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North Korea

North Korea

Bit hard for our American brothers to visit, but anybody been?

I seen the [female] guides are cute, as are the female traffic wardens, seeing the whole country is staged, anybody had a North Korean flag in North Korea, now THAT is brag rights! [Image: icon_question.gif]

See some of the local talent here:

North Korea

Quote: (11-08-2012 05:35 PM)RASER Wrote:  

Bit hard for our American brothers to visit, but anybody been?

I seen the [female] guides are cute, as are the female traffic wardens, seeing the whole country is staged, anybody had a North Korean flag in North Korea, now THAT is brag rights! [Image: icon_question.gif]

See some of the local talent here:

Wish I'd gone when I was in Seoul. Woulda been seriously bizarre.

If anyone gets a North Korean Flag in North Korea... oh man. Thats movie-script material. NaughtyNomad, what do you say?

North Korea

I banged some girl in China who just returned from NK. She was a blond hair, blue eyed hottie from Canada traveling alone. As a result, all the NK soldiers flirted with her and never asked her to show them her camera or baggage on the way out. As a result, she showed me hundreds of unadulterated pictures of her week there. My mind was blown. It is absolutely on my bucket list.

I think I'd demand to be made moderator here and quit the game if I got my NK flag in NK. By all accounts, while you can get in, it is not he place to venture around. Not that you'll have much of a chance to anyway.

North Korea

It's on the to do list for sure,researched the idea hundreds of times.

I know a couple people who have been. You have two choices,to go in as part of a group or to go independent. Either way you have two state security minders with you at all times except when on the hotel premesis. 99% of people go in from Beijing either by flight or train,it's not cheap at about €1800 for three nights all included ( including visa and flights or train in and out ). The cheapest company runs tours from Dandong,they do a tour for about 1200 Euros when I last checked. Check out 'young pioneer tours' who do reasonably priced tours from Beijing. I think Americans can get on the tour.

Since you have no contact with locals getting a bang is practically impossible. If you want an NK flag go to Dandong where there are thousands of North Korean immigrants. I've been told that in the main hotel they put you in in Pyongyang has a massage parlor that offers extras if you absolutely have to get your flag although I've also been told it's stocked with imported Chinese girls.

NK is no doubt fascinating,last chance to see a Stalinist state. However the chance of bang is infinitesimal.

North Korea

I think we are all hoping for a regime change or revolution in North Korea ASAP. Many of us would be headed there immediately. We all know pussy paradises dont last very long nowadays.

North Korea

Quote: (11-09-2012 02:29 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

I think we are all hoping for a regime change or revolution in North Korea ASAP. Many of us would be headed there immediately. We all know pussy paradises don't last very long nowadays.

I'm quite the opposite, i'd like to see it how it is, the only country in the world without any western influence, pretty sure as soon as a revolution or something like that happens it'd be merged instantly with the south. I'm probably going there in 2014.

North Korea

BTW I also love that there is a "". Talk about niche content man.

North Korea

Getting an NK flag in the DPRK is virtually impossible (unless you're rubbing shoulders with some top inner party official).

Only way I can think of would be to find a defector, most likely in the South.

North Korea

Quote: (11-09-2012 02:38 AM)Auro Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2012 02:29 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

I think we are all hoping for a regime change or revolution in North Korea ASAP. Many of us would be headed there immediately. We all know pussy paradises don't last very long nowadays.

I'm quite the opposite, i'd like to see it how it is, the only country in the world without any western influence, pretty sure as soon as a revolution or something like that happens it'd be merged instantly with the south. I'm probably going there in 2014.

It would take them a few years at least, before they started assimilating well with South Koreans. That would be the perfect window of opportunity to head over there.

North Korea

Quote: (11-09-2012 04:03 PM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2012 02:38 AM)Auro Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2012 02:29 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

I think we are all hoping for a regime change or revolution in North Korea ASAP. Many of us would be headed there immediately. We all know pussy paradises don't last very long nowadays.

I'm quite the opposite, i'd like to see it how it is, the only country in the world without any western influence, pretty sure as soon as a revolution or something like that happens it'd be merged instantly with the south. I'm probably going there in 2014.

It would take them a few years at least, before they started assimilating well with South Koreans. That would be the perfect window of opportunity to head over there.

A few years is probably an understatement...

Remember, the predicament Germany found itself in up until '89 wasn't even half as bad as this, and I remember hearing it would still take until about 2030 until the former East got up to the economic level of the West.
Look, now, at North Korea, a country which has been almost completely isolated and suffering of mass starvation and third world poverty for well over half a century.
...I think it will take well over just a few years before the North gets fully assimilated by the South.

North Korea

Probably your best bet for a North Korean flag would be to go to that restaurant that the North Korean government owns. See where you can get with the waitresses.

It's website looks like it's down but here's this:


North Korea

If they assimilate to the south. The chance is almost as high that they will align themselves with china. After all, most of the foreign people there are Chinese, and I am sure that they see the Chinese as a big brother nation and have respect for their generosity.

I know a couple people who have been there. I always get them to pick me up a bottle of whiskey made with a type of blueberry. Its called Baekdusan. Actually pretty decent in a unique way. They both admit game is very hard there. One guy "stalked" a service girl until she was alone so he could talk to her. She was quite scared he said, but at the same time very curious. Getting caught likely means prison for her so the fear is understandable.

