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Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Hi Guys,
I know game is a real , but I am just curious about would a guy with a game be able to steal a girl from another guy who is better looking but no game ?

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Two men, one is taller, more muscular, better dressed, more badass and the woman is clearly more interested in him, but is shitfaced enough to go with whoever. The shorter man holds her by the hand and essentially drags her to the dance floor, where the other guy would look like a clown if he chased after her in those circumstances. Short guy keeps the deathgrip the whole night until he can extricate her from the club and take her home. Unfortunately, I was the tall guy that night, but I learned something that day. If the guy has you beat in every category of a contest, you better find a way to avoid that contest.

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Yes. I walked up to a girl, who gave me previous indicators of attraction (IOI) and her number, while she was being asked about by another guy. I waited for him to finish his attempt which she politely declined. Even before he walked about I asked her out and she said yes.

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

"She's not your girl, it's just your turn."

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

I don't think people need to defend themselves from 'game denier' accusations anymore when it comes to 'looks debates' (unless someone is being all 'lookism' ''If you don't look like Jordan Barret, you will never get a 4+'' kind of thing). A consensus seems to have been largely agreed. You can believe in game and looks at the same time.

All modern material (including Roosh's newest book) certainly seems to concede that looks play a large role, with the idea being that if her physical attraction towards you is high, it's a different (easy) game being played

Only a few very oldschool people are left (they seem to all post on redpill blogs) who seem to believe that you can be 100 years old, 4ft tall with a lopsided face and still be able to bang 100% of the 10/10 teenage models you approach if your 'game' is good enough. (not that they're able to DO this themselves. They just believe it's true lol)

I've taken a girl of someone who was 'marginalyl' better looking than me.

I feel like if the girl finds you 'hot enough' physically, then it comes down to 'game'.

If the difference between your looks is too great, or if she doesn't find you physically attractive at all, then I think you're out of luck!

I've mentioned my very handsome wing in a few of my FR's in my journal. I've had girls who were all over me, eject and literally jump on him and offer him sex within minutes the second they laid eyes on him when he walked over to us to say 'hi' to me. (He never went through with it because he thought it'd be cruel on me, but still!)
He kind of doesn't need ANY 'game', really. No 'push/pull', no 'teasing', no negging, no DHV stories, nothing that you think of as 'game'. He has a boring 'name? age? what do you do? where have you been tonight?' conversation with girls, and they want to bang him within seconds lol. Trying to steal a girl off that kind of guy (unless you were nearly as good looking) wouldn't ever really be possible

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Do it all the time. I am at least 10 years older then the girls I am interested in. Meaning that most guys that hang around them are also 10 years younger. Plenty of them look considerable better than me. And to make things worse, or better, depending on perspective, they usually have more money and better education than me as well.

Only three ways to do something: "The right way. The wrong way. Or my way. Obviously my way is best."

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Done it many a time.

In my opinion looks are a binary system for women, basically once you cross the threshold to be a 1 instead of a 0 they're relatively unimportant. You basically have to be good enough looking to have any chance but once you have a chance the looks fade into the background of importance for women and what/how you say things matter far more.

The other factor is that women have a way more varied approach to what is attractive and it can change massively. You get girls who like and prefer bald men while others give a bald man a hard no, tattoos drive some girls crazy while others detest them, even being muscular there are a lot of girls who don't like that look while on the flip side a lot hate skinny guys. Guys are a lot more congruent in what makes a woman physically attractive.

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Quote: (10-12-2018 08:10 AM)JimBobsCooters Wrote:  

Done it many a time.

In my opinion looks are a binary system for women, basically once you cross the threshold to be a 1 instead of a 0 they're relatively unimportant. You basically have to be good enough looking to have any chance but once you have a chance the looks fade into the background of importance for women and what/how you say things matter far more.

The other factor is that women have a way more varied approach to what is attractive and it can change massively. You get girls who like and prefer bald men while others give a bald man a hard no, tattoos drive some girls crazy while others detest them, even being muscular there are a lot of girls who don't like that look while on the flip side a lot hate skinny guys. Guys are a lot more congruent in what makes a woman physically attractive.

