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SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

Quote: (06-27-2012 10:42 PM)silbanis Wrote:  

Quote: (06-27-2012 09:26 AM)Guacamole Wrote:  

I really hope this is a joke, but I can't tell. If it's not a joke, what you say shouldn't be taken with a grain of salt, it should be completely ignored. You can't have an opinion on the frequency of people meeting at bars and hooking up if you don't go to bars or try to hook up.

Not a joke never set foot in a bar or club.Might go out
(alone) sometime this summer...with no expectations.

Anyways...SNL is a myth perpetuated by the PUA industry.It benefits them to have you believe that you can go out and with a tight enough can sleep with a woman the same night that you meet her.
Its along the lines of the "Insta-date" nonsense that some PUAS like
to put forth as being a possibility.

I'm not saying that one night stands don't take place.They most certainly do..for the 1 % of guys who are extremely good looking, charismatic,have great rapport with women and who are able to keep things fun/moving along.

Of course location/circumstances will increase the chance of a SNL taking place;college dorm,spring break,private parties.,etc.
Nice looks vs game/that can't happen argument. I give you three out of five trolls.
[Image: troll.gif][Image: troll.gif][Image: troll.gif]

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

Quote: (06-27-2012 10:09 PM)soup Wrote:  

Almost all my bangs are SNL. It's gotten to a point where if a girl doesn't put out on the first night, it's a slim chance that it will happen at all for me (the non-SNLs don't return my texts).

Same here. I really have to like a broad to put in the effort or "persistence" to bang her down the road. Liking them that much is rare.

It comes from the fact I really don't care to socialize or even converse with the vast majority of women. And, I am into instant gratification.

LTR's have also been nonexistent for a very long time. "Why are you talking? Can't you see I am reading?" might have something to do with it....

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

I live in South Texas. Have partied in San Antonio a few times. My AO is Corpus, SA, Brownsville, and Mcallen. I would say in a club if there is 50 females, around 5-7 are getting smashed that night. It is your job to find that 10% that wants the D. Some won't be attracted to you, some may never see you at all, some won't give you that vibe or IOI. To me there is no real art to getting a SNL at a club. Dress better than 95% of the dudes there and you are one step ahead of the other cocks trying to get laid. Some women want to quiet mysterious guy, some want the best looking guy, and some want the "fun to be around" guy. Dress to impress, play to a niche, and approach approach approach.

Bar scene is different. I don't believe too many SNL's come out of bars, or not as many as clubs. Silbanis your best bet is to kick it with somebody that you know always get laid. Learn from him and you will see what it takes to get the SNL.

PDA is a no-go in America. Most people you see doing that in a bar or club are probably faded out their mind. I try to not kiss in public, especially in my town. We only have a few clubs/bars so once you are seen doing that shit. Most females will remember it. In my town there is maybe 6 blk dudes that go out regularly, so I am a marked man haha. I would take the initial kiss and escalate in another spot of the club with my hands.

Once any player gains experience, they will notice all the nuances of the bar/club. The females in groups just wanting to have fun, the girl who is bored out her mind cause she got drag by her friends, the couples where the female isn't into her dude, the amount of flesh the females show that night, to two girls who came out to drink just to hold a convo about their boring life, the sluts that just want attention, the birthday girl, the thirsty dudes with no game whatsoever, the pretty boys who deflect as many 5 and 6's they can, etc. Through all that garbage players take the info that is needed, find potential targets, see if the IOI are there and approach. From there most of the time within 10 mins he know it can be a SNL, 1 date smash, or he may have to work a little harder for the lay. He either continues with encounter or break engagement to find a new target.

Point is it out there at every spot you just got to go out and get it. Too easy.

The cycle of disrespect can start with just an appetizer.

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

I hate clubs but I've probably gotten about 8-10 SNL's from them. Hell, I even lost my virginity from a girl who chose me at one. I'll never forget how her friend came up to me and said I looked familiar before taking me over to their table. Spitting game to me and I soaked it up like a sponge.

I might need to start doing clubs again, especially since I look so young and can pull 18 and 19 yr olds with no problem. I'm trying to remember my strategy but it's been years since I've gitten those SNL's. I think I would just get a good buzz and approach every girl while making a circle around the entire club. I was just having a good time with a homie from the time we lit up the blunt and poured up the first drink at the spot before the club. My mood would never go down because I was having so much fun.