North Korea

This thread reminded me of a video I watched on Vice a few months back. Definitely worth checking out.

North Korea

I've talked with a few NKs in China, nothing about politics or that stuff, best bet is to go to a border town in China where the NKs jump the river, then find one there

North Korea

Seeing as how South Korean women are considered THE top tier of beauty to men of many other Asian countries, I've got a strong feeling there is much to be discovered behind the iron curtain to the north.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

North Korea

Quote: (11-10-2012 02:14 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Seeing as how South Korean women are considered THE top tier of beauty to men of many other Asian countries, I've got a strong feeling there is much to be discovered behind the iron curtain to the north.

I have my doubts. Starvation isn't really all that sexy. [Image: sad.gif]

North Korea

Mission impossible. Maybe outside NK but not inside (yet). It would take the world's greatest playboy in his element, a lot of grease money, crazy connections, a unicorn and a load of luck on top of it. Plus, can you imagine logistics? They tap the rooms and vet who you see and speak with. My mate is an international NLP guru and even he visited NK. He tried it hard with his guide. Not even he could breakdown her social conditioning.

I'd love to go, regardless. I heard it's most bewildering place on earth.

North Korea

Quote: (11-10-2012 05:56 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

Quote: (11-10-2012 02:14 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Seeing as how South Korean women are considered THE top tier of beauty to men of many other Asian countries, I've got a strong feeling there is much to be discovered behind the iron curtain to the north.

I have my doubts. Starvation isn't really all that sexy. [Image: sad.gif]

Buy them food. Fatten them up for the kill. It is not difficult.[Image: idea.gif]

North Korea

Quote: (11-10-2012 11:21 AM)naughtynomad Wrote:  

Mission impossible. Maybe outside NK but not inside (yet). It would take the world's greatest playboy in his element, a lot of grease money, crazy connections, a unicorn and a load of luck on top of it. Plus, can you imagine logistics? They tap the rooms and vet who you see and speak with. My mate is an international NLP guru and even he visited NK. He tried it hard with his guide. Not even he could breakdown her social conditioning.

I'd love to go, regardless. I heard it's most bewildering place on earth.

I think it is the only place in the world that I would try to bang with cold hard cash. I think it is doable with the right amount of money for bribes and other things.

North Korea

First guy who can prove he banged a North Korean girl in that country gets $20 dollars from me sent to his pay pal account.

North Korea

Quote: (11-10-2012 11:21 AM)naughtynomad Wrote:  

Mission impossible. Maybe outside NK but not inside (yet). It would take the world's greatest playboy in his element, a lot of grease money, crazy connections, a unicorn and a load of luck on top of it. Plus, can you imagine logistics? They tap the rooms and vet who you see and speak with. My mate is an international NLP guru and even he visited NK. He tried it hard with his guide. Not even he could breakdown her social conditioning.

I'd love to go, regardless. I heard it's most bewildering place on earth.

That doesn't surprise me, considering what would almost certainly happen to her if she even considered jumping in the sack with you.

There's also supposedly a policy enforced by the NK government that forbids any foreign blood from contaminating the Korean genepool. Pregnant N. Korean refugees who are abrought back from China are given forced abortions, just in case the baby might have been fathered by a Chinese.

North Korea

Im guessing that the oligarchs and military at the top are some bad ass alpha males and that their women are the best in Asia. Why else would they risk destruction from a mighty power like the USA?

North Korea

NK really isn't as off limits as it seems, if you have the right passport to get in.

Have a blonde hair blue eyed Japanese speaking Swiss friend who was working in Tokyo at the time...he spent 4-5 days in NK travelling. The guy went out numerous nights with his minder at the hotel. He was super friendly/naive with his minders and slipped them a $20 asking them if they'd go out with him.. They were at first a bit hesitant but obliged. Said he was surprised how easy it was if you're nice. (Note, my friend/acquaintance has feminine, zero intimidation type qualities that puts everyone at ease...the fruity blonde hair/blue eyes helps). He made it sound like the minders don't really care and prefer hard currency over rules. Makes sense. So I guess he went out to some bars / karaoke places... think he was always accompanied though. Greasing then finding a way to ditch the minder would be the story of stories.

< site currently trashed >

North Korea

Quote: (11-19-2012 11:32 PM)BudgetGlobetrotting Wrote:  

NK really isn't as off limits as it seems, if you have the right passport to get in.

Have a blonde hair blue eyed Japanese speaking Swiss friend who was working in Tokyo at the time...he spent 4-5 days in NK travelling. The guy went out numerous nights with his minder at the hotel. He was super friendly/naive with his minders and slipped them a $20 asking them if they'd go out with him.. They were at first a bit hesitant but obliged. Said he was surprised how easy it was if you're nice. (Note, my friend/acquaintance has feminine, zero intimidation type qualities that puts everyone at ease...the fruity blonde hair/blue eyes helps). He made it sound like the minders don't really care and prefer hard currency over rules. Makes sense. So I guess he went out to some bars / karaoke places... think he was always accompanied though. Greasing then finding a way to ditch the minder would be the story of stories.


But did he drain his sack?

"Lifes about, shooting your load"

North Korea

Quote: (11-10-2012 11:21 AM)naughtynomad Wrote:  

I heard it's most bewildering place on earth.

Can you elaborate on what you heard?

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

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