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Why do women have such boring conversations?

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Quote: (12-23-2017 08:30 AM)HornyRamone Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2017 03:29 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2017 11:41 PM)Dragan Wrote:  

I'm convinced this is more of an issue with American women because of social media, endless idolization of celebrities, and rampant consumerism.

Also, too much validation from people, and weak upbringing by the parents. American women are too self-centered. American women also have no clue how people live outside of america.

The outside world to these women are just a collection of food items, a few cultural landmarks, and swarthy men who they can ride.

It kind of sounds like the third world mentality.

Funny you should say that.

This isn't directly related to the post topic, but one thing that Absolutely scares the shit out of me stems from having spent time in a third world country: I see a lot of the attitudes and behaviors that make those countries the way they are becoming rampant in millenials, especially in those with a "progressive" mindset.

A few aspects of what I'm talking about are the complete inability to think or plan for a timespan longer than the next few days or weeks, a general hedonism, a mindset of passive compliance to authority, androgynous behavior in the males and misdirected sexual energy, and a complete lack of direction or goals in life.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Quote: (01-11-2018 03:51 PM)Eddie Winslow Wrote:  

[Image: attentionwhore.gif] Top 10 Conversation Female Conversation Topics [Image: attentionwhore.gif]

1. Shit-talking coworkers to make themselves sound and feel superior
2. Shit-talking B-list friends to make themselves sound and feel superior
3. Shit-talking the guys they reject to make themselves sound and feel more desired
4. Making fun of women who are uglier than they are to make themselves feel less ugly
5. Hating on women/celebrities who are prettier than they are to bring others down to their level
6. Discussing recent social media posts to continuously rank their perceived importance and popularity amongst peers
7. Competitively whining about who's life is harder in order to be crowned the World's Biggest Victim 2018.
8. Humblebragging about the top 5% most positive/successful aspects of her life.
9. Funny things their pets do.
10. Proclaiming that certain snacks, TV shows, clothing items etc. make them die, literally, in a positive or negative manner.

If these topics don't get your intellectual juices, you're probably gay or something.

It amazes me how, even though they may live a pretty charmed life (just for example...a girl in her late twenties, happily married and making 70k doing some make work), there's some invisible force out there keeping her down...and it's not her fault because she's a woman and women are funny that way; anything good that happens to them is 100% because they're amazing and beautiful, but nothing bad that befalls them is ever their fault.

Fact: Every western woman is the smartest, hardest working and most interesting person she knows.

'Even though I still have some youth left and plenty of disposable income doing an easy job that adds zero value to society, my life is, like, just so hard!'. Bitch please, you're lucky you were born in North America, western Europe or Australia, and not South America, Africa, the middle east or anywhere in Asia.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Quote: (01-12-2018 10:15 PM)Easy_C Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2017 08:30 AM)HornyRamone Wrote:  

Quote: (12-23-2017 03:29 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2017 11:41 PM)Dragan Wrote:  

I'm convinced this is more of an issue with American women because of social media, endless idolization of celebrities, and rampant consumerism.

Also, too much validation from people, and weak upbringing by the parents. American women are too self-centered. American women also have no clue how people live outside of america.

The outside world to these women are just a collection of food items, a few cultural landmarks, and swarthy men who they can ride.

It kind of sounds like the third world mentality.

Funny you should say that.

This isn't directly related to the post topic, but one thing that Absolutely scares the shit out of me stems from having spent time in a third world country: I see a lot of the attitudes and behaviors that make those countries the way they are becoming rampant in millenials, especially in those with a "progressive" mindset.

A few aspects of what I'm talking about are the complete inability to think or plan for a timespan longer than the next few days or weeks, a general hedonism, a mindset of passive compliance to authority, androgynous behavior in the males and misdirected sexual energy, and a complete lack of direction or goals in life.

That has a name: Future Time Orientation. Articles have been written about this and it's been studied.

