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Slavic game superiority

Slavic game superiority

Seeing the absolutely amazing effect of slavic guys game on women one is tempted to ask for their advice what can we do to model this perfect style changing the feminist dominance to slavic submission. Slavic guys should reveal their secrets for the common good.

Slavic game superiority

Quote: (03-06-2013 06:40 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Seeing the absolutely amazing effect of slavic guys game on women one is tempted to ask for their advice what can we do to model this perfect style changing the feminist dominance to slavic submission. Slavic guys should reveal their secrets for the common good.

"Slavic game superiority"

What is this?

Slavic game superiority

Slavic girls prefer Slavic guys. Slavic guys are liked by non-slavic guys. When single im always social proofed by social circle like a mofo. Plusmy female slavic friends are of the hot variety. So brings up competitevness. Also I show chest hair

Slavic game superiority

I think you're exagerrating.
It's less their game, than their women.
Put a slavic guy in a american club, and a american guy in a slavic club.
Guess who gets the pussy.

Also slavic is a broad term. Russian, polish, romanian, serbian...?

Slavic game superiority

If you read roosh last comment about America vs Poland he places the constant male approaches as number one reason for American women entitlement.
The question is if slavic guys tactic to avoid approaching heavily can bring better results long term as their inclination to deny certain favors and compliments to women.

Slavic game superiority

Quote: (03-06-2013 07:10 PM)Branimir Wrote:  

I think you're exagerrating.
It's less their game, than their women.
Put a slavic guy in a american club, and a american guy in a slavic club.
Guess who gets the pussy.

Also slavic is a broad term. Russian, polish, romanian, serbian...?

I have seen results of Serbian and Russian guys with Greek and German women so they seem to have their game in order.The question is if we are in part responsible for the hell created regarding sky high women expectations, feminism etc.If some pussy slaves are largely responsible for the situation and princessification of girls.

Slavic game superiority

I never compliment least asked n usually play the quiet type that just fucks well

Slavic game superiority

Quote: (03-06-2013 07:10 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

If you read roosh last comment about America vs Poland he places the constant male approaches as number one reason for American women entitlement.
The question is if slavic guys tactic to avoid approaching heavily can bring better results long term as their inclination to deny certain favors and compliments to women.

Well yes, that's a point. Slavic guys don't give a fuck.
Western guys could benifit of a little dose of not-giving-a-fuck .
But then again, in Brazil guys give their women also alot attention, but they're still not as a entitled as their western counterparts?
(yes yes, I know , it is changing nowadays for the worse, but comparably still)

Slavic game superiority

I think it's because Slavic guys are generally red pill and (to some extent) treat women like shit compared to the majority of Americans, who worship fat and ugly girls. That pedestalization behavior creates some shitty female attitudes.

Slavic game superiority

Quote: (03-06-2013 07:17 PM)calihunter Wrote:  

I never compliment least asked n usually play the quiet type that just fucks well

Exactly.It is the opposite of the Italian who only talks and then is so exhausted by talking that has no power to fuck.Comparison of the amount of pussy an average slavic guy gets compared to what an Italian guy gets tells a lot about whose method is more effective.

Slavic game superiority

Quote: (03-06-2013 07:35 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Quote: (03-06-2013 07:17 PM)calihunter Wrote:  

I never compliment least asked n usually play the quiet type that just fucks well

Exactly.It is the opposite of the Italian who only talks and then is so exhausted by talking that has no power to fuck.Comparison of the amount of pussy an average slavic guy gets compared to what an Italian guy gets tells a lot about whose method is more effective.
I noticed this with a lot of Italians. The ones who are really bad with girls (they were new friends from a languages university) will talk with you at bars until you are too exhausted to approach women. We were all four speaking in foreign languages for like three hours.

Slavic game superiority


Are Slavic women like Brazilian women who like to makeout on the dancefloor right away? Or are they more reserved and private about that stuff?

Slavic game superiority

Quote: (03-06-2013 07:13 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

The question is if we are in part responsible for the hell created regarding sky high women expectations, feminism etc.If some pussy slaves are largely responsible for the situation and princessification of girls.

