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Mixx pulling a Deb?

Mixx pulling a Deb?

I hate adding to forum drama since it's not productive and a waste of our time, but I think I caught Mixx pulling a Deb.

In this thread he admits to knowing nothing about Texas before going to Dallas and never mentioned going to Austin.

Then over on NN he says this in Van of Victory's thread about Austin...

"There is only ONE HOTEL I would ever recommend in any major city, especially Austin. The W Hotel. This hotel chain is a fucking hot chic magnet!!! They can put a W hotel in the middle of the Northern African Dessert and hot chics will show up on Tuesday night! Just hang out by the bar, shoot some pool, game girls, and then go to W6th and see what is jumping. However, as a baseline, here are some clubs to check out as well.

** if you stay at the W hotel - you will meet a ton of hot chics there alone!! You can chat them up and ask where they plan on going and join in, or have them join you.

Also, for coffee shop game, checkout this place:

Cozy couches, and cute friendly chics streaming by all day!!

Ok, the last time I was in Austin, I took a girl back to my hotel from this place:

Great rooftop lounge very laid back, and easy to start conversations with girls:

These should be enough to get you off the ground and flying."

He hasn't been to Austin before his Dallas trip and I don't think he's been to Austin from the time he posted about visiting Dallas and now... and by what he said "the last time I was in Austin," he implies he's been here more than once.

I'm calling Deb on him.

Mixx pulling a Deb?

It is what it is. Personally, I don't remember every place I've been to the last 8 years of my life and I haven't travelled a quarter of most of our guys on the forum have. Could be a simple mistake. Either way he's not putting money in your pocket or pussy on your table. I know we created this brotherhood and want to believe all of our brothers in arms but in the end you can't base going to a city strickly on the datasheet. Regardless of what we want to think, it is still the internet. What sucks is Mixx is the big homie of the group.

I hope some of our non travelling players dont put too much stock into the datasheets. All you can do is travel and drop credible sheets of your experiences yourself. Just because Mixx cleaned up or struck out in a city isn't the reason you shouldn't go your self. Just because DC is a cockfest doesn't mean you can't catch pussy out there. Just because Toronto seems to get alot of hate doesn't mean you won't knock a few Canadian bops out the park. Just because Miami is for the ballers and you have to dress GQ and have boat game doesn't mean you can't catch a FOB Cubana in the hood.

Side note... I still want to go to North Dakota because of his sheet he dropped haha. I know what its like to be eyefucked everywhere I've gone because of the exotic factor.

The cycle of disrespect can start with just an appetizer.

Mixx pulling a Deb?

What probably IS accurate is the kind of crowd the W draws. Rande Gerber (Cindy Crawford's husband) is one of the owners of the W, and they are all great places to meet fine honeys. You would hope and prefer that guys actually have been to the places they're recommending, as you can get this kind of info about the W just by reading media about nightlife in any given city where they have hotels.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Mixx pulling a Deb?

i just looked that hotel up. If your spending 300+ dollars a night on a hotel room to attract girls your doing it wrong. Thats the price of flying to another country. Beyond that, for one lay when you factor in your additional costs like drinks which im sure are insanely over priced, food etc your easily running yourself 500+ bucks with no guarantees. It might be good to stay there if you are trying to get a girlfriend whose a high end hottie. But personally I could not rationalize that spending on a hotel room when I know I can go down south for that much. The 300+ a night hotel rooms are 3-400 square feet. For 1500 bucks a night you can get a whopping 1500 square foot room. I guess if you've got more money than you can spend it makes sense.

Mixx pulling a Deb?

You don't want to STAY at the W Hotel, but you might want to hang at their bar/lounge, which are usually stocked with quality women and great atmosphere.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Mixx pulling a Deb?

Also on NN, in the Where to party in Houston thread, Mixx recommends Austin and says he "experienced" Houston... and it's a shithole. So a guy like him who shouts out his itineraries months in advance hit up Houston once and Austin 2+ times sometime between February when he left this forum and July when he joined NN. Nah, doesn't add up.

TexasMade, I'd think he would remember Austin and Houston since if he traveled to them it would've been in the last 9 months. The problem people have with remembering things and not giving out personalized specifics usually has to do with the things they're lying about. If someone wanted to dig deeper, they should go over to NN and call him out Austin and Houston. Seems his recollections are Dash-like googlish and not in line with the specifics he posts about for places he has been to.

