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Bitch slapping a girl

Bitch slapping a girl

Check out this video of a guy slapping a girl on TV

[Image: lol.gif]

(via TSB Mag)

What he does was wrong I suppose, but since he's mic'd I like how we can hear his whimpering cries during the ensuing beatdown.

Also notice his very smooth alpha stare at 0:07.

Bitch slapping a girl

This is one of those things where I believe if a woman thinks she can fight a man then she better be prepared to get beat up like one too. It reminds me of an incident at the Tap House in Reston a few years back. Some 5 foot nothing blonde chick decides she wants to pick a fight with the 6' tall, 250lb, black bouncer guy.

She's jumping all over him, slapping, kicking, and eventually pops him good on his ear and his eye. So he pushes her down really hard trying to keep her away. She jumps up screaming and crying with this amazed look on her face like this guy actually touched me. So she's running around screaming that he hit her and blah, blah. What the fuck do you expect seriously? There's no excuse at all for physical contact like that between a man and a woman. If the woman is pissed walk away pretty much like how most guys do. It's that simple.

BTW, I used that incident as an opportunity to grab the number from the really cute, blonde, waitress. Good times.

Bitch slapping a girl

I'm guilty of having a good laugh after watching the second time around.
I have no idea what the guy said before hand to get the woman host aggravated enough to slap him, which I don't think she should have done, but even though she did, it's not a self defense situation and the guy (ideally) shouldn't have struck her back and walked off, or better yet, paused a second after the slap to look at her then say calmly, "wow, you hit like a girl."

Now if it's a self defense situation where you have some woman coming at you with intent to do serious bodily harm, knock her the caress out.

Found out what happened before hand (corrected link):

Bitch slapping a girl

Is this the "Why must she slap?"


The back story is hilarious, and the edit of the show makes it look like nothing happened.

Bitch slapping a girl


don't know if it qualifies as a bitchslap, but the opening scene of "Way of the Gun" is classic.

Bitch slapping a girl

I had a fat girl attack me at a house party once. She said I stole her drink. She was really starting to hit hard so I decided I wasn't going to punch her, but just scare her a bit. So I pulled a knife on her ass.

Didn't go over to well. The party ended haha. I still think the look on her face was fucking hilarious though.

Bitch slapping a girl

Quote: (09-10-2008 02:55 AM)Thomas Gabriel Wrote:  

I had a fat girl attack me at a house party once. She said I stole her drink. She was really starting to hit hard so I decided I wasn't going to punch her, but just scare her a bit. So I pulled a knife on her ass.

Didn't go over to well. The party ended haha. I still think the look on her face was fucking hilarious though.

At least you didn't pull out a gun. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Bitch slapping a girl

Quote: (09-10-2008 02:55 AM)Thomas Gabriel Wrote:  

So I pulled a knife on her ass.

I was not expecting that. very nice

Bitch slapping a girl

I would and have punched men.
Never the first to throw the first hit though.

Bitch slapping a girl

There are a lot of these around.

From these videos it's clear that many girls today think that hitting a guy is okay, but when a guy hits a girl he should get jail time.

What if a 5' 5" skinny white guy hits a 6' 3" 250 lb man?

Should the big guy not hit the small guy who punched him first?

To me it's just more of feminist wishing for equality without the consequences that come with it.

Why do guys jump in? To save the girl, was she really getting a beat down?

I think the beta males are trying to gain favor with the females they can't get.

Bitch slapping a girl

Quote: (09-19-2008 01:44 AM)sk3ptic Wrote:  

I think the beta males are trying to gain favor with the females they can't get.

That's how I saw it, but the woman who started the slapping isn't all that to begin with. This is interesting:

Bitch slapping a girl

Truth #4 @

"#4. People see weakness in a woman and their natural instinct is to protect from harm and nurture it until it’s strong. People see weakness in a man and feel revolting disgust and their natural instinct is to crush it out of existence and get it out of their sight as soon as possible."

