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Article on Tim Ferriss

Article on Tim Ferriss

Yes the premise of the book is to start outsourcing without a core or base.

That is a recipie for disaster and a party mind set chasing dreams that are unattainable

Life is about drifting not "living in the present and being shackled". That's just cliche wording and phrasing thrown at us everyday to make the argument that we "should live in the moment".

The moment is not a moment but a step in a direction, this is why it's increasingly difficult to find strong role models in our society. You can see the absurdity when guys jump at a quick fix. Chasing a dream of a pussy paradise, the dream of $10M the dream of ... Something to fix their life. This is why Tim Ferris makes money.

He sells you an unattainable ideology that he knows you'll buy at the book store. This allows him to live his life.

If you want to play the game of life for keeps, you establish a base that is unbreakable so when you're 40+ you don't worry about making money any more.

Feel free to call me a hater, the reason why I reiterate my stance is look at the person's full life. To get you must give up. With that said I'll avoid posting on Tim

Article on Tim Ferriss

Quote: (12-06-2012 03:29 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

Tim ferris is a cunt.

He worked for 80+ hours for a decade then quit his job and then went abroad because... He already put the work in.

If you guys want to get rich and work 4 hour work weeks the solution is simple. Bust your ass, make huge sacrifices and you'll be worth ~$1M in the future.

All of his books ignore the tens of thousands of hours of work precluding his achievements. Work hard, go through immense pain, suffer suffer suffer and you'll get? The 4 hour work week for real.

If you don't put in the work before ascribing to his model you will struggle to obtain financial freedom. Instead you'll see long-term paltry results. Put the work in and when you finally are so burned out that you can afford to outsource you'll already have the 4-hr work week. Anyone can make $40-50K running online marketing globally. You want real freedom, ie: goodbye and watch cash hit your account. That's the 0 hour work week.

It took me exactly one month to achieve it and I've lived off it for close to 8 years now. There is no magic formula but it can be done.

I read the 4HWW after I'd done this so I can't give Tim the credit.

Article on Tim Ferriss

You want to be efficient? Think like a lazy person. The joke is the best programmers are lazy since they want to do it right once and never again. That is your goal for all these business systems.

I work from home and i have taken trips during the week since no one knows im out of town. My efficiency per an hour is very high with stellar performance reviews and tend to get off work by 4pm, this is after i sleep in around to 10-11am. I schedule half the meetings my colleagues do because i see them as time wasters. What meetings i do have, i keep it to 30 mins and do it by phone and have my own international call in meeting number. For shit work, I find a way to automate it through cleaver programming, get the client to do it, or pass it to a new joiner. I ended up with all these because i have a ultra strong desire to not do one second more work than is required because i get pissed at wasted time that im not wasting.

Tim's advices is not necessarily bad. But Tim Ferris rubs me the wrong way because he:

1) Sells people a dream to people who many can't follow through on it due to lack of competencies and personality needed to do it correctly.

My friend swears by the book, but he cares too much about looking busy to his boss to delegate right and ends up being obsessive about automation to the point he would spend more time trying to automate something than to just do it. His email system took more time to sort emails than to just skim them when they enter and drop into a folder.

2) Doesn't follow his own advice about working 4 hours a week

As been stated earlier, he doesn't work 4 hours. He's a hypocrite in that he's successful for NOT practicing what he preaches.

3) Comes across as an arrogant cunt and teaches others to pick up that condescending attitude when discussing topics in the book.

Seriously, he talks like he's the authority on topics when many times they're debatable. People who read the book then pick up the arrogant attitude also; just check the tone of this thread. My friend after reading the 4H body was talking like there is all sorts of scientific proof about how bad it was that I didn't pay attention to my carb in-take since carbs lead to weight gain. I'm like "can you explain to me why asia with over 2 billion people is mostly full of skinny people who eat rice?". "Uh, well this diet works for me, i cant say about others".

Article on Tim Ferriss

It always irks me a bit how everyone who criticizes Tim Ferris tends to jump on the title of his book and holler about him working more than 4 hours a week.

If you read the book, he explicitly states:

1) That the book was named on the basis of split testing and for no other reason - he originally wanted to name it "Drug Dealing for Fun and Profit." He bluntly confesses the title is nothing but a marketing decision and not to be taken literally.

2) It's never been about working 4 hours a week, and he never implies any different. He explicitly states that it's about freeing up your time and making enough income to focus your efforts on what you really want to be doing, which in most people's cases will include still working but on projects they want to be working on, which is what Ferris does now.