I don't even know who I would go to a club with now days. The last few times I've been left a bad taste in my mouth. I was getting blown out hard and ended up dancing with some fat birthday bitch around New Years because I was so drunk [Image: tard.gif] I will say this. You're a lot better off going to clubs for pussy with only 1 or 2 other people max. The guys who go 6 deep will always go home empty handed. Those groups of girls you see are usually not down for dick from a group of guys. 2 girls and 2 guys was what we used to do.

I love bars but have never gotten a SNL from one. I've also not practiced as much as I should. It's really a different ballgame than a club or approaching during the day. I would love for some PUA Sasha type expert to show me how to play jk. No, but just someone who who regularly pulls from bars.

By the way, good thread. I haven't typed up a response this long in a few months over here.

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

Quote: (06-27-2012 05:02 PM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

It's always nice to get SNL. The smug smile you give yourself in the bathroom mirror in the club you are in. Agreeing with every stupid thing she says on the way home , just to make sure she crosses your doorstep. Pretending to believe her when she says "I don't normally do this". Or disagreeing when she says "you probably think i'm such a slut"

"I don't normally do this".

Oh how I love that line.

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

Quote: (06-28-2012 04:35 AM)TexasMade Wrote:  

I live in South Texas. Have partied in San Antonio a few times. My AO is Corpus, SA, Brownsville, and Mcallen. I would say in a club if there is 50 females, around 5-7 are getting smashed that night. It is your job to find that 10% that wants the D. Some won't be attracted to you, some may never see you at all, some won't give you that vibe or IOI. To me there is no real art to getting a SNL at a club. Dress better than 95% of the dudes there and you are one step ahead of the other cocks trying to get laid. Some women want to quiet mysterious guy, some want the best looking guy, and some want the "fun to be around" guy. Dress to impress, play to a niche, and approach approach approach.

Bar scene is different. I don't believe too many SNL's come out of bars, or not as many as clubs. Silbanis your best bet is to kick it with somebody that you know always get laid. Learn from him and you will see what it takes to get the SNL.

PDA is a no-go in America. Most people you see doing that in a bar or club are probably faded out their mind. I try to not kiss in public, especially in my town. We only have a few clubs/bars so once you are seen doing that shit. Most females will remember it. In my town there is maybe 6 blk dudes that go out regularly, so I am a marked man haha. I would take the initial kiss and escalate in another spot of the club with my hands.

Once any player gains experience, they will notice all the nuances of the bar/club. The females in groups just wanting to have fun, the girl who is bored out her mind cause she got drag by her friends, the couples where the female isn't into her dude, the amount of flesh the females show that night, to two girls who came out to drink just to hold a convo about their boring life, the sluts that just want attention, the birthday girl, the thirsty dudes with no game whatsoever, the pretty boys who deflect as many 5 and 6's they can, etc. Through all that garbage players take the info that is needed, find potential targets, see if the IOI are there and approach. From there most of the time within 10 mins he know it can be a SNL, 1 date smash, or he may have to work a little harder for the lay. He either continues with encounter or break engagement to find a new target.

Point is it out there at every spot you just got to go out and get it. Too easy.

Your point about the nuances of the club/bar/lounge scene are
on point.I gather that after a while you will see certain patterns

In a sense, I agree that it may be out there (for some guys) but I
disagree with it being easy.If it was the PUA industry wouldn't exist.

The frequency of SNL are very dependent on setting,location and
the attractiveness/game of the guy involved. I would estimate that
perhaps 2% experience SNL on a (semi) regular basis;no more than

Quote: (06-28-2012 04:35 AM)TexasMade Wrote:  

In my town there is maybe 6 blk dudes that go out regularly, so I am a marked man haha.

I don't get it....why a marked man ?

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

Quote: (06-28-2012 09:04 AM)silbanis Wrote:  

The frequency of SNL are very dependent on setting,location and
the attractiveness/game of the guy involved. I would estimate that
perhaps 2% experience SNL on a (semi) regular basis;no more than

Quote: (06-28-2012 04:35 AM)TexasMade Wrote:  

In my town there is maybe 6 blk dudes that go out regularly, so I am a marked man haha.

