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Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

I've been cold approaching for about a year now (mostly direct daygame). I would say that in 99% of cases, responses/rejections are completely tame. Lots of girls enjoy getting a compliment and will make small chat with you afterwards. The ones that don't like it will just make an excuse and leave, blow me off, or otherwise show me she's not interested, which is fine.

But I can think of a few responses where I've gotten some real venom from the girls that want to throw shit on my game or on me. I can count the number of times this has happened on one hand (after hundreds of approaches) and my reaction is ALWAYS:

-I'm angry
-I'm scared, heart starts racing etc
-Feel like i'm being attacked
-I want to leave the set... not to move onto the next girl but because i'm scared of the negative response

I had to get rejected a shitload to be able to approach as much as I do -- and I usually have no trouble blowing off rejection-- but for some reason my instinct in these situations is to verbally lash out at the girl, although I've only done this twice in my life.

I can tell that something is wrong. As much as I'd like to think, it's not as simple as "who cares, just walk away"--the emotional reaction I have points to a bigger issue that I'm dealing with.

Can anyone relate/comment on what I'm talking about?

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

Reminds me of this one fine broad in my old college. Go-go dancer at an NYC club, or something like that. Attempted some game, got shot down almost immediately, and was firmly told to "fuck off or I'll murder you". Rather loudly, too. I still remember the expression on some of the other folk on campus. Mind you I wasn't mean or rude or anything, perhaps a bit too touchy, but oh well.

I think you're fine, really. Natural reaction to someone giving you attitude. That's just my opinion.

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

Why "deal" with them?

Just ignore them and move on. Life is to short to waste game on "bitches"

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

Always reminds me of that scene in Limitless when the pill first kicks in on the apartment stairs and he asks that girl "why are you so mad? it's not me so what is it?".

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

This is pretty similar to this thread:

Houston has a great point about that scene in Limitless, it's probably not you or anything in your game. These chicks are power tripping on a combination of their looks, all the guys drooling over them, the bad game getting spit at them, the amount of orbiters in their sphere and the fact that they want to be like men and they get off on rejecting guys in bold, outrageous ways like they're on some reality show. It just shows you're dealing with a real cunt as opposed to a normal girl who politely and effortlessly rejects unwanted suitors.

There's nothing you can really say or do to burst their bubble without looking like a try-hard, bitter dweeb, although I do like the line from the thread I couldn't find about telling chicks off that goes something like: "I like your hairstyle, it makes your head look normal."

So what if some power tripping cutie goes way overboard rejecting you? That's one of the pillars of game, letting rejection roll right off your back. Roosh puts it great in Bang (or maybe it's Day Bang) about what's the worst that can happen to you in an interaction and a chick rejecting you in an over the top manner is pretty much it, but you shouldn't give a fuck because there's a million other girls out there and not one of them is special except maybe your mom.

Don't let chicks get you emotional, that's their primary shit test. A line that I've discovered that puts people in their place when they are unloading on you is: "Do you feel better now?" or a variation of that (Did that make you feel better? ). This is effective because it shows that whatever they said or did in trying to hurt or belittle you was ineffective and you've put it right back on them and at the same time you're labeling their behavior as childish while assuming an authoritative role. You take the high road by saying this and even if they don't react to it in the moment it's something they will think about later, a question they will keep coming back to while trying to analyze their behavior. It basically powers up the hamster and works on anyone. Follow that up with "Have a nice day," and you will make people so mad they'll want to kill you.

Sometimes chicks just revel in being bitches and you have to resist the urge to lash out or go tit for tat with them like a child. You're not in kindergarten and nobody should be able to stir up your emotions, ever. This should go in one ear and out the other. Try it, get used to it and it will become second nature. Who cares if some bitch tried to blow you out of the water, guess what? Karma will take care of her, whether it's today, tomorrow, next week, next year, or twenty years from now when she's a wrinkly old witch with a few cats and a dried up pussy who would kill for the least bit of male attention.

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

"Hey.. Be Polite shit head", is my default setting for retards.

My delivery ranges from light hearted to out-right menacing depending on her retardation level.

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

You could always punch her in the twat. You should see the look of shock on their faces when you do this. Upper-cut style.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

lol that is a completely natural reaction to someone being a shitty person. just walk away, they arent worth your time, i promise you

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

Thanks for the replies, guys, but tbh, I'm not really looking for cheeky lines to one-up the girl that I can break out in one of these situations. I'd rather be able to stay calm and keep the manly frame going.

Quote: (03-02-2013 07:10 AM)painter Wrote:  

You're not in kindergarten and nobody should be able to stir up your emotions, ever.

I agree with this. I think if you're getting emotional when you get a burning rejection it points to some inner game issue.

I can even remember being a little kid--one of my sister's friends helped me get my finger unstuck from some toy I was playing with. Pretty soon all of my sister's friends called her my girlfriend (I was 5, she was probably like 12) and she vehemently denied that she was.

Even then, I remember getting pretty pissed off and trying to burn the girl. lol

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

Smile and walk away.

"What's the difference between us.
We can start at the penis.
Or scream I just don't give a fuck and see who really means it."
- Marshall Bruce Mathers III

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

What the others said. Plus, Karma is a bitch. [Image: smile.gif]

Its much easier said than done since you just wanna strangle them as its a natural action when you feel someone has wronged you.....BUT by the end of the've got pussy to land and she'll eventually be put in her place.

