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Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

Quote: (08-08-2018 01:00 PM)1RationalDoc Wrote:  

I watched him when he was on Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Where he talked about his life, and how he got rich by poker.

He got the one thing that attract chicks which isnt look or game, but the "fuck you money".

You haven't been paying attention - it's not JUST fuck you money.

Even if he had no money, he's a good looking dude, he's in shape, and his personality is solid.

He'd have no problem pulling tail, the fuck you money is the icing on the cake.

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

Quote: (08-08-2018 09:33 AM)LINUX Wrote:  

Instagram is a collection of photos that shows the highs of your life without the lows in an attempt either prove you have a better life than others or an attempt on your part to feel important so other people will listen to you.

You don't know the real Dan Blizeran nor can you tell anything about his approach/personality from his photos. You're looking at a collections of muses, staged photos, alternate personas, and women taking photos with him for the purpose of being followed by his potential 24mil followers, which in return, will make them feel more important.

Most of his followers are men being sold the good life of broads, money, guns and cocaine. It's a marketing strategy -- get rich or die trying, I got broads in Atlanta, gucci gang gucci gang bullshit. He's mostly capitalizing on those of have no real world experience and also those with low IQs.

Would he do good with women without the instagram? Yes, he's got a decent physique and a good set of porcelain veneers and most men out there his age look like shit. He played his cards right as in he is a businessman who understands the psychology of both men and women and he has used that to capitalize on his popularity to gain 24mil followers so now he can push his canibus business on them which will bring him a lot of potential income.

How many times do I have to say this? THE THREAD IS NOT ABOUT WHETHER DAN IS GOOD WITHOUT HIS INSTAGRAM. It's his Instagram game we are discussing.

Get it through your thick skulls, incel faggots.

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

Quote: (08-08-2018 01:03 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (08-08-2018 01:00 PM)1RationalDoc Wrote:  

I watched him when he was on Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Where he talked about his life, and how he got rich by poker.

He got the one thing that attract chicks which isnt look or game, but the "fuck you money".

You haven't been paying attention - it's not JUST fuck you money.

Even if he had no money, he's a good looking dude, he's in shape, and his personality is solid.

He'd have no problem pulling tail, the fuck you money is the icing on the cake.

He's a manlet. Shorter than most chicks. Not only that, he has no true confidence. He would absolutely not pull much tail without his fame.

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

Quote: (08-08-2018 04:15 PM)FivePoints Wrote:  

He's a manlet. Shorter than most chicks. Not only that, he has no true confidence. He would absolutely not pull much tail without his fame.

You are a shitty troll, but you made me laugh.

You're right. He's not attractive at all. There's just simply NO WAY any women would be into this guy's physique or facial features because he's 5'9"


[Image: dbbc87da53ef8932845f8bbf4da1eea3.jpg]

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Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

Ah, the stupid troll got banned.

What a shame!

Our New Blog:

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

nigga is you gay?

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

As much hate as he gets, I think Dan Bilzerian is a fucking genius and 99.9% of guys in this world would trade places with him in a heartbeat.

I don't see why we're bringing up how fake any of his stuff is, the game in general is marketing yourself and putting up a certain perception about you to the world. Most of the guys out there getting hot girls, at least in the US, are playing the fake status games. They did this shit in high school and they are doing it now.

My thoughts are if you are getting the results, who cares about the rest?

Lots of dudes with more money than Dan are not living that kind of a life. Dan is living it and I genuinely respect the dude, he fucks some hot tail and I rather be him than some married 30-something with a family. Not sure where the hate comes from.

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

^He pays girls to hang out with him, I don't respect that at all.

When the money is gone, then so are the girls.

No one is hating on him, he is fake.

This is a game forum, not a simp forum.

Our New Blog:

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

Quote: (08-08-2018 06:59 PM)ADEBISIGARANA Wrote:  

nigga is you gay?

LOL this guy ADEBISIGARANA got banned too? He was referring to the troll-like OP, no? The OP that is now banned of course. As juvenile as ADEBISIGARANA's response was, I found his posts a bit amusing. Was this guy's banning an accident? Was just wondering...

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

Quote: (08-08-2018 07:30 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

^He pays girls to hang out with him, I don't respect that at all.

When the money is gone, then so are the girls.