Bitch slapping a girl

Sean connery says he slaps women with an open hand

[Image: lol.gif]

[Image: icon_worship.gif]

Bitch slapping a girl

I just researched it a littlebit, and it was some sort of gameshow where the girl was supposed to be some sort of indian bitch bully that was trying to break these guys, and they were supposed to retaliate and take the "verbal" abuse calmly, it was 70% scripted and 30% improvised, so when she said why dont you get the fuck out of here, he said you go, then when she ran out of material she slapped him which she wasnt supposed to do, so he was shocked an BITCH slapped her back, but then was beaten up by 70 people while he was asking HOW CAN SHE SLAP? meaning, and i cant back? i guess lol, but in the end he got his ass beat, he has since announced that he is sueing the show because of the 70 people beating his ass. which they should have known better.
so that guy gets my pimp rating, especially with that smoothe alpha male look he gave her that roosh pointed out
[Image: pimp.gif]

Bitch slapping a girl

I think its totally fine to slap a girl if she starts to hit you with intent to harm! I had a situation where my ex girlfriend tried to fist fight me at a house party and we were both drunk so she looked like Kramer from Seinfeld when he was having seziures and i was just laughing really hard while i was bobing and weaving. Everyone thought i was fighting back but i was just laughing really hard and blocking the punches!

The best thing was that after that she tried to tell me she loved me and make out with me so when i pushed her away she started crying and i was the bad guy once again!

So the next time she tried to fight me at another party i just had my friends that owned the house bounce her ass out even tho i was the one that sorta egged on the 2nd fight. I took a beer bong with some hot girl while i was standing right next to my ex and when i went down to take the beer bong i flipped her off right in her face! It was too sweet!!!!

Hey baby lets go get some BBQ and get busy!
[Image: banana.gif]

Bitch slapping a girl

This topic touches base on an old and touchy subject; When is it (or is it ever) ok to put your hands on a woman? My mother always told me, " Treat a lady like a lady. If she doesn't behave like one, she isn't one." I'm unsure exactly what she intended with that saying, but I've drawn my own conclusions.

(1) If you behave like a lady, you're entitled to the respect of one. I'll treat this woman with resepect.

(2) If you don't behave like a lady, you're not entitled to the respect of one. I wont give this woman the respect of a lady, but I also wont put my hands on her.

(3) If you decide to put yourself in a man's position, I shall treat you as one. Fair game. If this woman physically tries to square up with/attack me, all's fair.

Bitch slapping a girl

although I agree with Sean Connery, the feminist laws in this country will fuck you up hard upon the slightest infraction..

... domestic abuser...
... sexual offender...
... court dates...
... probation officer...
... no more jobs...

seriously, it's easier to dump a woman than it is to hit her nowadays.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Bitch slapping a girl

The original video has been removed for copyright violation, but you can easily find it by searching "How can she slap".

Quote: (09-07-2008 11:04 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

What he does was wrong I suppose ... .

Wow, I support the guy more than Roosh does ... I suppose.

Quote: (11-11-2008 03:02 PM)jdh989 Wrote:  

gameshow where the girl was supposed to be some sort of indian bitch bully that was trying to break these guys, and they were supposed to retaliate and take the "verbal" abuse calmly, it was 70% scripted and 30% improvised, so when she said why dont you get the fuck out of here, he said you go, then when she ran out of material she slapped him which she wasnt supposed to do, so he was shocked and BITCH slapped her back, but then was beaten up by 70 people while he was asking HOW CAN SHE SLAP? meaning, and i cant back?

The girl was a paid host, and the guy was a contestant. So obviously the crew took her side. After returning the slap somewhat harder, the guy stepped menacingly toward her and started to tell her off. That was slight overkill.

The gameshow set it all up, hoping one of the contestants would break. Instead their host broke and the production staff beat up a contestant. I hope he gets a decent lawsuit settlement.

Bitch slapping a girl

I have slapped 2 girls in my life.

One was talking shit to me when i was 18 years old. She said..."I was having fun until YOU got here". I slapped her pretty hard and the look on her face was face was priceless. She was shocked and she didn't have anything to say. The rest of the night she was quiet and she looked at me with a combination of fear, shock, and respect.

The other girl was a gf friend of mine and I would playfully slap her during sex. I could tell she liked it so I started slapping her lightly when she would do stupid shit around the house or whatever. This would turn her on, and often led to sex. After I started slapping her, she became very submissive to me. It was cool for a while but I have to admit, this girl had some "issues". She grew up poor in Mexico without a father. I was the American "white knight" and she thought I would save her and become her "daddy" (protector). I didn't.

