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Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

In the game thread, G dropped some more gems on why some cats are experiencing flake issues with lizards and he mentioned the angle that they are coming at them is totally wrong.

I totally agree with what he is saying except for one thing..picking up smoking.

Recommending cats to smoke is BAD advice. We definitely have to switch our styles up to attract lizards but compromising our health and values to do so reflects weak game.

It might be good to posture as BigXX says, with a light in the pocket but picking up the habit to get lizards is a poor gesture and a sucker move (no disrespect to the smokers).

To give an example, that guy Mixx never smoked nor did he drink (I drink) and he smashed tons of lizards. Does anyone doubt his game? If he got tons of lizards without smoking, then why is this is a necessary component of game?

I don't think Mixx did online, unless he was pipelining other countries and he didn't do texting (unless to confirm logistics etc).

In other words, he concurred fully with everything G said except when it came to smoking.

Not to disparage any of the smokers here (who are great chaps and the whole nickel) but smoking is bad for the health and is also a nasty personal habit.

Smokers often have unfavourable breath and it reeks through their clothing and skin. I used to tolerate lizards who smoke but nowadays, I don't bother to lower my standards for those.

Smokers are usually inconsiderate of others and don't realise how annoying and nasty it is, to have someone come over reeking like a chimney.

How would they like it if I came over and let a really nasty fart go in their presence? They probably wouldn't know, most of them have a poor sense of smell.

I totally agree with everything G says EXCEPT the smoking thing is played out and not good advice. I will never agree with that and it's bad advice for the younger, impressionable cats. It is bad for the health and 9 out of 10, smokers have nasty breath.

In fact, I would probably not want to smash lizards who smoke, hence not wanting to carry a light for them. Their breath stinks (fcuk a piece of gum) and often it even emanates through their skin.

There is a reason why elite athletes don't smoke cigs. In fact, there is even a link to impotency through smoking. Yea, think about your willie caving in on you while you puff on that nonsense..just to look cool.

Again if we are talking some fresh cess, I don't mind the smell of that (although I do not smoke anything and don't advise to pick up that habit just to land reptiles) but I hate cigarette smell with a passion. I grew up in London where every bastard (and bastardette) felt the need to walk around with that nasty thing in their mouth.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Yeah i completely agree with you, it is a sucker move to start smoking in order to attract girls.

The smoking helps in a sense that makes you look cool and more of a bad boy type. However you could easily replace the smoking habit with the drinking habit which is more effective in terms of social skills.

Drinking gives you more confidence than smoking, it is likely to make her more down to fuck if both of you are drinking (my opinion my be biased because i used to drink but i was never a true smoker)

Smoking drugs (such as weed) is effective with teenagers chicks, who hardly have money to smoke and want to show off to friends that they know someone who smokes and always have weed. So you smoking and always having weed can be effective in that sense (thats a london perspective).

I think the whole point here is to have an addiction that helps you not to look like the weird/nerd type and girls become more attracted to you because of this ''non-caring'' attitude. When i used to drink, i remember that it used to be more fun to be around people who were also drinkers, i hated to walk around with people who didnt drink because they were usually mad boring.

But i particularly dont think most us here have time to behave like most of teenagers do which they seem to do everything in order to satisfy other people (even if they are not aware of it).

I started drinking hardcore when i was 16, i stopped 3 years ago when i started rolling with these two super players who never smoked or drinked, these guys were just super confident g's that were all about pussy. I remember us drinking few times with girls but most of the girls we fucked was just pure game and nothing else.

Im with you on this Moma, fuck start smoking to attract chicks and if any of you really want to have an addiction, start drinking, its more effective.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I don't smoke or drink.

The lack of smoking has never been an issue, and increasingly younger girls won't smoke. Or, thats what I believe for the next few years.

Not drinking I've found has been an issue - everyone seems to be on a crusade to get me drunk, which is irritating as fuck.

Anyway, gotta echo the sentiments of the posts above, no disrespect to anyone.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

One thing to consider though, smokers are easier to smash than non-smokers. Same for drinkers.. studies have associated it to "rebel syndromes" as rebels are more likely to be promiscuous. In theory, game should overcome the need to smoke or drink, but lets be honest here, alcohol and cigs makes it 5X easier... more than half my lays alcohol was involved.

Having said that, I am cutting out alcohol (as much as one can) and I dont smoke nor do I want to, and Pitt makes a good point, dont start a bad habit to attract women. I hit alcoholic phase by going out drinking every night of the week (didnt need rehab but by my standards I was an alcoholic). At one point I was just going out drinking trying to get laid, didnt even like alcohol or its affects I used it as a crutch. Was it worth it? Not even close.