No one is hating on him, he is fake.

This is a game forum, not a simp forum.

Take away the money, coke and access to fame and the 9+ IG models WILL move on to the next meal ticket, but he'd still have some chicks around.

No one's denying that money, drugs and access will skyrocket your SMV - just look at Hefner, he rode that horse for 50+ years. But you learn a few things about women along the way. What you learn will help you get laid without all the hooks. Maybe not the top shelf snatch he currently gets.

A guy who can't get laid without the hooks is someone like Harvey Weinstein.

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

Ask men if another man is hot bros.

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

I think he is smoking hot. WB.


Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

Quote: (08-08-2018 07:30 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

^He pays girls to hang out with him, I don't respect that at all.

When the money is gone, then so are the girls.

No one is hating on him, he is fake.

This is a game forum, not a simp forum.

Unfortunately Rudewboy this will fall on deaf ears. You're older and don't understand millenials. They take the old adage "Fake it till you make it" and turn it into just "Fake It." Because making it requires too much time, sacrifice, discipline, pain and hard work that these kids don't want to put in.

And although this is a Game Forum, most of these millennials that come on here don't want to learn Game. It's too hard and takes too much time. That's why a significant amount of shit in Game and Travel sections can be summed up as "How can I get the most sex with the hottest girls without putting in substantial time, work or sacrifice to get them."

Instead of grinding and achieving, they would rather look for short cuts or "hacks." So they would rather be bartenders than doctors, because they want to believe a bartender at the Yardhouse with shitty tribal tattoos gets more pussy than a doctor.

Or they want to be a club DJ. And the "Club DJ" perfectly represents the laziness of millennials. Club DJs don't play their own music, they play other dudes music. So rather than spend years learning music to become someone like Tiesto, these kids want the easy route and get laid and paid off another man's hard work.

And that's why they love social media and constantly prattle on about how IG followers is DHV, and idolize some one like Bilzerian because he's the ultimate example of their "Fake It" mantra. These kids think that if they have a lot of followers and become Instafamous then hot girls will see their high follower count and start Dm'ing then nude pics and begging to suck their cocks.
It's the perfect fantasy for the lazy millenial. No effort to either achieve anything, or become a high value man; just post some pretty pictures, get famous and then watch the girls get wet over how many followers you have.

And when you call these kids on their social media bullshit, they always recoil defensively and argue that "you old guys just don't get it." And their right. Old guys don't understand why someone would spend their time pretending to live a certain lifestyle when they can put that time into creating one for real.

Old guys don't understand the mindset of wanting to be famous for nothing. In ancient times if you wanted to be famous you picked up a baseball bat/football/basketball/guitar or whatever, and got to work.

But these kids don't want to work. Or to use their own lingo, these kids don't want no smoke.

That's why instead of going out into the world and getting their hands dirty, they would rather sit on their ass and trade crypto. That's why they don't want to do the hard things to become successful with girls, they just want "access." They think if they become bartenders or Instacelebs then they don't have to approach because girls will come to them. But by that logic they should be supermarket cashiers, because hot girls need to pay for those groceries right?

But it's just laziness, and then these kids hamster away their laziness by arguing that a component of game is access to hot girls. I don't know where that came from. If you want access to hot girls go approach them. Don't pretend to be hacking the system by being a bartender, Instaceleb or yoga instructor. This isn't smart and it isn't Game. It's just laziness.

And you kids are lazy because of the technology you love so much. You grew up in the most technologically advanced time in human history. But all this tech bullshit, all your smart phones, and your Tinder and your UberEats have made you kids soft and decadent.

And there's no amount of followers or social media fame that can compensate for your softness. You kids can fake being an alpha all you want, but at some point you're going to have to show it. That's one reason why Bilzerian always has different girls coming through. Sure he's paying them no doubt, but if he was as badass as he projects himself to be you would think these girls would be willing members of a harem right? I mean isn't that the crux of hypergamy? So if he was as alpha as he projects, then why would these girls leave and mess with a lesser man?

But he's not badass in real life and these girls probably figure that out quickly. I bet his privigiled upbringing and lifestyle has made him soft and these girls realize that what is projected in photos, isn't congruent to how he is in real life. So they take his cash and bounce, because even gold digging thots want their men real and not fake.

