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Slavic game superiority

Slavic game superiority

Men in the West approach so much out of necessity.

There simply isn't an abundance of nice women like there is in Poland for example. So you can't really say that their game is laid back and Western men could stand to learn from it. They simply do not need to approach to get with cute women.

They are not accustomed to aggressively having to pursue to get laid like you would in the West.

That's how it seemed to be from my perspective.

Put it this way, would an American using Westen game (albeit toned down) get laid in Poland? Yes.

Would the laid back Slavic style of waiting til it happens get you any play in LA/DC? Hell no.

Slavic game superiority

Quote: (03-07-2013 09:24 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Quote: (03-07-2013 09:09 AM)tomtud Wrote:  

Quote: (03-07-2013 07:59 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Why don't Russian men do well in the UK? Why don't Russians in France have local women? Why don't you see Poles in the UK with British women for the most part? If their games was so good they would do right?

They don't want French women or British. There are much better looking foreigners living in those countries to even consider dating the locals.

So a Russian dude would not want to bang a very attractive Frenchwoman that they have seen in Jimmy'z Nightclub? A Pole would not want to bang a very hot English girl he sees in a club in London?

I respect your right to your opinion but having been in both situations with Slavic friends and family members numerous times,fuck been with Slavic mates in London hundreds of times with their tongues hanging out at the women, I'll politely state you are wrong. The boner test makes no distinction between races. I love Slavic women but if I see a Belgium 9 my dick will make sure I go make a move on her.

Of course this is true. The dudes would want the hot French or British chick. But I will say MOST want a girl from their own region for sex and even something long term. There are tonnes of a british men who marry foreign women. There is a reason for that. A high end nightclub in London is gonna have hotties from all ethnicities, countries and even locals. The test is, do they treat these hotties differently than say would another group?

Slavic game superiority

Quote: (03-07-2013 09:09 AM)tomtud Wrote:  

Quote: (03-07-2013 07:59 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Why don't Russian men do well in the UK? Why don't Russians in France have local women? Why don't you see Poles in the UK with British women for the most part? If their games was so good they would do right?

They don't want French women or British. There are much better looking foreigners living in those countries to even consider dating the locals.

I am Slavic myself. Speaking of the former Yugoslavia and having befriended others from the other member states of that country, I can say that traditional roles were practiced between men and women for the most part. The men typically were the bread winners, the women took care of the household duties etc. I have noticed and actually talked about the way my dad is with my other Slavic friends' dads and similarities exist 99% of the time. Here are some similarities:
-clear household duties. Men do the traditional outside work while women do the inside work (laundry, cleaning and cooking etc)
-men always drive to go to a location but the women drive back when they had a few drinks (lots of moonshine aka. Rakija)
-men wear the pants if you will. They are the bosses of the house.
-no mothers days presents, birthday presents or valentines day presents are given to their wives ever.
-they have a dont give a f$&k attitude if their woman feel unappreciated etc.
-none of their dads are divorced........
-kids may or may not like them a lot, but these fathers are respected.

I can't remember the last time my dad cleared off the dinner table. He just leaves his plate there, gets up and leaves while my mother or sister would clean it then. Now this is not only my dad but so many other Slavic dudes have dads who do the same. Now, the odd time I have seen him clean a plate if he had a snack etc, but traditional roles are evident in these households. Is my dad lazy? Hell no. He works his tail off and comes home expecting a hot nutritous meal and things to be done. Even though my mom worked, the food was ready for him always. He would say, once she made more money than him, then he would "help out"......

Now, how is this related to game superiority? Well, I think women want the men to be and act like men. Will they admit it? These men aren't special, they just treat women differently.

Actually, that sounds pretty much like my dad who is not Slavic. He's American, but old school.

Doesn't know how to run the washer, dishwasher, etc because it is not his job.

He could obviously figure it out, but has no desire or need too.

Nothing new or unusual here except for the fact men have become fucking pussies over the past few decades.