Game or no game, nothing beats alpha. When you give yourself crutches in life it takes years to overcome them.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

This is a constantly re-hashed subject on here. It is probably brought up once every 6 months or so.

So I will just kill this debate once and for all.

A few things to consider:

Learn your International Playboy history. Nearly every single International Playboy in history was a smoker. I write about them on my site all the time. You would be hard pressed to find one that was a non-smoker.


There is a reason why elite athletes don't smoke cigs.

This is often repeated but completely false.

The Greatest Athletes in the World Share one thing in common: Smoking

Carlos Monzon, smoked a 100 cigarettes per day, and is considered the greatest Middleweight Champion of all time.

How many Middleweight titles has your non-smoking self won?

There are tons of other great athletes I will write about in the future that were smokers.

As far as health goes, the oldest man and oldest woman in history were both smokers.

I have written countless examples how smoking solves 90% of the Game problems non-smokers have.

It should also be noted that pushing your own personal agenda against smokers was what the Godfather of the Anti-Smoking movement, Adolf Hitler did.

This is the typical "Dash Global" argument we see on here: someone who has never tried it, saying it doesn't work.

It is the same as the guy who used to be on here saying wearing a Custom Suit doesn't work, yet he doesn't own one.

Unless you have tried going out with smoking and without smoking hundreds of nights side by side and can make an educated comparison you are just yapping and hating.

Smokers defeating non-smokers in The Tour De France.
[Image: q45.jpg]

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

That was a real weak argument, to be honest.

I mean, it uses the "this person did that and they were successful, so everybody should" argument, the "Hitler did something and he was bad, therefore if you agree, you're bad" argument and the "I do it and I'm successful. You don't do it so you couldn't possibly know how successful it is!" argument.

Once again, no offense meant, but that's pretty bad. It obviously touches a nerve.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 12:09 PM)Kitsune Wrote:  

That was a real weak argument, to be honest.

I mean, it uses the "this person did that and they were successful, so everybody should" argument, the "Hitler did something and he was bad, therefore if you agree, you're bad" argument and the "I do it and I'm successful. You don't do it so you couldn't possibly know how successful it is!" argument.

Once again, no offense meant, but that's pretty bad. It obviously touches a nerve.

You misconstrued every part of my post.


"this person did that and they were successful, so everybody should" argument

This was actually the original point which I then proved false.


"Hitler did something and he was bad, therefore if you agree, you're bad" argument

This was not my point. Pushing your personal agenda on others to control people is bad. Hitler did it.


"I do it and I'm successful. You don't do it so you couldn't possibly know how successful it is!"

I said, "Unless you have tried going out with smoking and without smoking hundreds of nights side by side and can make an educated comparison you are just yapping and hating."

You can't judge something as effective or not if you have no experience with it.

Re-read what I wrote above, it should be more clear to you now.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I can see high value in rolling with a nice cigarette case and lighter, just to spark up when the the situation calls for it. No need to go deep-end and start a 10-pack/day habit.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea


Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Johan Cruyff (A half-way decent soccer player, I hear).

[Image: tumblr_m02fxh5ABv1rqatf4o1_400.jpg]

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Certain sports you can get away with being a heavy smoker. Boxing and baseball are good examples. Baseball you can drink and smoke and still crush homers or be sharp at 3rd base. But for elite athletes in demanding spots its a bad move. Usian Bolt ain't puffing cigs, neither is Phelps in the pool. Plus the big factor of being the genetic maniac and mental perfectionists like a Jordon or Gretzky having some cigars now and then ain't gonna even shave 1% of your game. If Steve Nash started puffing he would be out of the league.
People can do what they want tho. I understand how smoking makes it easier to open and swoop I have seen it with my own eyes. But IMO 80% of smokers are strait dorks/herbs, a lot of people front on it to try and look "cool" and "bad-ass" which is the reason why so many females smoke nowdays lol. If its already a tool in your kit exploit it for your gains.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 12:42 PM)kosko Wrote:  

But for elite athletes in demanding spots its a bad move. Usian Bolt ain't puffing cigs, neither is Phelps in the pool.

Phelps smoked weed.

Surfers smoke, drink and do drugs. Surfing isn't demanding?


But IMO 80% of smokers are strait dorks/herbs

Maybe so, I would also add that 90% of non-smokers are dorks.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 12:25 PM)PDX Wrote:  

I can see high value in rolling with a nice cigarette case and lighter, just to spark up when the the situation calls for it. No need to go deep-end and start a 10-pack/day habit.