Yeah, I definitely agree about the varied tastes that women have, but I still think that she needs to think you are good looking.
I don't believe that 'game' (teasing/dhv stories, humour blablabla) is anything like powerful enough to make a girl want to bang you if she wasn't remotely interested in banging you the second you said 'hi' and she basically ignored you/dismissed you as 'not her physical type'.
There's like zero infields of someone banging a girl who was a strong 'no girl' when they approached (like ignored him, refused to engage at all etc).

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

You can bang girls that aren't at all attracted initially as long as you have enough time to work. Happens all the time in the work place where people are forced together for a long time giving plenty of time for somebody to convey their personality. It can be done in a night but it takes having good game, good enough to make her see you in a different light than she did initially.

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Quote: (10-12-2018 12:55 PM)Kieran Wrote:  

It can be done in a night but it takes having good game, good enough to make her see you in a different light than she did initially.

Dunno about that. It's never been shown on an infield, and neither me nor my friends, in thousands of approaches, have ever banged a girl who, after you opened her was like ''Go away, i'm not interested, you're not my type. Bye'' or who just flat out ignore you/refuse to properly 'engage' and then turn their back and walk away. No matter how many routines and teases and 'game' you use, they aren't interested. (that's if you even get teh chance to try and they don't just walk away)

On a cold approach, an initial physical attraction is a ''pre-requisite in my opinion

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Quote: (10-12-2018 08:10 AM)JimBobsCooters Wrote:  

Done it many a time.

In my opinion looks are a binary system for women, basically once you cross the threshold to be a 1 instead of a 0 they're relatively unimportant. You basically have to be good enough looking to have any chance but once you have a chance the looks fade into the background of importance for women and what/how you say things matter far more.

The other factor is that women have a way more varied approach to what is attractive and it can change massively. You get girls who like and prefer bald men while others give a bald man a hard no, tattoos drive some girls crazy while others detest them, even being muscular there are a lot of girls who don't like that look while on the flip side a lot hate skinny guys. Guys are a lot more congruent in what makes a woman physically attractive.
Excellent. I never totally bought into the hypergamy thing for women. Ages ago when I was in college I poached a much taller than me girl from a guy that was over 6' tall. How short am I? Every heard of Fred Patek? Mugsy Bogues? Yeah, about that short. Not only that but near sighted, wearing glasses since the age of 6 and possessed of a baby face. Anyway a couple of years later that tall beautiful girlfriend of mine dumped me for a guy of medium height. It was the second wave of feminism. something we embraced at the time because it suddenly became easier to "score," the word we used back then. Now things are totally off the rail and yes many women will "trade up" but JBC is correct in my estimation, especially the bolded part. If a woman wants you it matters not if you are tall or short, handsome or homely, young or older, high income or broke. Just respond quickly and effectively because once the moment passes for her your chance is gone.

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

I've both seen it done and done it myself. My game isn't all that good either. Girls can become attracted to somebody when at first they weren't physically attracted for all sorts of reasons (e.g. discovering that somebody has status), game is just one of the ways it can be done.

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Quote: (10-12-2018 12:55 PM)Kieran Wrote:  

You can bang girls that aren't at all attracted initially as long as you have enough time to work. Happens all the time in the work place where people are forced together for a long time giving plenty of time for somebody to convey their personality. It can be done in a night but it takes having good game, good enough to make her see you in a different light than she did initially.

That or the time constraint is super tight. In the work place you build comfort but in a bar you can swoop her with game, booze, salsa whatever it takes. So you can 'steal' a girl from a better looking guy only if you play long-term game or on the contrary play ONS game, it's just that it doesn't work in middle-term situations. It's either well-planned and involves months of work, or done the same night you've met her.

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Quote: (10-12-2018 01:23 PM)Kieran Wrote:  

I've both seen it done and done it myself. My game isn't all that good either. Girls can become attracted to somebody when at first they weren't physically attracted for all sorts of reasons (e.g. discovering that somebody has status), game is just one of the ways it can be done.