I don't get it....why a marked man ?

Marked in a sense that if a lizard is interested in blk D. There are so few of us that when a lizard does see us, their eyes gravitate towards us. It's hard to explain, but if you have been out of country or even at a bar or club that is out of your element you get what I mean. Like a white guy hittin up a hiphop club in Htown, or asian hittin up a Tejano club in El Paso, Mexican guy hitting up a country club in Austin. Because of this, I have had girls come up to me and tell me "I had class with you last semester", "I saw you at the bar last month", "I saw you on your motorcycle last week". So its a blessing and a curse.

Because of this my sense of SNL is probably different because it's not that bad for me. It's like being an American in Santiago or Bolivia, shit comes easy. You may be right on the freq of SNL, but thats for regular guys that lay on the sidelines and imagine if they did approach the hottest girl in the club. Players aim to seek and destroy.

I had a battle buddy of mine pull two SNL's while in Seattle and El Paso. Dude is maybe 5'4", 180, 28 but already balding, and his style is Polo and some jeans. He has pulled a 6 and a 7 by being cocky/funny. He sought and destroy.

The cycle of disrespect can start with just an appetizer.

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

Quote: (06-27-2012 05:48 PM)Lothario Wrote:  

My SNL rate is 1 out of 5-6 nights that I actively go out looking for some with tight logistics which I think is a high number. ( Last years numbers , most of them in FL)

I do screen my targets for DTFness/SNL, Things I screen for as early in the Interaction as possible....

Who's she here with ?

How far she Lives ?

Does she have to drive a friend home ?

Almost all the SNL were single ladies out and about and drinking and giving the DTF vibe from the begining......

Lothario, that is quite an impressive record 1 in 5 times you get a SNL. How about quantify that. How old are you, your looks, and what quality of girls are you pulling? What percent of the girls that leave the club with you come home but do not end up fucking? Do you live in a big city, logistics, etc.? Also anything else you want to tell about your techniques would be appreciated. Thanks!

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

I think you have to consider both sides of the equation on the large scale.

What I mean is let's assume that the average girl has perhaps 3-5 one night stands in her life. Sure, there will be outliers who give it up way more than that but there are also the girls that are in the 0-1 range as well, so I think 3-5 is a good average, especially for your random sampling of girls in a nightlife scene.

On the other side of the equation, the question is how many guys can actually pull it off consistently? I think if you really took a look at it, you'd find that this number is incredibly low and in most guys, it requires the "perfect" amount of alcohol. Too little and they don't have the courage to approach and then make the ballsy, dominant, aggressive moves that are usually required to make the pull happen. Too much booze and they are too shitcanned to make anything happen. I don't really drink all that much and you'd be surprised at the number of friends who are shocked that I can actually have a one night stand without getting wasted. It takes a lot of courage and sexual comfort that most guys just simply don't have.

And then there's the matter of having a "system" that leads to replicable success. Most guys will never put the thought into actually doing that. I mean think about all of your friends. How many of them do you know who have done this even a handful of times, especially if you subtract college and vacation time?

So basically, those two things considered, I believe what happens is you get a very small selection of guys who are capable of doing it with some consistency essentially monopolizing the 3-5 one night stands that each girl will be giving out.

A good system will play the numbers. To consistently get one night stands you will probably have to approach a lot; there are a lot of factors that have to align. Specifically, you need to find girls who are very attracted to you (physical attraction has been shown to be a huge factor in one night stands; better step up your body, grooming, and fashion) and who are logistically and sexually available. Then you'll need a pretty reliable way of escalating both of those things. For example, somewhat early in the interaction I will ask something along the lines of "So what're your plans for later?" Girls aren't retarded - if you've been flirty and if you've maybe had your hands on her and you say that while you are staring her dead in the eye, I'm pretty sure she'll know that you are wondering if she's available to have your nuts dragged across her forehead. A bit further, if I am getting close to the pull or I think it is getting likely, I almost always say "So how mad will your friends be if you go missing?" The implication is that we are leaving together soon and it allows you to guage the logistics and willingness. I once had a girl say "Really mad because I drove!" Even though we had been all over each other, I knew that was a no go. I took her number and went back into the mix. Fucked her a couple of weeks later.

