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For Guys in their 40s and 50s

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

Just wondering if you can share how the aging process has changed your quality of life.

How has the loss of your libido, energy, & attractiveness affected you?

Do you hold many regrets? Dreams or expectations quashed?

I've heard that getting older makes us happier because we give up on our dreams.

The gaining of maturity, wisdom and confidence must offset some of the physical decline.

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

Quote: (09-27-2013 05:42 PM)Steve9 Wrote:  

Just wondering if you can share how the aging process has changed your quality of life.

How has the loss of your libido, energy, & attractiveness affected you?

Do you hold many regrets? Dreams or expectations quashed?

I've heard that getting older makes us happier because we give up on our dreams.

The gaining of maturity, wisdom and confidence must offset some of the physical decline.

lol You make it sound like it is a death march once you hit that age range.

I work out a lot more now and that has been a huge difference for me.

I haven't noticed much of a loss of libido or energy. Hell, I am getting better looking every day. My main thing right now is flexibility but I adding some yoga into my daily routines.

Regrets? Well, not really. We all make bad decisions but those decisions are also what makes up who we are today.

haha Growing old makes up happier because we give up on our dreams? Nah, you tend to be comfortable because you have certain things worked out. Financial, career, family... while being young you are trying to find your way.

Physical decline can be mitigated a lot more than you think. I have seen some guys in their 60's that look better than guys in their 20's. You have some control as you get older. Some is genetic but most is just a healthy lifestyle that is talked a lot on here.

Growing old isn't a bad thing. I am enjoying it a ton. I can't say I had it better when I was younger. I can say that I enjoyed my youth but now I am enjoying middle age. I honestly don't think I would trade youth for what I have now.

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

The thing is, the physical decline in your 40s towards your 50s doesn't have to be that steep. If you continue to exercise, eat well, take vitamins/supplements, you can feel just as vigorous as you ever have. Testosterone levels naturally drop as you get older, but that can be offset by diet and supplements. Continuing to work out also keeps your levels up. A big component of libido/desire is mental. The physical component is separate. Men in their 80s and 90s can be complete lechers, but lack the physical ability to perform. A man can be physically able, yet not have the desire for sex/women (maybe due to depression, etc.). I think as long as a man continues to take care of himself, along with the acquisition of maturity, wisdom and confidence, he can be a force into his 50s.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

With the loss of physical strength and endurance came wisdom. I'm a lot smarter about EVERY facet of my life. In my youth it was brute for & ignorance. Now it's about thinking my way through or around.

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

Sometimes I forget that RVF has a lot of older and wider guys around. It definitely adds value.

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

If you want to see a depressing view of aging, watch Synedoche. It is truly a work of genius as a movie -- but it sort of takes the most pessimistic view of aging that you could formulate.Charlie Kaufman, who also wrote Sunshine of The Spotless mind wrote it and I believe is in his 50's.

A lot of stuff sucks, general loss of resilience to fatigue is one I really dislike. Instead of 1.5 days to recover from a night of drunkenss and exhaustion, it takes like almost 3. A lot of people are just in denial and won't talk about it.

The only really obvious pieces of advice I can think of that apply to almost everyone except the hereditarily wealthy are these two:

1) figure out some way to not be working full time all through your fifties, because that's generally the last decade you're going to feel great very much. (Unless you actually like your job, which 80% of people don't)

It takes some planning. Meanwhile, it's better to be inside the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in.

Because recovery from fatigue takes longer as you age, a 5-day 40-hour job where they sweat you at all will leave you exhausted for much of the weekend. It is immensely different if you can get a half time job, say 2 days a week, because your work-to-recovery time ratio (WRTR) is 2/5 or 0.4 , as opposed to the FT drone whose WRTR is 5/2 or 2.5.
Plus you are less exhausted when you begin your far-longer recovery period. There's just no comparison in your quality of life 1/2 time versus FT.

In addition, as you age and become wiser you will be relatively smarter and smarter than the boring morons who stay in one place long enough to become "managers", so the stress of obeying your inferiors becomes less and less tolerable. You must adopt a samurai stance, such that serving the idiots gracefully and efficiently is seen by you as a point of pride in your self-control and discipline.

PLUS you stay out of the hideous office politics game, because you're away 5 days a week so by the time people get sick of you, you leave for another 5 days and they forget you so tension doesn't build in at all the same way.