And then you kids wonder why girls your age would mess around with guys in their 30s or 40s. Because girls need masculine polarity not high "follower-to-likes" ratios. And older guys are more masculine then you kids plain and simple. Because we don't play pretend, we make it in real life.

And girls have an inherent knack for sniffing out weakness in men, and I'm sure girls in their early twenties are getting awfully tired of constantly smelling weakness on dudes their own age. They want men; and there are no amount of social media followers that can mask the fact that you kids aren't men, but soft little boys.

Apologies for the long rant, but couldn't take it anymore.

P. S. And you kids make sure to stay off my lawn too.

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

I think we need more threads about hot guys. It would, like, totally expand our membership.

Entertaining, but shitty low-level troll. I liked the "incel faggots" line the best. 4/10, would hashtag again.

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

I wouldnt know a 'hot' guy if I saw one. Usually I am surprised at the guys girls drool over because they look normal to me.

Don't debate me.

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

That's a noble post Dodgy and nice, you took shots at me, great.

I'll explain this even better as a millennial who has gone through the game. You see, we're talking about two different things here, being a hard and tough fulfilled man that elders respect or being a guy that gets hot girls. Maybe in your day and age, a man who had the balls to walk up to a random girl and strike up a conversation with her, a man who had "game", was "mentally tough" and all of those things would get the hottest girl on the block.

The reality is, you can call that lazy dude any name under the sun that you want and I would actually join with you in calling him those names too, at the end of the day he has a higher ceiling.

Most of those trust fund brats balls deep in hotties? I agree with you 100%, they're soft as fuck.

The kid with thousands of Instagram followers? I agree with you, he is soft as fuck.

The bartender? Most of the times, a fucking loser compared to a doctor.

But we're not talking about living a fulfilled life and being a Spartan, we're talking about being a guy that women want to fuck.

I'd much rather have different women passing through, that is me.

No one cares about "fakeness" or how soft someone is, we're not gaming girls in a rundown ghetto or a third world country. We're talking about fucking lots and lots of women and being creative with it.

Well welcome to modern day game where this "soft" kid with thousands of Instagram followers, some trust fund brat or some doofus bartender gets the pussy. I don't like, I fucking hate it.

I wish my nice degree and good education would help me have that kind of success.

I wish that mental toughness and all of that played a huge role in getting hot girls on the role.

Well welcome to reality where it isn't so.

You can call them soft, I hate the fact these kinds of dudes get model-tier girls as much as you do, but I have to admit they're fucking creative because at the end of the day they got what most guys desire as much as they may deny it: lots of sex with lots of hot girls.

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

Quote: (08-09-2018 04:49 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

I wouldnt know a 'hot' guy if I saw one.

PM Debguiled. He'll send you a selfie.


Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

You are soft.

Quote: (08-09-2018 08:09 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

That's a noble post Dodgy and nice, you took shots at me, great.

I'll explain this even better as a millennial who has gone through the game. You see, we're talking about two different things here, being a hard and tough fulfilled man that elders respect or being a guy that gets hot girls. Maybe in your day and age, a man who had the balls to walk up to a random girl and strike up a conversation with her, a man who had "game", was "mentally tough" and all of those things would get the hottest girl on the block.

The reality is, you can call that lazy dude any name under the sun that you want and I would actually join with you in calling him those names too, at the end of the day he has a higher ceiling.

Most of those trust fund brats balls deep in hotties? I agree with you 100%, they're soft as fuck.

The kid with thousands of Instagram followers? I agree with you, he is soft as fuck.

The bartender? Most of the times, a fucking loser compared to a doctor.

But we're not talking about living a fulfilled life and being a Spartan, we're talking about being a guy that women want to fuck.

I'd much rather have different women passing through, that is me.

No one cares about "fakeness" or how soft someone is, we're not gaming girls in a rundown ghetto or a third world country. We're talking about fucking lots and lots of women and being creative with it.

Well welcome to modern day game where this "soft" kid with thousands of Instagram followers, some trust fund brat or some doofus bartender gets the pussy. I don't like, I fucking hate it.

I wish my nice degree and good education would help me have that kind of success.

I wish that mental toughness and all of that played a huge role in getting hot girls on the role.

Well welcome to reality where it isn't so.

