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Where is GManifesto?

Where is GManifesto?

From what I've seen through scattered sources around the Internet all the guys G hangs with in person all wear suits and are balling. One ex-blogger mentioned going on vacation with him to DR on Facebook a little while back.

Where is GManifesto?

The forum has a bad habit of talking about people when they're not in the room.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 04:02 AM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Just flesh it out here. Why the secrecy? Unless you have a private driver (which invariably means a car), you won't have no life in Socal. Cabs are extremely expensive and distances between places are great. It's a well-known fact that Socal is a place where the car factors heavily into one's daily life.

Gentlemen's wagers are just something I enjoy. They make life more interesting.

I've noticed guys are always willing to say something is impossible.

Yet rarely are guys willing to put even $100 or so at stake to defend their claim.

"Opinions are cheap."

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 01:55 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2012 04:02 AM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Just flesh it out here. Why the secrecy? Unless you have a private driver (which invariably means a car), you won't have no life in Socal. Cabs are extremely expensive and distances between places are great. It's a well-known fact that Socal is a place where the car factors heavily into one's daily life.

Gentlemen's wagers are just something I enjoy. They make life more interesting.

I've noticed guys are always willing to say something is impossible.

Yet rarely are guys willing to put even $100 or so at stake to defend their claim.

"Opinions are cheap."
Why would you want to be carless in SoCal? The option would cost more unless you stay in all the time. Not having wheels is a pain in the ass. Run out of smokes then what? Call a cab?

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 09:09 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

The forum has a bad habit of talking about people when they're not in the room.

Not just this forum, the whole world talks behind peoples back!

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 02:08 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Why would you want to be carless in SoCal? The option would cost more unless you stay in all the time. Not having wheels is a pain in the ass. Run out of smokes then what? Call a cab?

LA's public transportation options have really expanded over the years. If you live in the Hollywood area and want to get downtown, for instance, it's a lot easier taking the subway now than driving to downtown and looking/paying for parking.

If you want to get from Santa Monica to Downtown there are a bunch of bus options (rapid busses). Over the past few years the city's public transportation options have changed a lot, and they're only getting better and more abundant.

San Diego is also doing pretty well with public transportation. The only place that won't be doing well anytime soon is Orange County, although there are good rail options to get to LA/SD from OC if you live near a train station.

All in all, the options are getting better in So Cal when it comes to public transportation.

Also, worth pointing out that G is still updating his website. I'm betting he's in a mini-relationship getting his "stress" relieved in a marathon session.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 02:08 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Why would you want to be carless in SoCal? The option would cost more unless you stay in all the time. Not having wheels is a pain in the ass. Run out of smokes then what? Call a cab?

Live in an area with a high walk score.

That site doesn't tell the whole picture. There are neighborhoods where the walk score is 98 or 99.

Work in the same area you live in.

A friend of mine lived in Santa Monica, biked to his job (where he was making $200,000+), and never needed to drive.

You can walk to good restaurants, bars, shopping, movies...whatever.

Cab it on the weekend if you want to go farther. Do that, anyway, to avoid a DUI.

Take a shuttle to LAX when you need to fly somewhere.

Going carless is SoCal is very easy.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 03:40 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2012 02:08 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Why would you want to be carless in SoCal? The option would cost more unless you stay in all the time. Not having wheels is a pain in the ass. Run out of smokes then what? Call a cab?

Live in an area with a high walk score.

That site doesn't tell the whole picture. There are neighborhoods where the walk score is 98 or 99.

Work in the same area you live in.

A friend of mine lived in Santa Monica, biked to his job (where he was making $200,000+), and never needed to drive.

You can walk to good restaurants, bars, shopping, movies...whatever.

Cab it on the weekend if you want to go farther. Do that, anyway, to avoid a DUI.

Take a shuttle to LAX when you need to fly somewhere.

Going carless is SoCal is very easy.

