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The NFL is dying

The NFL is dying

The female announcer has been in the college football scene for years. Has done a lot of lesser D1 games on the air for them for matinee ESPN games or lesser games on ESPN 2. Also does a lot of basketball stuff for them. They don't really have a back-up NFL crew for when they do double header Monday night games, so they've thrown together a random crew for that second game for years. With that said, her and Sal Paolantonio (veteran NFL reporter) really did not sound great on the air last night. Will probably be the only NFL game they're on this year though.

She does know sports more than most women in the industry, but it was obvious being on the big stage was not the most comfortable environment.

As far back as I could remember, I always wanted to be a player.

2018 New Orleans Datasheet
New Jersey State Datasheet

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-09-2018 08:58 AM)pants Wrote:  

Say what you will about the protest, that was imo a highly inspirational commercial.

I haven't spent much time in the US, but from my few encounters it seems the police is not as professional as they are in Norway.

Sitting on a bench in Austin, I got more or less chased away cause it was after 11. Okay, i'll respect the rules, no problems. But two fat cops with an attitude kind of pissed me off.

Another time stopped by cops in the highway due to a busted tail light.
No problem stopping me, but the overall experience from the way the cops handled did not seem that professional.

What I dont get is the race angel Kaepernicks takes, young black commit far more crimes than the rest of the population. That's just sadly how it is...

However I do support people right to protest, as this is necessary for a democracy to function.

KAEPERNICK" "A useful (and very rich) idiot." - V. I. Lenin

Hey. I'm inspired, too!

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

The NFL is dying

Now that Kaepernick has been hogging all the "controversy spotlight" within the sport for years now, anybody think the movement for changing the Redskins' team name will arise from the depths of Sports Justice Warrior-dom again and make an impact?

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-12-2018 09:09 PM)trippin_squares Wrote:  

Now that Kaepernick has been hogging all the "controversy spotlight" within the sport for years now, anybody think the movement for changing the Redskins' team name will arise from the depths of Sports Justice Warrior-dom again and make an impact?

There was a survey a few years back of Native Americans about that. IIRC, over 90% of them said that they were fine with the name, so it's going to be a while before they can regroup on that one.

If they do eventually succeed, Snyder, possibly the worst owner in pro sports, should just rename them "The Washington White Houses".


The NFL is dying

Yeah beta_plus I told a similar joke to someone...

Cleveland Indians should change their racist name to the Cleveland Caucasians

The NFL is dying

I have a really good feeling that the new Normies are NPCs meme has a chance of ending the obsession with sportsball.


[Image: 1536449923517.png]

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-14-2018 07:55 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

I have a really good feeling that the new Normies are NPCs meme has a chance of ending the obsession with sportsball.

This is the interesting thing about the NPC meme and Faceberg's twitter(slightly off topic). Shows something about narcissism.

Roughly speaking, people like Faceberg are low/moderately low in trait narcissism and high in, curiosity? I don't know the right word exactly but the realisation the world is weird and not what it seems and wants to figure out/get to the bottom of WHY this is.

It plays out the same way. Low narcissism/high curiosity people realise the mainstream framework/way of thinking about things is highly flawed. So they gravitate to other frameworks which may not be perfect but are almost strictly better(NPC meme in this case, but also "red pill", r/K, race realism, pickup, Edenism, conspiracy theories).

High narcissism people get personally triggered/offended by the fact that that new framework might cast them in a bad light- even if it doesn't. So they not-in-good-faith reflexively attack people who put forward these frameworks.


-You're saying something about girls that might not be positive? Clearly you have a BAD PERSONALITY and girls know this and are repelled by you!

-You're racist/believe in differences in races? Clearly you're insecure about your own accomplishments/are a loser and so you need DEBUNKED theories about race to make you feel better about yourself!

-You believe in X conspiracy theory? Clearly you're PARANOID!

-You like pickup/"manipulating girls"? Clearly you're manipulative and don't care about girls for who they are! If you're a real alpha you wouldn't need coaching!

-You talk about the NPC meme? Clearly you have low empathy and cannot understand other people!

It's really tiring hearing these reflexive arguments, but it seems they are so triggered they would do near anything to try to silence you.

The NFL is dying

Yeah, this NPC meme seems to really be on to something.

Honestly I was worried we were losing for a while with all the bannings and that. I think the NPC meme is going to be the next Pepe. Gonna create some real noise.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-08-2018 02:59 PM)godfather dust Wrote:  

Reports are online sales "surge 31%" but this is a dishonest metric. Total sales are the real way to judge.

Personally I would never buy shoes without trying them on, maybe I'm not in the majority but I doubt it.

I'd love to know what this cherry picked stat actually was...

I'd wager a good bet that it's the sales relative to the previous month which given that college football and the NFL just started would be exactly what you'd expect it to be, heck that would be a low figure.

If it's like for like sales compared to the same month last year, then its' meaningful, still easily manipulated, but a little meaning.

The NFL is dying

Has anyone here ever heard of a player doing this in the middle of a game?


The NFL is dying

[Image: attachment.jpg40068]   

At least the anthem can be weaponized now.

The NFL is dying


The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-16-2018 07:01 PM)zoom Wrote:  


TPTB have made a mockery of the game I once loved. There is no coming back from this.

[Image: fuckthat.gif]

The NFL is dying

Man! I can already see it.

Gay Cheerleaders.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-16-2018 07:29 PM)BigTony Wrote:  

Quote: (09-16-2018 07:01 PM)zoom Wrote:  


TPTB have made a mockery of the game I once loved. There is no coming back from this.