Slavic game superiority

Btw, LOL at Roosh's bang from wishing a woman happy Women's day (March 8th) last year. I'm glad that it works for him, but If I tried that* as a local person, I'd be absolutely destroyed.

* = wished a happy Women's day to many women for many years, and pussy lips shut down like clams all around me. Awful memories.

P.S. i see that Roosh was talking about Ukraine in his post. As that's a lot more "Eastern Europe" than Croatia, despite both being Slavic, I acknowledge that such a strategy might work well there. In that case, I hope I visit someday...

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Slavic game superiority

Quote: (03-07-2013 09:24 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Quote: (03-07-2013 09:09 AM)tomtud Wrote:  

Quote: (03-07-2013 07:59 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Why don't Russian men do well in the UK? Why don't Russians in France have local women? Why don't you see Poles in the UK with British women for the most part? If their games was so good they would do right?

They don't want French women or British. There are much better looking foreigners living in those countries to even consider dating the locals.

So a Russian dude would not want to bang a very attractive Frenchwoman that they have seen in Jimmy'z Nightclub? A Pole would not want to bang a very hot English girl he sees in a club in London?

I respect your right to your opinion but having been in both situations with Slavic friends and family members numerous times,fuck been with Slavic mates in London hundreds of times with their tongues hanging out at the women, I'll politely state you are wrong. The boner test makes no distinction between races. I love Slavic women but if I see a Belgium 9 my dick will make sure I go make a move on her.

I agree.

Then why don't we see Slavic guys dominating Southern California?

Why don't we see them dominating Soho?

Why don't we see them dominating Miami Beach?

Quote: (03-07-2013 09:27 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  

Quote: (03-06-2013 07:07 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (03-06-2013 06:40 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Seeing the absolutely amazing effect of slavic guys game on women one is tempted to ask for their advice what can we do to model this perfect style changing the feminist dominance to slavic submission. Slavic guys should reveal their secrets for the common good.

"Slavic game superiority"

What is this?

Its caveman.

People need to understand that communism has driven EE and Russian women to hyper femininity. Communism attempted to remove gender from society at a time when Andrea Dworkin was still a retarded sperm cell in her fathers festered, shriveled nutsack.

The women rejected the notion of giving up their power (their femininity) and saw hyper femininity as a form of protest against communism that attempted to remove what gave their gender real strength in the first place. When the iron curtain dropped, thats when they really let their hair down and the hells went on.

Basically they told the feminists to fuck off and they went the opposite way. Its why they are the greatest women on the planet for any man who lives his life by his balls.

I disagree with Kamaki. This has nothing to do with their men. This is a cultural development as a result of communism and its inevitable collapse


That makes sense.

Slavic game superiority

Quote: (03-06-2013 06:40 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Seeing the absolutely amazing effect of slavic guys game on women one is tempted to ask for their advice what can we do to model this perfect style changing the feminist dominance to slavic submission. Slavic guys should reveal their secrets for the common good.

simply put: this is bullshit. at least in russia. Russian guys don't even know what "game" is.

Russian guys get married when they are 23 and bring flowers to every date. they are extremely romantic people when compared with people in the west. this may be changing nowadays, but its changing slowly.

as someone said before, take a typical russian guy and throw him in a club in toronto, nyc, london, dc...he wont get anything. their style and haircuts alone would garuntee that.

having said that, i doubt a russian guy would even bother trying to get an american girl once he has a good look at them

Slavic game superiority

Slavic guy game consists of leaving your poor country to make your fortune in the west. Then going back and running big-baller game and marrying the hottest girl from your home village. If you're lucky you can find one that doesn't speak English, bring her back with you and keep her pregnant long enough so she doesn't get corrupted by the local females.