Mike, is NOT having a car in SoCal seen as a social taboo? What if you swoop a lizard and you tell her you don't have a car? Will she hold that against you? What if you need to be hitting up lizards from different neighbourhoods (a harem)? Is there public transport or is it just a cab thing from A to Z etc?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 07:49 AM)The_CEO Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2012 01:12 AM)babelfish669 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 08:13 PM)Keyser Söze Wrote:  

Given that GManifesto is a colorful poster who writes volumes about swooping fly lizards and jetting around like Mayweather yet has asked for advice on this forum about Ryanair and has never been verified by anyone, I miss his contributions even though I read them for entertainment.

I'm not going to make personal attacks here, but, I've been fortunate & unfortunate to meet a lot of people I met online over the past 10 years. Some have been the most legit, stand up guys I've met in my life. Others so awful I'm surprised when I hear they aren't in prison yet. (This is really amplified when it comes to business stuff.)

May be G doesn't want to deal with that shit?

However, it seems strange to me that a prolific poster wouldn't meet a single forum member in person, most especially when they are nearby geographically. That is weird.

I've met one forum member here in person and was pretty impressed. Too bad he got banned, haha.

Not sure why people are piling on the guy in this thread.

And frankly, being a member of a f'ing internet forum, does not make you obligated to meet other members in real life. If you want to, fine. If not, who cares.

I'm just saying its unusual, given what I listed in my original post.

I'm not saying its right or wrong, people have their reasons.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 03:43 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2012 03:40 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2012 02:08 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Why would you want to be carless in SoCal? The option would cost more unless you stay in all the time. Not having wheels is a pain in the ass. Run out of smokes then what? Call a cab?

Live in an area with a high walk score.

That site doesn't tell the whole picture. There are neighborhoods where the walk score is 98 or 99.

Work in the same area you live in.

A friend of mine lived in Santa Monica, biked to his job (where he was making $200,000+), and never needed to drive.

You can walk to good restaurants, bars, shopping, movies...whatever.

Cab it on the weekend if you want to go farther. Do that, anyway, to avoid a DUI.

Take a shuttle to LAX when you need to fly somewhere.

Going carless is SoCal is very easy.

Mike, is NOT having a car in SoCal seen as a social taboo? What if you swoop a lizard and you tell her you don't have a car? Will she hold that against you? What if you need to be hitting up lizards from different neighbourhoods (a harem)? Is there public transport or is it just a cab thing from A to Z etc?
I can walk to work and the bars etc but it wouldn't have helped me much when the carless Ukrainian girl sent me a message to come take her out in N Tampa that's 45 miles away. Cabs would have cost about 150 or more to take her out the first time and it took three to bang. I can name hundreds of other occasions where the fact I had wheels got me laid.

When I was a teen I got about 90% of my ass in the car parked somewhere.

Tonight I'm free. There's a thick-booty black girl that may want to chill in ST.Pete 30 miles away. Should I ask her to come get me or take a taxi there? Bounce venues in her car? I may want to chill at the casino and hit up some Tampa girl that just came on the radar via text. Who knows but it's my choice when and where.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 03:29 PM)kerouac Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2012 02:08 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Why would you want to be carless in SoCal? The option would cost more unless you stay in all the time. Not having wheels is a pain in the ass. Run out of smokes then what? Call a cab?

LA's public transportation options have really expanded over the years. If you live in the Hollywood area and want to get downtown, for instance, it's a lot easier taking the subway now than driving to downtown and looking/paying for parking.

If you want to get from Santa Monica to Downtown there are a bunch of bus options (rapid busses). Over the past few years the city's public transportation options have changed a lot, and they're only getting better and more abundant.

San Diego is also doing pretty well with public transportation. The only place that won't be doing well anytime soon is Orange County, although there are good rail options to get to LA/SD from OC if you live near a train station.

All in all, the options are getting better in So Cal when it comes to public transportation.

