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How I got over my fear of going out solo

How I got over my fear of going out solo

Buy Roosh's Bang on Audio. Listen to his rational about going out solo. Over and over while you sleep. I prefer it now.

"All My Bitches love me....I love all my bitches,
but its like soon as I cum... I come to my senses."

How I got over my fear of going out solo

I used to be scared to walk into the bar alone even if i was meeting people there haha.

Now im traveling the world by myself an go pretty much everywhere solo an im ok with it. Makes it easy to meet people.

Now next time im out alone an someone ask me where my friends are i can reply "all over the world"

I do feel like im more fearless in making approaches when out with other guy friends. Back in the day i thrived off them losing there minds that i would just go up to any girl anywhere an start "gaming"...... I miss the old me

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

How I got over my fear of going out solo

Quote: (04-30-2012 03:53 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Now im traveling the world by myself an go pretty much everywhere solo an im ok with it. Makes it easy to meet people.

Hotel lobby bars are an amazing place to camp out on any night of the week and generally meet decent people (guys and gals) who are also out solo.

Plus, combine a single woman in a lobby bar with the belief that women prefer sexual tourism and it's a win-win. Except just before close when the prostitutes make their rounds, of course.

Dolo is the way go to. The only time I go out with another guy is if they request a wing and need the support.

How I got over my fear of going out solo

I'm into going out solo myself. For years I've been motivating my buddies to go along and, when they do, instead of motivating me to approach, they will bitch about the music being too loud, venue too crowdy/ cold/ hot, women there being too low-class/arrogant/bitchy or whatever. If they don't actively cockblock (say, make phone pictures while you dance or talk to a girl) they will either drink themselves into delerium or start discussions on irrelevant subjects, say, why you should never drink alcohol or the bad job market. Who f-ing cares?!

They're good guys, but not the kind I need for good game -- they know about game, but talk more (often negative) about it than using it. At 32 and being in a semi-serious relationship I really don't feel like waiting for them to change. I also feel them knowing about my private life is a growing risk, because they always gossip.

In short: I think going out solo is the thing for me. I'm a bit of an introvert, quite confident, laid-back and usually talk to some people wherever I am. I'm pretty new to this, but I have tried approaching a few times during nightlife. I feel a bit lonely doing it, but also free for not needing anyone to enjoy myself.

Anybody else here with similar problems, because going solo would be a new game plan for me.

How I got over my fear of going out solo

What if you put on one of those "one man wolf pack" t-shirts (its a reference to the movie Hangover) when going out solo [Image: tongue.gif]

How I got over my fear of going out solo

Lately I've actually been having more luck going out solo. Not necessarily dolo depending on venue, but most of the time a nice suit/shirt without a tie or pocket square.

The key is to know someone that works in the venue, you don't have to know them well, just enough so you'll have less anxiety and instant social proof. I usually just chat up the waitresses/bartenders that I know, and if they're busy I'd just BS with whoever happens to be next to me. If you don't know anyone, just start being friendly with the bartenders and be generous with the tips. I think it looks better than being the lone guy holding a drink just looking around or playing with his phone.

Only downside is I usually run into problems with isolation - sets of 2 would be my max approach, 3+ is usually a waste of time. I'd get a kiss here and there but that's about it. I have 2 guys that I regularly go out with, but they seem to hurt more than help.

One will not approach first, he always wait til I approach then he joins in. He's a cool guy that always buys drinks and can be pretty smooth once I open up a group, but sometimes he sends out neg vibes like - "I told you it's tuff to meet girls in clubs/bars". Also, if I open up a group and he doesn't like the leftover girls, he won't do anything. I wouldn't jump on the grenades but I'd at least entertain them to stop any cockblock attempts.

Second one doesn't even have to approach, he gets approached constantly. He could pass for a male model, and I'm not talking Zoolander. The issue with him is, he'd turn down 7s. I mean straight blowing them off, it's funny to watch. I thought that was great and I'd get his leftovers, but the girls would either get pissed off and leave or end up wanting him even more. And when we approach sets, all the girls automatically got on him, so I get very little action when I'm around him.

These days when I go out, I either just roll out solo, or split up once we're inside. However, a lot of talent I run into here are usually rolling at least 3 deep. If you're in Vegas and have the same issues, PM me. Maybe we can do a test run and clean up.

How I got over my fear of going out solo

We say in Russia that sheep flocks together, but eagles fly alone.

How I got over my fear of going out solo

Am I the only one that feels that going dolo in your hometown is way harder and uncomfortable than abroad/travelling?

How I got over my fear of going out solo

It's because of your mindset. it also depends on the location.
If you go to the place full of travelers, obviously you will see a lot of guys by themselves, people just meeting new people.
If you go to a local bar in out of state, it will be the same, few guys by themselves, most people hanging out by groups.