Either you have to be really sharp so you can save six figures, or figure out some cush thing like owning a hotel so you're not subject to some aging Strong Independent Woman boss. They increasingly control the corporate world, and when you get older they discriminate against you in job interviews every time for some younger woman with kids, because they can control that person much more completely. The department I used to work in, all FT fourteen workers are women. They hire less experienced women over me when I want to go back for work. One thing to do is just learn something women aren't smart enough to do, like a highly certified network engineer, or something unglamorous like welding.

Roosh seems to have a plan that's working but he has a very unusual personality that seems able to keep going all over the place without feeling unpleasantlly adrift. It doesn't seem suitable for a lot of less tough personalities to me.

2) Watch out for alcohol (largely due to weight gain) and especially smoking.

I had a very unpleasant job WAY out in the boonies for 13 months when I was trying to rack up come crucial seniority time. It rained all the time there. Trailer trash chicks. That's why the pay was good.

I ended up feeling so miserable I drank too much, gained about 20 lbs and got high blood pressure, three years later I'm still trying to lose the weight, 15 down, 15 to go. I'll probably never be back to the shape I COULD HAVE STAYED IN, if I had never gained that weight.

Smoking-- 1/4 odds of lung cancer, you might get the diagnosis right at 50 when you've made your money and are ready to fuck yourself senseless in the Philippines or Thailand. Small cell, the most common variety, 95% fatality rate. All those years working down the drain.

Here's one set of stats I found:

In a 2006 European study, the risk of developing lung cancer was:

0.2% for men who never smoked (0.4% for women)
5.5% for male former smokers (2.6% in women)
15.9% for current male smokers (9.5% for women)
24.4% for male “heavy smokers” defined as smoking more than 5 cigarettes per day (18.5% for women)

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

How many of you older guys have looked into TRT and such, or are currently on it? Did you notice a big difference before and after?

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

Only regret is all the girls I could have banged and didn't. Sounds like a joke, but that is my only regret. I imagine everyone has that though. Recovery times and work stamina stuff is important to note, plan to be rich or a debt free slacker, both are probably equal in qol. Don't get fat, lay off the hard drugs and heavy drinking while young. Pretty simple really.

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

I would have approached more aggressively and banged more women. That is all.

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

Quote: (09-28-2013 06:27 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

How many of you older guys have looked into TRT and such, or are currently on it? Did you notice a big difference before and after?

I haven't looked into it but I have dabbled with Sustanon over the years. I am currently on it and I think I might run it longer than normal, been under alot of stress lately.

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For Guys in their 40s and 50s

Quote: (09-28-2013 06:27 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

How many of you older guys have looked into TRT and such, or are currently on it? Did you notice a big difference before and after?

I'm not on it yet but will probably get on it at some time. Thanks to the Mikes in the other thread, I have an idea of what I am getting into.

It sounds like it is a lifetime commitment and it will be more than just TRT as you need to take other things to ward off the side effects. I would like to keep the size of my balls, call me crazy.

Right now, I feel pretty damn good. I will probably get tested next time I visit the doctor but don't see it happening until I hit a rut physically.

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

Thank god for HAIR DYE!

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

Quote: (09-27-2013 11:12 PM)youngmobileglobal Wrote:  

Sometimes I forget that RVF has a lot of older and wider guys around. It definitely adds value.

Hey now, let's not get personal. [Image: confused.gif]

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

Quote: (09-28-2013 04:14 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2013 11:12 PM)youngmobileglobal Wrote:  

Sometimes I forget that RVF has a lot of older and wider guys around. It definitely adds value.

Hey now, let's not get personal. [Image: confused.gif]

hahahaha sorry WISER

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

The testosterone decline due to age is not as steep as people think.

It averages about 1% per year from your baseline as a 30 year old, so a 30% drop by age 60. Individual youthful testosterone baselines vary by 400% or more, so that's a larger factor than the age-related decline. And don't forget that levels spike and drop by 20-50% during a normal day. There was a TED talk that showed a 20% spike by assuming body language "power positions" for 2 minutes. So do that before your date and you just reversed 20 years of decline.

It's not just possible but quite easy to maintain your youthful levels into late middle age with just natural lifestyle improvements. In fact, I had a study somewhere which showed that round 20% of people maintained or even increased their levels as they aged, and that was in the general population, not a group of lifestyle hackers or athletes.

