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Skinny Guys and Game

Skinny Guys and Game

Quote: (08-30-2012 11:05 PM)houston Wrote:  

Is this only an American thing? Do girls in other countries consider huge muscles just as important?

Roosh already said in the video that they don't in Eastern Europe. But what I'm curious about is Latin America.

Skinny Guys and Game

Quote: (09-01-2012 01:43 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Roosh already said in the video that they don't in Eastern Europe. But what I'm curious about is Latin America.

Girls in latin america are just like girls everywhere in the world. They like guys who are fit, healthy, and symmetrical. Some girls prefer a bit more size and muscle, some girls prefer a more slim, athletic look.

Skinny or huge??? Most of us are probably somewhere in the middle. And, that is probably the best place to be. Though, I think its best to error on the side of muscular.

Skinny Guys and Game

I find that Latin American women are even more superficial than western women. The only difference is that you can override a lot of Latina's attraction triggers simply by being white.

Latin men are really serious about their appearance.

Skinny Guys and Game

Hah, soup thats whats up. You live in Williamsburg? I used to stay out in flatbush. Pitt is out here right now and loves it.
Any how I, being slim and 5'8, do feel the disadvantage over here in NY but it doesn't really slander me. The Baddest chicks out here do want that sense or feeling of security. A bitch can FEEL secure around me all she wants but when shit hits the fan if she and I are not in a relationship. It will be 'every man for themselves'. I have tall friends who think the same way.
Quote: (08-30-2012 12:10 PM)soup Wrote:  

I'm starting to realize that where I am, in NYC, the girls aren't not like the rest of the country or even like they are in NJ.

There's enough variety of girls here that, sure, being built can get you an "in" with some, but in Brooklyn, I think a lot of the hipstery/punk/goth/fashion girls are looking more for pretty boys, famous people, skinny dudes- more artsy types. So, I try to play this up as much as possible. That's probably why the come Williamsburg in the first place.

It's an entirely different world from guido/B&T dance clubs- I don't do well at these at all, and the girls actually try to get into fights with me. Aggro guidettes are the epitome of everything that is wrong with women American women (except that some of them stay in shape). They are like men with vaginas and it is a huge turn-off for me. And a lot of them ugly as fuck.

Skinny Guys and Game

Quote: (08-30-2012 04:26 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

There is a difference between bulking and getting ripped, it's density and proportions. I see a lot of dudes at the gym with larger arms, chest and back... But no one checks them out.

Your shoulder should have a drop to your bicep/tricep area. You should see your abs without flexing. You should be able to flex your chest independently of your deltoids. You should be unable to touch any fat below your tricep or above your bicep when you flex.

When to feel like a "rock" that's the right density. Just being big isn't as good, I got fatty big for a short period after injury and it was useless. Dense muscle is 2x more attractive. Most meat heads at the gym can't tell the difference but women notice it in seconds.

What training regimen specifically targets muscle density and hardness? Example is there focus on low rep ranges, negatives, static holds, etc.?

I've been putting on good mass lately, I'd like more of a harder look when I'm not training, but I won't take NO supps or PHs.

Skinny Guys and Game

Even ex supplements you can do tendon strengthening and density by doing 20 reps and doing them slow. It's the first phase to the build cycle. Ex: two 45's on the bench but you do 15-20 reps. On the way down you count to 5. Many guys fuck it up and just hold it right above their chest for 5 seconds. This is wrong. You slowly lower, takes 5 seconds from arms extended to bar touching your chest, real negatives. Then explode up fast, and repeat.

It's hard, you'll be sore for sure.

Quote: (09-01-2012 05:30 PM)Neo Wrote:  

Quote: (08-30-2012 04:26 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

There is a difference between bulking and getting ripped, it's density and proportions. I see a lot of dudes at the gym with larger arms, chest and back... But no one checks them out.

Your shoulder should have a drop to your bicep/tricep area. You should see your abs without flexing. You should be able to flex your chest independently of your deltoids. You should be unable to touch any fat below your tricep or above your bicep when you flex.

