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Where can you find highest male competition?

Where can you find highest male competition?

Basically where in the world do men have highest combo of good looks, game and spending power?

Common forum meme is that Australia is full of tall, jacked and good looking guys, but when I actually looked into photos from clubs in Sydney and Melbourne, well, it looked like there isn't much truth to that.

Where can you find highest male competition?

I would tell my home country Lithuania , males from lt as you describe are tall, have good complexion, face simetry nice too and many of theme make good money , have good cars, thats why young lithuanian womens dont care about foreigns because they have full of 7s,8s in they home country. If your still decide to come to lithuan yours best bet would be russian/polish decendents living in lithuania there are many in vilnius and coast city klaipeda. Maybe someone who is olive skin ej latino, can make better than good looking white.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Western Europe and Anglosphere is going to have the combo.

Understand that where ever a beautiful woman exists, there's going to be extreme competition for these scarse resources.

There's a reason that the travel section is mostly focused around EE, SA, SEA.. since many western women have 'left the game' IE made themselfs unattractive the guys are going to think: Shit what can I do to make myself more appealing to the futher decreasing beautiful girls. Thusly they improve themselfs and its easier to become rich legally in 1st world countries so we can have goodlooking and rich guys in the same guy instead of some ugly mobster in EE or whatever.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-20-2018 01:03 PM)ComebackKid Wrote:  

Basically where in the world do men have highest combo of good looks, game and spending power?

Common forum meme is that Australia is full of tall, jacked and good looking guys, but when I actually looked into photos from clubs in Sydney and Melbourne, well, it looked like there isn't much truth to that.

[Image: dodgy.gif] Yes lets disregard veteran forum members' advice because you saw a couple club pictures on Facebook.

Australia is THE WORST place for an EA guy to pick up women in the world (minus India / Middle East). Guys in ozzieland are jacked, relatively wealthy.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-20-2018 01:39 PM)Lithuanian10 Wrote:  

I would tell my home country Lithuania
Sorry bro, but Lithuania is very far down on the list. Sure, the top 5% of Lithuanian guys do well, but the average dude is broke and has bad game. OP is asking about the general impression, not the top guys.
Top guys in EE are always doing way better than expats or tourists.

Of the 35+ countries I´ve visited, I have to say Brazil.
Im speaking of the richer neighborhoods in SP and Rio, mostly frequented by White Brazilians.

Most guys have a good physique and a more natural aggressive game, than the average European. Since they grow up in a more masculine culture, they are not afraid to say and do things that could get you thrown out of a club or be labeled a sexist in the west.

They do not dress well at all, but their girls does not appreciate well dressed men, in opposed to EE, where you will get extra points for wearing brands, nice watch, suit ect. Even the richest Brazilians go to clubs in a black or white t-shirt.

Its the only place I´ve been in the world, where I felt that my looks was totally average.

Where can you find highest male competition?

The Netherlands and Belgium. Guys are Tall, good-looking and have a good fashion taste.( and not that shy like Scandinavian guys).

Where can you find highest male competition?

I second Netherlands, every guy here is tall, tons of goodlooking guys who looksmaxx

Where can you find highest male competition?

The average male height in Australia is quite low at 1.75m. I don't know where you got this bullshit about Australia but in Europe they rank quite low in terms of SMV, especially in countries where English is not the main language, girls struggle to understand what the hell they're saying with that weird accent.

Countries like Netherlands, Norway or even Serbia would rank among the top. Combined with a decent standard of living, the first 2 would certainly rank among the most competitive provided the men are red pill and learn game.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-20-2018 02:11 PM)Bateman Wrote:  

Quote: (02-20-2018 01:39 PM)Lithuanian10 Wrote:  

I would tell my home country Lithuania
Sorry bro, but Lithuania is very far down on the list. Sure, the top 5% of Lithuanian guys do well, but the average dude is broke and has bad game. OP is asking about the general impression, not the top guys.
Top guys in EE are always doing way better than expats or tourists.

Of the 35+ countries I´ve visited, I have to say Brazil.
Im speaking of the richer neighborhoods in SP and Rio, mostly frequented by White Brazilians.

Most guys have a good physique and a more natural aggressive game, than the average European. Since they grow up in a more masculine culture, they are not afraid to say and do things that could get you thrown out of a club or be labeled a sexist in the west.