So there may be some losses in vitality with age, but don't put it down to an inevitable and dramatic lowering of testosterone.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

Quote: (09-28-2013 01:29 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Either you have to be really sharp so you can save six figures, or figure out some cush thing like owning a hotel so you're not subject to some aging Strong Independent Woman boss.

@ IKE : I agree with everything you said, and I would have liked to have made a lot of the same points that you made.

Nonetheless, I think you underestimated an amount that needs to be saved in order to have some freedom - or maybe it is just me, but I would think that about $500k of savings should be the minimum goal, and that is not going to give anyone any luxury life, but at least about a $2k a month of supplemental income.

Regarding other aspects of deterioration with age, yes I am in my early 40s and I have noticed that I do not have the energy that I had even 10 years ago... same with libido.. though I work out on nearly a daily basis - which I did not need to work out as frequently 10 years ago in order to maintain my strength. For example, I could stay nearly as strong with working out once or twice a week. We lose our muscle as we age.

BTW, some of the comments in this thread suggests that we are completely in control of our health and our current status (and/or responsible for such), which may or may not be true. I don't have a problem with accepting self-responsibility and striving towards self-improvement, but sometimes mistakes can be made or accidents can happen or someone else or other circumstances can cause problems for a guy and sometimes, one may not realize the depth of the shit he is in... and in any event, that guy in peril may have difficulties getting out of his circumstances... also a guy may be ugly or genetically handicapped... Accordingly, that handicapped guy may need more game and/or strategy to succeed as compared to someone who has been more genetically gifted (or even gifted with social or economic capital).

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

I believe us in our 30's and 40's are in a unique position. We are the meat in a shit sanwich. On either side are useless generations.

1. The baby bombers that won't die off quick enough an put us in the socio-economic disaster that will linger for 20+ more years. I'm beginning to think ObamaCare was put in place to expedite their exit.

2. Then you have the younger ones. Useless as tits on a boar hog. Us in the middle need to keep our shit together health wise to stay alive, and on top of everything else. The newer generations won't be able to lead, hold competent positions of office, say no to demands of women, keep a job, engineer even a dog turd.

Because of these two groups of brainiacs, we'll want to retire but be lingering around like Jesse Helms keeping the ship afloat.

So when you get up this morning gents take your vitamins, drink h2o, and hit the gym. Then go for a walk, and when passing by a Starbucks, flip off and mean mug the leeches of society sitting in there typing feminist, gay, hipster, democrat, yolo, and victim blogs on their Macs.

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

I think like in everything in life you need luck. I am lucky that I moved to a country with sun and low prices. Not have to work like a slave and to enjoy sun, sports, hobbies is great.

This place is very bad in behalf of girls but when my desire grows I will move to the relevant locations.

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

Quote: (09-29-2013 05:28 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

The testosterone decline due to age is not as steep as people think.

It averages about 1% per year from your baseline as a 30 year old, so a 30% drop by age 60. Individual youthful testosterone baselines vary by 400% or more, so that's a larger factor than the age-related decline. And don't forget that levels spike and drop by 20-50% during a normal day. There was a TED talk that showed a 20% spike by assuming body language "power positions" for 2 minutes. So do that before your date and you just reversed 20 years of decline.

It's not just possible but quite easy to maintain your youthful levels into late middle age with just natural lifestyle improvements. In fact, I had a study somewhere which showed that round 20% of people maintained or even increased their levels as they aged, and that was in the general population, not a group of lifestyle hackers or athletes.

So there may be some losses in vitality with age, but don't put it down to an inevitable and dramatic lowering of testosterone.

Great post, RawGod. Natural decline in test with age is not that big of a deal and it's exaggerated by hags and their allies who want to troll men into strictly age-appropriate relationships.

Two big test killers are hard drinking and hard aerobic exercise. Both are terrible over time. I see so many guys either drinking or running themselves into decline. The big test boosters are sun exposure and weight training.

I know a guy who is a contractor in his mid 50's, so he works outside a lot. He also lifts weights like a monster, especially he does brutal deep squats. This guy is much more into pussy and life in general than most dudes in their 20's.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

Quote: (09-29-2013 12:01 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Quote: (09-29-2013 05:28 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

The testosterone decline due to age is not as steep as people think.