Also, worth pointing out that G is still updating his website. I'm betting he's in a mini-relationship getting his "stress" relieved in a marathon session.

I bet TheGManifesto got run over by a bus then.

He's always talking about helping old ladies cross the street.


You guys that are bad mouthing him must feel pretty bad now.


Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 03:58 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2012 03:43 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2012 03:40 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2012 02:08 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Why would you want to be carless in SoCal? The option would cost more unless you stay in all the time. Not having wheels is a pain in the ass. Run out of smokes then what? Call a cab?

Live in an area with a high walk score.

That site doesn't tell the whole picture. There are neighborhoods where the walk score is 98 or 99.

Work in the same area you live in.

A friend of mine lived in Santa Monica, biked to his job (where he was making $200,000+), and never needed to drive.

You can walk to good restaurants, bars, shopping, movies...whatever.

Cab it on the weekend if you want to go farther. Do that, anyway, to avoid a DUI.

Take a shuttle to LAX when you need to fly somewhere.

Going carless is SoCal is very easy.

Mike, is NOT having a car in SoCal seen as a social taboo? What if you swoop a lizard and you tell her you don't have a car? Will she hold that against you? What if you need to be hitting up lizards from different neighbourhoods (a harem)? Is there public transport or is it just a cab thing from A to Z etc?
I can walk to work and the bars etc but it wouldn't have helped me much when the carless Ukrainian girl sent me a message to come take her out in N Tampa that's 45 miles away. Cabs would have cost about 150 or more to take her out the first time and it took three to bang. I can name hundreds of other occasions where the fact I had wheels got me laid.

When I was a teen I got about 90% of my ass in the car parked somewhere.

Tonight I'm free. There's a thick-booty black girl that may want to chill in ST.Pete 30 miles away. Should I ask her to come get me or take a taxi there? Bounce venues in her car? I may want to chill at the casino and hit up some Tampa girl that just came on the radar via text. Who knows but it's my choice when and where.

Since I came to North America, not having a car has been a detriment to me. Even though I live in a city that is supposed to have a decent transit infrastructure, a lot of lizards have judged me because I don't have wheels.

I have lost the deal on a lot of the younger lizards due to my lack of wheels. America seems like it will be even more harsher especially in places like SoCal where they are so much about status.

Of course, I could be wrong. I do know that in Florida, I was severely hampered because I didn't have a whip. I guess SoCal is SoDifferent?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Where is GManifesto?

1. Elmech, I stopped driving to meet women. There are more than enough where I'm at.

2. Moma, in SF, not having a car is no big deal. In LA, it's a big deal. Not having a nice car is a big deal.

My car is crappy. It's 11 years old and has a spray-painted fender.

It costs me a lay if they see it, and once did cost me a lay.

But here's how I see it....

1. I fucking hate driving. For the past 7 or 8 years, I've lived in places where a car wasn't needed for me to get up, grab coffee, hit a book store, go shop, eat a good restaurants, go to cool bars, find a lot of women to run game on, and hit the gym.

So even when I drive my car to work, it gets parked. I don't move it an inch on the weekends.

2. Let's say I got a cool car that would cost me $600 a month. Insurance would cost me more than I'm paying (my current POS bluebooks at 2K). I'd be $800 "all in" on a cool car. Even if I got an entry-level BMW, I'd be at about $500 a month all in.

Could I optimize my access to sex by using that $500-800 elsewhere?

I joked that "my body is my car." I'm in good shape, dress well, eat healthy foods ($$$), take supplements.

It costs me less than $500 a month to keep my body and looks up.

Plus, my body gives me benefits a nicer car wouldn't.

Where is GManifesto?

No just G, but Mixx, Fisto, LuckyStar, Hooligan Harry... several posters whose stuff I really liked have disappeared.

Maybe Mixx made good on his idea to start a seperate forum for more advanced players. That would suck!