When you go out alone while visiting, you don't feel ashamed of being there by yourself. you don't care about people's attention since you don't know them and won't see them ever again. you can proudly say you are here by yourself since you are just here for conference or something.
So if you changed your mindset to this way, it would be easier for you in my opinion.

Quote: (05-06-2012 04:26 PM)FretDancer Wrote:  

Am I the only one that feels that going dolo in your hometown is way harder and uncomfortable than abroad/travelling?

How I got over my fear of going out solo

Quote: (05-06-2012 04:26 PM)FretDancer Wrote:  

Am I the only one that feels that going dolo in your hometown is way harder and uncomfortable than abroad/traveling?

When you're self-conscious and worry that people will think you're a loser with no friends. As long as you're somewhat out-going with both women and men, you'll find a whole new set of acquaintances who you'll say hi to at the regular places.

I go out solo almost all the time. Girls usually ask where my friends are, I tell them I was hanging with a good friend earlier but his girlfriend called him home. You can run a little story about boyfriend/girlfriend dynamics and bros-before-hos with this story too. haha

How I got over my fear of going out solo

I went out solo tonight, first real attempt. I had gone once before but pussed out after about 30 minutes. Result? I am shocked and amazed and think this is a breakthrough in my level of game.

To sum, I'm in a tough dry spell I'm in right now, 17 days and counting. Recently just had major flakes, nothing was working out, all girls in the rotation dropped out for various reasons. I'm losing my mind being without sex for this long. So I spent a few hours this evening reading this thread, the other thread in the hall of fame, and some other blog posts by Roosh/G. Kept going back and forth between going out and not going out. Hit up all my buddies, nobody was game to go out. As tired as I was, with all the excuses I kept coming up with, I just forced myself to go through the motions, get dressed, etc. Gave myself as much ammo as possible for rolling solo - stopped at a liquor store on the way there and got cigs and a lighter so I could take breaks in the smoking patio.

I am so damn happy I did this. Not a single person asked if I was alone. I chatted up more girls than anytime I've ever gone out with buddies. Spent way less than normal, only had 2 drinks so I won't be hungover, blew an opportunity with a blonde, but what can you do. Even went on an adventure with some random people to another bar before they got weird and I left to go back to the original place. But overall, wow. There was even a random Charlie Sheen appearance if you can believe it. Most importantly, there really is nothing to do but hit on girls when you are out solo - no buddies to talk to, no distractions.

I didn't pull, which sucks. I saw a lot of people hooking up which always hurts. But I would have just stayed home tonight - at least I went out and got some practice, talked to a bunch of attractive girls, got rejected, had great conversations, met a hot Bosnian girl who told me to go to Croatia, and so on.

Special thanks to houston for this thread and motivation, G for his blog posts and posts here and about the smoking patio routine, Roosh for his detailed blog post about rolling solo, and to all others posting re the same. I'm converted...rolling solo is no longer some "concept" that I think about doing one day. It's now going to be a part of my life.

How I got over my fear of going out solo

Lately I've been going out early alone and visiting various bars before meeting friends out later. I've got a little bit of interest from some women, but I find it a little difficult to keep the mood up alone, and haven't managed to pull solo yet. In the last few weeks, however, my confidence has pretty much doubled, so I might be up for giving it another go tomorrow or Saturday. Will report back if I end up rolling dolo.

Sidenote: I have pretty much no problem disappearing and rolling out alone for a while if I have a group somewhere that's been keeping me going. Just mindset that seems to be holding me back

How I got over my fear of going out solo

It's true when your friends are somewhere in the bar, you can walk around on your own easily.
Imagine there are friends somewhere....that's my tip [Image: smile.gif]

Quote: (06-21-2012 05:53 AM)Architekt Wrote:  

Sidenote: I have pretty much no problem disappearing and rolling out alone for a while if I have a group somewhere that's been keeping me going. Just mindset that seems to be holding me back

How I got over my fear of going out solo

How about the obivous answer of making friends where you go.

How I got over my fear of going out solo

Houston your post inspired me to go out tonight by myself. I was in a bad mood most of the day until I hit the gym. When I got back I got a text from my friend who DJs at this place telling me to come out. I guess he'll be my social backup, but I have a good record with this place for SNLs. I just need to get into the aggressive mindset.

How do you guys pump yourself up for a solo night out?

I've already watched a bunch of Seinfeld. I want to use the "Hi, I'm WC, I may not look it but I can run real fast" opener, maybe she'll get it.

How I got over my fear of going out solo

I like to watch Seinfeld, then lay out my clothes/come up with my strategy while watching an episode of Mad Men (it's good for looking at good alpha posture and putting with bitchy bitches in their place. Also I sometimes use a moodier persona like Don Draper), then I do some push ups while listening to some banger club rap, then I shower and head out the door.

