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Why do women have such boring conversations?

Why do women have such boring conversations?

I'm convinced this is more of an issue with American women because of social media, endless idolization of celebrities, and rampant consumerism.

Also, too much validation from people, and weak upbringing by the parents. American women are too self-centered. American women also have no clue how people live outside of america.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Quote: (12-22-2017 11:41 PM)Dragan Wrote:  

I'm convinced this is more of an issue with American women because of social media, endless idolization of celebrities, and rampant consumerism.

Also, too much validation from people, and weak upbringing by the parents. American women are too self-centered. American women also have no clue how people live outside of america.

The outside world to these women are just a collection of food items, a few cultural landmarks, and swarthy men who they can ride.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Quote: (12-23-2017 03:29 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2017 11:41 PM)Dragan Wrote:  

I'm convinced this is more of an issue with American women because of social media, endless idolization of celebrities, and rampant consumerism.

Also, too much validation from people, and weak upbringing by the parents. American women are too self-centered. American women also have no clue how people live outside of america.

The outside world to these women are just a collection of food items, a few cultural landmarks, and swarthy men who they can ride.

It kind of sounds like the third world mentality.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Actually I have seen unattractive girls having no personality also.

They just try to accept the reality and think that it's their "destiny". They don't believe in self-development and improving on their personality. Not that they have any strong incentive to do so anyways...

They want to be entertained by the world, be the passive partner, entertained by the guys.

"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."
- Heat

"That's the difference between you and me. You wanna lose small, I wanna win big."

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Seeing that politics, sport, sex, cars etc are things most women dont talk about, what are the topics you normally talk to women about?

All you gotta do is ask them questions and listen to what they have to say and shit.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

For the most part women with opinions very rarely have formed them with any sort actual thought or individualism. They spew out whatever they heard last on Ellen or Oprah, or worse they memorize the garbage some left wing loser Professor brainwashed them with. It truly is a test of patience to try to have intelligent conversations or debates with someone who doesn't know how to think or reason for themselves.

"Women however should get a spanking at least once a week by their husbands and boyfriends - that should be mandated by law" - Zelcorpion

Why do women have such boring conversations?

This is a tough topic. Women are highly attracted to men who are intelligent. If you study history... actually study it, most great empires and great civilizations were built because one group gave themselves a huge military advantage over another through technology.

Spartans VS Persians are a great example. Unlike the movie 300 where Spartans wear nothing but a toga and 6 pack abs... these guys were in fact human tanks with head to toe armor. The Persian levies they were fighting were mostly using wicker shields and light spears. They were butchered by the thousands because they had numerical superiority but were way behind technologically.

To really drive this point home... African Americans are at a bare minimum 20% European in terms of DNA. It doesn't matter how big and strong you are... if you invent the spear you are going to get slaughtered by the guy who invents the gun. That guy is going to be fucking your wife and daughters before your blood congeals. No woman wants to be with a man who cannot protect her children. Intelligence is one of the most important factors in this.

Now in a natural setting women can't look at two guys and discern who has a higher IQ. Instead they have to look at behavioral indicators that display intelligence... like how well you talk. The reason this is important to the topic is that sexual selection favors intelligent men not women. They don't have to display intellect in order to get laid... although most are very capable of being smart and having deep discussions.

As a side note. In my experience the women most capable of deep intellectual discussions are asian.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

I still remember time a met a women that was both intelligent and hot . nicest rack I've ever groped . she was fluent in another language and English was her second. although I can get a jest of her knowledge though her second language it wasn't until I took it upon myself to learn her native language that it unlocked the door into her true intellect. the light was more than worth the candle to have those experiences.

To summarize
If English is her there second language , true intellect maybe in their own native language. Definitely worth learning to find out.

To add to thread

I definitely find women who have the potential to be smart only unlock it 24/7 though hardship. (necessity at work again) and they never returns to the lack of a better word ignorant person they were before hardship.

