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Subutai - yeah the job market is very dismal in Sweden, even for them. I would probably do a 3 month stint if anything but teaching english to kindergarten kids for minimum wage did not appeal to me.

GlobalBaller - forget that clown. Some people cannot handle the truth. lol

Lika - say it again bro. I don't do hip hop chicks.

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Quote: (12-12-2010 02:30 PM)Global Baller Wrote:  

Quote: (12-12-2010 05:50 AM)Whoremonger Wrote:  

Simple fact for you bro. Over the last 10 years, the African population has
doubled in Sweden. There is a very large African population that lives there and its one that is growing. Compared to the 80's where there were less than 10 000 there, there are well over 100 000 Africans living in Sweden now, with many more that travel and study there because of family and bursaries. Sweden invests heavily in Africa.

The novelty factor wore off and you are not as exotic as you used to be. You are not some rare, precious little snowflake. You need to have more going for you than just your black ass. Its still a good place for your black ass to go on the hunt though and your race will work in your favour, but its not the paradise it used to be.

Your ignorant, racist-based dribble annoys the hell outta me. You don't know jackshit about Sverige, or anywhere in Scandinavia. As I stated previously, I was in Sweden when you were in diapers -- simple fact, dippo. I stand by everything I've written about Sweden.

Furthermore, none of the brothas who frequent this forum pay any mind to your ish. They PM me for the facts.

What racist, ignorant drivel? Mate, I mean this in the nicest way possible when I say FUCK YOU. Nothing I have said has been racist and nothing I haver said has disparaged anyone of colour! You are clutching at straws here and you throw around insults in an effort to discredit what was a statement of fact. African population in Sweden is up 100 000 since the late 80's. Its not what it used to be! HOW IS THAT RACIST?

You are the the perfect example of a black man with a chip on his shoulder though and you are the type of poster I am talking about when I make those comments. The fact that you find that offensive and racist has me utterly gobsmacked.

On the contrary, I took offense to people labelling the whole of russia a neo nazi 3rd world shit pit when they had not even been there, and its anything but the truth, but that was ok?

Of course the local Somalians are not going to have the kind of success you do. Most are dirt poor and battling to get by, either being immigrants or first generation swedes. Most come from a culture that would be alien to most Swedes. You are in a position to fly half way across the world for a bit of fun and you come from a western culture. Yes, its a happy hunting ground, but like any place, it does change over time and its not what it was 15-20 years ago. That does not mean its a barren wasteland!

Think about that rationally you absolute clown and fuck off with your cries of racism. You are way to quick to dish that out, although maybe it comes easily if its a hang up for you. Get over yourself bro, the world does not hate you as much as you think it does.


Quote: (12-12-2010 01:24 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Whoremonger - I am tired of you but I will state one thing. Not all blacks are African, I am Canadian (black) born in the UK.

I know Africans get a hard time in most European countries, I don't bro!

Absolute crap. Some of my mates who are black, and none of them are from the USA or UK I might add, have had zero issues in Europe. That has not made most of Europe anymore difficult for them to travel to. They may pick up the odd problem here or there, but I have only ever been in one fight where we were jumped in Italy of all places, and I dont believe it was because they were black, we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. There have been times we were denied entry into clubs, particularly in Poland and Hungary, and that was because we never passed their face control. Its about the only thing that comes to mind that was blatant. Its been through all stages of our lives. From backpacking holidays during university breaks or through our twenties as had a bit more money in our pockets, it always becomes easier as we get older.

It comes down to money most of the time. A well dressed, educated man that does not look or act as if he came from some rural village is going to do well in Europe regardless of his color. The women are friendly and they have few hang ups.



Thanks for that great post with all the juicy info about Russia and the culture and the women!

Hey, so maybe the Ukraine is like the "new Russia" (meaning, Russia in the "glory days" that you described 10-15 years ago). And maybe there is or will be a "new Sweden," (such as Norway or Finland or Estonia?) that's similar to how Sweden was for black guys 15-20 years ago?


Dude, dont get me wrong, Sweden is awesome for any black dude to travel to. Hell, Norway and Finland are just as worthwhile. When I say its not what it used to be, its just that its not a case of get off the plane and practically get blown as you are going through customs. Just like westerner novelty value has worn off in Russia, black man novelty in Sweden is not what it used to be.