It averages about 1% per year from your baseline as a 30 year old, so a 30% drop by age 60. Individual youthful testosterone baselines vary by 400% or more, so that's a larger factor than the age-related decline. And don't forget that levels spike and drop by 20-50% during a normal day. There was a TED talk that showed a 20% spike by assuming body language "power positions" for 2 minutes. So do that before your date and you just reversed 20 years of decline.

It's not just possible but quite easy to maintain your youthful levels into late middle age with just natural lifestyle improvements. In fact, I had a study somewhere which showed that round 20% of people maintained or even increased their levels as they aged, and that was in the general population, not a group of lifestyle hackers or athletes.

So there may be some losses in vitality with age, but don't put it down to an inevitable and dramatic lowering of testosterone.

Great post, RawGod. Natural decline in test with age is not that big of a deal and it's exaggerated by hags and their allies who want to troll men into strictly age-appropriate relationships.

Two big test killers are hard drinking and hard aerobic exercise. Both are terrible over time. I see so many guys either drinking or running themselves into decline. The big test boosters are sun exposure and weight training.

I know a guy who is a contractor in his mid 50's, so he works outside a lot. He also lifts weights like a monster, especially he does brutal deep squats. This guy is much more into pussy and life in general than most dudes in their 20's.

@ RG and @ LOZ:

Are you guys talking from personal experience, as well with stuff that you may have read - b/c I understand in theory about average declines of testosterone in men and what kinds of activities are thought to be better for maintaining testosterone levels at more youthful amounts? However, are you guys experience something similar to what you are claiming to be the case? or a form of maintenance?

I have not had my testosterone levels tested (which now I am becoming a little more curious - it would be nice to know at various ages, and maybe even ask the doctor how he would know about my today's testosterone levels if he never did a check in earlier days - I may have had a testosterone test and had not realized it? I have never complained to my doctor about sexual function issues, and we have never gotten into any specific discussions with my doctor), so I do not have a reference point concerning actual laboratory tests of myself to say that mine has declined, but I can notice that my energy levels regarding carrying out activities and my frequency and ease of getting erections has declined.

Let's take the erections, for example. When I was in my 20s, on an ongoing basis, I could get erections really easily by just thinking about something (well kind of inability to control it) and bang a woman days on end 3-5 times per day for one or two weeks straight. Let's say 40 to 50 bangs over a two week period, which ends up averaging 3-4 bangs a day even though some days may have 5 bangs and other days fewer (I know from experiencing it).

These days, 20 years later, I may be able to easily get an erection and bang a woman that I just met b/c I am aroused by her sexually, and I am very excited three times in a day, but no way could I muster enough energy to bang her 3 times per day for days on end. I am probably lucky if I am able to muster enough arousal towards the girl to bang her for a couple of weeks a couple of times a day for several days in a row. I know this from experience, as well.

Also, in my 20s I could get aroused to bang almost anything, even if I was not very attracted to the girl, i could still get aroused. I did not necessarily act on all of my arousals. These days, it takes a little more attraction for me to get and to stay aroused. I attribute all of this decline in arousal and ease of erections to aging rather than to any particular medical problem that I may have b/c I have noticed this decline, that seemed to have started in about my mid 30s (even though i only perceived it slightly beginning about in my mid 30s).

Of course the older guys have even more time over which to explain their personal situations, and whether they have noticed any decline. I am sure it may be possible for some to have increased libido, but I would imagine that is an exception based on either some lifestyle change or drug substitution changes.

For my concerns about erections and performance, I personally am expecting to begin supplementing with Cialis (or some other erectile performance enhancement drug) when I begin traveling in SEA - which will start in about this upcoming February.

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

I'm 48. Some things I wish I knew when I was younger:

* The importance of fitness. I really whipped myself into shape a few years ago and maintain it, and I get all kinds of IOIs and girls telling me I look "so fit" and "great." I wish I was in this type of shape through my 30s (I didn't have to do shit in my 20s and my body still looked pretty good).

* Better perception of my own youth. I never knew how young I was until I look back. Through my 30s I thought girls would stop paying attention to me soon. They never did, so thinking that just held me back. I'm 48 and girls are still eye fucking me. I wish when I was 37 I appreciated how young I was and just confidently chased young ass. I'm actually doing that now at 48. I know when I'm 95 and in the nursing home and looking at the nurses asses, I'm going to wish I was 48 again and nailing broads while I still could.