His big mistake was saying "the last time I was in Austin...," like he's been here a lot. He's not the type to visit a 2nd tier US city 2+ times in 5 months, especially not Austin during the summer when most UT girls are gone. He also can't say he was misunderstood and was just giving info he looked up because he said pulled a girl in Austin.

Most of us already knew he exaggerates, but now it looks like he straight up lies about going to places and hooking up ala Deb.

Mixx pulling a Deb?

Quote: (12-08-2012 11:44 PM)Big Nilla Wrote:  

I hate adding to forum drama since it's not productive and a waste of our time, but I think I caught Mixx pulling a Deb.

In this thread he admits to knowing nothing about Texas before going to Dallas and never mentioned going to Austin.

That thread is a year old. Maybe he went to Austin in 2012?

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Mixx pulling a Deb?

Mixx again?

Christ guys, that dude was always the biggest bullshit artist on the planet. Most of what he said was absolute horseshit and the guy is an egotistical maniac, hence why he left here in the first place for such petty reasons.

He decided to move on, leave it be. The way some of you stalk and idolize this internet warrior went beyond ridiculous ages ago.

Mixx pulling a Deb?

Quote: (12-08-2012 11:44 PM)Big Nilla Wrote:  

I hate adding to forum drama since it's not productive and a waste of our time, but I think I caught Mixx pulling a Deb.

In this thread he admits to knowing nothing about Texas before going to Dallas and never mentioned going to Austin.

Then over on NN he says this in Van of Victory's thread about Austin...

"There is only ONE HOTEL I would ever recommend in any major city, especially Austin. The W Hotel. This hotel chain is a fucking hot chic magnet!!! They can put a W hotel in the middle of the Northern African Dessert and hot chics will show up on Tuesday night! Just hang out by the bar, shoot some pool, game girls, and then go to W6th and see what is jumping. However, as a baseline, here are some clubs to check out as well.

** if you stay at the W hotel - you will meet a ton of hot chics there alone!! You can chat them up and ask where they plan on going and join in, or have them join you.

Also, for coffee shop game, checkout this place:

Cozy couches, and cute friendly chics streaming by all day!!

Ok, the last time I was in Austin, I took a girl back to my hotel from this place:

Great rooftop lounge very laid back, and easy to start conversations with girls:

These should be enough to get you off the ground and flying."

He hasn't been to Austin before his Dallas trip and I don't think he's been to Austin from the time he posted about visiting Dallas and now... and by what he said "the last time I was in Austin," he implies he's been here more than once.

I'm calling Deb on him.

Definitely doesn't look good.

Austin is a 3 hour drive from Dallas, so it is doubtful he drove to Austin when he was in Dallas last time since I don't think he had a car.

Also, he never mentioned going to Austin when he was on the forum.


Mixx pulling a Deb?

Quote: (12-09-2012 02:55 AM)Big Nilla Wrote:  

Also on NN, in the Where to party in Houston thread, Mixx recommends Austin and says he "experienced" Houston... and it's a shithole. So a guy like him who shouts out his itineraries months in advance hit up Houston once and Austin 2+ times sometime between February when he left this forum and July when he joined NN. Nah, doesn't add up.

TexasMade, I'd think he would remember Austin and Houston since if he traveled to them it would've been in the last 9 months. The problem people have with remembering things and not giving out personalized specifics usually has to do with the things they're lying about. If someone wanted to dig deeper, they should go over to NN and call him out Austin and Houston. Seems his recollections are Dash-like googlish and not in line with the specifics he posts about for places he has been to.

His big mistake was saying "the last time I was in Austin...," like he's been here a lot. He's not the type to visit a 2nd tier US city 2+ times in 5 months, especially not Austin during the summer when most UT girls are gone. He also can't say he was misunderstood and was just giving info he looked up because he said pulled a girl in Austin.

Most of us already knew he exaggerates, but now it looks like he straight up lies about going to places and hooking up ala Deb.

You bring up good points. Houston is about a 2 1/2 hour drive from Austin, so he couldn't have visited both at the same time since he wouldn't have had a car.

My guess is he made up these stories so that he wouldn't be out done by Van of Victory's data sheet on Austin.

Mixx pulling a Deb?