3) That it takes a ton of work in the beginning to create any type of passive income in the future.

4) That even once you've freed up your time and location, you'll most likely want something more than lying around a beach drinking mai tais all day. He acknowledges that you'd go crazy living like that for a long period of time and would eventually choose something more fulfilling and productive. You would work on something - but at least you'd have a choice.

On top of all that, consider that if Tim Ferris wanted to stop working now he probably could. He hasn't because he enjoys what he does - and who can blame him given he's one of the few in our society who is always doing exactly what he wants to be doing? Given the path he's chosen, he also likely chooses to keep working because, now that income is not a concern, he has other goals in mind. He wants to give something back, and he wants to be extremely famous.

Once again, in the book, he specifically talks about how having fame or giving back are things you can worry about once you've achieved your goal of not having to work for a living. That's where he is right now, so that's what he works hard to achieve.

So I'd argue that all of his behavior and actions closely follow the ideas set forth from the very beginning. If you just go back and read it again to review, you can see all this for yourself.

To go further I don't think many Tim Ferris enthusiasts would say their idea of the dream is an actual 4-hour work week if you ask them them why they eat up this guy's stuff - maybe some would but those are just the most naive and ignorant. It's about hacking processes to get the best results possible out of less effort while building a lifestyle that allows you to live on your own terms. It's about believing anything is possible through applied effort and actually following through on that belief.

Seeing as how that's what this forum is really about, I'm not sure why he gets so much grief here.

And I agree with Roosh on his marketing prowess - easily one of the best marketers of this century so far. Yet another reason to study what he does.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Article on Tim Ferriss

Quote: (12-06-2012 07:45 AM)reaper23 Wrote:  

scoff as you may at tim ferris but you're just hating. pure jealously.

You sound like a third grader. "You're just jealous" is not a valid argument. It's basically the same kind of tactic that feminists use to discredit things like this forum; making someone's motives the issue instead of actually focusing on what's being said.

Article on Tim Ferriss

Quote: (12-06-2012 11:22 PM)cibo Wrote:  

My friend swears by the book, but he cares too much about looking busy to his boss to delegate right and ends up being obsessive about automation to the point he would spend more time trying to automate something than to just do it. His email system took more time to sort emails than to just skim them when they enter and drop into a folder.

This post reminds me of something:

Tim Ferriss is one of those things where the fanboys make the product itself look worse.

It's really all the delusional cubicle-dwellers out there who READ the four hour work week and won't shut up about how it's going to change their lives, that are annoying. They're like Apple Fanboys who won't shut up about how macs are soooooooooo superior; it's not that macs are bad, but these people kind of turn me off from them. Similarly, Ferriss himself is not a bad dude, but all his little minions running around talking about how everyone who is even mildly critical of Ferriss is just a jealous hater who should go stand in a corner, sort of damage the brand for me somehow.

Article on Tim Ferriss

Quote: (12-06-2012 02:03 AM)lavidaloca Wrote:  

I'll tell you the real 4HWW

Make lots of cash in traditional work. (Business owner, professional, specialized trade, consultant, finance etc.)

Collect Dividend payments and monitor the markets that your invested in.

Your right... or like what these guys are talking about on the is thread.

"All My Bitches love me....I love all my bitches,
but its like soon as I cum... I come to my senses."

Article on Tim Ferriss

Quote: (12-07-2012 09:35 AM)Andy_B Wrote:  

Quote: (12-06-2012 07:45 AM)reaper23 Wrote:  

scoff as you may at tim ferris but you're just hating. pure jealously.

You sound like a third grader. "You're just jealous" is not a valid argument. It's basically the same kind of tactic that feminists use to discredit things like this forum; making someone's motives the issue instead of actually focusing on what's being said.

effective of you to quote one segment of my post whereas in the rest of it i give concrete examples of how the book added value to my life and the live's of others.

ad hominem attacks are also another sign of weakness.

hating on a guy that makes mad cash, got famous, does tons of cool things all over the world, has helped lots of people and from the looks of it seems to have an amazingly cool lifestyle all while being my same jealousy.

you can critique some of the elements of the book but overall scoffing or hating at tim ferris is nothing but jealously.

ask yourself, would you trade places with him professionally?

well, duh.

Article on Tim Ferriss

I'm not really a fan of Ferris but I do think some of you guys are taking this 4 hour work week too literally.

I doubt if he would be able to accomplish all he has if he didn't practice what he preached.

I love automation and have always tried to look for processes that could be automated or delegated. Normally that requires me to understand the task at hand in order to successfully automate it. That takes time but I find it takes up less time in the long run.

