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Where can you find highest male competition?

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-22-2018 06:23 PM)Adrenaline Wrote:  

I don’t get the man crush on blonde guys around here. Most girls I speak to tell me they prefer darker hair on a man.

Maybe because they are objectivelly the "Ideal" people. And also most women prefer fair than Dark (be it hair, eyes and more so Skin), and blonde women are the best example of that, so they believe women reason the same way.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-23-2018 12:44 PM)TigerTim Wrote:  

Quote: (02-22-2018 06:23 PM)Adrenaline Wrote:  

I don’t get the man crush on blonde guys around here. Most girls I speak to tell me they prefer darker hair on a man.

Maybe because they are objectivelly the "Ideal" people. And also most women prefer fair than Dark (be it hair, eyes and more so Skin), and blonde women are the best example of that, so they believe women reason the same way.

The "ideal" male is a Latin stud. The stereotype is the Latin Lover, not the Nordic Lover. The Nordics may have higher incomes right now, so that influences women's attraction in Latin America, for example, but that hasn't always been the case, the Roman Empire was well off while the blondes in the Northern areas were running around in forests like animals. Economics change. Same as the Japanese used to go to the Philippines as immigrant workers, and now the reverse is true. But objectively, pale skin is not as manly as more tan skin, that's why all over the world, men are darker than women, independent of the tans we get from working outside, men are darker, it's sexual selection. Also, you'll get farther with women being a lot manlier and more social than you do being a little bit taller and having lighter hair.

The "ideal" woman is lighter than the ideal man, women all over the world are lighter than men, independent of outside work, it's genetic, sexual selection. In the West anyhow, the "ideal" woman is a blonde bombshell. That's the stereotype and blondes get a bonus right now AND they also got a bonus in Roman times, Roman women would dye their hair blonde, it was a very popular color back then.

I prefer beautiful Asians, and I like tan women, but I can admit the prevailing thought is that blonde women are the hottest women, at least in the West. But pound for pound, Alejandro, Roberto, and Fernando will smoke Hans.

Where's the Hans song? That's right, it's not Hans, it's Alejandro, Roberto, Fernando:

Look up Nordic Lover, quess what, there's no wikipedia entry for your "objectively" ideal man.

Look up Latin Lover, here it is:

Where can you find highest male competition?

Maybe in Asia they like blonde blue eye/green eye dudes.Same in Sth America.

Most male cometition would be near a major military base anywhere in the world.Fat chicks galor and heaps of thirst.

Put that military base near a mining town ..think Nth Australia.. and it's the perfect storm of Alpha, thirst and cash.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-23-2018 02:05 PM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-23-2018 12:44 PM)TigerTim Wrote:  

Quote: (02-22-2018 06:23 PM)Adrenaline Wrote:  

I don’t get the man crush on blonde guys around here. Most girls I speak to tell me they prefer darker hair on a man.

Maybe because they are objectivelly the "Ideal" people. And also most women prefer fair than Dark (be it hair, eyes and more so Skin), and blonde women are the best example of that, so they believe women reason the same way.

The "ideal" male is a Latin stud. The stereotype is the Latin Lover, not the Nordic Lover. The Nordics may have higher incomes right now, so that influences women's attraction in Latin America, for example, but that hasn't always been the case, the Roman Empire was well off while the blondes in the Northern areas were running around in forests like animals. Economics change. Same as the Japanese used to go to the Philippines as immigrant workers, and now the reverse is true. But objectively, pale skin is not as manly as more tan skin, that's why all over the world, men are darker than women, independent of the tans we get from working outside, men are darker, it's sexual selection. Also, you'll get farther with women being a lot manlier and more social than you do being a little bit taller and having lighter hair.

The "ideal" woman is lighter than the ideal man, women all over the world are lighter than men, independent of outside work, it's genetic, sexual selection. In the West anyhow, the "ideal" woman is a blonde bombshell. That's the stereotype and blondes get a bonus right now AND they also got a bonus in Roman times, Roman women would dye their hair blonde, it was a very popular color back then.