I'm not telling guys to do this, but I know that it is a turn on to some girls, but these girls probably have some deep "daddy issues". It all has do to with the fact that women want powerful, dominant men. Slapping them also shows them that you are a little crazy and unpredictable, which of course, alot of girls like.

There is a reason pimps target women who have been raped/molested at a young age. These are the ones who will let you abuse them.

I'm not condoning this type of behavior, but I have noticed that some girls like guys who rough them up a little.

Just be careful because if they like being slapped thet are probably a little crazy themselves.

Bitch slapping a girl

I don't ever condone hitting women except in self defense or during sex. Jail time just isn't worth it.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Bitch slapping a girl

Quote: (03-28-2011 02:54 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I have slapped 2 girls in my life.

One was talking shit to me when i was 18 years old. She said..."I was having fun until YOU got here". I slapped her pretty hard and the look on her face was face was priceless. She was shocked and she didn't have anything to say. The rest of the night she was quiet and she looked at me with a combination of fear, shock, and respect.

I've had to put the smack down a couple of times myself. I'm not proud of it, but I'm also not ashamed of it. It's ugly, but often necessary, work.

In all the cases, it was some bitch going waaaaay over the line and hitting me or massively disrespecting me (thinking I wouldn't return volley). In all the cases, it improved the relationship for everyone involved.

I don't advocate going Chris Brown on a bitch, but there is a point where if you don't do something manly, she's going to lose all respect for you. Instinct is a powerful thing. That might mean a hard grab and a look, or it might mean a light, but deliberate, whack over the head. But, as we all know, you shouldn't hit a woman like you would hit a man. In that case, you're likely a pussy yourself. (See that played-out Sean Connery video that's all over these forums.)

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Bitch slapping a girl

Call me an ass but I condone giving girls a slap when they cross a certain line.

Bitch slapping a girl

Quote: (03-27-2011 05:25 AM)Dueyz Wrote:  

If this woman physically tries to square up with/attack me, all's fair.

It is not "fair" if you have enormous size and strength advantages.

The "How Can She Slap" contestant should have slapped the host quickly and lighter, and then smiled and relaxed. He might have said "This is fun", or "New rules?", or "You slap like a girl". It would have been harder to punish him if he stayed nonchalant and nonthreatening, like it was all part of the game.

A male bodybuilder friend of mine was in a lesbian bar. Some dyke wanted to show off and kept physically harrassing him. He told her if she acted like a man then he would treat her like a man. She eventually shoved him, so he picked her up and threw her onto a table (breaking it). She just looked up with complete fear and shock.

Bitch slapping a girl

Quote: (03-28-2011 08:21 PM)kimleebj Wrote:  

Quote: (03-27-2011 05:25 AM)Dueyz Wrote:  

If this woman physically tries to square up with/attack me, all's fair.

It is not "fair" if you have enormous size and strength advantages.

The "How Can She Slap" contestant should have slapped the host quickly and lighter, and then smiled and relaxed. He might have said "This is fun", or "New rules?", or "You slap like a girl". It would have been harder to punish him if he stayed nonchalant and nonthreatening, like it was all part of the game.

A male bodybuilder friend of mine was in a lesbian bar. Some dyke wanted to show off and kept physically harrassing him. He told her if she acted like a man then he would treat her like a man. She eventually shoved him, so he picked her up and threw her onto a table (breaking it). She just looked up with complete fear and shock.

True. If you're large, it's always going to be a tough situation for you. I don't have that issue. Guess you guys have to walk a finer line.

I wasn't referring to a woman picking at you or pushing or slapping you. I've been slapped by a woman a few times; I didn't retaliate in any physical way. I was talking about a woman throwing down on you like a man. If that bitch throws a haymaker 'New York to L.A.' punch at my snot locker, she's getting one right back.

Having a vagina doesn't make her a lady. Behaving like a lady makes her a lady. Ladies don't throw man-punches at dudes. This broad is about to experience that funky metallic taste when you get dotted in the schnoz, and sport that stupid expression that says, "what the fuck just happened?!"

Bitch slapping a girl

Lmao at that story about the body builder throwing a dyke onto a table. Hahahahaha

I think most girls get some sense knocked into them when they're slapped or hit or whatever. Its like getting your ass kicked for starting a fight or talking shit. Puts shit in perspective.

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