A year from now you'll wish you started today

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 05:20 PM)ElJefe Wrote:  

No just G, but Mixx, Fisto, LuckyStar, Hooligan Harry... several posters whose stuff I really liked have disappeared.

Maybe Mixx made good on his idea to start a seperate forum for more advanced players. That would suck!

Did you see that Harry H posted on this thread advising that he's traveling for work and doesn't have a good connection?
I've been around long enough to see G take periodic breaks. Fisto dropped out and came back, reporting that he was in a long term relationship that ended. People have lives outside of the forum, and precisely because they do, they contribute more that is a good thing!

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 03:46 PM)babelfish669 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2012 07:49 AM)The_CEO Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2012 01:12 AM)babelfish669 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 08:13 PM)Keyser Söze Wrote:  

Given that GManifesto is a colorful poster who writes volumes about swooping fly lizards and jetting around like Mayweather yet has asked for advice on this forum about Ryanair and has never been verified by anyone, I miss his contributions even though I read them for entertainment.

I'm not going to make personal attacks here, but, I've been fortunate & unfortunate to meet a lot of people I met online over the past 10 years. Some have been the most legit, stand up guys I've met in my life. Others so awful I'm surprised when I hear they aren't in prison yet. (This is really amplified when it comes to business stuff.)

May be G doesn't want to deal with that shit?

However, it seems strange to me that a prolific poster wouldn't meet a single forum member in person, most especially when they are nearby geographically. That is weird.

I've met one forum member here in person and was pretty impressed. Too bad he got banned, haha.

Not sure why people are piling on the guy in this thread.

And frankly, being a member of a f'ing internet forum, does not make you obligated to meet other members in real life. If you want to, fine. If not, who cares.

I'm just saying its unusual, given what I listed in my original post.

I'm not saying its right or wrong, people have their reasons.

I think it's odd that he is supposedly making big money and has all this other shit going on and yet he spends an assload of his time on the computer.
i just find that odd.

i mean i spend a lot of time doing nothing on the internet but i'm a student, that's what we do. i wouldn't imagine a businessman writing a blog everyday as well having thousands of posts on a forum.

not trying to call him out, but i find it strange.

"Colt 45 and two zigzags, baby that's all we need" - Ronald Reagan

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 06:12 PM)Walnuts Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2012 03:46 PM)babelfish669 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2012 07:49 AM)The_CEO Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2012 01:12 AM)babelfish669 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 08:13 PM)Keyser Söze Wrote:  

Given that GManifesto is a colorful poster who writes volumes about swooping fly lizards and jetting around like Mayweather yet has asked for advice on this forum about Ryanair and has never been verified by anyone, I miss his contributions even though I read them for entertainment.

I'm not going to make personal attacks here, but, I've been fortunate & unfortunate to meet a lot of people I met online over the past 10 years. Some have been the most legit, stand up guys I've met in my life. Others so awful I'm surprised when I hear they aren't in prison yet. (This is really amplified when it comes to business stuff.)

May be G doesn't want to deal with that shit?

However, it seems strange to me that a prolific poster wouldn't meet a single forum member in person, most especially when they are nearby geographically. That is weird.

I've met one forum member here in person and was pretty impressed. Too bad he got banned, haha.

Not sure why people are piling on the guy in this thread.

And frankly, being a member of a f'ing internet forum, does not make you obligated to meet other members in real life. If you want to, fine. If not, who cares.

I'm just saying its unusual, given what I listed in my original post.

I'm not saying its right or wrong, people have their reasons.

I think it's odd that he is supposedly making big money and has all this other shit going on and yet he spends an assload of his time on the computer.
i just find that odd.

i mean i spend a lot of time doing nothing on the internet but i'm a student, that's what we do. i wouldn't imagine a businessman writing a blog everyday as well having thousands of posts on a forum.

not trying to call him out, but i find it strange.
I run a business all day and have thousands of posts. You get bored at work. I post while customers are talking to me. My car blah blah my mom is gonna pick me up blah blah same shit everyday.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 03:40 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2012 02:08 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Why would you want to be carless in SoCal? The option would cost more unless you stay in all the time. Not having wheels is a pain in the ass. Run out of smokes then what? Call a cab?