I prefer beautiful Asians, and I like tan women, but I can admit the prevailing thought is that blonde women are the hottest women, at least in the West. But pound for pound, Alejandro, Roberto, and Fernando will smoke Hans.

Where's the Hans song? That's right, it's not Hans, it's Alejandro, Roberto, Fernando:

Look up Nordic Lover, quess what, there's no wikipedia entry for your "objectively" ideal man.

Look up Latin Lover, here it is:

And what about a Latin blonde stud?

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-23-2018 07:32 PM)Rocha Wrote:  

Quote: (02-23-2018 02:05 PM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-23-2018 12:44 PM)TigerTim Wrote:  

Quote: (02-22-2018 06:23 PM)Adrenaline Wrote:  

I don’t get the man crush on blonde guys around here. Most girls I speak to tell me they prefer darker hair on a man.

Maybe because they are objectivelly the "Ideal" people. And also most women prefer fair than Dark (be it hair, eyes and more so Skin), and blonde women are the best example of that, so they believe women reason the same way.

The "ideal" male is a Latin stud. The stereotype is the Latin Lover, not the Nordic Lover. The Nordics may have higher incomes right now, so that influences women's attraction in Latin America, for example, but that hasn't always been the case, the Roman Empire was well off while the blondes in the Northern areas were running around in forests like animals. Economics change. Same as the Japanese used to go to the Philippines as immigrant workers, and now the reverse is true. But objectively, pale skin is not as manly as more tan skin, that's why all over the world, men are darker than women, independent of the tans we get from working outside, men are darker, it's sexual selection. Also, you'll get farther with women being a lot manlier and more social than you do being a little bit taller and having lighter hair.

The "ideal" woman is lighter than the ideal man, women all over the world are lighter than men, independent of outside work, it's genetic, sexual selection. In the West anyhow, the "ideal" woman is a blonde bombshell. That's the stereotype and blondes get a bonus right now AND they also got a bonus in Roman times, Roman women would dye their hair blonde, it was a very popular color back then.

I prefer beautiful Asians, and I like tan women, but I can admit the prevailing thought is that blonde women are the hottest women, at least in the West. But pound for pound, Alejandro, Roberto, and Fernando will smoke Hans.

Where's the Hans song? That's right, it's not Hans, it's Alejandro, Roberto, Fernando:

Look up Nordic Lover, quess what, there's no wikipedia entry for your "objectively" ideal man.

Look up Latin Lover, here it is:

And what about a Latin blonde stud?

He's Latin.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-23-2018 07:44 PM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-23-2018 07:32 PM)Rocha Wrote:  

Quote: (02-23-2018 02:05 PM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-23-2018 12:44 PM)TigerTim Wrote:  

Quote: (02-22-2018 06:23 PM)Adrenaline Wrote:  

I don’t get the man crush on blonde guys around here. Most girls I speak to tell me they prefer darker hair on a man.

Maybe because they are objectivelly the "Ideal" people. And also most women prefer fair than Dark (be it hair, eyes and more so Skin), and blonde women are the best example of that, so they believe women reason the same way.

The "ideal" male is a Latin stud. The stereotype is the Latin Lover, not the Nordic Lover. The Nordics may have higher incomes right now, so that influences women's attraction in Latin America, for example, but that hasn't always been the case, the Roman Empire was well off while the blondes in the Northern areas were running around in forests like animals. Economics change. Same as the Japanese used to go to the Philippines as immigrant workers, and now the reverse is true. But objectively, pale skin is not as manly as more tan skin, that's why all over the world, men are darker than women, independent of the tans we get from working outside, men are darker, it's sexual selection. Also, you'll get farther with women being a lot manlier and more social than you do being a little bit taller and having lighter hair.

The "ideal" woman is lighter than the ideal man, women all over the world are lighter than men, independent of outside work, it's genetic, sexual selection. In the West anyhow, the "ideal" woman is a blonde bombshell. That's the stereotype and blondes get a bonus right now AND they also got a bonus in Roman times, Roman women would dye their hair blonde, it was a very popular color back then.

I prefer beautiful Asians, and I like tan women, but I can admit the prevailing thought is that blonde women are the hottest women, at least in the West. But pound for pound, Alejandro, Roberto, and Fernando will smoke Hans.