Should you still clean up? Yes, if you have your shit together and you are fun to hang with you are going to clock up a few hummers thats for sure.

The Ukraine is where Russia was before for a few reasons. Its poorer and the women there have few choices. Its also wall to wall quality ass which makes it a ridiculous place to go hunting, so you have so many options. They dont see as many westerners there either, as few go there for business and very few go there for holiday. Its isolated really, and for that reason its a happy hunting ground. I think the same would apply to Moldova or Belarus, the former of which I have not been to and the latter of which I only passed through. In Russia these days there are very large expat communities, just like in Sweden where Africans have been migrating over the last 15 years. I think if you could speak enough Russian to get by, and you had a month or two, going to the smaller cities and towns in the Ukraine would result in your nuts running dry for years.

Estonia is a place I have not spent much time in, but it is a popular destinantion for the English, Germans and Finns. Common sense to me says that its tapped out, and you will see better results if you went to the smaller towns in Estonia. Tourism in Tallinn is big, so while you may come right from time to time, you are probably pushing shit up hill


Cool, thanks for the clarification on Russia/Ukraine, and Scandinavia, too. Ukraine sounds very good, and oldnemesis has pointed out that Americans don't need a visa to go there, unlike Russia.

With all this talk about black guys doing well in Sweden, I am wondering if white guys from U.S. can do well there, too? I do cross-country skiing, and always thought it would be a good trip to do it in Norway, Sweden, and Finland, where it is popular.

But come to think of it, they do it in Estonia and Russia, too...


Whoremonger - what I meant by Africans getting a hard time is from the perspective of women. Go on any Euro dating site and you will see many looking for women, even in Sweden.
Racism (neo-nazi's) does exist in Russia, they are strong in Poland and I have seem them marching in Prague. Italy hates immigrants and recently there was fighting between African migrant workers and the locals. One Italian town wanted to have a special transit bus for immigrants. France has many "problems" regarding immigrants, Sarzkozy banning the burqa and recently a pregnant African women was dragged on the streets of Paris holding her small child. Hungary also has a neo-nazi group but they do not seem that strong yet, I have spent time in Budapest and debated living there.

If Russia is not a "3rd world shithole" as you say. Why do so many of them want to leave the country? Why do so many of there women work in the sex trade overseas? Dubai, Turkey, Israel to name a few - heck we even have them in Toronto.

I do agree with you about Estonia, played out by the Brit stag parties.

Chaz - don't think about it, just do it. Norway is a very nice country which is not mentioned much on this board.

Our New Blog:


Everyone needs a visa for Russia and its a pain in the ass. So much drama.

Not sure about white Americans in Sweden. A lot of people these days are saying that there is a lot of anti US sentiment and it can make things a little tougher. At the same time, negative stereotypical views can also work in your favour too if you play it right.

There are some advantages travel always offers us though. Gives us an excuse to open for one, and it never seems forced. I dont care where you come from, if its foreign it will be of interest to most people. They like to ask about it or tell you what they think about it. Helps you build rapport quickly. You may only be a novelty conquest to 1 in 20, but 1 in 20 is better than nothing.


The visa for Belarus is actually quite painless! From memory I think it only took 12 days and I did it in Australia at a cost of about 150 bucks. If I can remember right, I needed to show what date I arrived and when I was leaving, and that was it. Not quite sure, but I dont even think I needed hotel reservations. I only spent one full day in Minsk and then I left.

Will say one thing, chicks were hot. Although you are slap bang in the middle of the ass producing factory that is Eastern Europe. I expected a shithole to be honest and after seeing it have always wanted to go back and spend or a week or two there. I did not get laid in Belarus though and did not really try either due to the 1 day I had there.


Quote: (12-12-2010 09:59 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Whoremonger - what I meant by Africans getting a hard time is from the perspective of women. Go on any Euro dating site and you will see many looking for women, even in Sweden.
Racism (neo-nazi's) does exist in Russia, they are strong in Poland and I have seem them marching in Prague. Italy hates immigrants and recently there was fighting between African migrant workers and the locals. One Italian town wanted to have a special transit bus for immigrants. France has many "problems" regarding immigrants, Sarzkozy banning the burqa and recently a pregnant African women was dragged on the streets of Paris holding her small child. Hungary also has a neo-nazi group but they do not seem that strong yet, I have spent time in Budapest and debated living there.