They do not dress well at all, but their girls does not appreciate well dressed men, in opposed to EE, where you will get extra points for wearing brands, nice watch, suit ect. Even the richest Brazilians go to clubs in a black or white t-shirt.

Its the only place I´ve been in the world, where I felt that my looks was totally average.

Agreed. Guys here make up for any faults with aggressiveness.

Strong points:
- Guys work out
- Good looking
- Charming, aggressive, ballsy

- Drunkenness
- Height (avg. height is 5'7''; amongst richer circles probably 5'10'')
- Bad style

Where can you find highest male competition?

Probably America.

Other countries make more money on average (Luxembourg, Monaco), but I've never seen a place like America where guys are reading books and dedicating their lives to self improvement in the hopes of maybe getting a night out with a tattooed girl with drug problems or a relationship with a thin girl that's a narcissist or a fat girl that's nice.

You've got guys in America with 6 packs, engineering degrees, making over $100,000 a year and still thinking they're not good enough. If only they lost one more body fat percentage point, made an extra 10k, or worked 10 more hours a week, etc.

It never ends here, American guys never think they're good enough, because they aren't, not here, there simply aren't enough healthy, feminine girls to go around for most American guys to have a picket fence life. Many of us will have to settle or look abroad, even after maximizing as many attributes as we could.

It's like Chris Rock said in jest, loosely quoted, "even Michelle Obama's probably asking Barack right now, "So what are you going to be doing with all your free time now? Can't have you lounging around the house all day!""

America, due to the very high level of game + looks + resources required to land a decent girl, produces the top men in the world.

That's at the top level, like top 10% or top 5%. If we're talking which country has the best average man...probably Italy, Italians are generally healthy, financially stable, have game, and are known for being easy on the eyes and living a good life. You could say the Nordics, but I don't think their game is as strong as the Latins, the Nordics can be socially awkward. But America's top % beats the Latin and Nordic top %, we just try harder, because we have to.

Where can you find highest male competition?


Where can you find highest male competition?

Anyone who's been to Scandinavia knows you don't have to be too "afraid" of competition from guys with a height advantage.

You find more competition where there's a higher standard of women, so in exclusive night clubs. So of course you're going to play ina different league if you go to Monaco, St Tropez, Cannes, Dubai or Hollywood. Now you're suddenly up against some guys who are multi-millionaires, have fame and look good.

I can't think of many well-known high level players/playboys from Australia but Porfirio Rubirosa, Leo di Caprio, Gunter Sachs, Gigi Rizzi etc. all went to places I mentioned above.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-20-2018 07:13 PM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

Anyone who's been to Scandinavia knows you don't have to be too "afraid" of competition from guys with a height advantage.

You find more competition where there's a higher standard of women, so in exclusive night clubs. So of course you're going to play ina different league if you go to Monaco, St Tropez, Cannes, Dubai or Hollywood. Now you're suddenly up against some guys who are multi-millionaires, have fame and look good.

I can't think of many well-known high level players/playboys from Australia but Porfirio Rubirosa, Leo di Caprio, Gunter Sachs, Gigi Rizzi etc. all went to places I mentioned above.

We should probably exclude the Monacos and Luxembourgs of the world. Like only countries with over 10 million people allowed. Something like that, no city-states or micro nations.

Also, individuals don't count because then who would they represent, their ethnicity? Or their country? Too messy.

OP wanted a place in the world, so one individual wouldn't fit the bill. Top 5%, top 10%, or the average of a place would also make sense.

Where can you find highest male competition?

The UK, Australia and parts of Canada and the US often feature as the worst places for men on RVF.

A rule of thumb is women’s fashion standards and obeisity levels as this shows the level of female intra-competition and cartel price collusion. Women in these areas need to know how to seduce which is a feminine skill that Anglo-Celt men have adopted (the PUA boom of Toronto, DC, LA, London and Sydney).

If there’s male competition, there’ll be a major PUA sub-culture. If the competition is very high, a MGTOW sub-culture will form of men who question the cost-risk-benefit of relations with women.