Where's the Hans song? That's right, it's not Hans, it's Alejandro, Roberto, Fernando:

Look up Nordic Lover, quess what, there's no wikipedia entry for your "objectively" ideal man.

Look up Latin Lover, here it is:

And what about a Latin blonde stud?

He's Latin.

+1 love you )))

Where can you find highest male competition?

The lion's den is a mix of high ascetics, high incomes, high awareness of games and hot women who gravitate towards this. We are linking what males perspective as value (aesthetics) versus what women value. Women gravitate towards clusters where men will compete for them. When you take a step back these places become very easy to point out.

To counter, as much as Aussie men are genetically gifted the women they all compete for are all sea monsters who no way someone can call this a lion's den. Same with Swede boys who are shy and have no game but ascetically well put together. Also,
places like Italy have naturals, the women don't put out in these places. Far too conservative women with a mix of horn-dog men just mean an exploding p4p industry and not a lion's den.

Contrast this to Moscow men who have bellies but high confidence and give zero fucks. Look how the women respond in these different places and you start to see which places are lions dens and which places are pretenders.

The lion den locations are tough cities for mortals to get pussy. Places that come to mind are:

Miami = high incomes, high aesthetic, game awareness with the men, abundance mentality where women will gladly all fuck the same top dog while everyone else gets scraps. I have never heard anyone say it is easy to get laid in Miami, it involves lots of effort to crack a niche you can work to your advantage there.

Moscow = high income, cavemen with the game, various levels and barriers to entry to quality women, high language barrier.

Toronto = dysfunctional dating market, high level of game awareness among the men, high level of hypergamous women. Feast or famine here and you will struggle unless you find a niche to work into for pussy.

There also has to be a high circulation of women, a high gravitation of women who are lured to these areas. All the above cities see an influx of 10s of thousands of women each year but it isn't like the rate of men getting laid ever increases...

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-21-2018 11:30 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Individual experiences will vary for most men since your type may be highly sought of in some countries, but there are huge differences between countries. Roosh wrote about the Busted Dude test and other metrics - they are all quite correct reflecting the reality of the market. Based on that I would say that parts of the US, Australia, parts of the UK as well as Switzerland are some of the toughest markets for men by far. And this has little to do with what kind of men are competing for the women, but more that there is just too many cocks chasing slim young girls.

Which parts of the US and UK would you think have the worst competition?

But I do agree that almost all of Australia would have a lot of competition everywhere because of the spread out nature of the country and the prevalent gym culture.

Interesting that New Zealand is the only major country in the anglosphere that is not mentioned.

Alot of this discussion on competition is also relative to what women perceive as attractive. In Australia, there is a perception that girls prefer the blonde hair blue eyes and being jacked combination. So, in a social group or even a city if you fit that bill, and most of the guys are darker, you are going to feel that there is less of a competition because no matter how good looking/charming the other guys are, the ladies are going to give you the chance first but the next guy who comes with darker features and being on the lean side is going to feel that there is a lot of competition.
In a way, it's all relative.

Where can you find highest male competition?

I think that Kosko has added an important view there.

The tall good-looking men found in Sweden, Norway or even Switzerland don't matter anywhere as much because most of them simply never approach. On the other hand there are places out there where the men have some Game, confidence, sometimes even aesthetics coupled with high-incomes and the women are also available - falling into the laps of the highest predators.

Kosko is also right about places like Italy - the men approach plenty, but P4P is through the roof over there since the girls don't give out the goods willy-nilly. In Germany the men hardly approach and P4P is high, but for different reasons. Moscow men often look like shit, but also are very Alpha - especially when they have some cash. A super-hot girl in her 18-22 prime is being a demure kitten around a 45yo Moscow guy with a belly, while that same girl aged 28 is shit-testing the hell out of a model-looks successful 35yo Westerner. The latter case is one where I actually met that 35yo guy in the East and I also met the girls who did the sugar-daddy thing in their younger days, but who said that aged 26-28, that they are too old for Russian men - their standards are too high for them. But that same girl will be holding out 5 dates and multiple gifts for the special good-looking rich Western Blue-pill moron who has no idea of his market value.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-23-2018 02:05 PM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

Look up Latin Lover, here it is:

[Image: peru_mur_dh_02_screen.jpg]

En serio? No money, short, skinny-fat, ugly as fuck, no education, low IQ, fucked up genes from mixing. That is why their women want us to impregnate them. Spent some time among "latin lovers", the nearest you get is "hey, this latino is not ugly".