If Russia is not a "3rd world shithole" as you say. Why do so many of them want to leave the country? Why do so many of there women work in the sex trade overseas? Dubai, Turkey, Israel to name a few - heck we even have them in Toronto.

I do agree with you about Estonia, played out by the Brit stag parties.

Chaz - don't think about it, just do it. Norway is a very nice country which is not mentioned much on this board.

Dude, im not for a minute suggesting that there is not a problem with skinheads. Fuck, Russian thugs are a different breed altogether. What I am saying is that it is unfair to paint the whole of Russia as a racist backwater white enclave when its anything but that. Frikken hell, its so big it has 18 damn timezones and there are so many ethnicities throughout it, many which have lived there for centuries.

The Nazi's invaded Russia and over 20 million of the poor bastards died because of it. Pro Hitler nazi's are hated by the local Russians. They are not all "Nazi's" though, they are nationalists. They are pro Russia and pro Russians. They are becoming violent too because they feel they are under threat. Just like Americans tire of the endless wave of Mexican illegal immigrants, so to do Russians with the Georgians and Khazaks. Its the same shit everywhere dude!

There is a rising wave of racism growing in Europe and Russia and that is because of immigrants. Muslim and African refugees in particular. This shit is growing in Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, France. People there feel their life and culture is under assault and their welfare systems are being abused. Fuck, this weekend there was a terrorist attack in Sweden. Its all over the place and it will continue to grow. Its hard to blame them either in many cases.

Again, its not neo nazism and its ignorant to suggest that it is. Its violent nationalism, but that does not make it Nazi!

Russia was in the doldrums 15 years ago. There is a lot of poverty there, but there is also a lot of money there. Its expensive, work is tough to come by, the weather is shit and its corrupt. Another reason why so many women leave is because the men tend to be hard on them. They drink a lot, fuck around, often they are unemployed. There is a shortage of men there and many will never marry.

That is why so many leave, and many from the poorer parts are going to turn to the sex industry.

3rd world is Africa. Its India. Russia is not a 3rd world country by an stretch of the imagination, its just a shitpit with a lot of social problems. Big difference.

As for the sex workers?

1 - Russians and Eastern Europeans are fucking hot. They know they can clean up. Go into any strip club and they are often the hottest there

2 - They have different attitudes to sex. Hence why people see them as materialistic. They know their pussy has a market value

3 - Compare the average russian to the average fat whale we have to deal with.


Quote: (12-12-2010 08:51 PM)Whoremonger Wrote:  

Estonia is a place I have not spent much time in, but it is a popular destinantion for the English, Germans and Finns. Common sense to me says that its tapped out, and you will see better results if you went to the smaller towns in Estonia. Tourism in Tallinn is big, so while you may come right from time to time, you are probably pushing shit up hill

I agree. Unless you speak Russian or Estonian though going to smaller towns is an uphill battle due to language. Tartu my be the only option, as it's a college town.

Quote: (12-12-2010 09:59 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Chaz - don't think about it, just do it. Norway is a very nice country which is not mentioned much on this board.

A good friend of mine goes to Norway occasionally for business. He does ok with the women there. The only complaints he had were the shitty winters and $12 beers.

@Whoremonger- Thanks for the info. I'm not saying I wouldn't go to Russia. I swooped a Russian exchange student back in the day. She kept a crush for a few years after. Last I heard she was an esteemed doctor over there. I considered getting back in contact for a visit. Knowing someone there and in high social circles may very well make it worth it.


Quote: (12-12-2010 01:24 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

I had 9's and one 10 stare me down hard. I don't dress like a rapper, I don't wear a gold chain and I do not talk ebonics. I dress in designer, understated not over the top.
I did witness African guys there but they seemed to be having a harder time of it, one girl told me that they all try to pretend they are Afro-American. One dude was walking with his girl and she completely turned around to smile at me.
I am not saying I am all that, but I am saying for certain black men Sweden is paradise.

Nobody even said, that black guys don't get women in Sweden. A good looking, well dressed man get stares everywhere. What was the real difference in Sweden, the treatment you receive? Swedish people are one of the most friendly. Image, even certain white guys can get laid every day with a different woman in Sweden, it's not always about race. I think if a man lacks certain qualities his race can help, but a man with look and quality don't need his race to get laid.