I found a lot of his info to be common sense. Sort of like a lot of the Rich Dad Poor Dad books about buying low/selling high, real estate is good, build cashcow and invest, blah, blah...

Article on Tim Ferriss

Quote: (12-06-2012 04:36 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Almost every member I've met here in the DR has discussed how to live location independent. None of us are there, but we're all ears. You have an audience.

What? Ali wants location independence after all the jokes about the internet warriors. heh

I don't agree with Westcoast that most can make 40k - 50k online. Not everyone has the entrepreneurial spirit which requires consistency and fortitude.

Ali, I can't see you working for yourself mate. Nothing would get done between the rums, chicas and gambling. You might be better off partnering with someone else and being the cash man. You had, what, 6 months off in the DR? What did you accomplish in that time besides women? It is very hard to stay motivated to work when you got a lot of time on your hands.

Article on Tim Ferriss

Quote: (12-07-2012 10:10 AM)reaper23 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-07-2012 09:35 AM)Andy_B Wrote:  

Quote: (12-06-2012 07:45 AM)reaper23 Wrote:  

scoff as you may at tim ferris but you're just hating. pure jealously.

You sound like a third grader. "You're just jealous" is not a valid argument. It's basically the same kind of tactic that feminists use to discredit things like this forum; making someone's motives the issue instead of actually focusing on what's being said.

effective of you to quote one segment of my post whereas in the rest of it i give concrete examples of how the book added value to my life and the live's of others.

ad hominem attacks are also another sign of weakness.

hating on a guy that makes mad cash, got famous, does tons of cool things all over the world, has helped lots of people and from the looks of it seems to have an amazingly cool lifestyle all while being my same jealousy.

you can critique some of the elements of the book but overall scoffing or hating at tim ferris is nothing but jealously.

ask yourself, would you trade places with him professionally?

well, duh.

I would trade places with Tony Robbins too, does that mean HIS bullshit should be impervious to criticism?

What's this whole culture lately, that any criticism against someone who is successful can be dismissed because the person saying it is obviously just jealous? Don't you realize how anti-democratic and borderline fascistic that mindset is? An intelligent discussion of any set of issues requires that people in positions of relative powerless be taken seriously in their complaints, without having emotional blackmail used against them. All this "you're just a hater" stuff, it's like an arm's length away from saying that a peasant in the fields has nothing to say because he's not the Lord who owns the land. It's such an obvious appeal to authority, the idea you can just dismiss someone's criticism because they're criticizing somebody more successful.

It's also a huge thought-terminating cliche. I mean any minute now I'm expecting you to be like "do you even lift bro?"

Article on Tim Ferriss

I don't think he's saying you can't/shouldn't say it... just that he thinks it's unfounded.

I personally dont think it's unfounded... you're right about his marketing and overpromising etc. I do think alot of criticism of him really misses the point of his stuff though, and/or cherry picks points to tear down. There are alot of haters out there who seem to have a knee-jerk reaction primarily to the title of the book.

Fact is, there's people out there for whom it was stepping stone to working online + travel + have reasonable hours... and now they're doing that. If nothing else, you gotta admit the book has started something big and positive.

Article on Tim Ferriss

Quote: (12-07-2012 09:42 AM)Andy_B Wrote:  

Quote: (12-06-2012 11:22 PM)cibo Wrote:  

My friend swears by the book, but he cares too much about looking busy to his boss to delegate right and ends up being obsessive about automation to the point he would spend more time trying to automate something than to just do it. His email system took more time to sort emails than to just skim them when they enter and drop into a folder.

This post reminds me of something:

Tim Ferriss is one of those things where the fanboys make the product itself look worse.

It's really all the delusional cubicle-dwellers out there who READ the four hour work week and won't shut up about how it's going to change their lives, that are annoying. They're like Apple Fanboys who won't shut up about how macs are soooooooooo superior; it's not that macs are bad, but these people kind of turn me off from them. Similarly, Ferriss himself is not a bad dude, but all his little minions running around talking about how everyone who is even mildly critical of Ferriss is just a jealous hater who should go stand in a corner, sort of damage the brand for me somehow.
I would argue there's a high overlap between Ferries fanboys and Macfanboys.

Article on Tim Ferriss

Quote: (12-07-2012 10:22 AM)Andy_B Wrote:  

Quote: (12-07-2012 10:10 AM)reaper23 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-07-2012 09:35 AM)Andy_B Wrote:  

Quote: (12-06-2012 07:45 AM)reaper23 Wrote:  

scoff as you may at tim ferris but you're just hating. pure jealously.

