now. Getting all nostalgic and shit lol.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 10:40 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

I lost my virginity at 16, and I lost it before a lot of guys. 18 is nothin, don't worry about that.

The other piece of advice, start going to a lot of parties. A lot of my younger bangs came because my buddy had the party house. He and my other friend got their own place the summer right after senior year. I was still 17. We had parties every weekend and it was the flop house. Always had booze so girls always wanted to come party. The girls who get drunk and stick around late night are almost always down to fuck, you just have to be aggressive with them.

If I was you, I'd get one or two buddies together and get a place. Try to get a house or duplex where you have less neighbors than an apartment. Stock up on booze and start having parties. Once you have booze, girls will follow. Get a bunch of Apple Pucker or Boones Farm, that shit is worth its weight in gold with young girls.

Well, I don't drink or smoke, so alcohol isn't my thing. I've been given the opportunity to drink, etc. a million times, but it just isn't appealing to me. I'm proud to say that I'm straight edge since birth. I've met many friends at parties- many of them girls. Thing is, they're just friends, since they were sober too and we ended up having somewhat intellectual conversation. I think I have to start gaming more-loose girls, I'll have an advantage being sober, right?

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 10:11 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2013 03:07 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Anyone who thinks banging asian girls is even as remotely difficult as banging white girls (esp. as a white guy) is deluding themselves.

And I'm sure you guys are banging those asian chicks in the pics [Image: rolleyes.gif] [Image: tard.gif]

Finally, 19 year old white girl > 19 year old asian chick, 7 times out of 10. I've banged both asians and white girls, so please don't bullshit me on this because it won't work. To the guys who say otherwise: when was the last time you banged an American white girl under the age of 21?

The last time I was in California, about 10/11 months ago. She was 19. Started sucking my dick while sitting in the black faux leather recliner in the living room.

A 19 year old SEA girl (Not American Asian) is hands down better than a 19 year old white American girl. Not only that, there are significantly more of them running around who are fit, feminine and wear heels and skirts. I guess we have to agree to disagree on that though. I've fucked both, lots of both, and my vote goes to SEA easily. Though, of course I love 19 year old white girls as well. Who doesn't?

I also don't fuck poor Thai girls, which I'm sure will be someones next comment. I was fucking a 90lb 19 year old Thai girl for a while whose dad owns some sort of deanship, or import business, dealing with Mercedes. Not sure exactly what it was, but the little girl had traveled all over the world on daddies dime.

How many trips to SEA have you made? You keep arguing about Asian chicks, but have you ever been to Asia? Or are you just making shit up that you've never experienced?

This thread is hilarious.

We have guys hating on Americans for how easy and low quality American women are, and then Americans hating on SEA for how easy and low quality those girls are.

Since I'm basically getting called out as a second rate player on this thread, I'll drop a photo. This chick is 19 or 20. This is about the average quality I pull in BKK. Some better, some worse.

I've but skimmed this thread, but I analogize it to Samseau approaching it from an accounting perspective, and you an economic one.

I'm no stranger to SEA myself, as you know.

An SEA 7 will bring you the same amount of sexual enjoyment as an American 7 (or any arbitrary rating), pretty much by definition.

However, an American 7 is "worth" more on the books, as for most of us, SEA 7s are much easier to pull than American 7s. Figurative (and perhaps literal) cost accounting.

Thus, from an economic perspective, an SEA 7 would be "worth" more--greater utility for the effort, as they're easier to obtain and more generally pleasant to be around.


Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 10:21 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Looking back, the #1 piece of advice I would give myself as a younger guy would be to be more aggressive. Don't be timid. Don't worry about a girl rejecting you. Sure, she may snicker, or your friends may laugh, but EVERYONE gets rejected.

Rio, I sincerely agree with you on this crucial piece of advice.

Guys who are first learning game, will no doubt have trouble with the notion of being extremely aggressive + being able to hold your mental frame while brushing off blow-outs and rejections.

It takes time to build the courage and 'lack of caring' in order to really start being assertive with your intentions.