THIS ^^^^^^^^

I am also a non-smoker but if smoking once in a while gets me laid, Is there even a question ?

I will say try going out with a Zippo and your Clove Cigs in a nice shiny case, You will have way more girls to open then otherwise.....

Happy hunting........

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

The only thing I don't like about smoking is smokers cough in the morning.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 12:48 PM)Lothario Wrote:  

Quote: (03-13-2012 12:25 PM)PDX Wrote:  

I can see high value in rolling with a nice cigarette case and lighter, just to spark up when the the situation calls for it. No need to go deep-end and start a 10-pack/day habit.

THIS ^^^^^^^^

I am also a non-smoker but if smoking once in a while gets me laid, Is there even a question ?

I will say try going out with a Zippo and your Clove Cigs in a nice shiny case, You will have way more girls to open then otherwise.....

Happy hunting........

Yeah, I have never understood the unbelievable hate towards something that is proven to work.

The only other thing on here that was more hated than smoking was the Custom Suit, although it seems that now people have actually tried it, the hate has disappeared.

In fact, now there is a new thread on Suits every few weeks, "I want a Suit, how can I be down?"

Instead of hating on smoking, why not put information up about how to Game as a non-smoker?

Break it down.

I am sure it would be a hit.

The purpose of this forum isn't to hate on different Game styles.

Share what works for you.

[Image: Smoking-Athletes.jpg]

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

G manifesto i know that you are trying to back up your point but come on, the majority of athletes dont even smoke, i have smoked for few months years ago and this shit used to make me weak as fuck. In my judo club, the guys who smoked used to perform less than non-smokers, there are innumerous studies that prove that smoking is bad for your health. Are they lying to us? Well it is scientifically proven, also i dont think none of these athletes that smoke would smoke on the same day that they competing so why are you reccommending smoking as if it was a life saver? If you are recommending from a playboy perspective, then that is another story.

Also, you never really broke down how smoking will benefit a player. What are the advantages of smoking?

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 01:20 PM)pitt Wrote:  

i dont think none of these athletes that smoke would smoke on the same day that they competing so why are you reccommending smoking as if it was a life saver?

I hope you are joking.

Re-read what I posted above. What part of Carlos Monzon smoking 100 cigarettes per day isn't clear?

Sometimes I wonder what planet some of you guys live on.

It must be a planet where you don't question anything the government tells you and haven't done any historical research.


Also, you never really broke down how smoking will benefit a player. What are the advantages of smoking?

Re-read my blog and a good 50 threads on here.

I have probably dropped 3000 posts on the subject.

This is probably the most re-hashed hated on subject on here.

With Suits being #2.

Although, like I said above, since it seems that now people have actually tried wearing Suits, it isn't hated on as much.

You will notice, that no one ever names a famous International Playboy from history that was a non-smoker. They almost never existed.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

One of my best martial arts instructors while growing up was a HEAVY smoker. After 12 hour seminars, he would go on these 10 + mile runs with a cig.

I used to ask him all the time (and still to this day), isn't that bad for your health/body? He always would tell me it comes down to you breathing/breath control. He'd tell me that the real problems came from people who didn't know how to inhale/exhale. He'd always roll his on cigarettes as well. He did it as a means of meditation and he's in incredible shape (not to mention he's 60+ now).

I'm not a fan of cigarettes though, they never really were my style.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I don't smoke cigarettes to pick up chicks, but I pick up chicks while smoking cigarettes.

Stepping outside for a smoke is a great way to peel a chick from a situation (lame venue, lame people, lame dude, etc).

I use the Greatest Opener of All Time with everyone (old, young, men, women) even though I usually have two full Zippos (for the cigarettes) and two mini Bics (for the trees) in my jacket pockets. Sometimes I flip it and ask for a cigarette instead of a light, despite having a box in my pocket.

Kissing non-smokers - I've kissed girls that have told me that it was like "kissing an ashtray"... before making out with me further and eventually fucking me. So that's moot, as far as I'm concerned.

I know people that smoke more than I do, and less than I do... and get laid more, laid less, paid more, paid less, more stressed, less stressed, whatever... it's really just a small detail in the big picture. I'd hardly say that it's the smoking that makes you cool, and it's definitely not something that creates a badass.

[Image: Initial-D-Bunta-Fujiwara-300x169.jpg]

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Smoking cigarettes needs to be placed in context....

Smoking is cool so long as you've got some other cool things going on. For instance: you're in a sharp-looking suit, in a great venue, you're in great shape, you're eating well (not the processed jalepeno poppers), you're paying with cash...