You sound like a third grader. "You're just jealous" is not a valid argument. It's basically the same kind of tactic that feminists use to discredit things like this forum; making someone's motives the issue instead of actually focusing on what's being said.

effective of you to quote one segment of my post whereas in the rest of it i give concrete examples of how the book added value to my life and the live's of others.

ad hominem attacks are also another sign of weakness.

hating on a guy that makes mad cash, got famous, does tons of cool things all over the world, has helped lots of people and from the looks of it seems to have an amazingly cool lifestyle all while being my same jealousy.

you can critique some of the elements of the book but overall scoffing or hating at tim ferris is nothing but jealously.

ask yourself, would you trade places with him professionally?

well, duh.

I would trade places with Tony Robbins too, does that mean HIS bullshit should be impervious to criticism?

What's this whole culture lately, that any criticism against someone who is successful can be dismissed because the person saying it is obviously just jealous? Don't you realize how anti-democratic and borderline fascistic that mindset is? An intelligent discussion of any set of issues requires that people in positions of relative powerless be taken seriously in their complaints, without having emotional blackmail used against them. All this "you're just a hater" stuff, it's like an arm's length away from saying that a peasant in the fields has nothing to say because he's not the Lord who owns the land. It's such an obvious appeal to authority, the idea you can just dismiss someone's criticism because they're criticizing somebody more successful.

It's also a huge thought-terminating cliche. I mean any minute now I'm expecting you to be like "do you even lift bro?"

you picked the wrong guy to unleash your pent up anger on. my post had concrete examples of how his books were useful and helpful to me and you walk in and just say 'its trash bro' and 'you're a third grader'

when you do that you're calling me an idiot. see how that works?

the authority comes from concrete evidence of success. not simply he is who is. i could care less who the guy is. but his book helped me a great way and i carry with me wisdom from that book every single day. it has impacted the hundreds of people working for me over the course of my career. i have built entire organizations using some of his principles and I am in the midst of doing so now as well.

I have built passive income. I have traveled and used currency arbitrage. I have decided that today is the day that i live my life, not wait until i'm 65.

and you walk in here and say, thats all crap bro. its bullshit bro. and you're a third grader.

well, bro, perhaps if you slowed your roll a little bit you would see how people actually use the book to do great things.

your hate should be reserved for those losers who read the book, claim it will change them and the world and then do nothing about it. those are the losers.

Article on Tim Ferriss

This article tells you everything you need to know about Ferris' credibility (although I'll agree with those above who say he knows how to market).

Article on Tim Ferriss

Quote: (12-25-2012 07:53 PM)Lemmo Wrote:  

This article tells you everything you need to know about Ferris' credibility (although I'll agree with those above who say he knows how to market).

I checked that link, thats amazing! (if its real)

Are you saying this add to the credibility of Ferris? Or, the opposite?

Article on Tim Ferriss

Quote: (12-25-2012 08:07 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (12-25-2012 07:53 PM)Lemmo Wrote:  

This article tells you everything you need to know about Ferris' credibility (although I'll agree with those above who say he knows how to market).

I checked that link, thats amazing! (if its real)

Are you saying this add to the credibility of Ferris? Or, the opposite?

The opposite.

Article on Tim Ferriss

Quote: (12-25-2012 08:11 PM)Lemmo Wrote:  

The opposite.

Would you mind explaining why you think so?

I do think its hard to believe and I would love to her your thoughts.

Article on Tim Ferriss

This argument doesn't need to be black or white. Ferriss is universally viewed as a marketing genius, so you can expect him to paint a picture that realistically may be unattainable, in an effort to sell his products. That doesn't mean that there isn't a ton of value you can gain from him though. This is true of most self-help gurus.

Look at Tyler Durden the same way. No rational guy actually believes he's banging 9s and 10s, but if you're willing to filter out the bullshit there's still plenty you can attain from him.

Article on Tim Ferriss

Quote: (12-25-2012 08:20 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (12-25-2012 08:11 PM)Lemmo Wrote:  

The opposite.

Would you mind explaining why you think so?

Well, he is saying that (a) you can gain over a pound each day (b) that this will be a pound of muscle © that you can lose fat at the same time and (d) that you will only work out 1 hour each week. To someone who has spent time working out and manipulating his diet, it is nonsensical. It can be rejected out of hand like an ad offering pills that will grow your cock 3 inches or a Nigerian offering you a share of his lottery winnings. His support in the comments comes from very young people or fatties who don't have experience with exercise or know what is realistic.