What's your 'go too' technique for when a girl ignores you or walks away? Or no matter what you say she refuses to engage?
I feel like i've tried every single method known-to-man after reading 30+ game books and having seen most premium PUA content available. Nothing has worked on hard 'no girls'.

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Quote: (10-11-2018 10:06 PM)Mizo1234 Wrote:  

Hi Guys,
I know game is a real , but I am just curious about would a guy with a game be able to steal a girl from another guy who is better looking but no game ?

Is this just a general question or are we talking about guys who are already in a relationship? A guy that you run into at a nightclub/venue and he just picked her up? He just started a conversation with her?

I can't really give any suggestions/advice as I haven't experienced it. As a third person perspective, I'd imagine if this "better-looking" guy has near zero game it could go many ways as others have mentioned. Your game would have to be pretty solid to snag the girl from around his arm. RSD Tyler has a couple of videos where he demonstrates this.

Women are a finicky bunch. You never, truly know what cards are rolling around in their brains.

Now if the guy is already in a relationship with this girl then it would depend on a few factors: is the relationship going south? How much history do they have together? Is the girl easy? Are you a home wrecker?

There's definitely a few things to consider before approaching a girl that appears to be spoken for. I do my due diligence before trying to snag a girl from another man. I still believe in the 'guy code.'

"How does one get off this thing?." ~ Marcus Brody

Fitness Thread: thread-69404.html

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Honestly , I was talking about relationship. The reason I am asking is that sometimes you feel a girl is fancying you , but when you se her boyfriend / husband , you can tell he is better looking than you .Then you keep wondering do I have a chance with girl or woman. Limiting belief starts running inside your head . But also you don’t know if they are limiting beliefs or reality .

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Quote: (10-12-2018 02:01 PM)subterfuge Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2018 01:23 PM)Kieran Wrote:  

I've both seen it done and done it myself. My game isn't all that good either. Girls can become attracted to somebody when at first they weren't physically attracted for all sorts of reasons (e.g. discovering that somebody has status), game is just one of the ways it can be done.

What's your 'go too' technique for when a girl ignores you or walks away? Or no matter what you say she refuses to engage?
I feel like i've tried every single method known-to-man after reading 30+ game books and having seen most premium PUA content available. Nothing has worked on hard 'no girls'.

It's always a hard situation. Only two I've ever managed to pull off with even remote consistency...

1. Status game - Obviously depends where you are but something like shouting the bar will get attention in some situations, sparkler bottles in a club, that sort of shit where you basically steal attention.

2. Gaming the uglier friends to remain in the circle - Probably why a lot of advice is not to actually direct approach your target but instead indirect the group she is in. Obviously also situational but you've basically got to disarm the bitch shield and if she wont engage you then one of her friends might and then you essentially enter the social circle. Of course if she is the alpha of the group she might just group block you as well.

Neither of these are even remotely strong chances still, a lot of times when a girl just goes ultra cold it's because she has a partner and genuinely isn't interested is out on a purely girls night where they've made a no guys pact, both can obviously be gamed through but unless you're in a desert and she's the only decent target it's probably not worth the effort.

There would be plenty of other ways to do it, I actually had a friend who bought one of the roses from one of the randoms that sells them at clubs and used that to break the bitch shield after getting a back turn ignore rejection (we all laughed our asses off at the idea only for it to work). It's all situational.

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Yes - happens all the time.

I fell in love with a girl of my best buddy at the time. And she was suddenly more interested in me. It got complicated. But my buddy was better looking, though less masculine.

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Quote: (10-12-2018 10:24 PM)JimBobsCooters Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2018 02:01 PM)subterfuge Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2018 01:23 PM)Kieran Wrote:  

I've both seen it done and done it myself. My game isn't all that good either. Girls can become attracted to somebody when at first they weren't physically attracted for all sorts of reasons (e.g. discovering that somebody has status), game is just one of the ways it can be done.

What's your 'go too' technique for when a girl ignores you or walks away? Or no matter what you say she refuses to engage?
I feel like i've tried every single method known-to-man after reading 30+ game books and having seen most premium PUA content available. Nothing has worked on hard 'no girls'.