Honestly it took me around a year to really start becoming aggressive, as well as being able to deal with being rejected. It's not just practicing game and approaching 100 girls that triggers the change - it's the idea that I now care more about what I think of myself then what some random chick thinks of me. While it seems straightforward, it's both a mental and emotional change that doesn't come easily.

I've never had trouble getting with cute girls, but what stirred the biggest change in me is deciding that I didn't want to settle for attractive girls that I knew were interested in me. I want to bang the best looking girls at my college, and there's only 1 way to do that: approach the most attractive girls I see, and be aggressive as hell (especially on the weekend - course it's easier when they've been drinking a little...or a lot[Image: idea.gif])

Anyway, I made a gay little pact with my best friend about a year ago that we would hit 100 notches before we ever considered marriage. Since I've been back at school, I've banged 7 girls in 4 weeks - 1 was busted, but the other 6 were some of the best looking girls I've been with. And over the past couple of months my notch count has been growing at an extremlely high rate (at least for me)...

But this isn't because I'm focusing on some stupid end goal of 100 lays, but rather the fact that I'm tired of doing what's easy. I'm putting in the work to attract higher quality girls, and doing so I need to be vehemently aggressive. I honestly think that I deserve the cream of the crop, and I think the #1 lesson for me, aside from being aggressive, is actually, truthfully, and wholeheartedly believing that I deserve the highest quality girls that surround me; and not just 1, but several, which is why I'm not stopping, or settling into a monogamous relationship that will undoubtedly end sour (especially at the ripe age of 20).

The simplified belief is that you deserve better than what may be given to you, though you need to work hard and put your ass on the line and face lots of rejection in order to get there.

Once you believe this, I think a new passion and aggression will come alive in you, and you'll find your real potential.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Guys, go easy on our buddy Samseau, his mom is Asian. Now, I'm no psychologist like he is (I"m a greasy tradesman as most of you know) but maybe he suffers from a reverse Oedipus complex and that explains why he doesn't want to bang Asian women. Another Asian guy putting that white pussy on a pedestal, why am I not surprised?

I got this fat chick coming over boys, see ya's in the AM.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

"The simplified belief is that you deserve better than what may be given to you, though you need to work hard and put your ass on the line and face lots of rejection in order to get there."

Damn straight, that's the mantra I need. I don't really care what anyone has to say to me anymore, I don't give a shit about being judged. I guess it's grown on me from the monotony of high school and the shallowness of most of the people there.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 10:46 PM)CaliforniaSupreme Wrote:  

Well, I don't drink or smoke, so alcohol isn't my thing. I've been given the opportunity to drink, etc. a million times, but it just isn't appealing to me. I'm proud to say that I'm straight edge since birth. I've met many friends at parties- many of them girls. Thing is, they're just friends, since they were sober too and we ended up having somewhat intellectual conversation. I think I have to start gaming more-loose girls, I'll have an advantage being sober, right?

[Image: 3oh736.jpg]

I understand where you're coming from, I had friends growing up that were straight edge for whatever reason (i.e. religion, family history of substance abuse, etc.).

Here's the thing, a lot of people start out saying that, and eventually realize that they're missing out on a huge part of a normal social life.

Then they either try to play catch up when they're older, or they look progressively out of place till they cave into peer pressure (and don't know how to handle themselves).

You're mentioning intellectual conversations....with parties.

The reason that isn't going anywhere is because that's a great formula for getting friend zoned.

You have to try getting more "in the moment" for lack of a better term, and alcohol can help a lot of guys with that who overthink things or suffer from paralysis analysis.

You shouldn't NEED it to game (no one's saying you should get blackout drunk on the reg), but it will definitely help in a lot of instances, and can get you acting bolder, so that you will be more primal with girls.

That's why it might make logical sense at first that being sober with a drunk girl will help your odds, but there is often a mismatch there in terms of energy levels, underlying sexual tension, etc.

Sometimes you just have to "go for it" and lead her desire rather than trying to weave a conversation to an exact perfect opening.

