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North Korea

North Korea

Somewhat off topic, but NK related:

North Korea

Departures has been there, they weren't allowed to do much but they had some pretty solid guides who let them do more than normal.

Watch the middle of the video to get a good idea on the quality of the country etc.


North Korea

Quote: (11-10-2012 11:45 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

First guy who can prove he banged a North Korean girl in that country gets $20 dollars from me sent to his pay pal account.

I think you owe this guy $20 [Image: smile.gif]

"Lifes about, shooting your load"

North Korea

^ So whats the story behind that guy?

Girl looks mad cute by the way

North Korea

Quote: (11-28-2012 12:18 AM)FretDancer Wrote:  

^ So whats the story behind that guy?

Girl looks mad cute by the way

She is not way hot..but Yes she is cute and I commend the guy for banging her. If only he could send me his pay pal account.
I am starting to miss Asian girls.

North Korea

A dude who is on my FB feed posted this photo a couple of weeks back from a trip to NK. He won't say if he banged or not.

Here he is running GManifesto cigarette game:

North Korea

^^ Front-row middle left. Good quality.

Though that could be some psychological thing because she is smiling...and she might be smiling for a reason...

North Korea

I don't think I could spring wood for any of the women in that picture. This coming from a guy that tends to love Asian women.

Those North Korean genetics are fucked. I guess all the attractive bitches got put into work camps or were reserved for the dictator's harem.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

North Korea

Quote: (11-29-2012 07:26 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

A dude who is on my FB feed posted this photo a couple of weeks back from a trip to NK. He won't say if he banged or not.

Here he is running GManifesto cigarette game:

Wait...who's holding the cigarette???

"'s the quiet's for someone who's been through the struggle and come out on the other side smelling like money and pussy."

"put her in the taxi, put her number in the trash can"

North Korea

Quote: (11-29-2012 01:22 PM)MSW2007 Wrote:  

I don't think I could spring wood for any of the women in that picture. This coming from a guy that tends to love Asian women.

Those North Korean genetics are fucked. I guess all the attractive bitches got put into work camps or were reserved for the dictator's harem.

Ugh yeah, the only bangable girl in the picture seems to be the left one in the front row, the rest look so damn plain.

North Korea

That's assuming he banged any of them at all, which, considering the DPRK's policy on interaction between foreign visiters and locals, I somehow doubt.
Taking a group photo with someone is hardly evidence of having banged them.

North Korea

Quote: (12-02-2012 10:01 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

Taking a group photo with someone is hardly evidence of having banged them.

He has never said he banged them.

If I was over there I'd happily bang a couple of them. Are they all hot? Hell no but it's not a photo of a NK models party,it's just a random group of hotel workers. Show me a picture of a random group of hotel workers from pretty much anywhere in the world and there will be one nice one, two that are bangable and the rest will be 5's with a 3 thrown in. That's pretty much what I see in the photo. Also what are guys expecting NK girls to look like,South koreans?? They live in a fucked up country with no doubt a poor malnourished diet,constant stress of hoping they don't make a mistake and get sent to the gulag,no make up or latest creams and botox etc. Considering that I'd say they don't look too bad.

Would be immense to escape your handlers for the night and hit the town dressed as locals.

North Korea

Quote: (11-28-2012 12:18 AM)FretDancer Wrote:  

^ So whats the story behind that guy?

Girl looks mad cute by the way

From the "look" and smug "smile" his eyes are saying, "i balled her good!"

He has a blog of living/working in NK, see if i can find it for you, standby!

"Lifes about, shooting your load"

North Korea

Quote: (12-02-2012 10:43 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Quote: (12-02-2012 10:01 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

Taking a group photo with someone is hardly evidence of having banged them.

He has never said he banged them.

If I was over there I'd happily bang a couple of them. Are they all hot? Hell no but it's not a photo of a NK models party,it's just a random group of hotel workers. Show me a picture of a random group of hotel workers from pretty much anywhere in the world and there will be one nice one, two that are bangable and the rest will be 5's with a 3 thrown in. That's pretty much what I see in the photo. Also what are guys expecting NK girls to look like,South koreans?? They live in a fucked up country with no doubt a poor malnourished diet,constant stress of hoping they don't make a mistake and get sent to the gulag,no make up or latest creams and botox etc. Considering that I'd say they don't look too bad.

Would be immense to escape your handlers for the night and hit the town dressed as locals.

I think without going there, its impossible to say what its actually like

Forget about the west propaganda bullshit, go have a look yourself, i plan to in the future

Oh, and about the females not being 8's+ looking, WHO CARES, job #1 is to climb on/in her, not look at her! [Image: banana.gif]

"Lifes about, shooting your load"

North Korea

Quote: (12-02-2012 06:45 PM)RASER Wrote:  

Quote: (11-28-2012 12:18 AM)FretDancer Wrote:  

^ So whats the story behind that guy?

