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NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Quote: (03-05-2017 10:35 PM)Lights Wrote:  

Quote: (03-05-2017 08:33 PM)redbeard Wrote:  



Please expand on the details of your journey. What worked, what didn't work, porn use before, etc.

Ok. So that post from two years ago was just from one week of abstinence.

I recently passed the 30 day mark which I thought was impossible. I'd never done it before in my life. Here's my quick story.

I Went 30 Days Without Porn: Here’s What I Learned.
.....Plus.... the One Thing that made me quit for good....
I used to be very confused about pornography.

Somewhere deep inside I knew there was something wrong about it.

Usually as soon as I’d get that feeling that something was off....

I’d hear or read someone say, “Don’t worry, everyone does it.” Or.. “It’s healthy.”

Healthy or not, I wanted to stop. But I couldn’t seem to do it.

I could never go more than 14 days without reverting back to my old habits ---- surfing porn, looking for that perfect video, violently masturbating with a Jaws of Life grip to the point where my dick was basically beat to s***....

and I would do this maybe once/day-once/3 days. Sometimes I would go on porn binges...

....Because I was bored.

In hindsight, I realize my brain wanted that hit so bad it would feed me any excuse to give in. "Oh don’t worry everybody does it." "It’s healthy..."

Well, something about it didn’t feel right.

Otherwise, I am a "normal" person. Not a virgin at all. I’m good with girls. Socially adept, lift 4-5 days a week and recently made some huge gains of 20lbs of muscle.


I could kick tobacco, drugs, drinking, but it seemed like quitting porn was IMPOSSIBLE. The most I could go would be a week and then I’d go ahead and load a clip and jerk off and not even cum but kinda choke it down back into my penis.

I don’t even know what that’s called.

I decided I would quit come hell or high water. I’m on day 34 now but have decided I will never masturbate to pornography again ever in my life.

I decided to adopt the following beliefs:

1.It’s ok not to release every three days like some people say

2.You can go forever without masturbating and it you will be fine.

3.There is actually potent energy in your cum that if you keep inside, you can transmute like Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich.

4.Watching hardcore pornography is shameful was the main contribution to a deep, underlying sense of inferiority that I felt I had to make up for. I knew that I had a glaring weakness. I knew that this habit had taken control and was not helping, it was destroying me. But I knew that I was in denial about it and kept shoving it deeper and deeper into my subconscious.

5.Porn was damaging my brain…. I could feel it. How? I was objectifying women, I was apathetic, I’d lost some zeal for life. There was a perma-fog in my brain and I felt like I was always behind the curve. It’s like doing coke. A hard hit of dopamine to the brain that can’t be replicated in real life.

Whether any of those things are absolutely factual is kinda irrelevant. I decided I didn’t want to watch porn anymore and actually not even masturbate at all.

So I internalized those beliefs and began the journey.


Here’s what happened.

I stopped and started a few times and around 2 week mark I felt like I was in the middle of an ocean… and I was just floating out there, so I’d go back to porn, because it was familiar…. I hadn’t replaced the habit.

What solidified my commitment to no porn and get past that 2 week barrier was this:

1. I bought a full year, one page poster calendar. I Had a red marker. I hung the calendar on my wall, very visibly. And every day that I went without porn or masturbation, I would make a big red X on the calendar.

2. Whenever I lost sight of my goal for whatever reason during that first month. I would look at the calendar and become instantly refocused. I replaced one addiction with the addiction of the red X es accumulating on the wall.

I didn't need porn blockers or anything else. Just the calendar. I have access to pornography 24/7...

>Day 14: The first 2 weeks were interesting. I had hardcore dreams and really fight the urge on that second week. The first week is riding the wave off the last time I jacked off. After seven days I’m kinda just recovering from beating the crap out of my dick. My testosterone seems to peak by the seventh day.

At days 10-14 things get deep. What I mean is when walking around, it’s as if I can summon powers through my body and out through my fingers. I’m very aware of the difference and the effect that my will is having on my confidence and on people around me. I have a bit extra energy deep inside now that I can summon as well. I feel righteous and pure.

Day 21: The third week I still have these powers and I’m more calm and am not having such hardcore thoughts.

Matter of fact the thought of porn is unappealing and am starting to have flickers that any hardcore sexuality is bad. I’m repelled by images of hardcore sex…. but the naked form is okay. My dick looks better, the skin of it looks more healthy. And it’s fuller and hangs lower now.