Mixx was idolized here and had lots of fans. He left for a forum where he's getting actively trolled and has to resort to yelling matches. He's not getting e-props there like he was here. Shame how things work out.

Mixx pulling a Deb?

Quote: (12-08-2012 11:44 PM)Big Nilla Wrote:  

I hate adding to forum drama since it's not productive and a waste of our time, but...


Mixx pulling a Deb?

Quote: (12-09-2012 09:15 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Mixx was idolized here and had lots of fans. He left for a forum where he's getting actively trolled and has to resort to yelling matches. He's not getting e-props there like he was here. Shame how things work out.

That e-prop issue was what led to the infamous stink. I have a measly 2 props and I could care less if I had 100. Threads should be rated more and props eliminated. Much like reddit where threads are voted for popularity and bumped in status upwards if they are valid for the moment of time. Far to often props were given IMHO for simple little comments and not based on actual hard data. For example, my thread on doha qatar. I got no props, but my insight and knowledge shared will help anybody who is considering venturing out here. There are many others who contribute and don't expect e-props. Point is does the data help the members? E props or none, a service is given.

This is still the best forum. NN forum is growing and if I need information on colombia, mixx holds the PhD. this thread calling him out is a bit unfair as I feel he is too proud to come back on here and respond to these accusations.

Mixx pulling a Deb?

Hooligan, don't put me in that stalking idolizing category. Anytime someone mentions Austin, my ears perk up because I live here... and I know he never mentioned coming here (and no way he visited twice in a 5 month window this year). I also posted it to crush the hearts of his "stalker idolizing" fanboys here.

Someone pm’ed me his blatant lying about having a toy poodle and using it to bang girls...

In the “I’m convinced 99% of women are retards” thread at NN he says he has a toy poodle and the picture in his NN moniker is the actual dog.

"In this case, Pics of my Toy Poodle. The pic you above my monicker is actually him.”

The pic in Mixx's "monicker[sic]" is a well-known internet meme, Hipster Dog:

So is there a reasonable explanation for this? Perhaps Mixx's toy poodle is the one and only Hipster Dog?


Hipster Dog is clearly a Bichon Frise, NOT a Toy Poodle. He would know that if it were his dog.

Tomtud, about this thread being unfair, I don't know about that. But if it is, life is unfair and while Mixx was here he surely acted unfair. Unfair would be me pointing out that if Mixx is the ultimate Colombian player, why does he admit to still resorting to banging internet girls with kids there... and since he 1 and dones them with no remorse, why not some picture proof on the quality since he claims high standards. Like the Godfather, we're settling family business and cleaning up all the shit (lies) he left here.

If someone cares about this enough, they can go to NN, call him out, and allow him to dig deeper with more lies or he goes the route other liars go and stops talking about it ala his 13 women raped him in North Dakota story.

Mixx pulling a Deb?

Why is fabricating your conquests called "pulling a Deb"?

Mixx pulling a Deb?

Quote: (12-09-2012 12:57 PM)Big Nilla Wrote:  

Hooligan, don't put me in that stalking idolizing category. Anytime someone mentions Austin, my ears perk up because I live here... and I know he never mentioned coming here (and no way he visited twice in a 5 month window this year). I also posted it to crush the hearts of his "stalker idolizing" fanboys here.

Someone pm’ed me his blatant lying about having a toy poodle and using it to bang girls...

In the “I’m convinced 99% of women are retards” thread at NN he says he has a toy poodle and the picture in his NN moniker is the actual dog.

"In this case, Pics of my Toy Poodle. The pic you above my monicker is actually him.”

The pic in Mixx's "monicker[sic]" is a well-known internet meme, Hipster Dog:

So is there a reasonable explanation for this? Perhaps Mixx's toy poodle is the one and only Hipster Dog?


Hipster Dog is clearly a Bichon Frise, NOT a Toy Poodle. He would know that if it were his dog.

Tomtud, about this thread being unfair, I don't know about that. But if it is, life is unfair and while Mixx was here he surely acted unfair. Unfair would be me pointing out that if Mixx is the ultimate Colombian player, why does he admit to still resorting to banging internet girls with kids there... and since he 1 and dones them with no remorse, why not some picture proof on the quality since he claims high standards. Like the Godfather, we're settling family business and cleaning up all the shit (lies) he left here.