@Ali, you would be surprised to find out how easy it is to make friends there. Like I say, the Russians have a reputation for being cold, but once they warm up to you they are incredibly hospitable. It has its share of scammers and thugs too, so one needs to be careful and not too trusting either. I have traveled a great deal in my life, but Russian hospitality in all its simplicity is some of the best and most genuine I have ever experienced. Show a genuine interest in the people and their culture and they open up a hell of a lot.

For a first trip, I would be going with a friend or two. Its a tough gig on your own. I would also make a point of avoiding the expat haunts and trying to fuck everything that moves, which is not easy when you are surrounded by wall to wall 8's and 9's. The easy lays come once you have some sort of social circle there and the people know you are not some sex tourist. A lot of single men who travel there are viewed as such. You may not pay for sex or even have a desire to, but paid sex is ingrained in the culture and they think you do it by default as would be typical of their customs.


Terrorism in Stockholm, hope you are not an Iraqi


Quote: (12-13-2010 08:48 AM)VillaD_Rock Wrote:  

Terrorism in Stockholm, hope you are not an Iraqi

Another false flag to propel hatred against Muslims in Europe.


Quote: (12-13-2010 08:55 AM)Badstuber Wrote:  

Quote: (12-13-2010 08:48 AM)VillaD_Rock Wrote:  

Terrorism in Stockholm, hope you are not an Iraqi

Another false flag to propel hatred against Muslims in Europe.

Unfortunately, it works every time.


I live in Holland and can say that the immigration situation has certainly hurt the black and brown guys game. One Afro-American guy I know was constantly being rejected until the women realised that he was American and not some broke Asylum seeker or Antillian. The Antillians from a former Dutch colony have a bad reputation for gang rape and drug dealing so much so that the parliment here has had debates about what to do with this group. It is not racist but merely a fact that things change and the days of getting laid for just being black are mostly over in many places in Europe. There will however always be a niche market for women that prefer black men but these niche groups exist for every typw of mean.....even fat ones.


Quote: (12-13-2010 09:36 AM)Nederlander Wrote:  

I live in Holland and can say that the immigration situation has certainly hurt the black and brown guys game. One Afro-American guy I know was constantly being rejected until the women realised that he was American and not some broke Asylum seeker or Antillian. The Antillians from a former Dutch colony have a bad reputation for gang rape and drug dealing so much so that the parliment here has had debates about what to do with this group. It is not racist but merely a fact that things change and the days of getting laid for just being black are mostly over in many places in Europe. There will however always be a niche market for women that prefer black men but these niche groups exist for every typw of mean.....even fat ones.

I live there too. I don't think Mediterranean or Latino looking guys will do well there. Many people would mistake them for being Moroccan. Not 1 white Dutch girl dates Moroccans, I'm almost sure.


That is why it is not racist just good advice to tell the black or brown dudes coming to many places in Europe that it is not going to be a sexual paradise for you because of skin tone alone. If you happen to be black or brown and have tight game you will obviously do better but the immigration "problem" here in Europe has caused many women to simply close their minds to dating darker men. At least our Dutch women are polite and open to possibly dating a sophisticated darker man but the Polish girls that live here are straight out racist and even brag about it!


Quote: (12-13-2010 09:57 AM)Nederlander Wrote:  

That is why it is not racist just good advice to tell the black or brown dudes coming to many places in Europe that it is not going to be a sexual paradise for you because of skin tone alone. If you happen to be black or brown and have tight game you will obviously do better but the immigration "problem" here in Europe has caused many women to simply close their minds to dating darker men. At least our Dutch women are polite and open to possibly dating a sophisticated darker man but the Polish girls that live here are straight out racist and even brag about it!

I think blacks do better than brown people here, since blacks aren't associated with the very negative view of Muslims in EUrope.

Anyways, aren't we going a bit off topic, lol.


Quote: (12-13-2010 09:50 AM)Badstuber Wrote:  

Quote: (12-13-2010 09:36 AM)Nederlander Wrote:  

I live in Holland and can say that the immigration situation has certainly hurt the black and brown guys game. One Afro-American guy I know was constantly being rejected until the women realised that he was American and not some broke Asylum seeker or Antillian. The Antillians from a former Dutch colony have a bad reputation for gang rape and drug dealing so much so that the parliment here has had debates about what to do with this group. It is not racist but merely a fact that things change and the days of getting laid for just being black are mostly over in many places in Europe. There will however always be a niche market for women that prefer black men but these niche groups exist for every typw of mean.....even fat ones.