I have a higher standard in women now sexually. Regular or unhealthy girls don’t arouse me anymore. When a girl makes crass sexual remarks about her tits or whatever it rings hollow and pathetic in my mind.

I enjoy a female’s company sometimes as I always have but I am more intently focused on conversation. I notice how the girls I talk to look at me. I’m acutely aware of subtle cues and nonverbal communication. Its subtle, but it’s there. Before I simply didn’t care.

I notice what a girl is saying and challenge people’s inconsistencies when they speak, whereas before I would just let things slide because I didn’t care.

I’ve cried… like a lot. I’ve cried at least 5 times. It’s very strange. But it’s not crying because I’m sad necessarily. I don’t know what it is.

Because of the discipline, I’ve let go of other crutches as well, like certain friends.

My shame is gone and I’m way more aggressive.

Way more productive. I’ve started up a freelance business, on top of my day job, gotten clients, started up a gritty workout routine even though I got rid of my gym membership.. and already gained 3-5 pounds and fulfilled many other goals on a daily basis.

I used my newfound creativity to fashion weights out of regular items I had lying around and the outdoors is my gym. In North Dakota in Winter. My workouts are intense and I don’t need any stimulants.


Just last night...... I got an incredibly strong urge to look for this one particular clip to watch.

To find it, I’d have to search, and in the process, come across hundreds of other hardcore images.....and my brain was going through this process.... and I said “No, are you kidding me.” No way I’m going down that rabbit hole. I realized I didn’t even feel like masturbating. I just wanted to view those images. It was like a drug.

Day 35: I don’t know how I feel now. Certainly not that same triumph that occurred around weeks two or three. I’m in some kind of flatland. But I’m ready to take on other challenges now.

If I was still watching porn there wouldn’t be room for that. No energy. And I would always feel “behind.”

Now I know I am making long-term progress. I’m realizing that the process doesn’t get easier.... because there is always a new goal. But I’m stronger. I’m ready for a new challenge.

P.S. If anyone else is struggling to get past the two week mark, try the calendar method. It's the only thing that worked for me. By the way, I'll answer any questions if I missed anything.

[Image: banana.gif]

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Awful wet dream this night. Had to wake up and clean myself and couldn't fall asleep for an hour.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Quote: (10-11-2018 02:02 AM)Rorogue Wrote:  

I am about 49 days nofap, although I have had some sexual activity with women in that time.

Nofap and the spiritual aspect of abstinence is overtaking the red pill for me as the most important aspect of my life as far as women goes.

Today I have exuded a glow that a couple of women in my work environment reacted to. Objectively speaking, I looked terrific.

Abstinence from over eating is next most important.

For men who gravitate towards the spiritual side, I think Nofap is fantastic

Nice, I'm only about two weeks in but noticing something similar. I feel like I've unlocked an entire dimension that is invisible to most men, and women are taking notice. Other men, who mostly are addicted to porn and spiritually undeveloped, have ceased to become competition for me.

Can't say nofap is easy though. I'm having a lot of trouble with sleep due to being constantly horny and alert. Slept 4 hours last night and I'm not even tired.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

I broke after about 3 weeks. I was doing extremely well, but then I started talking to some bitches on the Hinge app, one chick who lived about an hour away started sending me n00dz and shit, and was sexting me all kinds of risque shit so I ended up breaking the nofap streak.

If you are gonna do this, you really have to avoid all forms of stimulation, not just porn. That of course begs the question of interacting with women.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

I'm going to get back on the train here, I'm aiming to go a full month, as I have some work projects and fitness goals I'd like to smash going into the end of the year.

"Money over bitches, nigga stick to the script." - Jay-Z
They gonna love me for my ambition.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

I'm trying this because my dick isn't getting as hard to porn as it used to, sign of tolerance?

Maybe, so I'm definitely quitting, fuck having some sort of ED this young.

Day 1

Hopefully I'll make it the 90 days everyone says makes you fully recover; will still be having sex though. Perhaps it'll lead me to banging more 6s but fuck it.

I want my old hard as rock and fully erect dick back.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

I am joining . Day# 1 starts now

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Quote: (10-24-2018 06:51 PM)Flux Wrote:  

I'm trying this because my dick isn't getting as hard to porn as it used to, sign of tolerance?