If someone cares about this enough, they can go to NN, call him out, and allow him to dig deeper with more lies or he goes the route other liars go and stops talking about it ala his 13 women raped him in North Dakota story.

Poodles? What are we talking about Poodles!

Dude you need to find something more interesting to do with your time!

I don't care enough to call him out. I am not a fan boy but respected the info he gave personally.
Just like G Manifesto, he has written some great articles. It does not matter if he is real or not to me, I am trying to sort MY life out not worry about poodles in a guy's profile.

Our New Blog:

Mixx pulling a Deb?

Deb-auchery posted he went to moscow and banged a girl on this forum and then got caught on that lie from a post at NN. These liars can't keep track of their lies across 2 forums. So much for all the hot girls Deb bangs in the Ukraine after admitting he pretty much just banged a sub-par girl that he got pregnant.

You really need me to explain the poodle? Geez... it's not the poodle that matters, I'm talking about the ease your hero has at blatantly lying about a lot of things. He uses a dog he doesn't have to bang girls he didn't bang... in cities he's never been to. It's a pattern of lies. If you respect info from a chronic liar based on lies and his imagination, cool. He's not embellishing, he's lying. Big difference. BTW, some other guy pm'ed me that poodle info, not like I'm searching out every stupid thing on Mixx to prove he's a ficitional player with a Porsche that sits in his garage.

If anyone needs something more interesting to do with his time, it's Mixx. Weird how he spends 100's of hours posting online fiction about his conquests to get other online dudes to tell him how great he is. BTW, thanks for the time management advice, but I'm solid.

Mixx pulling a Deb?

I always liked the guy but even I think he jumped the shark with that story about being raped by a bunch of horny women in that hotel.

Mixx pulling a Deb?

Quote: (12-09-2012 02:44 PM)Big Nilla Wrote:  

Deb-auchery posted he went to moscow and banged a girl on this forum and then got caught on that lie from a post at NN. These liars can't keep track of their lies across 2 forums. So much for all the hot girls Deb bangs in the Ukraine after admitting he pretty much just banged a sub-par girl that he got pregnant.

You really need me to explain the poodle? Geez... it's not the poodle that matters, I'm talking about the ease your hero has at blatantly lying about a lot of things. He uses a dog he doesn't have to bang girls he didn't bang... in cities he's never been to. It's a pattern of lies. If you respect info from a chronic liar based on lies and his imagination, cool. He's not embellishing, he's lying. Big difference. BTW, some other guy pm'ed me that poodle info, not like I'm searching out every stupid thing on Mixx to prove he's a ficitional player with a Porsche that sits in his garage.

If anyone needs something more interesting to do with his time, it's Mixx. Weird how he spends 100's of hours posting online fiction about his conquests to get other online dudes to tell him how great he is. BTW, thanks for the time management advice, but I'm solid.

I did not read most of what you said about Poodles. My dad is my hero not Mixx, but you what to know why I give him props.
He called it like it is when it came to visiting places and gaming girls, even going so far as to email me places I should consider.
Yes leaving because of the rep thing was silly, maybe he took it too far and made it personal.
But why do you feel the need to call him out?
There are other guys on this forum right now I can tell need to be called out! Shoot there is another individual who has been a good contributor on this board and over something small decided no longer to post threads.

Our New Blog:

Mixx pulling a Deb?

If you want to say that Mixx was an 80 percent honest player and poster or 20 percent bullshitter, I would have no disagreement. But I know South America and New York like he does. Almost all he posted here was accurate and I dont know anyone who gave so much value to the forum as he did, other than Roosh himself.
The issues he had with the forum and Roosh are things I have no right to judge. Hope one day things get resolved.

Mixx pulling a Deb?

Quote: (12-09-2012 04:15 PM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

If you want to say that Mixx was an 80 percent honest player and poster or 20 percent bullshitter, I would have no disagreement. But I know South America and New York like he does. Almost all he posted here was accurate and I dont know anyone who gave so much value to the forum as he did, other than Roosh himself.
The issues he had with the forum and Roosh are things I have no right to judge. Hope one day things get resolved.

I agree. I have found a few inconsistencies in his posts. One was a minor inconsistency, but an inconsistency nonetheless. That being said, I have found his New York, Miami, and Colombia information to be very accurate. I also learned a great deal from him in areas other than travel. If he exaggerates or even flat-out lies once in a while, I believe the tremendous amount of value which he brings or brought more than makes up for it.