And the post has a somewhat cheesy presentation (he has tanned and shaved for the after pics like in a Slimfast ad). But he is a marketer and sells the dream of easy shortcuts so I suppose he isn't aiming his product at people who would respond to a more realistic presentation. He does offer bits and pieces of useful information (diet is top priority, massive calorie/protein intake is required, don't overexert, etc) but then he combines them into a magic formula promising unrealistic results. And he obviously benefits from selling his book and supplements. Promise of magic results + self-interest = not credible.

Article on Tim Ferriss

"People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it." - George Bernard Shaw

Article on Tim Ferriss

Quote: (12-07-2012 10:16 AM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (12-06-2012 04:36 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Almost every member I've met here in the DR has discussed how to live location independent. None of us are there, but we're all ears. You have an audience.

What? Ali wants location independence after all the jokes about the internet warriors. heh

I don't agree with Westcoast that most can make 40k - 50k online. Not everyone has the entrepreneurial spirit which requires consistency and fortitude.

Ali, I can't see you working for yourself mate. Nothing would get done between the rums, chicas and gambling. You might be better off partnering with someone else and being the cash man. You had, what, 6 months off in the DR? What did you accomplish in that time besides women? It is very hard to stay motivated to work when you got a lot of time on your hands.

Do you mean 40K-50K in a year? Is that the number that most guys shoot for? If that's all that the internet warrior guys make on average then I think I'll just stick to what I do then.

As much as I'd love to be a location independent internet warrior, I can't see it happening anytime soon and I'm too much like Ali anyway, I'd be out boozing and whoring too much to get anything done.

Article on Tim Ferriss

Quote: (12-25-2012 08:42 PM)Lemmo Wrote:  

only work out 1 hour each week.

Yeah, this is the part that has me very, very doubtful about his claims.

We all know its impossible to gain large amounts of muscle quickly if you are only working out 1 hour a week.

Obviously, he exaggerates, stretches the truth, and flat out lies in his marketing. But, that said, I still learned some valuable lessons form his book.

I view him much like "Tyler Durden"...lots of marketing bullshit, but still alot can be learned..

Quote: (12-25-2012 08:27 PM)maccc Wrote:  

Look at Tyler Durden the same way. No rational guy actually believes he's banging 9s and 10s, but if you're willing to filter out the bullshit there's still plenty you can attain from him.

Article on Tim Ferriss

Only problem I have had with him is when He did the 30 pounds of muscle in a month post. I met dude last month. He is not jacked like that. I questioned whether he worked out at all.
He is like a 5 foot 9 gymnast type. No girls are going to be coming up to him asking to feel his biceps, put it that way. Not hating, just observing. You don't NEED to be jacked. It is a good selling topic and he hyped up the title to lure the reader in.

So if he is faking posts like that what else is he faking?

More power to him though. If anything this should give you the incentive to just do it. Start something. Sell something. It could be anything.

Content is cool but getting it out there and having an audience is everything.

For example, Roosh could still get away with what he does without banging one girl ever. Even though we know he gets girls it really does not matter in the grand scheme of things. His content is cool and his audience is already there.

I started reading Tim's book. I like it so far. I will include it in my arsenal of reading material to get the most out of life.

Side note- He was pretty beta at the Victoria secret pre show. Kept using self deprecating humor in front of the models and was alone on his computer a lot of the time. Had a few short conversations with him. He was on the show to promote four hour chef and make a salad. I thought to myself, really? This guy is teaching people how to make a salad?

Article on Tim Ferriss

Quote: (12-26-2012 12:21 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (12-25-2012 08:42 PM)Lemmo Wrote:  

only work out 1 hour each week.

Yeah, this is the part that has me very, very doubtful about his claims.

We all know its impossible to gain large amounts of muscle quickly if you are only working out 1 hour a week.

Obviously, he exaggerates, stretches the truth, and flat out lies in his marketing. But, that said, I still learned some valuable lessons form his book.

I view him much like "Tyler Durden"...lots of marketing bullshit, but still alot can be learned..

Quote: (12-25-2012 08:27 PM)maccc Wrote:  

Look at Tyler Durden the same way. No rational guy actually believes he's banging 9s and 10s, but if you're willing to filter out the bullshit there's still plenty you can attain from him.

Yeah, like I said, he has some useful info sprinkled in with the bullshit. But I'd rather not have to sift through it. I think I'm better off just reading Arnold's book again.

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