A good system will also stack the odds in the player's favor by having certain criteria for picking venues and the chicks he approaches (wandering eyes, not really involved with the group's conversation, dressed to kill, drunk, body language facing out towards the crowd).

And then you have to be able to close the deal once you get her alone. In my experience, perhaps 1/3 of the girls who get this far still won't let you pillage. In that case, the first follow-up is usually a guarantee.

As far as success rates go, I think I average about 1 per month. I do a pretty a typical 2 nights out per week so let's call it 1 in 10 nights out. But as other dudes here mentioned, it tends to be streaky. Get 2 or 3 in short order and then not have another one for a while. And that includes nights out with just my friends, not necessarily looking to score or at the least being incredibly hindered by having a group with me. I live in Honolulu, I'm pretty certain if I wanted to I could just go out in Waikiki every single night, implement the "system" and get one of these every week off of tourist girls.

I'll end this by saying that I don't really think SNLs requires all that much "game" other than being able to find that ready to go girl and then knowing how to work the logistics while getting her horny and sexual. Its mostly balls and situational awareness. I'm good at those things, which is probably why I find day game situations, which probably require a bit more finesse and "game" to be way harder. We've each got to play to our strengths. Just my $0.02.

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

Quote: (06-28-2012 07:27 AM)3extra Wrote:  

Quote: (06-27-2012 05:02 PM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

It's always nice to get SNL. The smug smile you give yourself in the bathroom mirror in the club you are in. Agreeing with every stupid thing she says on the way home , just to make sure she crosses your doorstep. Pretending to believe her when she says "I don't normally do this". Or disagreeing when she says "you probably think i'm such a slut"

"I don't normally do this".

Oh how I love that line.

In Ukraine they know you're a busy boy, they will say "you probably do this every night" and I always say "actually I don't get out much, i've been working a lot lately".

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

Quote: (06-27-2012 04:41 AM)brianmark Wrote:  

I would say there are very few SNL (single night lays - pickups and fucks) occurring in my major US city. Here is my basis for my statement. I seldom see guys making out with girls at bars. I do not see guys with drunk girls hanging on them. I seldom see them leaving bars arm in arm stumbling down the street. I don't even see them leaving bars romantically holding hands. I see most girls leaving bars in groups of girls and they are sober. I see guys leaving bars in groups of guys. So my conclusion is there is very little SNLs going on. Like less than 5% of the people hooking up and my guess is it's a lot closer to 1%!

What are your thoughts guys?

What city are you in?

I see the exact opposite of that every night in the places I roll.

To answer your question, yes first night swoops happen all the time.

Like another poster mentioned, Las Vegas is incredibly easy for first night swoops.

I feel I used to get way more when I was younger although I still throw down pretty heavy.

Now I usually get a number and do a First Date Swoop.

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

Quote: (06-27-2012 10:42 PM)silbanis Wrote:  

I'm not saying that one night stands don't take place.They most certainly do..for the 1 % of guys who are extremely good looking, charismatic,have great rapport with women and who are able to keep things fun/moving along.

Of course location/circumstances will increase the chance of a SNL taking place;college dorm,spring break,private parties.,etc.

lol man, work on your limiting beliefs

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

Used to get SNL pretty regularly in London. I knew where to find the slags.

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

Quote: (06-28-2012 06:37 PM)trainwreck Wrote:  

Quote: (06-27-2012 10:42 PM)silbanis Wrote:  

I'm not saying that one night stands don't take place.They most certainly do..for the 1 % of guys who are extremely good looking, charismatic,have great rapport with women and who are able to keep things fun/moving along.

Of course location/circumstances will increase the chance of a SNL taking place;college dorm,spring break,private parties.,etc.

lol man, work on your limiting beliefs

Yeah, I go out with the I idea I am going to swoop every single night.

Hell, two girls.

If I honestly go out two nights in a row, and I don't swoop a girl (or have a bunch of extremely strong prospects that I am going to swoop in the next week), it is a near disaster for me.

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

Quote: (06-28-2012 06:44 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (06-28-2012 06:37 PM)trainwreck Wrote:  

Quote: (06-27-2012 10:42 PM)silbanis Wrote:  

I'm not saying that one night stands don't take place.They most certainly do..for the 1 % of guys who are extremely good looking, charismatic,have great rapport with women and who are able to keep things fun/moving along.