Girl looks mad cute by the way

From the "look" and smug "smile" his eyes are saying, "i balled her good!"

He has a blog of living/working in NK, see if i can find it for you, standby!

Here it is:

North Korea

Quote: (12-03-2012 04:43 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Quote: (12-02-2012 06:45 PM)RASER Wrote:  

Quote: (11-28-2012 12:18 AM)FretDancer Wrote:  

^ So whats the story behind that guy?

Girl looks mad cute by the way

From the "look" and smug "smile" his eyes are saying, "i balled her good!"

He has a blog of living/working in NK, see if i can find it for you, standby!

Here it is:

[Image: 6120537611_2c57625498_b.jpeg]

Isn't that Neil Strauss???

Apparently he didn't get the NK flag either - as it appears he brought sand to the beach!

The Puritan hated bear-baiting, not because it gave pain to the bear, but because it gave pleasure to the spectators. - Thomas B. Macaulay

Rick Von Slonecker is tall, rich, good-looking, stupid, dishonest, conceited, a bully, liar, drunk and thief, an egomaniac, and probably psychotic. In short, highly attractive to women. - Whit Stillman

North Korea

Quote: (12-03-2012 07:11 AM)Prufrock Wrote:  

[Image: 6120537611_2c57625498_b.jpeg]

Isn't that Neil Strauss???
[Image: wtf.gif]
What. The. Fuck?

North Korea

Yes that is Strauss.

It's not the face you fuck. It's the fuck you are facing.

North Korea

Yeah, that's me in a couple of those photos with the girl - yes, we brought Neil Strauss in on one of my trips.

If I had sex with a North Korean girl - I will never tell, not even for that promised $20!

North Korea

Quote: (11-09-2012 04:36 PM)S_tourist Wrote:  

This thread reminded me of a video I watched on Vice a few months back. Definitely worth checking out.

After watching this video, it just seems like a waste of time and money to see this propaganda. I don't see why anyone would try and go here unless they had unlimited time and money to waste. I guess just to say, "Hey, I went to North Korea, hahahaha!!!" Seriously, why waste your time? Especially if you are American (Which makes it much harder to get a visa anyways). You might as well go to your high school reunion dressed in a McDonalds outfit.

North Korea

Quote: (01-31-2013 11:15 PM)jferris Wrote:  

Yeah, that's me in a couple of those photos with the girl - yes, we brought Neil Strauss in on one of my trips.

If I had sex with a North Korean girl - I will never tell, not even for that promised $20!

jferris, are you American? If so, how did you get in? I have heard two things, but they have been through the grape vine: Bribe Chinese officials at the consulate in China...or spend 3-4K in Seoul for an official tour. I am going to be in SKorea for a while can you PLEASE elaborate? I would kill to get into that country! If too specific, PLEASE PM with information


North Korea

Quote: (02-01-2013 03:31 AM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2012 04:36 PM)S_tourist Wrote:  

This thread reminded me of a video I watched on Vice a few months back. Definitely worth checking out.

After watching this video, it just seems like a waste of time and money to see this propaganda. I don't see why anyone would try and go here unless they had unlimited time and money to waste. I guess just to say, "Hey, I went to North Korea, hahahaha!!!" Seriously, why waste your time? Especially if you are American (Which makes it much harder to get a visa anyways). You might as well go to your high school reunion dressed in a McDonalds outfit.

I go because I enjoy it - to each his own

North Korea

Quote: (02-01-2013 04:44 AM)sylo Wrote:  

Quote: (01-31-2013 11:15 PM)jferris Wrote:  

Yeah, that's me in a couple of those photos with the girl - yes, we brought Neil Strauss in on one of my trips.

If I had sex with a North Korean girl - I will never tell, not even for that promised $20!

jferris, are you American? If so, how did you get in? I have heard two things, but they have been through the grape vine: Bribe Chinese officials at the consulate in China...or spend 3-4K in Seoul for an official tour. I am going to be in SKorea for a while can you PLEASE elaborate? I would kill to get into that country! If too specific, PLEASE PM with information


I'm pretty sure he was joking.

North Korea

Quote: (02-01-2013 04:52 AM)jferris Wrote:  

Quote: (02-01-2013 03:31 AM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2012 04:36 PM)S_tourist Wrote:  

This thread reminded me of a video I watched on Vice a few months back. Definitely worth checking out.

After watching this video, it just seems like a waste of time and money to see this propaganda. I don't see why anyone would try and go here unless they had unlimited time and money to waste. I guess just to say, "Hey, I went to North Korea, hahahaha!!!" Seriously, why waste your time? Especially if you are American (Which makes it much harder to get a visa anyways). You might as well go to your high school reunion dressed in a McDonalds outfit.

