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I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Quote: (09-21-2018 01:41 AM)66Scorpio Wrote:  

As a side note, a person who is " a little above average at everything" is not just "a little above average" overall.

Right. A woman who has a nice face, nice body but no supermodel, a bit better at sex than average, pleasant to talk to, can cook but not incredibly well, educated but not over-educated...that is damn near a unicorn. In fact, I would prefer her to the theoretical 10 who gets attention everywhere she goes.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Quote: (09-20-2018 02:23 PM)LexisNexis Wrote:  

Women don't necessarily date "up". This is not true. But they fuck "up" as a general rule, and they date "up" where they can, specifically online dating.
I actually met 70% of the women from tinder and I'm the original poster who said he has been dating up (at times).

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Quote: (09-20-2018 08:21 AM)Vill@in Wrote:  

You could be selling yourself short on your SMV. Also, it's possible these women you you thought were higher than you in SMV saw you as a beta provider.


The concepts of men who represent Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks are similarly part of this instinctual understanding of Hypergamy. These too are archetypes, but more so, they form the basis of more complex male archetypes (love me Vampire, fuck me Werewolf). They are the men women want to fuck and the men women want to be provided for by. And we can trace the root of these archetypes through our evolution and even the evolution of other primates. These Hypergamous archetypes then manifest themselves in our era-specific, cultural specific, stories, narratives, mythology, etc.

Full article here: https://therationalmale.com/category/hypergamy-2/

Hypergamy is built into a female's DNA. Providing anecdotal examples or clicking your heels three times and wishing it weren't true isn't going to make it go away.

Accept it. And make yourself a better man by improving yourself everyday.

Hypergamy is a given, but women also differentiate between Alpha Sex Only Fucks and Beta Bucks.

Game can let a 6-7 looks guy be the pussy slayer who makes scores of women fall in love with him. The same lack of Game can make an 8-looks wealthy man usually date down heavily with a 6 who pursues him strongly. That is what actually happens.

Anecdotes to the contrary simply never compute - we have the combined knowledge of the manosphere - countless individual experiences, heck even countless studies that back this behavior up. Even the Blue Pill feminazi media are often scratching their heads trying to explain away why women making 200k/year still want to marry a man making as much or more than her.

Hypergamy manifests itself in a woman wanting a man who is stronger, taller, even smarter, more successful, more funny and best more attractive than her. That is the instinct that helped in our human evolution process and it was very valuable. Hypergamy is a great thing instinct-wise. They all have them just as we have all the instinct to fuck any hot young girl we see.

In our advanced behavioral matrix the same instincts may not serve all the needs, but they are still valid and still brutal.

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Quote: (09-20-2018 02:27 PM)masta Wrote:  

A modern day alpha male is not just some super tall rich guy. It's a guy who is confident in himself, can lead a group if shit hits the fan, and can be a "leading man" of a movie, if you will. The leading man in every movie is not always the rich obnoxious guy either. Sometimes it's the guy who is going against the rich obnoxious guy. Paying close attention to "leading man" characteristics will get you closer to knowing who is alpha and who isn't. This means that "game" or "swag" does exist and is a big part of what makes you attractive and charismatic.

As for myself, I always take on the "guru" role, or the "main character" role in my social circles. I have the ability to decipher any system and use it to put myself in position of authority. This can rub some people the wrong way, but it always leads to connections with high status males and respect from females. Even though I am not the tallest, most handsome, or the richest, my frame projects me as often the most dominant amongst my male friends. It is just built into my DNA to assume the most dominant role and it makes up for any perceived shortcoming.

So the key is dominance. And social dominance aka game (or frame game) plays a large part in it. You can probably beat up Hitler or Napoleon in a street fight, but those guys had the internal dominance to change the world. And they probably had no problems with women either.

I think today more than ever, guys have forgotten the power of their own masculine dominance and how to use that power to turn the world upside down. If you knew how to wield the power of dominance, getting women ain't shit. Being a "pimp" is just having extreme mental dominance over women. There are dominant business men who pimp out the public for money.

Dominance is almost limitless. You can take over the world with it...

And here we are....surprised that our dominance can get sex here and there from 6's and 7's. Lol.

If you had the dominance to affect and change the world around you, even the hottest women would not phase you. If you can dominate the world, you can dominate women. It's built into your DNA. At the same time, if you react to 6's and 7's giving you shit, then they know you have no dominance and probably have nothing going on in your life.

This is what hypergamy is. Women only respond to dominant men. However, dominance takes many forms and shapes.

The dating game is petty compared to the games powerful people play. Not only do the most powerful men in society have game, but they play games of war and attrition. Look at Donald Trump. He threatens women and pays them hush money and have them stalked and somehow he is still president.