* Put your self-respect above all else. Your self-respect is more valuable than any pussy. Paradoxically, by putting your self-respect first, you end up doing better with the ladies because you won't grovel and supplicate and act all beta.

As far as libido and the like:

* When I was younger, I'd stick my dick in just about anything. Now I'm more selective. I won't go below a 6 now. Not worth it below a 6.

* I value more of a personal connection now. If a young girl with a great smile and great attitude is in my personal space and looking at me in the eye and smiling and talking and laughing and we are having a great time, my cock thinks I'm 18, and gets completely "ten-hut." On the other hand, I arranged for a FWB with this girl a year or two ago but she wanted me to take her out to dinner first. At dinner, she started telling me about all the problems in her life and started crying and shit. Buzz kill. Later, she had to really work it with her mouth before it was hard enough to stick in her.

A 6 with a great attitude is better than a 8 with a cunty attitude.

* When you are attracted to a girl and she has an awesome attitude, your cock feels just as good as when you were 25 (explosive). But if you are not that attracted to her or her attitude bums you out, you can still get hard and cum, but it just doesn't feel quite as good. When I was 25 it all felt good.

Take care of those titties for me.

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

Quote: (09-29-2013 05:28 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

The testosterone decline due to age is not as steep as people think.

It averages about 1% per year from your baseline as a 30 year old, so a 30% drop by age 60. Individual youthful testosterone baselines vary by 400% or more, so that's a larger factor than the age-related decline. And don't forget that levels spike and drop by 20-50% during a normal day. There was a TED talk that showed a 20% spike by assuming body language "power positions" for 2 minutes. So do that before your date and you just reversed 20 years of decline.

It's not just possible but quite easy to maintain your youthful levels into late middle age with just natural lifestyle improvements. In fact, I had a study somewhere which showed that round 20% of people maintained or even increased their levels as they aged, and that was in the general population, not a group of lifestyle hackers or athletes.

So there may be some losses in vitality with age, but don't put it down to an inevitable and dramatic lowering of testosterone.

I am sorry but this is pure utter crap.

I don't care what this report claims because the truth is alot different. Most men will notice a fall off in their sex drive as they get older, your T levels will drop no matter how much you live a clean lifestyle. Saying that it is only 1% per year is trying to make it seem not so bad, but there is a more noticeable drop off than 1 %.

There are too many things in our "modern" world that are working against our Testosterone, bad food, technology, estrogen in the water, ugly women etc. If I were living in a tropical climate I am sure the 1% rule might apply, I know men in their 70's who are still fathering kids.

Although I am pretty fortunate to look youthful in my mid 40's, I need to be stimulated mentally/physically to achieve a raging hard-on. In my 20's it would take a small breeze and the bloody thing would not go down.

Our New Blog:

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

I'm 27 and I can't wait for my 40's and up...

No matter hold old you are, I think the main thing I've learned is that life is short and you only get one of em.

Be thankful for everyday you wake up alive. There is no better time to be alive than now.

I read a tweet from Rivelino, "I'm 38 years old, I don't have time to be afraid of approaching girls". No matter your age, in a life that has no meaning, what's your meaningless excuse for not approaching that last hottie you saw.

The clock is ticking.

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

Quote: (09-29-2013 01:44 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

I am sorry but this is pure utter crap.

Actually, Rudebwoy - probably you are correct in your comments, and I had not read closely the level of the optimism within RawGod's comments - which in the end are probably pie in the sky that may apply to .1% of the people. And, ultimately, these guys may be in their 20s or early 30s and talking all this hypothetical.

I don't mean to be hating on anyone; however, the personal trainers who are in their 20s and early 30s and that are preaching all of this and that about how to get in shape and/or to stay in shape have not stood the test of time. Certainly, some of them may be correct in their diagnosis or prognosis, but a lot of time, they are preaching mainstream crap about eat this this and this and exercise this, and viola, you will be muscular and built like me. In that regard, if you eat any kind of Standard American Diet (SAD), you are doomed to have health and/or testosterone issues in your 30s and 40s... and if you lucky maybe your genetics will allow you to avoid those issues in to later in life.

For Guys in their 40s and 50s

What about the mental aspects? How much cognitive decline do you perceive? Do you still have the same mental quickness? Can you still do complex math, and computer coding?

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