Of course location/circumstances will increase the chance of a SNL taking place;college dorm,spring break,private parties.,etc.

lol man, work on your limiting beliefs

Yeah, I go out with the I idea I am going to swoop every single night.

Hell, two girls.

If I honestly go out two nights in a row, and I don't swoop a girl (or have a bunch of extremely strong prospects that I am going to swoop in the next week), it is a near disaster for me.

G, you''re the epitome of the alpha-male;confident,self-assured,etc.
part of the 1-2% of guys that I wrote about.The fact that you're
successful doesn't surprise me.Guys like yourself are supposed to
do very well with women.

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

Quote: (06-28-2012 06:37 PM)trainwreck Wrote:  

lol man, work on your limiting beliefs

True...they are limiting but closer to truth than the "insta-dates"
or "10 min bathroom pulls" that some (in the PUA industry) claim
are entirely possible with the right methods/tactics.Also,one has
to be honest with themselves and acknowledge their limits and

Quote: (06-28-2012 06:44 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Yeah, I go out with the I idea I am [b]going to swoop every single night.

Hell, two girls.

If I honestly go out two nights in a row, and I don't swoop a girl (or have a bunch of extremely strong prospects that I am going to swoop in the next week), it is a near disaster for me.

G, you''re the epitome of the alpha-male;confident,self-assured,etc.
part of the 1-2% of guys that I wrote about.The fact that you're
successful doesn't surprise me.Guys like yourself are supposed to
do very well with women.

Out of curiosity, have you met with any success here in MTL ?

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

Quote: (06-28-2012 08:56 PM)silbanis Wrote:  

Quote: (06-28-2012 06:44 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (06-28-2012 06:37 PM)trainwreck Wrote:  

Quote: (06-27-2012 10:42 PM)silbanis Wrote:  

I'm not saying that one night stands don't take place.They most certainly do..for the 1 % of guys who are extremely good looking, charismatic,have great rapport with women and who are able to keep things fun/moving along.

Of course location/circumstances will increase the chance of a SNL taking place;college dorm,spring break,private parties.,etc.

lol man, work on your limiting beliefs

Yeah, I go out with the I idea I am going to swoop every single night.

Hell, two girls.

If I honestly go out two nights in a row, and I don't swoop a girl (or have a bunch of extremely strong prospects that I am going to swoop in the next week), it is a near disaster for me.

G, you''re the epitome of the alpha-male;confident,self-assured,etc.
part of the 1-2% of guys that I wrote about.The fact that you're
successful doesn't surprise me.Guys like yourself are supposed to
do very well with women.

You are asking for advice about how to get snls, then when someone actually answers you just say that they are in the "1% natural category."

So basically you aren't asking for real advice, and whatever success anyone else has isn't due to any work or practice, they are just good looking and naturals. You are simply complaining about not being a male model.

Brianmark had a somewhat legitimate thread going on asking for advice and figuring out how often SNLs occur, but you hijacked it with pretend questions. I have to drop it on you.

[Image: troll.gif] [Image: troll.gif] [Image: troll.gif] [Image: troll.gif]

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?


If I honestly go out two nights in a row, and I don't swoop a girl (or have a bunch of extremely strong prospects that I am going to swoop in the next week), it is a near disaster for me.

And how long has it been that way for you G?


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you aren't a troll.

But your view is probably a little too pessimistic. The amount of guys who get SNL's is higher than 2-3%.

SNL's can happen to virtually any man if they are in the right circumstances. We would say, "He's getting lucky."

Plenty of men get lucky from time to time. The vast majority of men I have known have had a few SNL's in their lifetime.

As to the guys who can get SNL's regularly: I'd say it's no more than 5%.

But remember that 5% of all men translates into millions of men.

So, in theory, you are right. SNL's are uncommon.

But in practice, this forum board is overly represented by men in this 2-3% category, from all over the world. That's a population of 10-20 million men. That's a lotta guys.

And of that 3-5%, you have guys who can score SNL's around 10-20 times per year, to guys who can score SNL's almost every night.