The day the manosphere replaces the word confidence with dominance, everything will make sense. We were meant to dominate in everything we do in life, including women. And if we fail to dominate, we die. Our genes get weeded out. Every other philosophy is just a coping mechanism that weak men use to relieve themselves from the burden of life.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Cool story bro.

I smell a dominant keyboard warrior.

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Quote: (09-21-2018 11:37 AM)Vienna Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2018 02:27 PM)masta Wrote:  

A modern day alpha male is not just some super tall rich guy. It's a guy who is confident in himself, can lead a group if shit hits the fan, and can be a "leading man" of a movie, if you will. The leading man in every movie is not always the rich obnoxious guy either. Sometimes it's the guy who is going against the rich obnoxious guy. Paying close attention to "leading man" characteristics will get you closer to knowing who is alpha and who isn't. This means that "game" or "swag" does exist and is a big part of what makes you attractive and charismatic.

As for myself, I always take on the "guru" role, or the "main character" role in my social circles. I have the ability to decipher any system and use it to put myself in position of authority. This can rub some people the wrong way, but it always leads to connections with high status males and respect from females. Even though I am not the tallest, most handsome, or the richest, my frame projects me as often the most dominant amongst my male friends. It is just built into my DNA to assume the most dominant role and it makes up for any perceived shortcoming.

So the key is dominance. And social dominance aka game (or frame game) plays a large part in it. You can probably beat up Hitler or Napoleon in a street fight, but those guys had the internal dominance to change the world. And they probably had no problems with women either.

I think today more than ever, guys have forgotten the power of their own masculine dominance and how to use that power to turn the world upside down. If you knew how to wield the power of dominance, getting women ain't shit. Being a "pimp" is just having extreme mental dominance over women. There are dominant business men who pimp out the public for money.

Dominance is almost limitless. You can take over the world with it...

And here we are....surprised that our dominance can get sex here and there from 6's and 7's. Lol.

If you had the dominance to affect and change the world around you, even the hottest women would not phase you. If you can dominate the world, you can dominate women. It's built into your DNA. At the same time, if you react to 6's and 7's giving you shit, then they know you have no dominance and probably have nothing going on in your life.

This is what hypergamy is. Women only respond to dominant men. However, dominance takes many forms and shapes.

The dating game is petty compared to the games powerful people play. Not only do the most powerful men in society have game, but they play games of war and attrition. Look at Donald Trump. He threatens women and pays them hush money and have them stalked and somehow he is still president.

The day the manosphere replaces the word confidence with dominance, everything will make sense. We were meant to dominate in everything we do in life, including women. And if we fail to dominate, we die. Our genes get weeded out. Every other philosophy is just a coping mechanism that weak men use to relieve themselves from the burden of life.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Cool story bro.

I smell a dominant keyboard warrior.

There was so much dominance in that post I felt like

[Image: IMG_9234.jpg]

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Hilarious comparison - I see guys like Bill Gates, Zuckerberg or the Twatter marxist have so much Game, that their dominance is dripping and oozing over in spades - they are like the Dan Bilzerians and Trumps of the world indeed.

10-20% of Wallstreet guys are Game-less highly intelligent Gammas who would not get laid without all their financial success. They are highly useful, but their private lives are dominated by the women who nabbed them. Maybe their wives should give the men dominance lessons.

Wealthy guys don't have Game - the high-end escorts and sponsorettes are living proof of that. The ones who can leverage their money with Game are few and far in between - they fuck hotter, spend much lesser and keep their girls around. The rest are simps spending sometimes 200.000$/week on a botoxed whore.

Mastaful indeed.

[Image: 92b06fac60f019e5379794e7d725d437.jpg]

Given enough power you can dominate everyone - indeed.

The really dominant Manosphere guy does not need Game, he just has to be dominant like a God among mortals.

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Didn't expect my post to get such a "ahem" response, so I guess I'll explain myself, lol.

Maybe it's just anecdotal evidence, but I have been in the military, worked in IT and now work in sales and recruiting where it's a "Wolf of wall street" type of environment. I would say the military had 90% alpha guys who routinely got laid. IT had about 10%. And my current business environment is full of sociopaths who would not hesitate to manipulate women. I thought I had game but these guys make me look like a square whenever we go to happy hour. The type of dominance I'm talking about is the borderline Machiavellian and evil/douchey type. It's quite normal for us to cockblock and steal each other's girls. I don't see an ounce or betaness let alone humanity in these guys. Maybe it's just my firm. But in my own personal experience, business guys are rarely gameless. They have to manipulate people just to make sales and meet the quota. They rehearse a script 24/7 and cold approach, and are relentless, lol. They also amog coworkers to sleep with female coworkers and to get promotions. The guys who are "higher up" making 6 figures are COMPLETELY emotionally desensitized. Does that look familiar to you?