It's always a hard situation. Only two I've ever managed to pull off with even remote consistency...

1. Status game - Obviously depends where you are but something like shouting the bar will get attention in some situations, sparkler bottles in a club, that sort of shit where you basically steal attention.

2. Gaming the uglier friends to remain in the circle - Probably why a lot of advice is not to actually direct approach your target but instead indirect the group she is in. Obviously also situational but you've basically got to disarm the bitch shield and if she wont engage you then one of her friends might and then you essentially enter the social circle. Of course if she is the alpha of the group she might just group block you as well.

Neither of these are even remotely strong chances still, a lot of times when a girl just goes ultra cold it's because she has a partner and genuinely isn't interested is out on a purely girls night where they've made a no guys pact, both can obviously be gamed through but unless you're in a desert and she's the only decent target it's probably not worth the effort.

There would be plenty of other ways to do it, I actually had a friend who bought one of the roses from one of the randoms that sells them at clubs and used that to break the bitch shield after getting a back turn ignore rejection (we all laughed our asses off at the idea only for it to work). It's all situational.

Yeah it's anything that gives you time to melt the ice. Generally I don't bother to pursue girls that are giving me an emphatic no, but the times I've turned these girls around have usually been where the girl has been with a friend that is really into my friend and we've been forced into spending more time together through the night, where I've engaged the group she's with classic pua theory, where she's started to notice things about me like that I know a lot of people in nightlife etc. and gets intrigued, or just where we've ran into each other constantly over the night like in the smoking area, at the bar, at another venue etc. giving me more time to work.

As for the looks thing, getting into her head is far more powerful than looking a bit better than the next man. Look at these bull dyke lesbians that manage to turn some really decent looking women - no way there's any kind of physical attraction there at the start. Also when it comes to looks, it's much better to be sexy to her, have edge, or whatever you want to call it, rather than just being nice to look at.

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

@ Kieran

“Also when it comes to looks, it's much better to be sexy to her, have edge, or whatever you want to call it, rather than just being nice to look at.”

What does have edge mean ?

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Quote: (10-12-2018 04:20 PM)Mizo1234 Wrote:  

Honestly , I was talking about relationship. The reason I am asking is that sometimes you feel a girl is fancying you , but when you se her boyfriend / husband , you can tell he is better looking than you .Then you keep wondering do I have a chance with girl or woman. Limiting belief starts running inside your head . But also you don’t know if they are limiting beliefs or reality .

Simeon makes a good point, that there is a good chance of snagging the girl if you find out she's into you or she makes the effort to spend more time with you. It's a clear sign she's not as attached to her "man" like she once was. If you get this vibe then proceed with caution. I've told girls in the past that, "Hey, I know we're both interested in each other but I won't take another step further until you leave this guy the right way. End the relationship because I don't want to be an accessory to cheating." No one deserves to find out they've been cheated on. Better to be honest and rip that band-aid off immediately.

An example: a few years ago, I met this solid HB 8 at a friend's St. Patrick's Day house party, and this girl had come with her boyfriend to the party but she made it blatantly obvious that she did not want to talk to him and flirted with me the entire night (it's possible they were fighting and she wanted to make him jealous). Again, though, I do my due diligence and didn't want to rock the boat, so, I flirted (w/ light kino but nothing below the belt) with her in return but could see out of the corner-of-my-eye her boy was getting steamed by this.

Now, I will say this: I was the better-looking guy in this regard, I mean, her boy was nowhere near my looks but again, I believe in the 'honor' system and didn't want to do anything to make his night any worse than it might have already been. Every now and then throughout the night, she would stand next to him but it was like seeing Trump and Melania stand next to each other. He's trying to hold her but she pushes him away... you get the idea.

It's at times like this where you have to make a personal judgment call: Are you willing to ruin a relationship between two people just so you can bang the girl? Are you mature enough to let the relationship play out on its own and come back to the girl after she has left the guy? We have enough problems in our western societies today, as is. All that I and many others would ask, of you, is that if you bang a girl who's in a relationship already that you did it because you had NO KNOWLEDGE of her being in a relationship. Don't do it because you want the notch. There are plenty of single, available girls out there to give your bratwurst to.