There’s an EU map that shows sex ratios. The cock fests are England, Spain, Eastern Germany and the wild steppes and forests of EE. Women tend to flock to cities where they remain inactive and passive owing to high living costs. London is a classic example of this.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Aspen/Deer Valley or the Alps

These Ski towns are skewed heavily male, fit and risk seeking, but also very affluent (especially the ones I listed above)

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-21-2018 12:16 AM)Brahman Wrote:  

Aspen/Deer Valley or the Alps

These Ski towns are skewed heavily male, fit and risk seeking, but also very affluent (especially the ones I listed above)

Well if we're getting that specific, then the highest combo of good looks, game and spending power is located in my bedroom.

I'm the only guy there, so I'm the tallest, most fit, best looking guy, with the best game, and I own everything in it so my funds are limitless.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-20-2018 07:17 PM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

We should probably exclude the Monacos and Luxembourgs of the world. Like only countries with over 10 million people allowed. Something like that, no city-states or micro nations.

I think that's up to the OP to decide.

Quote: (02-20-2018 07:17 PM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

Also, individuals don't count because then who would they represent, their ethnicity? Or their country? Too messy.

OP wanted a place in the world, so one individual wouldn't fit the bill. Top 5%, top 10%, or the average of a place would also make sense.

Individuals? The ones I mentioned as examples of guys that are or have been on a different level than most guys were supposed to represent the places I mentioned of course. Guys with that kind of high value are usually around those jet set party town destinations in the Mediterranean, at least July-September. But then the girls are on a different level too.

Otherwise I agree on Italy. I've been there many times and even though a lot of the italian men have feminine manners in some ways (pink clothes, shaved legs, overstyled eyebrows etc), they're usually more social on average, as part of the italian culture.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-20-2018 01:03 PM)ComebackKid Wrote:  

Basically where in the world do men have highest combo of good looks, game and spending power?

Common forum meme is that Australia is full of tall, jacked and good looking guys, but when I actually looked into photos from clubs in Sydney and Melbourne, well, it looked like there isn't much truth to that.

Wait, why are you looking for photos of jacked dudes in Sydney and Melbourne?

Can't believe I didn't catch that the first time I read it...

[Image: laugh3.gif]

Where can you find highest male competition?


Where can you find highest male competition?

Rural Australia was alot of big strong masculine guys with a lot of money (tradies earn alot there) and alot of game with the local hotties. Competition was fierce - even for the ugly bush pig women.
By contrast the men in Sydney came across as weaker and more hollow when they were alpha and as little betas otherwise . When the rural ockers got away from their trailbikes, chainsaws, hunting dogs, shotguns, camping trips etc. and went to the city they cleaned up and when they visited me in London they absolutely slayed pussy.
I'm sure that there are places with more Alpha men in the world and certainly places where men have learned more game but it was still a pretty competitive environment from what I saw.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Any country that is Germanic based, or has lots of its descendants from this group. Mainly due to the height and robustness factor, but also having light skin, light hair and light eyes puts you in a pretty small % of the world population.

If I had to say a specific group, probably White South Africans (either Dutch or English descended), although in terms of men there's probably only around 3 million of them worldwide.

By that I mean that if you had to compete against those guys, that would be your hardest group. However South Africa isn't too bad as there are lots of different races.

In terms of a single country, your highest competition has to be in the UK, in the South.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-20-2018 01:03 PM)ComebackKid Wrote:  

Basically where in the world do men have highest combo of good looks, game and spending power?
Without a doubt that's Dubai, you'll find the expats are largely young males and the women that are there are beautiful in general (it's a requirement I'd say) so there's fierce competition when it comes to game with is also largely social circle based due to the greater public Islamic culture making it harder.

Where can you find highest male competition?

For locals - Japan and South Korea.

Everyone is suited, healthy, works 14h a day and payment is based on seniority not on performance, so it's hard to climb the ladder faster than the average. Also individualism isn't encouraged, which makes it hard for a local to distinguish himself from the next dude.

Furthermore, demographics really hurts over there. There are a lot of well payed senior men, who are still partially competing for young pussy (remember, payment is based on seniority).

Where can you find highest male competition?

According to GManifesto it's Miami.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Any tier 1 city in the US, the most being LA. Then NYC/Vegas/Miami in any particular order.

The thing about these cities, there's lots of 6/7 range women who would be 8/9's in most places.

The US is basically a huge sausage fest at this point so there's more competition than there should be everywhere.

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