It's like comparing stallion and three-legged mule. Reality beats music videos from US whores.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-24-2018 09:12 AM)ElDiabloBlanco Wrote:  

Quote: (02-23-2018 02:05 PM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

Look up Latin Lover, here it is:

[Image: peru_mur_dh_02_screen.jpg]

En serio? No money, short, skinny-fat, ugly as fuck, no education, low IQ, fucked up genes from mixing. That is why their women want us to impregnate them. Spent some time among "latin lovers", the nearest you get is "hey, this latino is not ugly".

It's like comparing stallion and three-legged mule. Reality beats music videos from US whores.

I can find a very ugly blonde dude online too, but the entire conversation you're trying to start wouldn't be of any value to anyone.

You want to avoid posting pictures of yourself on here though, I recommend you take that picture down, someone might recognize you.

And you'll want to change your tune if you want to last long on here, we're grown men with grown minds.

Congratulations on your second post.

Work on the quality control.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Latin american or latino is not the same as European Latin

Also, I really think not that many people went to Stockholm, guys approached aplenty there with some alcohol. Perhaps in the rest of Scandinavia men approach less though.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-24-2018 12:35 PM)MrRoundtree Wrote:  

Latin american or latino is not the same as European Latin

Also, I really think not that many people went to Stockholm, guys approached aplenty there with some alcohol. Perhaps in the rest of Scandinavia men approach less though.

I have seen Swedish and Other Scandianvian + a few german women dating Pinoys/Pinays that looked not far away from the dude posted above... Those Latinos from Some latin american countries look more like South-East Asians than like Latins from Europe (specially countries like Bolivia, Peru, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Ecuador, many areas of Mexico), Although in Southern South america + Cuba you see a lot of Latin European looking people.

In any case Latins from Europe are short people compared to Dutch or Germans or Danes to give some examples. I see exchange students from Italy and they are quite short people, most are 5'6-5'10 with smaller/light frames, very tiny people compared to Germanics.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Slightly misconception here. Latinos are normally south/central americans from latin speaking countries.

Italians, French, Walloons, Spanish, Portuguese even Romanians or Moldovans speak a Latin language, but are as European as Germans or Scandinavians.

Where can you find highest male competition?

The highest male competition would be any oil extraction area or area with a large military presence. I remember watching a television special a few years ago when the oil industry was booming and prostitution was rampant in North Dakota because of the severe gender imbalance. They interviewed a 50 year old woman there who was working as a truck driver. The old lady was dating 6'4" jacked rich guys in their 20's because the men had no other dating options.

In terms of big cities, I think Miami is the toughest. Men in Miami are jacked, have money, game, and are aggressive. I currently live in Miami and ejoy alot about the city, but it's definitely a feast or famine city when it comes to getting laid it seems. I've been to all of the big cities in the US, Canada, and most in Europe and can't think of a city with tougher competition than Miami.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-24-2018 02:57 PM)Rocha Wrote:  

Slightly misconception here. Latinos are normally south/central americans from latin speaking countries.

Italians, French, Walloons, Spanish, Portuguese even Romanians or Moldovans speak a Latin language, but are as European as Germans or Scandinavians.

The concept of latin has to do with having a root in latin language.

Spaniards, Italians, Portuguese, etc are latin because their language comes from Latin.

Same as Dutch, Germans, Scandinavians, Austrians are Germanic

and Poles, Russians, Czech,Ukranians, etc are Slavic

South and Central Americans, including Mexico and Quebec are Latin Americans, because their mothertongue is a language with main root in Latin, but they are from the Americans. Latin originally is from Europe, so Spaniards and Italians,etc are just Latin. Now the concept latino is a made up racial/cultural label in the US which makes little sense, the same as the term Anglo-Saxon, when in reality even quite few of the total British ancestry came from the Anglo Saxons , let alone in Americans.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-21-2018 09:14 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Miami by a long shot.