Maybe, so I'm definitely quitting, fuck having some sort of ED this young.

Day 1

Hopefully I'll make it the 90 days everyone says makes you fully recover; will still be having sex though. Perhaps it'll lead me to banging more 6s but fuck it.

I want my old hard as rock and fully erect dick back.

It won't necessarily be 90 days, it can be less or it can be more. There are some guys who took 6 months or more, depending on severity. Everyone's different, also your recovery will depend not only on quitting porn but also not looking at images, basically any artificial sexual stimuli (screen). The brain needs to be reconditioned to real sex, so banging 6s is fine and can greatly aid recovery.

Quote: (01-08-2018 06:52 PM)Mercenary Wrote:  

Quote: (01-08-2018 06:25 PM)ViberOne Wrote:  

I did 200 days of nofap,

If you really managed to do 200 days, you shoud have a lot more to say and contribute here than the few sound bytes you wrote above.

You should be banned for posting useless nonsense like this. Must be some woman on her period behind this account.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

On day 4 currently. Doing this with a buddy of mine, we each wagered $100 for the month of November, and will have to donate it to some super leftist charity if we fail, so I'm not going to do that!

"Money over bitches, nigga stick to the script." - Jay-Z
They gonna love me for my ambition.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

[Image: funny_pictures_3.jpg]

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Day 6 now, still going strong. I have been getting up earlier, and the discipline and unwasted time is starting to creep into other areas of my life. I'm going to keep it going, no real cravings as of yet.

"Money over bitches, nigga stick to the script." - Jay-Z
They gonna love me for my ambition.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Had 74 days free, but after Monday I am 1 day sober

It was a great period of abstinance. Improved so much as a person.

Today feel like my life force has been taken away from me. Feel unmotivated and uninspired.

Need to keep going in abstinance.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

I rarely post on these forums but I've been a big fan of Roosh for years. Anyway I recently started No Fap because I wanted to understand it from a human factors perspective. I am a pilot and human factors is a big role in this industry. I've only been on 11 days but I can say that has made a huge difference in the amount of rest I feel I have. I am able to focus more on the job and I am catching small mistakes a lot faster. I need to get some time and dig through my library but I had a book on Human Factors regarding pilots. I'm fairly certain there was a chapter on sexual activity and masturbation. Should be a decent source since it isn't pozzed up like most studies and media. As far as women go, I've noticed some conversational improvements. I do not know if it is a hormonal thing or simply increased energy. Either way, I am going to try and stick to this. I agree now that pornography is damaging to the human mind and should really not be viewed in the excess we view it today. In just these few days I've noticed I am now more attracted to women I thought were not as hot before. Although now I am finding myself attracted for different reasons... I suppose more human qualities? Anyway this is a ramble but I wanted to post.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Man this is hard... I failed after banging a girl from Barbados, new flag though and a rare one!

I just wasn't satisfied with the sex, and had the urge to jack off when I got home. I plowed her for a very long time, and she was a puddle of water, yet I still wanted more.

Sex addiction is real, we gotta be careful.

I think I have to go on a complete purge of no sexual stimulation whatsoever, for a least a couple of weeks. I might do a water fast as well to help out.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Quote: (11-06-2018 11:54 PM)CaravanPilot Wrote:  

I rarely post on these forums but I've been a big fan of Roosh for years. Anyway I recently started No Fap because I wanted to understand it from a human factors perspective. I am a pilot and human factors is a big role in this industry. I've only been on 11 days but I can say that has made a huge difference in the amount of rest I feel I have. I am able to focus more on the job and I am catching small mistakes a lot faster. I need to get some time and dig through my library but I had a book on Human Factors regarding pilots. I'm fairly certain there was a chapter on sexual activity and masturbation. Should be a decent source since it isn't pozzed up like most studies and media. As far as women go, I've noticed some conversational improvements. I do not know if it is a hormonal thing or simply increased energy. Either way, I am going to try and stick to this. I agree now that pornography is damaging to the human mind and should really not be viewed in the excess we view it today. In just these few days I've noticed I am now more attracted to women I thought were not as hot before. Although now I am finding myself attracted for different reasons... I suppose more human qualities? Anyway this is a ramble but I wanted to post.

The term you should be researching is DOPAMINE. This chemical has profound impact on the brain, body, and spirit, and porn and masturbation are most men's only source of DOPAMINE. See what your texts have to say about dopamine, separately from sex, and I bet it applies to us here.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Starting day 1. Goal is one week.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Day 12.