Place yourself in this above scenario and then cigarettes are worth their weight in gold as an addition to one's overall style. As mentioned before, smokes are a fantastic way to isolate.

In some places - places, I'd assume, an International Playboy avoids like the plague - the "top-tier" girls are the ones who try to give you hassle about smoking. I've seen this first hand and it's as good enough reason as any to travel heavily until you can permanently relocate.

Cigarettes are part of an overall package that includes dressing with style, eating well, having cash, and living somewhere inspiring.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 02:09 PM)Baldwin81 Wrote:  

Smoking cigarettes needs to be placed in context....

Smoking is cool so long as you've got some other cool things going on. For instance: you're in a sharp-looking suit, in a great venue, you're in great shape, you're eating well (not the processed jalepeno poppers), you're paying with cash...

Place yourself in this above scenario and then cigarettes are worth their weight in gold as an addition to one's overall style. As mentioned before, smokes are a fantastic way to isolate.

In some places - places, I'd assume, an International Playboy avoids like the plague - the "top-tier" girls are the ones who try to give you hassle about smoking. I've seen this first hand and it's as good enough reason as any to travel heavily until you can permanently relocate.

Cigarettes are part of an overall package that includes dressing with style, eating well, having cash, and living somewhere inspiring.

Well said post.

This is why cigarettes are a integral part of The International Playboy Lifestyle.

Always has been always will be.

If you are looking for something different, then don't smoke.

No one will force you too.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

G - Back in the days, those guys used to also do smoke H, some did the white and all sorts of stuff and do very well. See George Carlin, Richard Pryor for examples.

People will always prevail DESPITE doing some negative stuff.

I know some guys from the West Indies who do VERY well and NEVER rock custom suits. They get a certain type of lizard of course but it`s what they target.

To give another example, I know herb cats who get lots of lizards because there are tons of lizards who like to get down and blow.

However, will I burn herbs? No, because I know the effect (I went to Amsterdam) and I probably wouldn't be here in North America if I was a herb head. I know what I can do and I grew up in a country where smoking cigs was very normal.
Remember Europe is as anally tight as North America. So dressing sharp and puffing cigs is a norm (at least where I grew up).

I knew cats going to clubs at the age of 17 in full Armani suits with bowler hats and the works.

Again, I listed that Mixx got tons of lizards and he neither drank nor smoke, G manifesto. What do you say to that? An exception to the rule? Was he just lucky each time he got a lay? What he did do, was dress well and keep his body in shape. You have listed these and I do agree with them. I agree with your custom suit, by and large. But the cigarettes? That's just your own personal bias. I repeat adamantly that cigarettes is a vile habit to pick up to get women. It's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

You mentioned Mike Phelps burned herbs in your rebuttal against elite athletes smoking. Herbs is different from ciggies and you know it. Cigarettes have never been shown in any medical circle (nor non medical) to have any benefits for a person. Yellowed teeth, foul breath, bad nails and even some have reported as a cause for impotency.

No elite athlete with two brain cells to rub together can attest to smoking cigarettes as an aid to their performance.
Have I won a boxing title? No, but are you saying I will once I pick up smoking? Nonsense.

I know tons of cats who don't smoke and their game ranks as high up as it can get.

Again, not to disparage anyone and with ultimate respect but I think it's a weakness when a person needs to leverage off a behaviour (especially one that has been proven to be harmful to the body) in order to get women. It's pretty much doing something to impress women.

Inner game should wipe all the needs for those props away.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea


You mentioned Mike Phelps burned herbs in your rebuttal against elite athletes smoking.

Go back and look. I mentioned 50 examples. And I can do 50 more.

And obviously you haven't tried it yourself, so this conversation is pointless. You are just yapping and hating.


Instead of hating on smoking, why not put information up about how to Game as a non-smoker?

Break it down. Write volumes on it. Site historical examples. Go Bonkers.

I am sure it would be a hit.

The purpose of this forum isn't to hate on different Game styles.

Share what works for you.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea


Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 01:25 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

This is probably the most re-hashed hated on subject on here.

With Suits being #2.

Ha ha I was reading this thread on my mobile walking to a meeting in Downtown Chicago, rolling on a Grey pinstripe Double Breasted suit, baby blue square blown out, V neck sweater, Persols flashin', enjoying a nice cooool Winston.

If you don't like smoking, don't do it. If you don't like suits, don't wear them. I don't know why this concept is so difficult. What's so threatening?
[Image: 460036e91611c2b4_lapo_3.jpg]

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