Adam says to God, "God, why did you make women so soft ?"
God says, "So that you will like them."
Adam says to God, "God, why did you make women so warm and cuddly?"
God says, "So that you will like them."
Adam says to God, "But, God, why did you make them so stupid?"
God says, "So that they will like you"

Why do women have such boring conversations?

[Image: attentionwhore.gif] Top 10 Conversation Female Conversation Topics [Image: attentionwhore.gif]

1. Shit-talking coworkers to make themselves sound and feel superior
2. Shit-talking B-list friends to make themselves sound and feel superior
3. Shit-talking the guys they reject to make themselves sound and feel more desired
4. Making fun of women who are uglier than they are to make themselves feel less ugly
5. Hating on women/celebrities who are prettier than they are to bring others down to their level
6. Discussing recent social media posts to continuously rank their perceived importance and popularity amongst peers
7. Competitively whining about who's life is harder in order to be crowned the World's Biggest Victim 2018.
8. Humblebragging about the top 5% most positive/successful aspects of her life.
9. Funny things their pets do.
10. Proclaiming that certain snacks, TV shows, clothing items etc. make them die, literally, in a positive or negative manner.

If these topics don't get your intellectual juices, you're probably gay or something.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

I am going to defend women here. How many dudes do you regularly encounter that aren't dumb and boring as fuck.

Its not just a female thing. You're just hanging around with shitheads you have nothing in commen with.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

I know a Russian girl who I have very interesting conversations. I'd also say she is the female equivalent of red pill. Like Ivan Drago wrote some guys are as boring as fuck to talk to as well, not just women. I know both guys and girls who are interesting to talk with. I do agree in general women's conversations can be more boring.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

I don't remember having met many woman whom I can talk about things with, it's pretty much all about human relationships with them. Men cultivate interests, women cultivate relationships, I think it was Nick Hornby who said it. Those women I met who have an interest are very spergy and obsessed about it. Like a girl I knew who was into gothic metal, she knew everything about it but she didn't care much for other genres of music.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Lively chick I know who's partner is working overseas at this time :

"I watch the Kardashian's for the drama.
Cause there's no drama in my life at the moment."

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Somewhere out there, a woman is listening to her boyfriend discuss fantasy football strategy with his buddies and wondering why men have such boring conversations.

This community, more than any other, should appreciate that men and women are *different*. We are stimulated by different things. Men find it boring how women talk a mile a minute without going more than an inch deep into any one topic or adding any original insight. Women find it boring how men drill into one topic and logically dissect every last detail. Nature had no reason to program men and women to have common interests, and it is not a prerequisite for romantic attraction.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Quote: (01-11-2018 08:46 PM)Delta Wrote:  

Somewhere out there, a woman is listening to her boyfriend discuss fantasy football strategy with his buddies and wondering why men have such boring conversations.

This community, more than any other, should appreciate that men and women are *different*. We are stimulated by different things. Men find it boring how women talk a mile a minute without going more than an inch deep into any one topic or adding any original insight. Women find it boring how men drill into one topic and logically dissect every last detail. Nature had no reason to program men and women to have common interests, and it is not a prerequisite for romantic attraction.

The difference is, men can understand what women are saying, but 9 times out of 10 women cannot understand what men are saying.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

I just sat in the car for 45 mins with a 23 year old cocktail waitress. We tried discussing the traffic issues facing Oahu. My brain actually hurts now. Finally I just asked her to show me some iPhone apps.

If anyone who works for the state government here on Hawaii, good move not renewing my concealed carry permit.


Why do women have such boring conversations?

Quote: (01-12-2018 12:26 AM)Kona Wrote:  

I just sat in the car for 45 mins with a 23 year old cocktail waitress. We tried discussing the traffic issues facing Oahu. My brain actually hurts now. Finally I just asked her to show me some iPhone apps.

If anyone who works for the state government here on Hawaii, good move not renewing my concealed carry permit.

Those Hawaii government cocksuckers better give you your renewed concealed carry permit, you are a veteran of the armed forces! Also, fuck quarterbacks from Hawaii!