I didn't want that to come off as overly critical, but I had to provide some feedback since I've seen enough guys go through that phase, then have serious regrets later.

In fact, along the lines of what RioNomad said, a lot of men get to their late 20's or 30's and wish that they had taken more risks in their youth (i.e. approaching girls, throwing parties, travel, starting a business, etc.)

Hope that helps, and keep us posted. You've got a great network here, I'm sure you'll be fine.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 11:39 PM)LeBeau Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2013 10:46 PM)CaliforniaSupreme Wrote:  

Well, I don't drink or smoke, so alcohol isn't my thing. I've been given the opportunity to drink, etc. a million times, but it just isn't appealing to me. I'm proud to say that I'm straight edge since birth. I've met many friends at parties- many of them girls. Thing is, they're just friends, since they were sober too and we ended up having somewhat intellectual conversation. I think I have to start gaming more-loose girls, I'll have an advantage being sober, right?

[Image: 3oh736.jpg]

I understand where you're coming from, I had friends growing up that were straight edge for whatever reason (i.e. religion, family history of substance abuse, etc.).

Here's the thing, a lot of people start out saying that, and eventually realize that they're missing out on a huge part of a normal social life.

Then they either try to play catch up when they're older, or they look progressively out of place till they cave into peer pressure (and don't know how to handle themselves).

You're mentioning intellectual conversations....with parties.

The reason that isn't going anywhere is because that's a great formula for getting friend zoned.

You have to try getting more "in the moment" for lack of a better term, and alcohol can help a lot of guys with that who overthink things or suffer from paralysis analysis.

You shouldn't NEED it to game (no one's saying you should get blackout drunk on the reg), but it will definitely help in a lot of instances, and can get you acting bolder, so that you will be more primal with girls.

That's why it might make logical sense at first that being sober with a drunk girl will help your odds, but there is often a mismatch there in terms of energy levels, underlying sexual tension, etc.

Sometimes you just have to "go for it" and lead her desire rather than trying to weave a conversation to an exact perfect opening.

I didn't want that to come off as overly critical, but I had to provide some feedback since I've seen enough guys go through that phase, then have serious regrets later.

In fact, along the lines of what RioNomad said, a lot of men get to their late 20's or 30's and wish that they had taken more risks in their youth (i.e. approaching girls, throwing parties, travel, starting a business, etc.)

Hope that helps, and keep us posted. You've got a great network here, I'm sure you'll be fine.

That didn't come off as sounding critical at all, it was honest and informative- I appreciate it. You put things in a light that I never considered. When I mean "intellectual" conversation, I don't mean that we're doing math problems in the middle of the party, mind you. Just discussing stuff like life, teachers, etc. My biggest setback is that I am always worrying that I'll make the wrong move on a girl and be forever cast out, but I think it's an overgrown fear. I still don't want to drink or smoke, but I'll definitely get closer with girls who are drinking to get things going.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 03:07 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Anyone who thinks banging asian girls is even as remotely difficult as banging white girls (esp. as a white guy) is deluding themselves.

This is such a generalization which cant be made, and definitely not with the conviction you are. I'm white, live in LA, and banging an Asian girl is no easier or harder than banging a white girl for me.

If you are talking about SEA only, I was in Thailand in January for about 11 days and banged I think 6 chicks if I remember right, and only 2 were Asian. That was MANY chicks ago.

In regards to the 100 count, as others have said, its really not that hard to attain at all. I'm 33 and that was passed a long time ago. Do I know my exact count, no. Do I know its a lot more than that, for sure. Shit, I have probably written about 15+ on the forum through datasheets and other posts in the last 12 months alone.

Quote: (10-08-2013 03:07 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

To the guys who say otherwise: when was the last time you banged an American white girl under the age of 21?

A few weeks ago. She's 20 and is thrilled to be fucking me and blowing me like her life depended on it. I don't bang that many however, only because they can't go out in the states so I don't really interact with them that often. You better believe it would be even more common if I saw them out at night more.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Samseau is half Asian [Image: mindblown.gif]

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Kind of ironic how RVF's most anti-Latino, anti-black, "the white race/culture is going down the tubes" wind bag isn't even white himself eh?