Mixx pulling a Deb?

Quote: (12-09-2012 03:52 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2012 02:44 PM)Big Nilla Wrote:  

Deb-auchery posted he went to moscow and banged a girl on this forum and then got caught on that lie from a post at NN. These liars can't keep track of their lies across 2 forums. So much for all the hot girls Deb bangs in the Ukraine after admitting he pretty much just banged a sub-par girl that he got pregnant.

You really need me to explain the poodle? Geez... it's not the poodle that matters, I'm talking about the ease your hero has at blatantly lying about a lot of things. He uses a dog he doesn't have to bang girls he didn't bang... in cities he's never been to. It's a pattern of lies. If you respect info from a chronic liar based on lies and his imagination, cool. He's not embellishing, he's lying. Big difference. BTW, some other guy pm'ed me that poodle info, not like I'm searching out every stupid thing on Mixx to prove he's a ficitional player with a Porsche that sits in his garage.

If anyone needs something more interesting to do with his time, it's Mixx. Weird how he spends 100's of hours posting online fiction about his conquests to get other online dudes to tell him how great he is. BTW, thanks for the time management advice, but I'm solid.

I did not read most of what you said about Poodles. My dad is my hero not Mixx, but you what to know why I give him props.
He called it like it is when it came to visiting places and gaming girls, even going so far as to email me places I should consider.
Yes leaving because of the rep thing was silly, maybe he took it too far and made it personal.
But why do you feel the need to call him out?
There are other guys on this forum right now I can tell need to be called out! Shoot there is another individual who has been a good contributor on this board and over something small decided no longer to post threads.

Maybe this is not getting through your [Image: womanhamster.gif] but the point was it was proven that Mixx blatantly lied about using a fictional dog he didn't own to "kill it" with women.

That raises the question of how much of his "game" advice and exploits were fiction as well.

Mixx pulling a Deb?

Quote: (12-09-2012 04:31 PM)the_conductor Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2012 03:52 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2012 02:44 PM)Big Nilla Wrote:  

Deb-auchery posted he went to moscow and banged a girl on this forum and then got caught on that lie from a post at NN. These liars can't keep track of their lies across 2 forums. So much for all the hot girls Deb bangs in the Ukraine after admitting he pretty much just banged a sub-par girl that he got pregnant.

You really need me to explain the poodle? Geez... it's not the poodle that matters, I'm talking about the ease your hero has at blatantly lying about a lot of things. He uses a dog he doesn't have to bang girls he didn't bang... in cities he's never been to. It's a pattern of lies. If you respect info from a chronic liar based on lies and his imagination, cool. He's not embellishing, he's lying. Big difference. BTW, some other guy pm'ed me that poodle info, not like I'm searching out every stupid thing on Mixx to prove he's a ficitional player with a Porsche that sits in his garage.

If anyone needs something more interesting to do with his time, it's Mixx. Weird how he spends 100's of hours posting online fiction about his conquests to get other online dudes to tell him how great he is. BTW, thanks for the time management advice, but I'm solid.

I did not read most of what you said about Poodles. My dad is my hero not Mixx, but you what to know why I give him props.
He called it like it is when it came to visiting places and gaming girls, even going so far as to email me places I should consider.
Yes leaving because of the rep thing was silly, maybe he took it too far and made it personal.
But why do you feel the need to call him out?
There are other guys on this forum right now I can tell need to be called out! Shoot there is another individual who has been a good contributor on this board and over something small decided no longer to post threads.

Maybe this is not getting through your [Image: womanhamster.gif] but the point was it was proven that Mixx blatantly lied about using a fictional dog he didn't own to "kill it" with women.

That raises the question of how much of his "game" advice and exploits were fiction as well.

As long as a man is 80 percent honest and a solid information giver, I am ok with him. If he bullshits or exagerates 20 percent of the time, I am all right with him. That is just my humble opinion.

Mixx pulling a Deb?

I've never met a man who doesn't lie

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Mixx pulling a Deb?

Quote: (12-09-2012 05:05 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

I've never met a man who doesn't lie

We should always try to tell the truth on here.

Otherwise, this forum will become a big circle jerk where everyone tries to tell the biggest whoppers they can get away with, and thus the usefulness of the info on the forum goes to the toilet.

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