I had some strong urges last night that I somehow overcame. I've got my sights set on that one month marker to prove to myself that I'm not controlled by my impulses.

"Money over bitches, nigga stick to the script." - Jay-Z
They gonna love me for my ambition.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Day 2 of my 2 week no sex challenge, and I'm already dying.

Shouldn't have started on the weekend but fuck it.

I think I'm addicted to sex overall, and not to porn or masturbation, so I have to do this to reset a little. Perfect timing really because it's before Christmas and New year, which gets absolutely crazy.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Quote: (11-10-2018 10:15 PM)redbeard Wrote:  

Quote: (11-06-2018 11:54 PM)CaravanPilot Wrote:  

I rarely post on these forums but I've been a big fan of Roosh for years. Anyway I recently started No Fap because I wanted to understand it from a human factors perspective. I am a pilot and human factors is a big role in this industry. I've only been on 11 days but I can say that has made a huge difference in the amount of rest I feel I have. I am able to focus more on the job and I am catching small mistakes a lot faster. I need to get some time and dig through my library but I had a book on Human Factors regarding pilots. I'm fairly certain there was a chapter on sexual activity and masturbation. Should be a decent source since it isn't pozzed up like most studies and media. As far as women go, I've noticed some conversational improvements. I do not know if it is a hormonal thing or simply increased energy. Either way, I am going to try and stick to this. I agree now that pornography is damaging to the human mind and should really not be viewed in the excess we view it today. In just these few days I've noticed I am now more attracted to women I thought were not as hot before. Although now I am finding myself attracted for different reasons... I suppose more human qualities? Anyway this is a ramble but I wanted to post.

The term you should be researching is DOPAMINE. This chemical has profound impact on the brain, body, and spirit, and porn and masturbation are most men's only source of DOPAMINE. See what your texts have to say about dopamine, separately from sex, and I bet it applies to us here.


When I discovered the paleo diet/primal lifestyle movement six years ago (thanks in large part to the RVF) I quit the standard American diet cold turkey and immediately saw huge improvements across the board, to the point where I rarely felt tempted to deviate (no regular "cheat days" or the like).

One of the side effects of this consistency is that when I DO deviate I feel like absolute shit. This immediate negative feedback really helps to avoid future temptation - I KNOW if I eat that pie/cake/etc. I'll feel like hell, so no matter how good it looks or smells I'm able to say no thank you.

Now that I've been off porn for a while I'm noticing the same thing. On the rare occasion I do relapse, I immediately feel awful - tired, depressed, low confidence, apathetic - to the point where I'm almost certain it's due to the porn.

For those still struggling to kick the habit, take note of how you feel after a week or two without, and then definitely pay attention to how you feel in the 12-24 hours following a porn binge. Once you can associate the "hangover" with the drug, you've got one more tool in your arsenal for resisting temptation.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Day 101 without porn, hooray! It's getting easier. I still fap, though. I don't see the point of quiting.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Anybody know a way to completely ban porn from a laptop. Especially the top sites like xvideos and pornhub? My willpower is ok so far but I want a safety net.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

I'm suffering of PFS and POIS, I'm gonna give a try abstinence since i realized if i stop pmo'ing after day 4 i start to feeling normal. Let's see how it goes, currently on day 2.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Nearly 2 months of breaking the habit, then got stressed and binged 4 times this week. I'm so angry with myself knowing that I don't want to do this and I feel miserable for days after, yet I let my hindbrain talk myself into doing it.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Fap Watch and NoFap are great apps to help out. Guys saying you feel like shit after I think is 90% mental. Don't take it too seriously that you failed to live up to some Plotonic No Fapper ideal. Laugh at how your mind can hamster shit, learn from it and be happy you can have these insights that other people miss.

*Cold Shower Crew*
*No Fap Crew*
*150+ IQ Crew*

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Quote: (11-21-2018 08:49 PM)oilbreh Wrote:  

Fap Watch and NoFap are great apps to help out. Guys saying you feel like shit after I think is 90% mental. Don't take it too seriously that you failed to live up to some Plotonic No Fapper ideal. Laugh at how your mind can hamster shit, learn from it and be happy you can have these insights that other people miss.

For me it feels very real. It's as if my brain's been hit by a sledgehammer and my motivation and energy drops to near zero.

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