For sure responsible but definitely there are more factors.

Slavic game superiority

This entire thread seems massively anecdotal.

Slavic game superiority

What happened to Balkan Power?

I can't have sex with your personality, and I can't put my penis in your college degree, and I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams, so why are you sharing all this information with me?

Slavic game superiority

It's not really our game, it's the comunist/socialist mentality of our fathers that reflected on us as we grew up. In the 90s we used to game girls by being a polite guys who didn't gave a lot shit about women's feeeeelings. In 00s the feminization begun as the American "democracy" got here on small level. Now, a lot of our girls want to be sex&city "independent" women, but the restrictions of their surroundings make it possible only if they adopt a bunch of hamster tactics using facebook whoring and Turbo-Folk culture.

In short, they are heavily pressured to be feminine looking, but they are often tempted by western slut society to do certain things, which makes them so desirable by western guys.

Only the guys who had the influence of their hardcore commi fathers get the girls these days, which is perfect.

Slavic game superiority

So you think the hardcore communists get the girls in slavic countries.Quite likely since their methods do not differ from mafia ones.
Do you think Serbian men will ever be reduced to status of western pussification?

Slavic game superiority

I am Slavic and I don't agree with this at all. Far from all of us being Alpha by default, the Alpha / Beta divide is extremely sharp here and there are many who don't reach the high level of game that is required now. I don't know about Serbia, where it might be better, but their famous billionaire, Milan Popović, was recently taken to the cleaners by a 40-year old Croatian singer famous for appearing in porn. That alone makes me very queasy about Serbian men having some kind of innate game.

Anyways, maybe Croatia is different from other Slavic countries, but blue pill attitudes are strong here and I don't see guys in general having any kind of innate game advantage.

The women are very hot, though.

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Slavic game superiority

I don't see Slavs as having superior game either. Russians for the most part have horrible game but they all have hot women. Why? Because Russia is full of hot women. Nothing to do with good game just about proximity.

I think the OP is making a gross-oversimplification of racial/national characteristics based on limited observations. For example he may say that Russians are somewhat gruff and alpha or dominant. Ok,externally some can appear that way but that is the veneer on the surface of their identity. Once you are beyond that and know them, all that macho bullshit is dropped and they are often sentimental and quite child like in comparison to Westerners. So which of those two parts of their make up constitutes their game?

I cannot talk about Serbs as I have never been but Russians I know in no way match the stereotype promoted by certain board members.

Slavic game superiority

Having had the opportunity to sit with Slavs (Poles, Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians, Czechs, Serbs) in the company of women I have to say slavic guys are extremely smooth at least they know how to talk to women.Once you understand their language of course.It is a very comfortable situation because no shit happens.
Especially when they drink they are just amazing.This turns women very positive to men and men's advances since they supoose they are similar to Slavs in the ineer.Once in the true West the magic is lost.

Slavic game superiority

I agree that they speak to women differently then the average guy in the west. They keep their tone steady throughout and don't raise their tone at the end of the sentence. However I don't know if we can call that game as such since that's just the way they speak to everyone not just women without ever thinking about it. Just like if I go to the US with my English accent and get attention from women because of it, I'm not really using game,I'm just talking how I have done since birth instinctively.

I'm not saying there are not things we can't learn from Slavic dudes,but what I am saying is that I have seen nothing in their behaviour that makes me put them up there above other races in terms of game. Why don't Russian men do well in the UK? Why don't Russians in France have local women? Why don't you see Poles in the UK with British women for the most part? If their games was so good they would do right?

Slavic game superiority

I mean the slavic guys influence as a whole.Imagine the whole male population in the UK been replaced by slavic guys.Would it not change British women behaviour to the better?

Slavic game superiority

Quote: (03-07-2013 07:59 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Why don't Russian men do well in the UK? Why don't Russians in France have local women? Why don't you see Poles in the UK with British women for the most part? If their games was so good they would do right?

They don't want French women or British. There are much better looking foreigners living in those countries to even consider dating the locals.