You can call them soft, I hate the fact these kinds of dudes get model-tier girls as much as you do, but I have to admit they're fucking creative because at the end of the day they got what most guys desire as much as they may deny it: lots of sex with lots of hot girls.

- Clint Barton

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

The saying “it aint stupid if it works “ seems fitting here.

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

Quote: (08-08-2018 07:30 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

^He pays girls to hang out with him, I don't respect that at all.

When the money is gone, then so are the girls.

No one is hating on him, he is fake.

This is a game forum, not a simp forum.

99% of the time I would agree with you, but in this case he has done something genuinely creative business wise with paying these women, it's no more simping than any other business that makes more money by strategically hiring hot models.

And I'm sure he had to pay at the beginning, but at this point I'm sure plenty of hotties are doing it for free.

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

Quote: (08-09-2018 03:33 PM)Dodgy Wrote:  

Quote: (08-08-2018 07:30 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

^He pays girls to hang out with him, I don't respect that at all.

When the money is gone, then so are the girls.

No one is hating on him, he is fake.

This is a game forum, not a simp forum.

Unfortunately Rudewboy this will fall on deaf ears. You're older and don't understand millenials. They take the old adage "Fake it till you make it" and turn it into just "Fake It." Because making it requires too much time, sacrifice, discipline, pain and hard work that these kids don't want to put in.

And although this is a Game Forum, most of these millennials that come on here don't want to learn Game. It's too hard and takes too much time. That's why a significant amount of shit in Game and Travel sections can be summed up as "How can I get the most sex with the hottest girls without putting in substantial time, work or sacrifice to get them."

Instead of grinding and achieving, they would rather look for short cuts or "hacks." So they would rather be bartenders than doctors, because they want to believe a bartender at the Yardhouse with shitty tribal tattoos gets more pussy than a doctor.

Or they want to be a club DJ. And the "Club DJ" perfectly represents the laziness of millennials. Club DJs don't play their own music, they play other dudes music. So rather than spend years learning music to become someone like Tiesto, these kids want the easy route and get laid and paid off another man's hard work.

And that's why they love social media and constantly prattle on about how IG followers is DHV, and idolize some one like Bilzerian because he's the ultimate example of their "Fake It" mantra. These kids think that if they have a lot of followers and become Instafamous then hot girls will see their high follower count and start Dm'ing then nude pics and begging to suck their cocks.
It's the perfect fantasy for the lazy millenial. No effort to either achieve anything, or become a high value man; just post some pretty pictures, get famous and then watch the girls get wet over how many followers you have.

And when you call these kids on their social media bullshit, they always recoil defensively and argue that "you old guys just don't get it." And their right. Old guys don't understand why someone would spend their time pretending to live a certain lifestyle when they can put that time into creating one for real.

Old guys don't understand the mindset of wanting to be famous for nothing. In ancient times if you wanted to be famous you picked up a baseball bat/football/basketball/guitar or whatever, and got to work.

But these kids don't want to work. Or to use their own lingo, these kids don't want no smoke.

That's why instead of going out into the world and getting their hands dirty, they would rather sit on their ass and trade crypto. That's why they don't want to do the hard things to become successful with girls, they just want "access." They think if they become bartenders or Instacelebs then they don't have to approach because girls will come to them. But by that logic they should be supermarket cashiers, because hot girls need to pay for those groceries right?

But it's just laziness, and then these kids hamster away their laziness by arguing that a component of game is access to hot girls. I don't know where that came from. If you want access to hot girls go approach them. Don't pretend to be hacking the system by being a bartender, Instaceleb or yoga instructor. This isn't smart and it isn't Game. It's just laziness.

And you kids are lazy because of the technology you love so much. You grew up in the most technologically advanced time in human history. But all this tech bullshit, all your smart phones, and your Tinder and your UberEats have made you kids soft and decadent.

And there's no amount of followers or social media fame that can compensate for your softness. You kids can fake being an alpha all you want, but at some point you're going to have to show it. That's one reason why Bilzerian always has different girls coming through. Sure he's paying them no doubt, but if he was as badass as he projects himself to be you would think these girls would be willing members of a harem right? I mean isn't that the crux of hypergamy? So if he was as alpha as he projects, then why would these girls leave and mess with a lesser man?