Most guys would be eaten alive there.

I can see that. Its near a beach so guys there are all jacked up and work out and have money.

Never been there but I can see why people think it can be hard.

Where can you find highest male competition?

I agree w Miami being one of the hardest. I'm in great shape, something like a bodybuilder and that doesn't make me stand out on SoBe. I do well there but competition is fierce!!

As far as easiest large metro in USA, I'd say Dallas, Houston.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Miami looks like bizarro land. High concentration of foreigners and lots of wealth but still relatively cheap enough with the cost of living that a bumpkin idiot can burn all his money on a BMW and half decent condo and walk around with a Henny bottle he never cracks open to try and lure girls. Miami sure as hell way cheaper versus Toronto, lots of dudes would be considered balling if they transferred the same dollars they make down there. Every other dude there has money and is in great shape, not sure how you stand out.

All this impacts the women also who all need to compete to try and get to the top of the mountain. Lots of shark tank activities with women as each girl wants to get in bed with the top of the pack, no matter how congested it might be to get there. Plastic surgeries and other enhancements explode in these sort of locals as women look for any advantage they can get. But again, it isn't like these women are doing the enhancements to stick out to regular men; the women are all dialled into a select percentile. As a mere mortal man, the best strategy is to try to get into that top percentile as a sidekick. Be a barber for an important guy, handle his investments, be his trainer, sell him real estate. You get into his circle, and all those girls that are trying to clamour for his attention are now after you by default.

In no order...


For North America, I can't think of places that grind a man down more in the game of getting girls. All the rest of the hard areas that just have ugly girls IMO; i.e. SF, DC, Seattle, are all just full of trash. It is hard because your average girl looks like roller derby girl or some Piggly wiggly broad from Indiana or some shit who transplanted to the "big city", who wants to get out of bed and go game for that.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Easily Silicon Valley in the USA

I've lived in Miami and Silicon Valley. It's all a matter of perspective.

In Silicon Valley the ratio of men to women is skewed in favour of women.

Miami and South Florida were great for me coming from the "desert" of the Bay Area.

You have no idea how bad and different it is in Silicon Valley unless you have lived there and tried to meet women. It's dramatically different for me when I came to Miami and much better.

I like Miami and found many available women open to being approached. Especially the many foreign women looking to get picked up.

I'm surprised Miami is on the list. I'm not jacked like somebody said. I'm a somewhat average guy. I approach many of the beautiful and amazing women walking around and it works for me in Miami.

Compare that to the Bay Area where there are no women because the male competition is very high.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Probably Los Mangeles.

I’ve been in venues out there where there are 20 guys for every girl. Makes it even tougher to pull when you find out the girl is a 90 minute drive from you.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-24-2018 06:41 PM)Pancho Wrote:  

Quote: (02-21-2018 09:14 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Miami by a long shot.

Most guys would be eaten alive there.

I can see that. Its near a beach so guys there are all jacked up and work out and have money.

Never been there but I can see why people think it can be hard.

First two things are true, second is not. Most guys in Miami are actually dirt poor. It’s the 2nd most impoverished metro area in America among the 25 largest metros.

[Image: 3_ED560_C8-_FCCE-42_D4-_AD60-0389932202_A7.jpg?dl=1]

Even Miami Beach has a below-average median income for American standards.

Where can you find highest male competition?


It is disgusting to me that Washington D.C. was in first place on that list during that last round of data collection.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-25-2018 12:46 AM)kosko Wrote:  


It is disgusting to me that Washington D.C. was in first place on that list during that last round of data collection.

Now that I think about it...

[Image: fuckthat.gif]

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-25-2018 12:46 AM)kosko Wrote:  

It is disgusting to me that Washington D.C. was in first place on that list during that last round of data collection.

I wish you hadn't pointed that out. I was having a good time in this thread.

The whole city is awash with money stolen from the rest of the country!

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