I go because I enjoy it - to each his own

Seriously? I'm not trying to dis you at all. But really? You are dead serious you've been to the North? Is it as much of a propaganda trains as this video makes it? They make it sounds like it's near impossible to get in. I thought you were messing around at first. But you've really been? And if so, where are you from? I see the Japanese flag on your profile, but it should be just as hard for a Japanese citizen to get into NK as it would be an American. Please elaborate and give us some more info, if you dare. I wouldn't want you to get nuked or anything [Image: wink.gif] I love Vice, and I feel they are pretty accurate, but sometimes I question their reports. Some of the stuff is pretty crazy, and sometimes hard to really tell if they are telling only one side of the story (But then again when you are going into war zones, pakistan, libya, Taliban territory, and the like) it could be pretty hard to elaborate fully on the story. Is this one pretty accurate? According to the other news I read as well, it seems NK is a pretty closed off country, in fact, probably the most in the world. It would be interesting to hear a report and also which country you are from. If I remember correctly, the reporter that went to NK in this video was Canadian. It's been almost a year since I've seen the video, but from what I remember, they showed him a bunch of anti american propaganda and basically just took him on a tour showing him how awesome NK was and he was supervised the whole time, plus not allowed to talk to anyone other than the tour guides or the people who were basically set up in your tourist spots to entertain you. It doesn't seem like you would have a chance to game. I do remember at one point in the video though, one of the girls on the tour was giving the reporter some pretty heavy IOI's. Regardless, he still didn't have a chance.. Please elaborate! If there was anywhere in the world where gringo status would be a huge game winner, I would imagine it would be here. Though with all the Anti-American propaganda, maybe it would hurt you. Though if that would the case, I'm from Sweeden. No one hates the Sweedes [Image: wink.gif] (And if so, finish, norweagian, danish, or swiss should work as well)

North Korea

Quote: (02-01-2013 04:56 AM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Quote: (02-01-2013 04:52 AM)jferris Wrote:  

Quote: (02-01-2013 03:31 AM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2012 04:36 PM)S_tourist Wrote:  

This thread reminded me of a video I watched on Vice a few months back. Definitely worth checking out.

After watching this video, it just seems like a waste of time and money to see this propaganda. I don't see why anyone would try and go here unless they had unlimited time and money to waste. I guess just to say, "Hey, I went to North Korea, hahahaha!!!" Seriously, why waste your time? Especially if you are American (Which makes it much harder to get a visa anyways). You might as well go to your high school reunion dressed in a McDonalds outfit.

I go because I enjoy it - to each his own

Seriously? I'm not trying to dis you at all. But really? You are dead serious you've been to the North? Is it as much of a propaganda trains as this video makes it? They make it sounds like it's near impossible to get in. I thought you were messing around at first. But you've really been? And if so, where are you from? I see the Japanese flag on your profile, but it should be just as hard for a Japanese citizen to get into NK as it would be an American. Please elaborate and give us some more info, if you dare. I wouldn't want you to get nuked or anything [Image: wink.gif] I love Vice, and I feel they are pretty accurate, but sometimes I question their reports. Some of the stuff is pretty crazy, and sometimes hard to really tell if they are telling only one side of the story (But then again when you are going into war zones, pakistan, libya, Taliban territory, and the like) it could be pretty hard to elaborate fully on the story. Is this one pretty accurate? According to the other news I read as well, it seems NK is a pretty closed off country, in fact, probably the most in the world. It would be interesting to hear a report and also which country you are from. If I remember correctly, the reporter that went to NK in this video was Canadian. It's been almost a year since I've seen the video, but from what I remember, they showed him a bunch of anti american propaganda and basically just took him on a tour showing him how awesome NK was and he was supervised the whole time, plus not allowed to talk to anyone other than the tour guides or the people who were basically set up in your tourist spots to entertain you. It doesn't seem like you would have a chance to game. I do remember at one point in the video though, one of the girls on the tour was giving the reporter some pretty heavy IOI's. Regardless, he still didn't have a chance.. Please elaborate! If there was anywhere in the world where gringo status would be a huge game winner, I would imagine it would be here. Though with all the Anti-American propaganda, maybe it would hurt you. Though if that would the case, I'm from Sweeden. No one hates the Sweedes [Image: wink.gif]

Actually that vice guide video IS pretty bad, i'ts very sensationalized and nothing like the experience I had going there. Its the very reason I started my website on my travels there
So yes, poke around and you can see that I really work there as part time guide - about 97% of the photos on the site are my work.

Ok - Japan flag - full time job, I'm a Chief Mate on a ship - I'm on my way to Japan at the moment. I work 4 months on and have 4 months vacation, thus why I have time to be a part time guide.

Propaganda in North Korea really isnt that intense, there is a lot to feast your eyes on - paintings and art, but the North Korean guides dont push it on you, and there is no requirement to believe in it when you leave, you are only asked to be respectful when you are there.

I love the North Korean guides I work with, they are fun and love to drink, and tell dirty jokes.

Yeah, North Korean girls are super flirty - I love it, but there is no chance in hell anyone is going to get laid there. Its never happened in the history of modern tourism - including me [Image: smile.gif]

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