Going out solo scares me way less than going out with my dude friends (my boys can be chill, but they'll flip to vicious cock-blockers and retard rage jealous types if the night doesn't go well for them.

How I got over my fear of going out solo

Thanks for the advice. I definitely agree with the normal dudefriends trying to cockblock the hell out of you intentional or not. I ended up watching shame while slamming down white russians and blasting out okcupid messages. I think the physical aspect is the best advice. I hit the gym just prior to this. Heavy lifting for 2 hours, definitely got me into the zone.

How I got over my fear of going out solo

Night 2 of going out solo. Achieved a great make out at the bar with an Irish girl. Thought I had it in the bag until I got fucking navy seal team 6 cockblocked out of nowhere when her friend showed up and ran away with her. Funny thing is one girl did ask me if I came alone, and I used the I have no friends line. She thought it was hilarious.

Going out solo is awesome. Wish I discovered this earlier.

How I got over my fear of going out solo

Once you've done it enough times, it becomes second nature.

I actually turn down offers from friends because I prefer to go out by myself. Going out by myself made me realise I like to play by my own rules and rolling solo means you can do whatever the fuck you want when you want.

Want to leave this place because you don't like the vibe after 5 minutes even though paid a cover? Done.

Want to spend the night spitting game on girls? Done.

You get the idea. The anxiety of being by yourself and being self-conscious of what people think of you disappears when you've done it many times. Do it more often and you might actually quite enjoy it.

I think G said it best: 'There's no one's company I prefer more than my own.'

How I got over my fear of going out solo

I'be recently transitioned my game to solo. I actually fuck myself over with wings, but once and a while I'll go out with the guy I run with. The reason is you establish a new "base" when you have a wing and you think oh if shit hits the fan I'll just go find him. Anyway here is what I did to break out.

1. First night solo your only goal is to open people. That's it's, no make out nothing.
2. As soon as you feel okay now you run your regular game and do it EARLY. This way your new "base" is a random girl. Hopefully you did well and she'll be waiting for you anyway.
3, Leverage said interaction now no one knows if u came solo or not. When they ask I simply say "yep came alone I felt like making some people happy tonight" (smirk)
4. Rinse and repeat.

I am going to try and go suited up solo again soon, still think I need to age a year though. Massive baby face issues. The only girls who tend to hate the young solo guys are the just out of college "I must meet a guy my social circle approves of" type... Hell those an rent even worth it.

How I got over my fear of going out solo

Bump for anyone thinking about going out alone.

How I got over my fear of going out solo

i've been a lone wolf since learning game... if you do go to a club with the guys split to get yourself a drink and don't hook back up... if a chick asks say your friends ditched you to go onto the dance floor and you only dance with a (female) partner...

i'd consider myself a "shy" before learning game, so i can sympathize that it's tough, so anyone thinking should take babysteps to start... go out to a bar (not a club) and chill at the bar and watch ESPN, talk to the bartender, whatever, it'll be easier the next time, and the next time, and the next time

... i know a lot of the game is based around wingmen, and some guys have a "no man left behind" mindset but if you ever want the girl to approach YOU instead of you finding them, you need to be solo

How I got over my fear of going out solo

I've been going out solo since I was 18-19. While I've never had a single girl question me or ask me why I'm on my own, I sometimes still find it difficult to get into the mood and my confidence quickly goes down as a result. Some nights I do great and open everyone around me but they are times where I feel like shit the moment I get in and I'll barely talk to anyone.

I guess it's all about who happen to be there that night. That's why it's important to scout the venue as soon as you're past the door. Personally my game takes place at the bar so I'll quickly chat up the bartender & waitresses and open the girls around me. Those first few minutes are golden and WILL set the rest of the night. Don't waste them just sitting there and looking like a zombie (even though you might see it as "acting cool").

This being said, there will be lowlights. The key is to not give in and abandon the ship. It's too easy and you're not doing yourself any favours. I remember a few months ago being posted at the bar, on my own, having a couple of beers. Anybody looking at me could see I was alone. This geeky asian guy who's been wandering around the bar for an hour comes up to me and ask if I want to play a game of pool. It hit me. I'm immediately thinking "F that, that's not what I came here for". I got up of my fat ass and opened a set of three chicks sitting next to me.

How I got over my fear of going out solo

have been thinking about this thread since reading it and wanted to add;

... i'd forgotten that i had done the opposite of my own advice to start with, i picked the busiest night of the year St.Patrick's Day, went out alone to a bar that was packed anyway, the crowd was so big it was impossible for anyone to tell you were there alone (if that's the thought holding someone back, justifiable)...

How I got over my fear of going out solo

Yes, either solo or with another player who wings well. I see a dramatic difference in possibilities when solo. It seems to be the only time I pull with consistency.

Solo is also something that, for me, needs a little maintenance. If I don't do it for a while I get a little rusty and need to reboot to get all the rudiments back. But they all usually come back quickly.

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