This forums tends to be populated by men who only get around 10-20 QUALITY lays per year. You won't get this info from a poll. This is my guesstimate based on the knowledge guys around here post on women. 10-20 lays per year is the median.

So when you state, "Only the top % gets SNL's"; well no shit batman, this forum is of guys from the top.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

For the person that said no SNLs at bars, I think it's based on the city. Beach cities are SNL heaven for bars, much more than clubs.

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

Quote: (06-28-2012 06:14 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (06-27-2012 04:41 AM)brianmark Wrote:  

I would say there are very few SNL (single night lays - pickups and fucks) occurring in my major US city. Here is my basis for my statement. I seldom see guys making out with girls at bars. I do not see guys with drunk girls hanging on them. I seldom see them leaving bars arm in arm stumbling down the street. I don't even see them leaving bars romantically holding hands. I see most girls leaving bars in groups of girls and they are sober. I see guys leaving bars in groups of guys. So my conclusion is there is very little SNLs going on. Like less than 5% of the people hooking up and my guess is it's a lot closer to 1%!

What are your thoughts guys?

What city are you in?

I see the exact opposite of that every night in the places I roll.

To answer your question, yes first night swoops happen all the time.

Like another poster mentioned, Las Vegas is incredibly easy for first night swoops.

I feel I used to get way more when I was younger although I still throw down pretty heavy.

Now I usually get a number and do a First Date Swoop.

I currently live in Atlanta. I have lived off an on in Atlanta about 15 years and do not think Atlanta is nearly as good as it used to be.

I have read your site a few times and see you have over 5000 post here on Roosh's site so I know you've already answered the questions I'm going to ask you. Is there a good interview with you somewhere?

First, are you a boxer or just a fan? How old are you? How do you look? What level girls are you getting on your SNLs? Is there something special that you do differently than most people to get your high numbers of SNLs?

I haven't been to Vegas recently but believe it is more productive than a normal US city. I've played a lot of beach vacation towns and know how much better they are.

My statement is about normal US cities and not vacation spots. I see you live in Mexico and I know things can be a lot better in many foreign countries. Where in USA do you live or which cities do you play the most in?

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

Quote: (06-28-2012 05:49 PM)Mr McGillycuddy Wrote:  

As far as success rates go, I think I average about 1 per month. I do a pretty a typical 2 nights out per week so let's call it 1 in 10 nights out. But as other dudes here mentioned, it tends to be streaky. Get 2 or 3 in short order and then not have another one for a while. And that includes nights out with just my friends, not necessarily looking to score or at the least being incredibly hindered by having a group with me. I live in Honolulu, I'm pretty certain if I wanted to I could just go out in Waikiki every single night, implement the "system" and get one of these every week off of tourist girls.

I'll end this by saying that I don't really think SNLs requires all that much "game" other than being able to find that ready to go girl and then knowing how to work the logistics while getting her horny and sexual. Its mostly balls and situational awareness. I'm good at those things, which is probably why I find day game situations, which probably require a bit more finesse and "game" to be way harder. We've each got to play to our strengths. Just my $0.02.

Mr McGillycuddy, I enjoyed your answer. It was a very scientific look at an important topic. How old are you? What do you look like and what quality of girls are you pulling? So you are basically fucking 12 new girls a year? Of the SNL girls, how many ever come back for repeat action? Thanks for the info!

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

Quote: (06-29-2012 12:35 AM)brianmark Wrote:  

How old are you?
I'm 27.


What do you look like and what quality of girls are you pulling?

I do not want to sound conceited or for this to come across as being a brag. I am just trying to be honest since I believe this is a huge factor in one night stands: I'd say that most girls would consider me pretty far above average looking. I'm white. I have long, shaggy, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and tan skin. I have abs and an athletic body (not a beefcake but not skinny either) and I dress to leverage each of those things. I guess I fit the pretty stereotypical surfer look.

But at the same time, I'm 5'9" on my best day so I'm not exactly getting noticed in crowded venues and girls that go after "dark" guys or guys with a lot of physical stature usually don't even notice me or just reject me outright (unfortunately, this can be many of the local girls in Hawaii depending on where I am).