And to the poster above me, what do you think game is anyway? It is the art of expressing yourself in a dominant and high status manner to women. It's like you are trying to split hairs for the sake of it. Game, power, status, dominance, manipulation, frame - all of these things are synonymous and work hand in hand. The opposite of dominance is weak and beta. So if you are arguing against dominance, then what are you arguing FOR? Lol.

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Can't say I've ever lost a girl to a business type guy. And dominance needs to be balanced with co-operation.

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Quote: (09-20-2018 02:27 PM)masta Wrote:  

A modern day alpha male is not just some super tall rich guy. It's a guy who is confident in himself, can lead a group if shit hits the fan, and can be a "leading man" of a movie, if you will. The leading man in every movie is not always the rich obnoxious guy either. Sometimes it's the guy who is going against the rich obnoxious guy. Paying close attention to "leading man" characteristics will get you closer to knowing who is alpha and who isn't. This means that "game" or "swag" does exist and is a big part of what makes you attractive and charismatic.

As for myself, I always take on the "guru" role, or the "main character" role in my social circles. I have the ability to decipher any system and use it to put myself in position of authority. This can rub some people the wrong way, but it always leads to connections with high status males and respect from females. Even though I am not the tallest, most handsome, or the richest, my frame projects me as often the most dominant amongst my male friends. It is just built into my DNA to assume the most dominant role and it makes up for any perceived shortcoming.

So the key is dominance. And social dominance aka game (or frame game) plays a large part in it. You can probably beat up Hitler or Napoleon in a street fight, but those guys had the internal dominance to change the world. And they probably had no problems with women either.

I think today more than ever, guys have forgotten the power of their own masculine dominance and how to use that power to turn the world upside down. If you knew how to wield the power of dominance, getting women ain't shit. Being a "pimp" is just having extreme mental dominance over women. There are dominant business men who pimp out the public for money.

Dominance is almost limitless. You can take over the world with it...

And here we are....surprised that our dominance can get sex here and there from 6's and 7's. Lol.

If you had the dominance to affect and change the world around you, even the hottest women would not phase you. If you can dominate the world, you can dominate women. It's built into your DNA. At the same time, if you react to 6's and 7's giving you shit, then they know you have no dominance and probably have nothing going on in your life.

This is what hypergamy is. Women only respond to dominant men. However, dominance takes many forms and shapes.

The dating game is petty compared to the games powerful people play. Not only do the most powerful men in society have game, but they play games of war and attrition. Look at Donald Trump. He threatens women and pays them hush money and have them stalked and somehow he is still president.

The day the manosphere replaces the word confidence with dominance, everything will make sense. We were meant to dominate in everything we do in life, including women. And if we fail to dominate, we die. Our genes get weeded out. Every other philosophy is just a coping mechanism that weak men use to relieve themselves from the burden of life.

Quote: (09-21-2018 01:19 PM)masta Wrote:  

Didn't expect my post to get such a "ahem" response, so I guess I'll explain myself, lol. ...

The opposite of dominance is weak and beta. So if you are arguing against dominance, then what are you arguing FOR? Lol.

The occasional synonym would be nice ...

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Quote: (09-20-2018 05:28 AM)flyinghorse Wrote:  

Basically I'm just a little above average at everything.

I think you pretty much disproved whatever point you were making.

You get women. Below average guys, not so much.

Throw in cashed up cucks and women without options (at a point in time) and that'll settle any other exceptions to the rule.

It's a good rule. Embrace it, keep making yourself better.

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Lesson in Hypergamy

Listen and learn

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Quote: (09-21-2018 04:56 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2018 01:19 PM)masta Wrote:  

Didn't expect my post to get such a "ahem" response, so I guess I'll explain myself, lol. ...

The opposite of dominance is weak and beta. So if you are arguing against dominance, then what are you arguing FOR? Lol.

The occasional synonym would be nice ...

There is no synonym for dominance. Dominance is alpha, alpha is dominance. Dominance is dominant and being dominant is dominance at its most dominant. Has my point been made most dominantly? Or should I be more alpha and express myself with more dominance? This is the predominant question.

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Perhaps the opposite of dominant isn't weak and beta, which are two sides of the same flawed binary mindset. There is something more like independent, solitary, don't give a flying f**k, go my own way. Without striving everything comes my way, no attachment to outcome or other forms of neediness, pure being in the moment.