I live there too. I don't think Mediterranean or Latino looking guys will do well there. Many people would mistake them for being Moroccan. Not 1 white Dutch girl dates Moroccans, I'm almost sure.

I agree, I live in a university town that seems to be 60% young women between the ages of 18-25 and I rarely see a Dutch girl with a brown guy. The university girls are into very tight social circles that seem to be only penetrated by university guys. Foreign students may do well if they speak English well and present themselves as "normal" guys. The hip hop culture has been embraced by the Moroccans, Turks, Antillians heavily so any black guy coming here to score will have to take the smooth Will Smith type approach to get any quality women here.
Trust me, you do not want the white hip hop whores here!!


Quote: (12-13-2010 06:09 AM)VillaD_Rock Wrote:  

Quote: (12-12-2010 01:24 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

I had 9's and one 10 stare me down hard. I don't dress like a rapper, I don't wear a gold chain and I do not talk ebonics. I dress in designer, understated not over the top.
I did witness African guys there but they seemed to be having a harder time of it, one girl told me that they all try to pretend they are Afro-American. One dude was walking with his girl and she completely turned around to smile at me.
I am not saying I am all that, but I am saying for certain black men Sweden is paradise.

Nobody even said, that black guys don't get women in Sweden. A good looking, well dressed man get stares everywhere. What was the real difference in Sweden, the treatment you receive? Swedish people are one of the most friendly. Image, even certain white guys can get laid every day with a different woman in Sweden, it's not always about race. I think if a man lacks certain qualities his race can help, but a man with look and quality don't need his race to get laid.

A certain person said the only girls black men get in Sweden are the one's that are into hip-hop. Get your facts straight!

The difference was the treatment, much love even from the men. I went to a spot and pretty much locked it down (G Manifesto style). I went up to the DJ to introduce myself and to tell him I liked what he was playing. Dude had a smile like a child given candy, game me his number and some invite to a private party he was playing at.

I was even chatting to one girl with her man nervously looking on beside her. I asked her is that your man, her response "I have known him since high school". She carried on the conversation but I was dragged away by my mate. The next night I see her and her girlfriend at the club without the boyfriend.

I would not say EVERY guy black or white can get girls that easily in Sweden, there were enough losers on the plane home complaining about the girl "yeah they are pretty but full of themselves".

For me it is a special place and you will NEVER hear me say that ALL girls in X place are about black guys etc. Heck i have a mate who went to stay with a girl in Poland and did not get laid.

Our New Blog:


Yeah, I guess we are off topic but I have been a lurker on this forum for a long time and see many posts degenerate into "black man cleaning house" threads. I think it is fair and honest to give accurate reprots of this phenomenon instead of sending guys off to the other side of the planet to be disappointed. I thought we were here to help eachother and give advice. I would certainly appreciate someone telling me that I may or may not do well in a place simply because of my colour. It is a harsh reality I have to face.


Quote: (12-13-2010 10:07 AM)Nederlander Wrote:  

Yeah, I guess we are off topic but I have been a lurker on this forum for a long time and see many posts degenerate into "black man cleaning house" threads. I think it is fair and honest to give accurate reprots of this phenomenon instead of sending guys off to the other side of the planet to be disappointed. I thought we were here to help eachother and give advice. I would certainly appreciate someone telling me that I may or may not do well in a place simply because of my colour. It is a harsh reality I have to face.

I agree.


Quote: (12-11-2010 07:06 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Agreed. Chillout fellas.

So, back on topic.


Thank you Rocco for hosting me in DC. Got my flag Just in time to celebrate my 1,000th post on this forum!

Anytime bro! Hope you had a good time here. Next time we need to get a couple solid days going!


Man I think we can surmise that there are going to be a certain number of guys that feel that a guy will have to pay for pussy or must only bang slutty hip hop heads to get pussy, only because he is black.

At the same time, there are those "brothas" on here who have the attitude that they are gods gift to a girl from a place like Sweden and all women want to fuck them just because they are black. They are very rude and aggressive about it, so no wonder they are gonna catch resistance...neither side will learn I guess.

During the first 2-3 racial discussions I tried to interact and post some open views on stuff, but you just get mud slung at you for no reason. Carry on gents what a great thread.

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