But he's not badass in real life and these girls probably figure that out quickly. I bet his privigiled upbringing and lifestyle has made him soft and these girls realize that what is projected in photos, isn't congruent to how he is in real life. So they take his cash and bounce, because even gold digging thots want their men real and not fake.

And then you kids wonder why girls your age would mess around with guys in their 30s or 40s. Because girls need masculine polarity not high "follower-to-likes" ratios. And older guys are more masculine then you kids plain and simple. Because we don't play pretend, we make it in real life.

And girls have an inherent knack for sniffing out weakness in men, and I'm sure girls in their early twenties are getting awfully tired of constantly smelling weakness on dudes their own age. They want men; and there are no amount of social media followers that can mask the fact that you kids aren't men, but soft little boys.

Apologies for the long rant, but couldn't take it anymore.

P. S. And you kids make sure to stay off my lawn too.

[Image: potd.gif]

Mr Dodgy, welcome to the forum.

That was some epic writing and you actually answered a lot of questions I had about youngsters today.

For the record, I have nothing against Bilzeran.

Whether he is "hot" or not is no concern of mine.

How do you know if he is not gay, I mean Hefner use to watch gay porn.

As for his IG, I am sure companies pay him a lot of money to advertise their products.
To me he just screams fake, with the wannabe tough guy image and the "alleged' Navy Seal background.
The guns, big cars, private planes and the big boy bravado comes across too try hard.

Yes, it is obvious he pays those girls. Maybe he just pays them to pose on his IG page, not like that would cost a lot of money.

[Image: clap.gif]

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Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

Quote: (08-09-2018 08:09 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

Maybe in your day and age, a man who had the balls to walk up to a random girl and strike up a conversation with her, a man who had "game", was "mentally tough" and all of those things would get the hottest girl on the block.

You'll be surprised about how often this still works. Even in the modern age...

Quote: (08-09-2018 08:09 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

Well welcome to modern day game where this "soft" kid with thousands of Instagram followers, some trust fund brat or some doofus bartender gets the pussy. I don't like, I fucking hate it.

I'm not trying to call you out or take shots at you, but you of all of posters here need some tough love. Statements like the one above are just wrong. Instacelebs, trust fund brats and bartenders aren't the only guys having sex with hot women. This is so out of left field that I know you know that this isn't true; you just wish it were true, because then you wouldn't have to confront your own inadequacies with women and work to improve yourself. You can just blame it on the fact that you're not a bartender, or don't have 100k followers.

And that's my frustration with millennials because you're never the reason for you're shortcomings, you're never the problem; it's always someone or something else. You're not mentally tough enough to handle that you suck and need to improve. Unfortunately for you Beer, hot girls aren't fucking you because you're not a bartender; hot girls aren't fucking you because you're not a guy hot girls want to fuck.

And that's not going to change by running a bot and gaining 20k followers over night. And it's not going to change if you become a bartender. These are just convenient scapegoats for you to weasel out of putting in any work to get better looking and get better at Game.

And what happens if you become a bartender but the pussy doesn't flow like you though it would? Then what? Do you become a tattooed bouncer instead, because tattooed bouncers get more pussy than bartenders?

The excuse wheel never stops. It's like your progressive SJW millennial counterparts. They always have a reason for why they're not cutting it whether it's the patriarchy, the gender wage gap, old white men, whatever. They're too soft and weak to confront the fact that they're not good enough.

And that's what you need to do is realize that you're not good enough and put your head down and start grinding to get better instead of looking for cheap shortcuts.

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

Quote: (08-09-2018 08:09 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  


Dude, I've opened exactly 2 threads this morning and in both of them you are spewing this same inane nonsense.

1. You are totally wrong in almost all your assertions across the forum, in general--The Indian Guy Game thread, the FAQ On Game thread, this thread, just to mention a few.

2. You are one of the biggest complainers I have ever seen on this forum and I've been here for a minute. You are acting like a crybaby. Nobody likes a crybaby. It may be the "new normal" for you, but that's fine and that's a huge contributing factor as to why you are unsuccessful with women. Period.