Team Nachos

Slavic game superiority

I am originally from Toronto Canada. I do not know any Slavic dudes coming to toronto as a "sex"destination or to become a player. Yes, some have come to try to get "papers" or try the marriage route to get residency. Look where Roosh is now. He ain't in Toronto. Big deal if you have the best game when your selection is sub-par. I see guys with ferraris in Qatar and I ask myself what's the point if they are trying to impress females. There aren't many and the sexes (locals) are often segregated.

As G noted, soho, s. cal and Miami beach you don't see them dominating. Well, I am sure there are some playboys living it up, but for the averge bloke a big no. They don't need to travel thousands of miles when all they have to do is travel a few miles only. Could their mentality of treating women and assuming the traditional male role and vice versa for females be admirable, possibly.

Are Slavic men any better than others no. Do they treat this women differently and have better success in their relationships ( some do). My dads generation all of them from his area for the most part ain't divorced and are the alphas of their packs. Today, are the remnants of this behaviour evident in today's generation, yes. Roosh and others have wrote that our game needs to change while over there. For ex., negging theory or NLP etc etc etc doesn't work as it would in n.america. Therefore, play a different game that is in tune with Slavic game when over there.

Slavic game superiority

Quote: (03-07-2013 09:24 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Quote: (03-07-2013 09:09 AM)tomtud Wrote:  

Quote: (03-07-2013 07:59 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Why don't Russian men do well in the UK? Why don't Russians in France have local women? Why don't you see Poles in the UK with British women for the most part? If their games was so good they would do right?

They don't want French women or British. There are much better looking foreigners living in those countries to even consider dating the locals.

So a Russian dude would not want to bang a very attractive Frenchwoman that they have seen in Jimmy'z Nightclub? A Pole would not want to bang a very hot English girl he sees in a club in London?

I respect your right to your opinion but having been in both situations with Slavic friends and family members numerous times,fuck been with Slavic mates in London hundreds of times with their tongues hanging out at the women, I'll politely state you are wrong. The boner test makes no distinction between races. I love Slavic women but if I see a Belgium 9 my dick will make sure I go make a move on her.

The answer lies in three words: location, location, location. If local guys in London, who are often decent earners, well-dressed and with decent game struggle to bag themselves an overweight warpig of a woman, then do you seriously think that your average potato head from the Polish provinces is going to steal himself a stunner in a such an environment? He'd be lucky to bang a trannie in the UK, let alone a typical warpig, such is the levels of thirst from local dudes here.

Slavic game superiority

Quote: (02-13-2015 01:48 PM)Feldeinsamkeit Wrote:  

Quote: (03-07-2013 09:24 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Quote: (03-07-2013 09:09 AM)tomtud Wrote:  

Quote: (03-07-2013 07:59 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Why don't Russian men do well in the UK? Why don't Russians in France have local women? Why don't you see Poles in the UK with British women for the most part? If their games was so good they would do right?

They don't want French women or British. There are much better looking foreigners living in those countries to even consider dating the locals.

So a Russian dude would not want to bang a very attractive Frenchwoman that they have seen in Jimmy'z Nightclub? A Pole would not want to bang a very hot English girl he sees in a club in London?

I respect your right to your opinion but having been in both situations with Slavic friends and family members numerous times,fuck been with Slavic mates in London hundreds of times with their tongues hanging out at the women, I'll politely state you are wrong. The boner test makes no distinction between races. I love Slavic women but if I see a Belgium 9 my dick will make sure I go make a move on her.

The answer lies in three words: location, location, location. If local guys in Britain, who are often decent earners, well-dressed and with decent game struggle to bag themselves an overweight warpig of a woman, then do you seriously think that your average potato head from the Polish provinces is going to steal himself a stunner in a such an environment? He'd be lucky to bang a trannie in the UK, let alone a typical warpig, such is the levels of thirst from local dudes here.

Slavic game superiority

There are some good points of Russian game which at least work on Russian women. Russian men do gentlemanly things like open doors for girls, carry their luggage, and always help their women put on/take off their coats. These things are all a must if dating a Russian woman. These things are generally probably good to do with American women as well, as they aren't necessarily supplicating -- they are playing the expected masculine role of the gentleman. The difference is that after you've done something nice for an American girl then you need to lower her self-esteem.