When to feel like a "rock" that's the right density. Just being big isn't as good, I got fatty big for a short period after injury and it was useless. Dense muscle is 2x more attractive. Most meat heads at the gym can't tell the difference but women notice it in seconds.

What training regimen specifically targets muscle density and hardness? Example is there focus on low rep ranges, negatives, static holds, etc.?

I've been putting on good mass lately, I'd like more of a harder look when I'm not training, but I won't take NO supps or PHs.

Skinny Guys and Game

A good chunk of American girls would consider these guys to skinny/short and want someone bigger. They're all 5'8 or shorter and naturally thin yet obviously work out.
[Image: 5050twin2.jpg]
[img][Image: 3145kxt.jpg][/img]

Hell, I'm sure even Bruce Lee wouldn't get love now days because he was such a small dude (imagine he wasn't famous).
[Image: 392281-57665-bruce-lee_super.jpg]

Henry Rollins is pretty built and looks like an average sized guy with a shirt on.
[Image: Henry%2BRollins%2Brestricted%2Barea.jpg]

I'm not bitching, but it's gonna be trickier even after you tear up the gym for years and get your body looking great, are smaller than everyone at the bar or club. Guys who are 6 feet+, have a decent face and aren't naturally thin have no idea how easy they have it.

Quote: (09-01-2012 05:03 AM)Deif Wrote:  

Also, the depressing part is that average girls who dont even work out still expect the men who will approach them to be physically attractive. Hypergamy and such.
[Image: potd.gif]

Skinny Guys and Game

Most women are just as superficial and most men. Given the choice between similar guys most women would choose the best looking guy. It is always important to look as good as possible. This means eating well, working out every day, and wearing the right clothes for your body type. Like Roosh said in the video, working out hard every day makes you more confidence and increases your testosterone levels. Attracting girls has as much to do with how you hold yourself as it does with how jacked you are. Being jacked definitely helps though

Skinny Guys and Game

Another insight I read recently was that most American men and women are raised in high stress home environments with single mothers. The fact that there is no father in the home and the fact that a woman often does not expect the father to stick around alters a fetus's hormones and leads to tendencies for aggressive behavior. In women, this manifests itself as a preference for men with exaggerated masculine traits.

I saw a big difference in female preference from the university I went to, which was full of kids from two-parent, relatively stable households and the town I moved to post-grad which is full of lower-middle class and middle class kids. In the former, you can get by looking average so long as your other shit is in order. In the latter, you practically have to be jacked to get the attention of club sluts.

Same deal with the yuppie suburbs of Chicago, where you don't need to be jacked to get girls. It all depends on environment.

That said, there is nonetheless an exponential increase in steroid and prohormone use amongst kids of the millennial generation. All the kids who weren't fortunate enough to be blessed with mesomorphic genetics are trying to level the playing field.

I can assure you it's only going to get worse

Skinny Guys and Game

Yeah the game has changed. This is why you have to use the USA for what it is if you don't fit into that right model. Use it as an ATM machine and get the fuck out.

To be a hard player in the USA you need wverything. A great body, decent looking face at minimum, cash, years of game, exoticness (travel experience as a replacement) and unbreakable confidence.

This is why you just can't settle for average, not going to cut it long-term. Also, 25 years from now the world will be global, so those same players here goo looking game money etc... Are going to be mobile. So if everyone needs to max out so they don't end up... Married with children.

Skinny Guys and Game

well so far my experience in the US has been quite conflicting. on the one hand, there are girls i just know i won't make it with because i'm 90 lbs sopping wet and i have the world's most sickeningly cherubic baby face. [Image: angel.gif]

that said i've never really had any issues, sometimes girls make fun of you a little (or a lot if they're pissed/bad break up) but i know how to dress, i keep clean and i have a symmetric face so it's no biggie. ironically i get a lot of resistance from girls bigger than me, and i think it's less to do with the sex roles feeling wrong and more because they feel guilty about their weight whenever they look at me.

i could probably get swole as hell if i really wanted to, but honestly my face just wouldn't suit the body at all, i'd look hilarious. i was born a metrosexual dandy and i'll die one.