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Quote: (01-11-2018 11:53 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

The difference is, men can understand what women are saying, but 9 times out of 10 women cannot understand what men are saying.

Let's keep it that way.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Quote: (01-11-2018 08:46 PM)Delta Wrote:  

Somewhere out there, a woman is listening to her boyfriend discuss fantasy football strategy with his buddies and wondering why men have such boring conversations.

To be honest fantasy football is really boring topic.

Treetop fighting on the other hand...

Deus vult!

Why do women have such boring conversations?

It extends to comedy as well.

Female comediennes being just as self-centric as any other chicks, will talk about their own experiences. Travel, dating, marriage etc.
Very rarely will they discuss matters completely separate from their selves.

Whereas the greats such as Doug Stanhope & Bill Burr can make a random premise wholly removed from their own lives into a hilarious bit.


Why do women have such boring conversations?

Due to double standards they're not required to be good conversationalists. Unlike men, who are now expected to hold a conservation like a good talk show host.....

Although it's more of an American thing, girls in EE are better conversationalists (in my experience at least), because they're more worldly--speak multiple languages, have traveled, appreciate other cultures. Your typical American girl thinks she's adventurous and cultured if she's gone on a cruise!

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Foreign women tend to have pleasant conversation. They're usually well versed on politics and culture.

American women are almost always focused on entertainment, while also spouting idiotic leftist politics (transgendered bathrooms, their right to contraceptives, pussy hats, NeverTrump, stupid shit).

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Women (mostly) have boring conversations from men's perspective and men have (mostly) boring conversations from women's perspective because nature calls on us to perform different roles and functions.

Our conversations have utility to us - both men and women. But the use we put them to are different.

Even today, men act on the real world far more directly than women. Most things that are actually physically moved around are moved by men. Where-ever the rubber actually hits the road, where things actually happen - that's where you will find mostly men. Men have to have a wider understanding of the world in order to best perform this function. Our topics of conversation are how we articulate the knowledge we need to be men.

Conversely, even today, women mostly act on the real world thorough men. Women have to develop a granular understanding of personal and inter-personal relationships in order to get most things done - and importantly, for many of those things she is - even today - ultimately defendant on a man to do it for her. Women have to have a deep understanding of relationships so that they can manipulate men (and other women) to get things done. Their topics of conversation are how they articulate the knowledge they need to be women.

In a sane (read traditional) society this is not a problem - men placed their worldly knowledge and labour, and women their manipulation and networking skills at the service of their marriage. The two together became stronger than the sum of their parts - decisions reached and actions taken under this model were likely to be better than those taken as singletons.

But feminism has instead advocated an adversarial model - one where women's manipulation is not placed in service to her relationship, but is directed against men whilst expecting men to place their knowledge and labour at her service. This was never sustainable and increasing numbers of men are dis-engaging from this fantasy feminist model at exactly the same time as Big Daddy Government is running out of money to pay for it. And now more and more women don't have either men's resources or a relationship to serve at all.

It's not women's conversations that are the problem; they have the same conversations at 80 as they had at 8 - and with good reason. The villain of the piece here is, as ever, feminism.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

There is a classic jazz/vocal song written about this very subject, "Girl Talk," which was first done by Julie London in 1965. Her husband, Bobby Troup, wrote the lyrics (he also wrote the lyrics to such classics as "Route 66").

From what I remember, Troup got the idea from listening to London's conversations and being fascinated at how different they were from "guy talk." Years later, Brian Wilson got the same idea and wrote "When Girls Get Together" and a decade after that, Elvis Costello wrote "Girl's Talk."

But "Girl Talk" is the first and the best and probably inspired the other two. The first verse:

"They like to chat about the dresses they will wear tonight
They chew the fat about their tresses and the neighbor's fight,
Inconsequential things that men don't really care to know
Become essential things that women find so ap-pro-pos,
But that's a dame, they're all the same it's just a game they call it
Girl talk, girl talk..."


Why do women have such boring conversations?

I'm just glad someone else on the forum knows about Julie London.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

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