"How does one get off this thing?." ~ Marcus Brody

Fitness Thread: thread-69404.html

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Was Charles Manson the best looking guy ever?

He was good looking, but he was quite short, and apparently had a creepy vibe about him, and still got all these women to worship him with his masterful game.

Game is a very, very powerful tool and you can only get so good at it—we all have a game ceiling.

So of course a better looking guy can get screwed, it’s quite rare though, as usually the guys with the best game are also the best looking ones.

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Quote: (10-13-2018 12:24 PM)UniversalMen Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2018 04:20 PM)Mizo1234 Wrote:  

Honestly , I was talking about relationship. The reason I am asking is that sometimes you feel a girl is fancying you , but when you se her boyfriend / husband , you can tell he is better looking than you .Then you keep wondering do I have a chance with girl or woman. Limiting belief starts running inside your head . But also you don’t know if they are limiting beliefs or reality .

Simeon makes a good point, that there is a good chance of snagging the girl if you find out she's into you or she makes the effort to spend more time with you. It's a clear sign she's not as attached to her "man" like she once was. If you get this vibe then proceed with caution. I've told girls in the past that, "Hey, I know we're both interested in each other but I won't take another step further until you leave this guy the right way. End the relationship because I don't want to be an accessory to cheating." No one deserves to find out they've been cheated on. Better to be honest and rip that band-aid off immediately.

An example: a few years ago, I met this solid HB 8 at a friend's St. Patrick's Day house party, and this girl had come with her boyfriend to the party but she made it blatantly obvious that she did not want to talk to him and flirted with me the entire night (it's possible they were fighting and she wanted to make him jealous). Again, though, I do my due diligence and didn't want to rock the boat, so, I flirted (w/ light kino but nothing below the belt) with her in return but could see out of the corner-of-my-eye her boy was getting steamed by this.

Now, I will say this: I was the better-looking guy in this regard, I mean, her boy was nowhere near my looks but again, I believe in the 'honor' system and didn't want to do anything to make his night any worse than it might have already been. Every now and then throughout the night, she would stand next to him but it was like seeing Trump and Melania stand next to each other. He's trying to hold her but she pushes him away... you get the idea.

It's at times like this where you have to make a personal judgment call: Are you willing to ruin a relationship between two people just so you can bang the girl? Are you mature enough to let the relationship play out on its own and come back to the girl after she has left the guy? We have enough problems in our western societies today, as is. All that I and many others would ask, of you, is that if you bang a girl who's in a relationship already that you did it because you had NO KNOWLEDGE of her being in a relationship. Don't do it because you want the notch. There are plenty of single, available girls out there to give your bratwurst to.

Let me disagree with you on something. Nowadays, all women have "BF". This doesn't mean they are happy with them. It means he was the best option back then and she chose him. If she is unhappy in the relationship and want to branch swing , this is not our fault. We didn't make her relationship unhappy, it is just happened that we are of higher value when she wants to branch swing.

Have you ever stolen a girl from a guy who is better looking than you?

Quote: (10-12-2018 04:20 PM)Mizo1234 Wrote:  

Let me disagree with you on something. Nowadays, all women have "BF". This doesn't mean they are happy with them. It means he was the best option back then and she chose him. If she is unhappy in the relationship and want to branch swing , this is not our fault. We didn't make her relationship unhappy, it is just happened that we are of higher value when she wants to branch swing.

I get it. It's not your fault if she's already unhappy, and again, this is just my personal code on the matter: You'll need to make a personal judgment call. From my view, it sounds like you're trying to find an excuse to get with this girl and not have a moral responsibility for being an accessory to cheating.

I'm not going to tell you what you can and can't do. It's none of my business. Besides, you've already convinced yourself that it's "okay" to steal her. You can either take the 'high road' and do the honorable move by telling her that she needs to first, break things off with her boyfriend or if you don't have any feelings of remorse then go steal her from him.

"How does one get off this thing?." ~ Marcus Brody

Fitness Thread: thread-69404.html

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