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How to start BDSM? (Other tips as well)

How to start BDSM? (Other tips as well)

In a couple days, I will be meeting with this girl. It isn't decided whether or not she will be over my house or not. I'm gonna push to go to her house though.

I'm sure I can get laid. She showed interest in me first and after seeing her a few times since then, I got her number and we agreed to "hang out" in a few days when we are both off from work.

This will be the second girl I've ever been with. I never attempted BDSM or anal with the first girl but I want to experiment more this time.

This girl I'm going to meet up with looks better all around, especially in the face and has a perky ass.

For starters, any advice and tips on securing this bang? I can feel myself getting thirsty already.

Also, how do I introduce handcuffs, anal, and other kinks?
Would it be bad to do that the first time we have sex or should I wait a bit and gradually introduce more and more?

Also, what are some good beginner tools/toys I should use?

How to start BDSM? (Other tips as well)

Quote: (08-16-2018 04:31 PM)PuppetMaster Wrote:  

In a couple days, I will be meeting with this girl. It isn't decided whether or not she will be over my house or not. I'm gonna push to go to her house though.

I'm sure I can get laid. She showed interest in me first and after seeing her a few times since then, I got her number and we agreed to "hang out" in a few days when we are both off from work.

This will be the second girl I've ever been with. I never attempted BDSM or anal with the first girl but I want to experiment more this time.

This girl I'm going to meet up with looks better all around, especially in the face and has a perky ass.

For starters, any advice and tips on securing this bang? I can feel myself getting thirsty already.

Also, how do I introduce handcuffs, anal, and other kinks?
Would it be bad to do that the first time we have sex or should I wait a bit and gradually introduce more and more?

Also, what are some good beginner tools/toys I should use?

Don't put the cart before the horse.

Doesn't sound like you have a clue about how BDSM dynamics work.

I doubt she's told you she wants you to fuck her in the ass, whip her, and tie her up yet.

If she has, then you're at a massive disadvantage already.

BDSM dynamics include being comfortable, trust, and escalation.

I doubt you're going to get ALL that on the first bang.

Possibly anal, depending on the girl, obviously choking, spanking, and tying up is pretty easy to do.

But beyond that is up to the man whose suppose to be giving her guidance.

You need to bring your A game for that kind of shit, I don't think you're ready at all.

I'd also google the forum search for BDSM, here's some links:



How to start BDSM? (Other tips as well)

Thanks for the links

How to start BDSM? (Other tips as well)

Are we talking Bible Discution/Study Meeting ?

Tell them too much, they wouldn't understand; tell them what they know, they would yawn.
They have to move up by responding to challenges, not too easy not too hard, until they paused at what they always think is the end of the road for all time instead of a momentary break in an endless upward spiral

How to start BDSM? (Other tips as well)

She ghosted me.


How to start BDSM? (Other tips as well)

I'm sure I didn't say or do anything that turned her off.

I'm not going to stress about this for now. If I receive no text over the next couple of days, I am deleting the number and will move on.

How to start BDSM? (Other tips as well)

When talking about sex with a potential bang, especially over text, it’s better to tell women less. Less is more. Often times, they are just fantasizing about it. The more you give them their fantasy overtaxed, the less need they have to meet you. Remember, she’s nervous about meeting you so you have that force working against you If you diminish the benefit that you deliver by giving it to her without meeting you, you tip the balance against her ever coming to meet you

How to start BDSM? (Other tips as well)

Don't assume the bang until your dick is inside her.

How to start BDSM? (Other tips as well)

"Guys I'm gonna bang the second girl in my life!!!1"

"Help how do I do BDSM to her??!?"

"She ghosted fuck."

[Image: laugh7.gif]

This was a great thread. A lot of lessons. Don't be desperate at all, girls can smell it, get some experience with sex with one girl and get better at it slowly rather than trying to jump in to BDSM or you will come off completely insane.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

How to start BDSM? (Other tips as well)

Quote: (08-19-2018 07:53 PM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

"Guys I'm gonna bang the second girl in my life!!!1"

"Help how do I do BDSM to her??!?"

"She ghosted fuck."

[Image: laugh7.gif]

This was a great thread. A lot of lessons. Don't be desperate at all, girls can smell it, get some experience with sex with one girl and get better at it slowly rather than trying to jump in to BDSM or you will come off completely insane.

We actually fucked last night. She just left my house about an hour ago to go home.

She "ghosted" me because she's going off to college this week and needed to purchase some school supplies and continue packing her things. She apologized for not letting me know right away so it's fine.

I understand not rushing so no BDSM was tried. Just spanking and light hair pulling.

The sex was.... okay. She had long nails and couldn't move her hips as well as the first girl. She also smoked a cigarette not long after. I found that unattractive.

How to start BDSM? (Other tips as well)

Quote: (08-18-2018 11:29 AM)Hypno Wrote:  

When talking about sex with a potential bang, especially over text, it’s better to tell women less. Less is more. Often times, they are just fantasizing about it. The more you give them their fantasy overtaxed, the less need they have to meet you. Remember, she’s nervous about meeting you so you have that force working against you If you diminish the benefit that you deliver by giving it to her without meeting you, you tip the balance against her ever coming to meet you

I'll keep this tip in mind for the future. Thanks

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