3. You are totally oblivious to all advice and recommendations from guys who actually do get pussy whilst you get none and sit there and sulk. What the hell are you reading all this for if you're just gonna shit on it and start balling like a child and womansplaining why it will not work for you, even though you clearly lack the nuts to even attempt a suggestion? There is nothing attractive about a chump who wallows in self-pity and self-doubt.

4. Game is not for you. You have zero courage. Your self-esteem has hit rock bottom and then broke out the pick axe. You need to work on yourself--or you can just be happy fucking the rare 4 or 5 who also has these same issues and feels sorry for you enough to spread her legs.

5. Your entire foundation is fundamentally jacked up almost beyond recognition. You don't even understand the very basics of being remotely alpha, nor what women find attractive. You accept that you're beta and soft and you seem to be okay with that, which is fine. Just stay there. You are never going to arrive at the fantastical destination of which you cry about here every day. It's not going to happen.

No one here is trying to hurt your feelings, but your attitude is pissing people off. Of course, you're totally oblivious to that, too. Maybe stop posting so much crybaby material, open your mind, actually read the Game section and instead of thinking about how you're gonna take a shit on what the veteran Game guys are offering and wondering how to explain your next whiny post, actually absorb what is being offered. If it works for you--great. If not--great. Of course, nothing is going to work for you, because you are a scared little contrarian who is stuck in a bog of self-deprication. Get out of the bog and then come to the forum with a new attitude and some goddamn self-confidence.

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

Patrice O'neal said something like, "shortcuts to women end up being longcuts to my life."

I think that's the right way to look at it. Beer is correct in that the soft kid with 10k followers, or the trust fund baby, or whatever can definitely get pussy; I've seen it. But, where they lose out is they have zero control over that pussy and that's why girls are always coming and going. Also, a lot of the time the girls that are with them aren't attracted to who they are, but are only attracted to what they are. A status symbol, something like a handbag. I've seen this too, where a guy who looks good on paper has no real toughness or game, and most importantly, has no real identity, and eventually the girl just leaves him because he's weak. Why? Because instead of trying to make something of himself, his whole strategy was to become the equivalent of a walking handbag all while hoping he would get 'selected' by women.

These guys are so focused on shortcuts that they aren't enjoying the journey of life or actually developing into men. That's lame as fuck and it's also shortsighted as hell. They aren't going to be the same young cat with 10k instasoy followers forever, and no one wants to deal with a 40 year old trust fund baby manchild who still behaves like a kid. Also, what happens if life throws a curve ball and these people have no resilience to deal with it?

Anyway, I can't really fault Beer's post too much. There's a lot of marketing that's promoting those ideas, and there's some truth to it. But when you look at the bigger picture it's just so hollow and gives up so much control (e.g. if trends change and people think instagram is lame, you're fucked) that it really isn't worth it. Taking the easy path never really is and I'd rather be a man than a handbag.

Dan Bilzerian - Is He "Hot"?

There is so much hate for Dan Bilzerian and millennials on this thread that I want to turn this conversation around into something that he did which is right, take advantage of the modern trends. Its called adapting and he has done it, plain and simple. That's what people who are successful in much of anything do, they adapt and then they have their success.

That's what Dan Bilzerian did, he saw that social media was taking off and capitalized on it. He could have cried about social media and been like any other older generation whining about the millennials (for a good reason of course), but he capitalized on it. Who cares if some bitter people are calling him fake or a man child, he is fucking hot pussy and living the life 99.9% of men out there can only dream of in their wildest dreams.

I am not saying that guys like Dan Bilzerian and nightlife workers are the only ones sleeping with hot women, but that shit helps.

As for the whole owning up to game, I've been out there and did the cold approaches only to find a few years later that making friends with the right people and falling into the right circumstances is far much more effective than wondering around all night approaching randoms hoping one bites.

We can stay here and call Dan Bilzerian a fake, millennials soft and take shots at me for not admitting to this idea that a few psychological tricks will land a supermodel in your lap. I'd say we're better off as guys adjusting to the times, the trends and adapting instead of talking about how bad things are.

I'd say most guys out there fucking hot girls don't have that much substance to them because they don't care about the shit you say, they care more about what your status is and how they can get excitement out of you. Words, psychological tricks and peacocking at a bar aren't going to do the trick anymore.

Tactician, as for your post, you want unconditional love then go get a dog and don't expect that shit out of a woman.

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