Not surprisingly, my girls tend to be pretty much above average too. It's probably a normalized distribution centered over the mid-7 range. Many 7s, some 8s, and the occasional legit hottie but also the occasional 5 and 6 if I need a slump buster or she makes it really easy. The girls I bang also tend to be very small ( 4'10" to 5'3" in 75% of the cases I would guess), which makes sense since I'm not super physically imposing either. I rarely bother with girls taller than me.


So you are basically fucking 12 new girls a year? Of the SNL girls, how many ever come back for repeat action? Thanks for the info!

Twelve SNLs in the past year is about right (I've only been decent at this for about one year). But the number of girls total in the last year is maybe double that because of phone numbers and social circle action. I've had pretty good success with girls sticking around, assuming I make the effort to keep them around, which isn't always the case.

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

Quote: (06-27-2012 10:42 PM)silbanis Wrote:  

Not a joke never set foot in a bar or club.Might go out
(alone) sometime this summer...with no expectations.

Anyways...SNL is a myth perpetuated by the PUA industry.It benefits them to have you believe that you can go out and with a tight enough can sleep with a woman the same night that you meet her.
Its along the lines of the "Insta-date" nonsense that some PUAS like
to put forth as being a possibility.

I'm not saying that one night stands don't take place.They most certainly do..for the 1 % of guys who are extremely good looking, charismatic,have great rapport with women and who are able to keep things fun/moving along.

Of course location/circumstances will increase the chance of a SNL taking place;college dorm,spring break,private parties.,etc.

Can someone please post the trollin meme with the fat African baby dancing for me?

SNLs absolutely do happen. Maybe for the dipshits that typical PUA stuff attracts they don't, but if you are a cool guy with some style and not terribly ugly, you WILL get SNLs.

I have no idea how frequently SNLs happen for your AVERAGE dude at the bar, but I get them fairly often. Back home in California I can pull them once or twice a month if I go out 1-2x a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less. My average probably falls somewhere in the 1/4-1/8 range depending on venue and city.

Now, most of the girls are 6's, with some 7 and 7.5s in there. My biggest problem with SNLs is going for the lowest hanging fruit, as opposed to going after 7 and 8s exclusively. That is probably the next thing in game I really need to work on, not getting drunk and wanting to fuck any chick that passes the boner test. But there's no shame in my game, every player bones a 6 if they can't pull higher. Only dudes who get no pussy hate on dudes who fuck 6's. That, or they are delusional and inflate their straight 6 to a 8 when they lie to their friends.

Of course, a lot of dudes new in game might not be able to get SNLs often. God blessed me with not being a complete fuckin weirdo who was able to nail decent chicks before game, so I had a head start on many dudes in game.

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

I used to think SNL's never happened either unless the girl was a complete party drunk slutbag and she would go home with some massive alpha stud. Thought that there was no way in hell relatively average dudes could get seemingly normal/pretty looking girls who dont look like Ke$ha, to go home with them after meeting the same night. How wrong I was.

SNL: How Frequently Do they Occur?

Quote: (06-29-2012 03:07 AM)Mr McGillycuddy Wrote:  

But at the same time, I'm 5'9" on my best day so I'm not exactly getting noticed in crowded venues and girls that go after "dark" guys or guys with a lot of physical stature usually don't even notice me or just reject me outright (unfortunately, this can be many of the local girls in Hawaii depending on where I am).

Not surprisingly, my girls tend to be pretty much above average too. It's probably a normalized distribution centered over the mid-7 range. Many 7s, some 8s, and the occasional legit hottie but also the occasional 5 and 6 if I need a slump buster or she makes it really easy. The girls I bang also tend to be very small ( 4'10" to 5'3" in 75% of the cases I would guess), which makes sense since I'm not super physically imposing either. I rarely bother with girls taller than me.

Thanks again for the great answer! I am even shorter than you and have been able to pull girls. Yes it true that shorter guys might not get noticed as quickly as a real tall guys, but with good game you can get girls. You and I have both proven it. I've actually tried to post on other sites where some guy attribute there lack of never getting a girl to height alone, I have told them that is bullshit! There is something else wrong, like no game, no personality, maybe really ugly.

As far as the short girls go, are they a specific enthnic group? Anyway I don't want to be accussed of being a race troll, but I've been all over and their are differences between ethnic groups, with some more liberal and some more conservative than others. Thanks for the information!

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