I don't like to start shit on here but I get tired of hearing that guy's racist diatribes.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Someone needs to close this thread.

[Image: discussionclosed.gif]

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Guide to swooping mad girls

1) Make money. Girls, drinking, weed aint cheap.
2) Get your own pad. Having friends and girls over is way easier w/your own place
3) Get girls- Nightlife, online, daygame etc
4) Make sexual intention clear and filter all girls who don't fit that profile in 1 date. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have a full harem.
5) Profit.

Its not easy, but NOTHING worth accomplishing is. Do you think making a business is easy? Do you think getting ripped is easy?

The harder something is, the more rare it is.

Excluding people I've met from RVF, I know maybe 10 guys who have swooped lots of girls. 1/2 of them were v. good looking types. One was 5ft 3", 130lbs soaking wet but mad charisma. Others just had this aura about them. 1 older dude was mad wealthy and basically semi-sponsors girls w/food and going out.

My advice to those who are aspiring to get better- get close to people who are extremely good w/it. This isn't hard. Be cool, keep your opinions about what should and shouldn't be true and possible to yourself, and buy the dude a drink or two. I guarantee you if you keep an open mind, youll pick up so much useful information purely by osmosis.

EVERY single player has had a player influence. My good friend and later room-mate in college was a ridiculous playboy. I learned a lot from him and in turn I helped him w/mutual classes in our major. I passed along my homework, helped him out w/some classes, gave him counsel on which classes to take, and imparted a general life-philosophy on getting good grades and "gaming the school system".

Theres a lot of things I learned how to do that helped me work less and get better grades than 90% of the class.

1)I networked w/the frat kids who had stolen old exams and bribed them w/weed. alcohol and food to share them. Teachers are lazy, so they reuse questions A LOT, especially because they collect the exams from students after test-taking. Cough cough TAs are in frats*.
2) My handwriting is near illegible so I bribed a cute Asian girl in class to give me her notes and I went to the library to photocopy them. My god, her notes looked like they were printed from a computer. I took her to sushi dinner. If i knew what I knew now, I could have gotten a 2 for 1 and swooped her. Oh well.
3)I learned how to ASK teachers for grades- A common excuse was that i was on an academic scholarship and needed to maintain a 3.4GPA. "I need at least a B+ in this class. Do you think this is achievable w/hard work? If not, please tell me so I can drop it, because I cant afford to drop out of schoool". The teacher has to be heartless to give you less than a B+.
4) Bribes- Like clockwork. Give 100 dollar presents( men- bottle of XO coganc. Women- champagne and box of ferrero rocher chocolates) to all my teachers for the first holiday of the year, christmas and the end of the year. Tuition at my undergrad school was 30k/year+ living expenses. Whats another 2k a year in bribes.

My point is there is a brute-force manner (going through the front door), or you could endeavor to go through the side door. It takes some creativity, resourcefulness, and courage but its generally much easier and faster. The same concept applies for other aspects in life.

WIA- For most of men, our time being masters of our own fate, kings in our own castles is short. Even those of us in the game will eventually succumb to ease of servitude rather than deal with the malaise of solitude

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-09-2013 01:04 AM)deathtofatties Wrote:  

Someone needs to close this thread.

[Image: discussionclosed.gif]

One of the most useless threads I've seen on here.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

100+ notches are definitely do-able. The math seems pretty easy when you break it down... 2 new girls a month and you'll be there in less than 5 years.

So why is it so hard? Because you need more than just game. You NEED the logistics to get to those types of numbers. I.e, NYC apartment. You need to be in an area with a lot of young good looking girls.

People that live in major cities that have a higher per capita income than average will usually have the most available good looking women.

Women in small(er) towns don't really go out. They stay home because they dont have any of their own money really, they are still living off their parents. These girls are on facebook.

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