Skinny Guys and Game

I don't see how many guys here haven't realized yet that looks matter 0 when it comes to getting a woman. It's way more about how you dress, behave and groom.

Obviously unless you look like quasimodo.

The friend of mine that gets the most pussy is 5'7 and weighs around 120 pounds. He still gets the most pussy and has tons of hot girls around him because he's just a fun dude and doesn't give a fuck. I'm 5'7 too, but with a little more mass and ripped at 145 pounds... I'm at 16 girls this year by now. And honestly, I don't see the quality drop much when I don't work out for a month or two.

Skinny Guys and Game

Quote: (09-21-2012 06:08 PM)trainwreck Wrote:  

I don't see how many guys here haven't realized yet that looks matter 0 when it comes to getting a woman
[Image: dodgy.gif]

Skinny Guys and Game

Quote: (09-21-2012 06:19 PM)houston Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2012 06:08 PM)trainwreck Wrote:  

I don't see how many guys here haven't realized yet that looks matter 0 when it comes to getting a woman
[Image: dodgy.gif]

there is a lot to what he's saying... i would never go so far as to say looks matter zero percent, but girls really do get with the weirdest of trolls so long as he's fun to be around.

imo cases like that are a bit rare because when you're ugly you're naturally going to have a rougher time in life and it's harder to be nonchalant, devil-may-care and keep up a fun, happy vibe. it's definitely real for the few who get it down, though.

Skinny Guys and Game

Here's my experience of the effect of muscular fitness on game:

Was a serious distance runner for many years. Was skinny.-Low to moderate level of IOIs from women

Got hurt, quit running. Became skinny fat, almost plump.- Almost no IOIs from women

7 years ago, started hitting weights seriously and eating right. Got fit( but NOT jacked) and leanish (but NOT ripped)- HUGE increase in IOIs. including many from girls many years younger than me.

It's not just your arm muscles either-guys underestimate how much getting stronger and leaner can improve your facial aesthetics. Being leaner gives you a stronger jawline which women find attractive (because it indicates high testosterone). Just this week i read about a study that found people could accurately estimate the relative strength of men just based on looking at a photo of their face.

Getting bigger and stronger also increases your testosterone which causes changes to your body language, voice and demeanor which women pick up on very easily.

Nobody can tell me that getting stronger won't improve your game because I know it will.

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Skinny Guys and Game

Quote: (09-01-2012 01:35 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

The way you accentuate it is with tighter clothing, it's fairly straightforward. Stop wearing cotton and start wearing slick fabric, silk, nylon whatever. Even at the gym if you have what I call "density" fitness, tugging on your shirt slightly should immediately show your cuts.
Quote: (09-01-2012 12:49 PM)Jackhammer Wrote:  

Honestly, I think it comes down to more what type of shirt you wear. Back when I was heavier, I would wear shirts that were cut a way that accentuated my upper body and girls thought I was ripped when I was actually pudgy. Now that I have much lower bodyfat and denser muscle, I can pull out tighter shirts to show off my body.

The shirt is what makes the difference. There's nothing better than wearing a tight fitting v-neck with wide shoulders/lats that tapers down to a small waist.

This x1000. I'm fairly muscular, have the old strongman build, but am not super lean; my shirt fit makes an enormous difference in my IOIs. Accentuate your strong points, whether it's your arms, your abs, or your personality.

Skinny Guys and Game

Quote: (09-22-2012 12:35 PM)MrXY Wrote:  

Getting bigger and stronger also increases your testosterone which causes changes to your body language, voice and demeanor which women pick up on very easily.


Skinny Guys and Game

Quote: (09-26-2012 08:42 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2012 12:35 PM)MrXY Wrote:  

Getting bigger and stronger also increases your testosterone which causes changes to your body language, voice and demeanor which women pick up on very easily.