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Quote: (09-22-2018 12:04 AM)Guitarhappy420 Wrote:  

Perhaps the opposite of dominant isn't weak and beta, which are two sides of the same flawed binary mindset. There is something more like independent, solitary, don't give a flying f**k, go my own way. Without striving everything comes my way, no attachment to outcome or other forms of neediness, pure being in the moment.
I relate to that.

Never understand the alpha stereotype of needing to be the leader etc.

As long as i'm in control of my life I am happy. I have no desire to tell other people how to live.

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Not our job to convince you about the truth. Wishing you fair winds and followings seas...

Лучше поздно, чем никогда

...life begins at "70% Warning Level."....

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Quote: (09-22-2018 04:24 AM)LeeEnfield303 Wrote:  

Not our job to convince you about the truth. Wishing you fair winds and followings seas...

Do you believe that men are hypogamous (they date across and down)?

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Quote: (09-22-2018 04:56 AM)flyinghorse Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 04:24 AM)LeeEnfield303 Wrote:  

Not our job to convince you about the truth. Wishing you fair winds and followings seas...

Do you believe that men are hypogamous (they date across and down)?

Men date anything that has a pretty face and set of perky tits. Countless high-born men have raised lowly-born women form the gutter.

The reverse seldom happens and women at best used those men as fuck-toys.

And even then - the most popular romance hero is a self-made billionaire and not a Starbucks barista named Christian Grey.

The men would be fine with banging the hot barista girl - even marrying her.

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Quote: (09-20-2018 11:03 AM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2018 10:53 AM)Mizo1234 Wrote:  

I am not arguing against Hypergamy . But sometimes, you met “ taken” woman and you know she really likes you . But still can’t get her to cheat or to break up with her boyfriend
whats the explanation for this ?

Youre not Ryan Gosling

I encounter this problem frequently when out daygaming in Hamburg. Part of the explanation, other than the elephant in the room: you're not Ryan Gosling, is that women who you think really dig you actually are more attracted to the attention you're giving them. Women, of course, have always loved attention from men, especially when they're in a situation where they can't act on their impulses, i.e. they are taken or the guy is or both.

On the subject of validation seeking: I've noticed a very sharp uptick in the number of women who are looking around in public to see which guys are checking them out. When I first noticed this in the UK in 2017, I assumed it was a local phenomenon of slutty northern women or, at most, specific to the Anglosphere. But since coming back to Germany this year, I notice this phenomenon in full swing here, too. Don't forget: The bar for a woman to be interested in you because of the attention hit you provide is much lower than the bar to bang her, especially if she is already getting dicked by another dude on the regular.

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Quote: (09-21-2018 10:40 PM)doc holliday Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2018 04:56 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2018 01:19 PM)masta Wrote:  

Didn't expect my post to get such a "ahem" response, so I guess I'll explain myself, lol. ...

The opposite of dominance is weak and beta. So if you are arguing against dominance, then what are you arguing FOR? Lol.

The occasional synonym would be nice ...

There is no synonym for dominance. Dominance is alpha, alpha is dominance. Dominance is dominant and being dominant is dominance at its most dominant. Has my point been made most dominantly? Or should I be more alpha and express myself with more dominance? This is the predominant question.

hmmmm I see. One of my best friends ever is hankmoody from this forum. he has like 147 reputation...whatever that means. ill have him record me. and ill show my dominance in front of women. hopefully when I show myself on cam, all of you guys who have trolled me will show yourselves too.

one of the things that hankmoody taught me was to be confident...yet humble. if you going to talk smack, i wanna see what you got.

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Quote: (09-22-2018 06:17 AM)masta Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2018 10:40 PM)doc holliday Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2018 04:56 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2018 01:19 PM)masta Wrote:  

Didn't expect my post to get such a "ahem" response, so I guess I'll explain myself, lol. ...

The opposite of dominance is weak and beta. So if you are arguing against dominance, then what are you arguing FOR? Lol.

The occasional synonym would be nice ...

There is no synonym for dominance. Dominance is alpha, alpha is dominance. Dominance is dominant and being dominant is dominance at its most dominant. Has my point been made most dominantly? Or should I be more alpha and express myself with more dominance? This is the predominant question.

hmmmm I see. One of my best friends ever is hankmoody from this forum. he has like 147 reputation...whatever that means. ill have him record me. and ill show my dominance in front of women. hopefully when I show myself on cam, all of you guys who have trolled me will show yourselves too.

one of the things that hankmoody taught me was to be confident...yet humble. if you going to talk smack, i wanna see what you got.

Masta, I was just joking man, relax. I wasn't commenting on your alphaness or lack therof, I have never met you. Hank's a good guy, I like him too even though he evokes a lot of emotion both ways here.