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

This kinda thing comes down to your own emotions and past experiences. Cool that you recognise it's a reaction within you. Many guys arent anywhere near that level of awareness and will advise you to call her a bitch or try and just block it out, etc. But that's coping mechanism they're in denial about.

I think the key is to see it as a vulnerable part of yourself getting triggered. Almost like an inner child that's getting upset. And try and look after that vulnerable part of you from a place of being a protective adult. Like, imagine some nasty older girl being venomous to a kid in a playground. How would a kind, protective father or older brother look after his kid in that situ? Probably put his arm around the kid, take him away to play with a better bunch, maybe reprimand the girl with a dash of fierceness (but not rage) to make her think twice about picking on another kid.

Some people are quite dysfunctional - that girl has big issues and deep pains of her own to be acting like that - so the right "outward" response is to be somewhat crunchy and assertive, and go find emotionally healthy people to play with. The "inward" thing to do though is care for / protect the vulnerable part of your psyche, and let it know it doesnt need to be "out", and you're handling the nastiness as a protective/assertive adult.

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

Btw, are you a virgin?

If you are then I wouldn't recommend day game(it does require some game) just yet because losing virginity is a HUGE natural leap in one's confidence and game.

First, find a girl/girlfriend you can lose your virginity to and get better at sex, and then start doing day game and your results would be far better.

Game is a necessary evil

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

Gotta disagree on that one. I would go out and game as much as you can.Night and Day. That in itself will give you a huge leap of confidence.

Quote: (03-03-2013 01:30 AM)haywire Wrote:  

Btw, are you a virgin?

If you are then I wouldn't recommend day game(it does require some game) just yet because losing virginity is a HUGE natural leap in one's confidence and game.

First, find a girl/girlfriend you can lose your virginity to and get better at sex, and then start doing day game and your results would be far better.

Feel the fear..then do it anyway.

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

Quote: (03-03-2013 03:45 AM)NewGamer Wrote:  

Gotta disagree on that one. I would go out and game as much as you can.Night and Day. That in itself will give you a huge leap of confidence.

Quote: (03-03-2013 01:30 AM)haywire Wrote:  

Btw, are you a virgin?

If you are then I wouldn't recommend day game(it does require some game) just yet because losing virginity is a HUGE natural leap in one's confidence and game.

First, find a girl/girlfriend you can lose your virginity to and get better at sex, and then start doing day game and your results would be far better.

I know where you're coming from, but you gotta understand OP's situation as well - he's turned into an approach bot with no results and can't handle rejection well. If he was a vet or even intermediate, the "direct daygame" he's using wouldn't have given any problems,hell, he'd have been totally fine and not be posting about his "troubles dealing with bitchy girls".

Yes, initial approaches and success(read: getting a few numbers) for a noob can be exhilarating for a short while but then you shit falls apart coz you don't have strong game and experiences to back it up. Atleast, that's been my personal experience and of guys who I have seen learning game. And that's WAY more true when you're a virgin, which the OP seems like from his username.

Game is a necessary evil

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

double post

Game is a necessary evil

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

Quote: (03-02-2013 01:28 AM)the virgin chronicles Wrote:  

The ones that don't like it will just make an excuse and leave, blow me off, or otherwise show me she's not interested, which is fine.

But I can think of a few responses where I've gotten some real venom from the girls that want to throw shit on my game or on me. I can count the number of times this has happened on one hand (after hundreds of approaches) and my reaction is ALWAYS:

What is up with this whole "throw shit" stuff. Sounds so weesh.

Is this some new slang that is sweeping the nation that I am unaware of?

Throwing shit on girl when she ignores you after first date

What gives?

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

We are descended from apes so maybe it's some "Pre-Caveman" game; Monkeys throwing shit.

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

Pretend that you didn't hear her and ask her "Can you repeat that again?"

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

Quote: (03-03-2013 01:58 PM)haywire Wrote:  


The name is tongue-in-cheek, making fun of people on pickup forums
Just because I'm a virgin doesnt mean i have no results to speak of

Also to G Manifesto, I probably got "throw shit" from the exact thread you linked to. It just stuck in my head. It did feel like shit was being thrown. So no it is not a RVF trend. Not like being in Ketosis

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

"Do you know what it takes to sell real estate? It takes brass balls to sell real estate"

Every man should work in sales at some point in their life.

Life is about selling.

At work you are selling goods and services, but really, you are selling them on you.

Sales is a numbers game.

You should be closing every deal where the person is open to being closed. You will not be able to close the people who aren't open to being closed.

If you aren't closing, you aren't trying.

If you aren't trying, you're using up my air.

Trouble dealing with bitchy girls

Quote: (03-05-2013 01:38 AM)the virgin chronicles Wrote:  

The name is tongue-in-cheek, making fun of people on pickup forums
Just because I'm a virgin doesnt mean i have no results to speak of

I'm confused here. Are you a virgin or not? If you are then what results do you really have?

Trust me, being a virgin and being an approach bot is like trying to fight an AK-47 with a sword. Find one girl and lose your virginity first, it'll do wonders to your game.

Game is a necessary evil

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