Mike Tyson approves. [Image: whatever.gif]

Skinny Guys and Game

I'm skinny and have no problems.
Who cares what women like?
Girls often tell me I'm too skinny, doesn't stop me from being inside them a few minutes later

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

Skinny Guys and Game

Overeem looks huge, in addition to being 6'5".

Looks like he's almost certainly juicing

"Alistair Overeem is always a divisive figure, partly due to his suspicious rapid weight gain, partly due to his being caught with a greatly elevated testosterone level, "

He actually seems like a nice guy at some level, when he knocked out the opponent referred to in the article above he didn't look delighted, but rather alarmed as the poor opponent lay on the mat holding his head from Overeems knee smash.

These guys are so strong I would wonder, can't they kill someone by crushing their skull with a knee strike? I bet those guys who aren't sociopathic worry about that. I wouldn't want to think I killed a guy, even though he knew the risks of fighting it wouldn't be a good thing to have on your mind.

I tell you I'm ready to start trying getting (judiciously) juiced if it will do 1/2 or 1/3 of the work for me. I'm 50 anyway, why not make the few good years left jacked ones.

Skinny Guys and Game

Went out last night in Honolulu
and based on the kino i saw my two buds getting, who are both jacked, from the ladies, I agree that being buff will take alot of the work out of gaming chicks in the bar or club. I still made my approaches (opened a 4-set and stayed in for about 2ms) but I couldn't help but think that added muscle mass combined with my height wouldve given me a better edge.
I'm 6'4 190 and have put on +20lbs since I got in the Army, so I definetly have a ways to go but luckily the gym is a short walk down the street.

Skinny Guys and Game

I got way more attention at 5'8" 120 than I did at 180 and do now at 165.

Cute but nonthreatening worked for me.

The shape of my face changed when I started lifting. Much less cute now. BTW, that 180 and 165 were/are not just due to fat. Most of that was/is muscle.

Some qualifiers. I'm comparing the decade of the '90's to the 2000's and present. I've never worn nice clothes or done anything with my hair other than cut and comb it.

Back in the '90's a cute nonthreatening Beta with some Alpha features could pull women who wanted a less aggressive guy. Now, I would definitely go for the muscles and nice appearance if I still wanted to pull.

The point is, it's a combination of factors. All the factors you have going create synergy (positive or negative). Your features have to work together for it all to work for you.

Skinny Guys and Game

Quote: (09-01-2012 10:24 PM)houston Wrote:  

Hell, I'm sure even Bruce Lee wouldn't get love now days because he was such a small dude (imagine he wasn't famous).
[Image: 392281-57665-bruce-lee_super.jpg]

Bruce would get mad chicks in any era.

Ever seen the guy speak?

The cat has Charisma coming out his ears. And mad confidence.

Yeah, I think he would do great in any time, famous or not.

Skinny Guys and Game

Quote: (06-01-2013 07:41 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (09-01-2012 10:24 PM)houston Wrote:  

Hell, I'm sure even Bruce Lee wouldn't get love now days because he was such a small dude (imagine he wasn't famous).
[Image: 392281-57665-bruce-lee_super.jpg]

Bruce would get mad chicks in any era.

Ever seen the guy speak?

The cat has Charisma coming out his ears. And mad confidence.

Yeah, I think he would do great in any time, famous or not.

Agreed ...

Check his body language, gaze and general aura in this interview.

A lot of players could learn a thing or two from this guy !


Skinny Guys and Game

Quote: (06-01-2013 08:37 PM)LibertarianBootyHumper Wrote:  

Agreed ...

Check his body language, gaze and general aura in this interview.

A lot of players could learn a thing or two from this guy !

What the fuck? What's wrong with this dude? He's 24 years old and wearing a suit? Dude she be wearing a print t-shirt or polo shirt and cargo shorts. Clearly a beta.

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