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Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

I’ll get out of the way that Magga Braco, from Venezuela, is an obvious attention whore who lives off social media attention.

That said, she’s hotter than Yanet Garcia and can actually legit dance. She even has some tutorials on YouTube that are helpful to girls and guys who want to learn some dance moves (being serious).

YouTube Channel


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Yanet Garcia, that famous weather woman from Mexico who went viral, has the better ass, but she just stands on TV to look pretty. For me, dancing abilities make a girl wayyy sexier.

[Image: Yanet-Garcia:-35-Hottest-pics-07.jpg]

At least we can all agree that Latinas tend to be more feminine and sensual than suit-wearing Westerners with bobcuts.

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

No heels, no pass.

Janet bitch is always in tall af heels.

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Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

I agree that this Braco is way hotter then Garcia. Garcia is way overrated.

However I also think this is a junk thread. This is forum about masculine issues and making a fanboy thread about some woman being hot is weak and not consistant with best morales of this forum IMHO.

At least - if you really want to tell how much you like salivating at some famous woman you will never touch - do it on some dedicated thread for all Instagram hotties.

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

Quote: (10-23-2018 11:51 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

No heels, no pass.

Janet bitch is always in tall af heels.

Sure she wears heels...just need dem pics doh

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

Quote: (10-24-2018 12:06 AM)Mage Wrote:  

I agree that this Braco is way hotter then Garcia. Garcia is way overrated.

However I also think this is a junk thread. This is forum about masculine issues and making a fanboy thread about some woman being hot is weak and not consistant with best morales of this forum IMHO.

At least - if you really want to tell how much you like salivating at some famous woman you will never touch - do it on some dedicated thread for all Instagram hotties.

Hahaha, fair enough. It’s all in good nature.

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

Someone needs to wife her up.

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

She’s blocky like a Cross-fitter and has small manly/tranny-esque eyes.

Would only bang in a non-eye contact position.

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

Chicks with 6-packs are a turnoff. She also looks and acts like a cheap stripper.

The Mexican weather girl looks OK.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

WB in every conceivable position. I'll glue those eyes shut.

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

Agree on her body being just "off", the "blocky" description seems perfect. It's like her torso is too short or something, I can't even really pick what's wrong other than that it doesn't look right.

Strong WB, let's not lie but she's certainly not in that "needs her own thread" level.

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

Did you really need to make a thread about this?


Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

I think Yanet is more feminine. Of course, at the age of 27, Yanet needs to start seriously thinking about settling down and starting to have children. Time for her to put her career on the back burner; she will have no problem finding a successful man to start a family with.

Magga Braco? She’s cute, but I don’t care for the six-pack abs. I once had a cuter Venezuelan make it clear she wanted to get down with me. I didn’t pursue it--she was married and I, as a matter of principle, refuse to cuck a married man.

Quote: (10-24-2018 12:06 AM)Mage Wrote:  

if you really want to tell how much you like salivating at some famous woman you will never touch - do it on some dedicated thread for all Instagram hotties.

Personally, I am all for having any and all simping (SIMP: Someone idolizing mediocre pussy) of women, famous or not, in a dedicated thread for that purpose, with periodic reminders that, no, those women are not goddesses, and, yes, they are just women whose beauty will fade (and hopefully they will have children to love once they hit the wall; it’s unfortunate that left-wing thinking tries to stop women from following their biological imperative, which will result in them being miserable old cat ladies instead of loving mothers and grandmothers).

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

This girl is hot but she has a lurking mutt face. Mutt face in that, you see her with no make-up in the morning and you will see a big dropoff in her hotness. Her facial aesthetics/symmetry is not sound versus Garcia; she is hot but the Garcia girl has a much better face.

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

Six pack -> very low body fat -> low fertility ->unattractive. She would look better with at least 2-3% more body fat and about 5lbs of muscle mass lost. This may seem like nitpicking but IMO those simple changes would give her a significant boost in attractiveness. Would take the weather girl any day, also agree with the above poster that her face is better

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

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[Image: discussionclosed.gif]

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Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

Hot enough to have a thread made about her

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Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

Discovering a hot girl is like discovering a new potentially habitable planet: it's nice, yet common enough that it doesn't merit its own thread.

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Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

Wouldn't mind a caravan full of these women coming to the USA. The collective wouldn't approve however.

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

Quote: (10-24-2018 12:14 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Discovering a hot girl is like discovering a new potentially habitable planet: it's nice, yet common enough that it doesn't merit its own thread.

Especially a new hot Venezolana. Hot girls, large petroleum deposits, and arepas are just what Venezuela does.

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

I can agree that Yanet Garcia is overrated, but I don't see how this Magga Braco chick is head and shoulders above Garcia?

For one she has a more masculine face and looks like a typical Instagram thot.

If it not for her dedication to squatting, clean eating, heavily made-up face, and professionally shot half-naked pictures, she'd most likely be a 6/10.

She's a garden variety insta-whore imo; I don't see the appeal here.

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

These augmented bitches are a total turn off.

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

The dancing girl is off somehow. Not sure how, but the proportions are just off.

The weather girl is in "Would Marry and Have Children With" territory.

Nine years ago, though, she's 27 now, and that's way past my max age for starting a relationship with a girl.

She is gorgeous, nonetheless.

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

Bitch spells her name wrong though. It's MAGA!

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

The weather girl clearly has a fake ass. From the dancing videos, you can clearly see the new chick doesnt have as much ass as the misleading pics would indicate. Would bang and impregnate both still.

Venezuelan hottie Magga Braco is hotter than Yanet Garcia.

Thats a huge ass.

Would still bang but.

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