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

OP. You are making the ecological fallacy.

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

The only thing I will say is this - there is a subset group of successful and wealthy men who are more Alpha smooth-talkers. And this subgroup are men who deal with sales - especially in the ruthless sales departments. There I met quite a few sharks who could also smooth-talk a girl with the same abilities.

If Masta refers to that group, then yes - this is not symptomatic of the dominance produced by wealthy men - most of them are not derived in the same circles and businesses like the crazy Millionaire Matchmaker (and subsequent TV show) would not make them millions catering to the clueless wealthy men.

Still - it's rather a simplistic view of focusing on dominance, but there are some men who exude this kind of power as they are natural salesmen and are almost always in sales-mode.

This is however a demographic outlier and a tiny proportion of the population and not symptomatic of large parts of the population even on the same socio-economic level. You get down to Silicon Valley and see a giant soup of Beta-Gamma-collective that any enterprising female 6 can milk at her leisure. The story of Elizabeth Holmes convincing a bunch of ageing millionaires and billionaires to invest in her idea without any proof whatsoever - that is glorious proof of the very lack of Game and Red Pill in those spheres. Ordering high-class escorts does not teach you much about women.

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Quote: (09-22-2018 05:35 AM)Feldeinsamkeit Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2018 11:03 AM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2018 10:53 AM)Mizo1234 Wrote:  

I am not arguing against Hypergamy . But sometimes, you met “ taken” woman and you know she really likes you . But still can’t get her to cheat or to break up with her boyfriend
whats the explanation for this ?

Youre not Ryan Gosling

I encounter this problem frequently when out daygaming in Hamburg. Part of the explanation, other than the elephant in the room: you're not Ryan Gosling, is that women who you think really dig you actually are more attracted to the attention you're giving them. Women, of course, have always loved attention from men, especially when they're in a situation where they can't act on their impulses, i.e. they are taken or the guy is or both.

On the subject of validation seeking: I've noticed a very sharp uptick in the number of women who are looking around in public to see which guys are checking them out. When I first noticed this in the UK in 2017, I assumed it was a local phenomenon of slutty northern women or, at most, specific to the Anglosphere. But since coming back to Germany this year, I notice this phenomenon in full swing here, too. Don't forget: The bar for a woman to be interested in you because of the attention hit you provide is much lower than the bar to bang her, especially if she is already getting dicked by another dude on the regular.

While I agree with the attention part, I think most of us with time and experience can differentiate between attention seeking behaviors and real interest . I am not talking here about women who are looking to see who is checking them out. I am talking about women who :

1-Bite their lips when they saw me
2-check me out while I am not looking
3- play with her hair or earlobe while talking to me
4- their faces smile when I talk to them

Honestly man, I had enough share of attention whores in my past, I only go for the super sure signs.
Maybe bad game on my part .

The point I am trying to make is while hypergamy subconsciously controls the desire to date up or fuck up, it is still somehow conscious decision to act on this desire ( fear of consequence ).

Also, the definition of the best option for women change with her priorities . If she wants to marry, she will select the best options for the marriage . If she wants to fuck, she will select the best options to fuck. Those two best options could be two different type of guys.

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Quote: (09-22-2018 06:17 AM)masta Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2018 10:40 PM)doc holliday Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2018 04:56 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2018 01:19 PM)masta Wrote:  

Didn't expect my post to get such a "ahem" response, so I guess I'll explain myself, lol. ...

The opposite of dominance is weak and beta. So if you are arguing against dominance, then what are you arguing FOR? Lol.

The occasional synonym would be nice ...

There is no synonym for dominance. Dominance is alpha, alpha is dominance. Dominance is dominant and being dominant is dominance at its most dominant. Has my point been made most dominantly? Or should I be more alpha and express myself with more dominance? This is the predominant question.

hmmmm I see. One of my best friends ever is hankmoody from this forum. he has like 147 reputation...whatever that means.

Ohhhh boy...This explains a lot. I had no idea

Quote: (09-22-2018 06:17 AM)masta Wrote:  

ill have him record me. and ill show my dominance in front of women. hopefully when I show myself on cam, all of you guys who have trolled me will show yourselves too.

Its ok...we believe you. No need to get Hank to take pictures of you showing chicks your dick.

Quote: (09-22-2018 06:17 AM)masta Wrote:  

one of the things that hankmoody taught me was to be confident...yet humble. if you going to talk smack, i wanna see what you got.

Can you get him to teach you some punctuation?

[Image: laugh3.gif]

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

I'm Not Convinced on Hypergamy

Brilliant. I hope we can keep this guy.

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