Live in an area with a high walk score.

That site doesn't tell the whole picture. There are neighborhoods where the walk score is 98 or 99.

Work in the same area you live in.

A friend of mine lived in Santa Monica, biked to his job (where he was making $200,000+), and never needed to drive.

You can walk to good restaurants, bars, shopping, movies...whatever.

Cab it on the weekend if you want to go farther. Do that, anyway, to avoid a DUI.

Take a shuttle to LAX when you need to fly somewhere.

Going carless is SoCal is very easy.

That is a VERY narrow example. Santa Monica is LA's premier beach town and is highly desirable as a place to live. Most people are priced out from ever living there and the odds of you having a job where you live is very low.

For every Santa Monica, I can name hundreds of places throughout Socal where not having a car is suicide.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 06:48 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

That is a VERY narrow example. Santa Monica is LA's premier beach town and is highly desirable as a place to live. Most people are priced out from ever living there and the odds of you have a job where you live is low.

For every Santa Monica, I can name hundreds of places throughout Socal where not having a car is suicide.

You said it couldn't be done. It was impossible, you said.

I showed that it was possible, using real-life examples.

Probably now's when you could say, "Hey, good point," rather than try to somehow prove that you weren't completely proven wrong.

Where is GManifesto?

Okay, so here's what you said: "There's definitely no life to be had without a car in Socal. Period."

And: "Nothing is more shocking though than him saying he was going to put out a thread about how to get by in Southern California without a car. That's just ridiculous..."

Well, I showed that you can have a life.

Your comeback...I described an awesome, out-of-reach life!


Dude, you write quality posts and seem legit.

But when you got got, just admit it.

Where is GManifesto?

Nope. You still need a car when you live in Santa Monica. Anyone who says otherwise is being disingenuous. How are you going to get out to West Hollywood, Bev Hills, Downtown LA, etc?

Where is GManifesto?

A cab is a car. You're paying for it. What's the difference? G was claiming that ordinary people can live in Socal without a car. He was supposed to come out with a thread about it.

Where is GManifesto?

I don't know a single player who lives in LA and doesn't have wheels. San Francisco, sure. NYC, no doubt. But Los Angeles? Hell no.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 07:03 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

I don't know a single player who lives in LA and doesn't have wheels. San Francisco, sure. NYC, no doubt. But Los Angeles? Hell no.

Well, if you don't know them, they must not exist.

Solipsism: How does it work?

Look, man, I've boxed, grappled, been in MMA and BJJ gyms much of my life.

When you get caught, you get caught. It just happens. No big deal.

I've tapped out or had my "bell rung" and took a knee...oh, hundreds of times.

It's only a big deal when you keep denying it.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 07:00 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Nope. You still need a car when you live in Santa Monica. Anyone who says otherwise is being disingenuous. How are you going to get out to West Hollywood, Bev Hills, Downtown LA, etc?

First, if you drive anywhere, you're risking a DUI. If you say, "get a designated driver," then you're just check-mating yourself (again). Designated driver = someone else has a car.

Second, there's no reason to drive outside of Santa Monica.

WeHo is full of gays.

Downtown is full of dirty hipsters or "velvet rope" bars.

Beverly Hills? Bro, have you even partied in LA? Beverly Hills is a zip code. Other than an underground bar or two, there's no scene.

Maybe you meant Brentwood? Even so, not much going on there.

Between Main Street (everything from dance clubs to pubs) and the bars starting on 25th Street (Wilshire, Gas Lite, Q's, Cabo Cantina), or Busby's on the other side of town, there's no reason a guy needs to leave Santa Monica.

Why is Santa Monica expensive? Because it's the best place in LA to live.

Thus, there's really no reason to leave.

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