[Image: fuckthat.gif]

I know Bill Burr can be a bit blue pill, but boy did he call women taking over and ruining the NFL 4 years ago:


The NFL is dying

Ravens tickets for next Sunday now start at $43 against Denver, which is off to a good start. Last week they were over $50, IIRC.

To put this in perspective, 5 years ago those tickets would have been north of $100.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-16-2018 07:01 PM)zoom Wrote:  


I told my dad (who i watch football with) "they're bringing in gay cheerleaders!" and said some shit he said "Nah they won't be gay, they throw the girls around and whatnot"

Can't wait to send him that picture.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-11-2018 03:12 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

The Youtube comment section seems to be none to pleased with the female announcer. But they are just sexist pigs I suppose.

Lol, when you try to play the embedded video above:


Video unavailable
This video contains content from NFL, who has blocked it from display on this website or application.

Looks like the crybabies are afraid of the big, bad RVF boys.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

The NFL is dying


The announced attendance of 57,013 was the lowest for a Redskins home opener in the 21-year history of FedEx Field — down more than 21,000 from the 78,658 who attended the Redskins’ 2017 home opener against the NFC East rival Philadelphia Eagles.


If I remember correctly, the Redskins also removed a good portion of seats at FedEx Field 6-7 years ago.


The NFL is dying

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-17-2018 03:21 AM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2018 03:12 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

The Youtube comment section seems to be none to pleased with the female announcer. But they are just sexist pigs I suppose.

Lol, when you try to play the embedded video above:


Video unavailable
This video contains content from NFL, who has blocked it from display on this website or application.

Looks like the crybabies are afraid of the big, bad RVF boys.

Many big channels disable embedding full stop so you have to visit their channel. Move on, sir. There's no conspiracy to see here.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-17-2018 04:37 AM)BigTony Wrote:  


The announced attendance of 57,013 was the lowest for a Redskins home opener in the 21-year history

If I remember correctly, the Redskins also removed a good portion of seats 6 or 7 years ago.

You are correct. They had over 90k when they first built the stadium.

"A happy man is a happy everybody else in his life."

"Ladies if you want to make your man happy, think about what makes you happy and do exactly the opposite."

"Hey how you doin' and I hope you know that I'm an upgrade for your stupid daughter." - Patrice O'Neal

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-17-2018 05:33 PM)IveBeenFramed Wrote:  

Quote: (09-17-2018 04:37 AM)BigTony Wrote:  


The announced attendance of 57,013 was the lowest for a Redskins home opener in the 21-year history

If I remember correctly, the Redskins also removed a good portion of seats 6 or 7 years ago.

You are correct. They had over 90k when they first built the stadium.

Snyder took the most valuable sports franchise in the world (at least at the time of purchase) and flushed it down the toilet.

The NFL is dying

I been streaming the Browns games just cause I'm curious about how they will do.... They should one of the quickest turn around teams in sports history. I think they where like 1-32 leading up to this season. Really they should be 3-0 this season but they found ways to lose (and tie) their first two games.. mainly missing field goals. Baker Mayfield came in for a injured Taylor for the second half of their last game an lead them to a victory....

Anyway the whole point of that was that I've been keeping up a bit with football this season an man...... the NFL is its own worst enemy. Despite all the stupid ass things they do that we talk about in this thread.... this new "dont fall on the quarterback rule" is asinine an its swayed the outcome of a few games this season. I was streaming the Redskins game today since the Browns were not playing and Clay Mathews hit the QB with a text book hit and they called him for falling on the QB shit.... even the announcers were dumbfounded about the penalty.

Now might really be the prime time for that new football league. I wanna see hardcore football with out all these lame penalties. I wanna see taunting and swagger an personality and emotion. I don't know why the NBA and NFL did away with these kinds of things.... if you dunk on someone you should be able to stand over top of them and look down on them an let them know they are your bitch. Same with a big football hit...

[Image: von_hates_u.0.gif]

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-23-2018 04:59 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

I been streaming the Browns games just cause I'm curious about how they will do.... They should one of the quickest turn around teams in sports history. I think they where like 1-32 leading up to this season. Really they should be 3-0 this season but they found ways to lose (and tie) their first two games.. mainly missing field goals. Baker Mayfield came in for a injured Taylor for the second half of their last game an lead them to a victory....

Anyway the whole point of that was that I've been keeping up a bit with football this season an man...... the NFL is its own worst enemy. Despite all the stupid ass things they do that we talk about in this thread.... this new "dont fall on the quarterback rule" is asinine an its swayed the outcome of a few games this season. I was streaming the Redskins game today since the Browns were not playing and Clay Mathews hit the QB with a text book hit and they called him for falling on the QB shit.... even the announcers were dumbfounded about the penalty.

Now might really be the prime time for that new football league. I wanna see hardcore football with out all these lame penalties. I wanna see taunting and swagger an personality and emotion. I don't know why the NBA and NFL did away with these kinds of things.... if you dunk on someone you should be able to stand over top of them and look down on them an let them know they are your bitch. Same with a big football hit...

[Image: von_hates_u.0.gif]

This new rule and the reinterpretation of leading with the helmet rule are terrible. They already call enough damn penalties as it is in the NFL... the stricter leading with the helmet rule especially has to be universally despised among fans, except for the pee-pants "player safety" advocates.

And when the Browns tied the Steelers in the first week I had to laugh my ass off. It was such a Browns way to end the losing... if you can't run away with the game after forcing 4 turnovers, regardless of opponent, you don't deserve to win. As for the Steelers, if you can't come back against a team that's currently on a 19-game losing streak, you don't deserve to win either.

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