I am Slavic myself. Speaking of the former Yugoslavia and having befriended others from the other member states of that country, I can say that traditional roles were practiced between men and women for the most part. The men typically were the bread winners, the women took care of the household duties etc. I have noticed and actually talked about the way my dad is with my other Slavic friends' dads and similarities exist 99% of the time. Here are some similarities:
-clear household duties. Men do the traditional outside work while women do the inside work (laundry, cleaning and cooking etc)
-men always drive to go to a location but the women drive back when they had a few drinks (lots of moonshine aka. Rakija)
-men wear the pants if you will. They are the bosses of the house.
-no mothers days presents, birthday presents or valentines day presents are given to their wives ever.
-they have a dont give a f$&k attitude if their woman feel unappreciated etc.
-none of their dads are divorced........
-kids may or may not like them a lot, but these fathers are respected.

I can't remember the last time my dad cleared off the dinner table. He just leaves his plate there, gets up and leaves while my mother or sister would clean it then. Now this is not only my dad but so many other Slavic dudes have dads who do the same. Now, the odd time I have seen him clean a plate if he had a snack etc, but traditional roles are evident in these households. Is my dad lazy? Hell no. He works his tail off and comes home expecting a hot nutritous meal and things to be done. Even though my mom worked, the food was ready for him always. He would say, once she made more money than him, then he would "help out"......

You have an area in southern Bosnia "Livno" and I am sure many other areas as well that practice this behaviour as well. For instance, I know a family from there and both husband and wife are from the same area / village / town etc. Whenever the wife visits she has to visit her husbands' parents first. Then she visits her side. Ask a chick to do that in North America and you will get a are you crazy look!!!

It's not a perfect system. There are divorces. But even when they remarry the traditional roles are still kept. Kids born in these families get these attitudes. My cousin who has 2 female cousins, I remember would go to the village and cook and bake with their grandmother regularly on weekends. Now, how many women you know do that? While the men do the men things, the women do the women things, things aren't so complicated.

Now, how is this related to game superiority? Well, I think women want the men to be and act like men. Will they admit it? These men aren't special, they just treat women differently.

Slavic game superiority

Quote: (03-07-2013 09:09 AM)tomtud Wrote:  

Quote: (03-07-2013 07:59 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Why don't Russian men do well in the UK? Why don't Russians in France have local women? Why don't you see Poles in the UK with British women for the most part? If their games was so good they would do right?

They don't want French women or British. There are much better looking foreigners living in those countries to even consider dating the locals.

So a Russian dude would not want to bang a very attractive Frenchwoman that they have seen in Jimmy'z Nightclub? A Pole would not want to bang a very hot English girl he sees in a club in London?

I respect your right to your opinion but having been in both situations with Slavic friends and family members numerous times,fuck been with Slavic mates in London hundreds of times with their tongues hanging out at the women, I'll politely state you are wrong. The boner test makes no distinction between races. I love Slavic women but if I see a Belgium 9 my dick will make sure I go make a move on her.

Slavic game superiority

Quote: (03-06-2013 07:07 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (03-06-2013 06:40 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Seeing the absolutely amazing effect of slavic guys game on women one is tempted to ask for their advice what can we do to model this perfect style changing the feminist dominance to slavic submission. Slavic guys should reveal their secrets for the common good.

"Slavic game superiority"

What is this?

Its caveman.

People need to understand that communism has driven EE and Russian women to hyper femininity. Communism attempted to remove gender from society at a time when Andrea Dworkin was still a retarded sperm cell in her fathers festered, shriveled nutsack.

The women rejected the notion of giving up their power (their femininity) and saw hyper femininity as a form of protest against communism that attempted to remove what gave their gender real strength in the first place. When the iron curtain dropped, thats when they really let their hair down and the hells went on.

Basically they told the feminists to fuck off and they went the opposite way. Its why they are the greatest women on the planet for any man who lives his life by his balls.

I disagree with Kamaki. This has nothing to do with their men. This is a cultural development as a result of communism and its inevitable collapse

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