Living as I do in Moscow, I tend to think Russian women are a bit overrated on this forum... It just isn't obvious that there is a higher ratio of hot women in Moscow than in, say, New York City.

Slavic game superiority

I have partied with Eastern European/Russian guys in the states and it's always interesting. Usually very well dressed, physically fit, and alpha they are just disappointed with the culture (or lack of) and the substandard talent (at least compared to their home countries). Additionally, they are less likely to act like a clown in order to pull women. The stoic, strong image is a positive in those countries but doesn't really work for the typical American attention whore that has a 5 second attention span. As one of the other posters said it is all about location.

Slavic game superiority

Ohh please. Slavic guys are lucky if they can pull Slavic girls. They tend to stick with their kind and everything revolves around "the church". They can live somewhere for 20 years and still be as FOB as when they first arrived. Not to mention they live with their parents until they're married or their parents die and they inherit the family home. Lack of game recognized.

Team Nachos

Slavic game superiority

Quote: (02-15-2015 08:11 PM)cowboy Wrote:  

I have partied with Eastern European/Russian guys in the states and it's always interesting. Usually very well dressed, physically fit, and alpha they are just disappointed with the culture (or lack of) and the substandard talent (at least compared to their home countries). Additionally, they are less likely to act like a clown in order to pull women. The stoic, strong image is a positive in those countries but doesn't really work for the typical American attention whore that has a 5 second attention span. As one of the other posters said it is all about location.

Interesting points, guess I really never thought about it until now, but I've become good friends with some Croat immigrants here in the U.S. and I've noticed that the older Croats (30+) have the elements of the stoic presence you mention, while the younger Croats who have grown up here in the U.S. have more of the standard western attitude and game you would expect out of a natural born American.

Slavic game superiority

Being slavic myself, I can say all comments below are largely true. There is no such thing as slavic game superiority. It's just that the guys without game act less beta than you'd expect in the West or Asia.

Quote: (02-15-2015 08:11 PM)cowboy Wrote:  

I have partied with Eastern European/Russian guys in the states and it's always interesting. Usually very well dressed, physically fit, and alpha they are just disappointed with the culture (or lack of) and the substandard talent (at least compared to their home countries). Additionally, they are less likely to act like a clown in order to pull women. The stoic, strong image is a positive in those countries but doesn't really work for the typical American attention whore that has a 5 second attention span. As one of the other posters said it is all about location.

Quote: (02-15-2015 09:30 PM)Parlay44 Wrote:  

Ohh please. Slavic guys are lucky if they can pull Slavic girls. They tend to stick with their kind and everything revolves around "the church". They can live somewhere for 20 years and still be as FOB as when they first arrived. Not to mention they live with their parents until they're married or their parents die and they inherit the family home. Lack of game recognized.

Quote: (02-16-2015 09:06 AM)Designate Wrote:  

Quote: (02-15-2015 08:11 PM)cowboy Wrote:  

I have partied with Eastern European/Russian guys in the states and it's always interesting. Usually very well dressed, physically fit, and alpha they are just disappointed with the culture (or lack of) and the substandard talent (at least compared to their home countries). Additionally, they are less likely to act like a clown in order to pull women. The stoic, strong image is a positive in those countries but doesn't really work for the typical American attention whore that has a 5 second attention span. As one of the other posters said it is all about location.

Interesting points, guess I really never thought about it until now, but I've become good friends with some Croat immigrants here in the U.S. and I've noticed that the older Croats (30+) have the elements of the stoic presence you mention, while the younger Croats who have grown up here in the U.S. have more of the standard western attitude and game you would expect out of a natural born American.

Quote: (11-15-2014 08:53 AM)Little Dark Wrote:  
But guys, the fight itself isn't the focus here. How the whole thing was instigated by 1 girl is the big deal.

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