About ten years ago in Seattle, someone from the public school listed "future time orientation" as contributing to racism on her blog. So you're definitely on the right track with your comment.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Here's a black pill to digest...

So let's say the immigrant demographic trend is halted in the U.S. How would white nationalist ideologues hypothetically reverse the multiple generations of feminist brainwashing when it comes to white women?

The conventional wisdom in traditional culture is that men lead and women follow..except in the case of white north American women, the most spoiled and narcissistic women on planet earth.

Both the white liberal left and white nationalist right pedestalize the women. It's such a meme that other cultures laugh and nod at who really wears the pants. The annoying bossy yankee women who spend all the men's money is a very common perception.

Even when the majority of white women prefer white men I don't see a massive baby boom anytime soon to repopulate the dwindling demographic. This certainly isn't the 50's with the 50's cultural mores.

Feminism has absolutely destroyed any hope of traditional renewal. That sort of thing requires generations of cultural and social shifts to repair.

I suppose white nationalists better get ready for the white matriarchy.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Women have no interest in anything outside of her immediate world. Though there are outliers like Mary Beard.

All you gotta do is ask them questions and listen to what they have to say and shit.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

There are exceptions always to the OP's topic. For me good stimulating conversations always mattered. My separated wife was one such person. I could talk to her anything from an unimaginable breadth of topics. The conversations could be highly intellectual or obscenely humorous. They were always engaging and gave the brain a good exercise. That is also why I married her. I connected to her on that level. We would talk a lot and quite often lose track of time. I have couple of best friends with whom I engage in awesome conversations but with her the conversations were beyond anything I experienced. I guess it was because her intelligence could just about fathom anything given to her. If I conjure any topic in my mind right now, I probably would have discussed it with her. Alas, she was a modern woman and things had to fuck up.

I feel good conversations make for best of times and all other activities around those conversations become even more enjoyable, including raw dogging.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Quote: (01-13-2018 06:02 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Here's a black pill to digest...

So let's say the immigrant demographic trend is halted in the U.S. How would white nationalist ideologues hypothetically reverse the multiple generations of feminist brainwashing when it comes to white women?

The conventional wisdom in traditional culture is that men lead and women follow..except in the case of white north American women, the most spoiled and narcissistic women on planet earth.

Both the white liberal left and white nationalist right pedestalize the women. It's such a meme that other cultures laugh and nod at who really wears the pants. The annoying bossy yankee women who spend all the men's money is a very common perception.

Even when the majority of white women prefer white men I don't see a massive baby boom anytime soon to repopulate the dwindling demographic. This certainly isn't the 50's with the 50's cultural mores.

Feminism has absolutely destroyed any hope of traditional renewal. That sort of thing requires generations of cultural and social shifts to repair.

I suppose white nationalists better get ready for the white matriarchy.

"Both the white liberal left and white nationalist right pedestalize the women."

Heartiste said it best (although I can't find his original quote): Conservatives pedestalize women while liberals hate men.

The only things I see bringing about a major cultural sea change are a major war or a sustained environmental crisis. As we all know, when the hurricane hits, the white guys who were invisible become instant "heroes" when they get the power back on. And after the planes hit the towers, white women suddenly started loving, just loving the firemen they'd ignored for years.

Barring that, I don't see anything changing.

Over at the Dalrock blog, they jump and scream if you dare blame men for anything women do. They have a point in some respects, but I contend that it's the cuckservative-country-music-fan dads who are playing THE major negative role in the way average white women are turning out.

I see these men on social media exalting their daughters saying things like "She can beat all the boys in sports!" or "She got into XXX college and will earn more than all the boys!" Some people see this as empowering women, but all I can see is it killing society. Every diploma a girl gets = one less grandkid these cucks are gonna have.

Anyway, if things are going to change from within, this is where it has to start. I don't see these dads tearing themselves away from ESPN long enough to make a difference.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

For many of us, if we lived in a culture that awarded female intelligence, things would be much different. Women being bombarded with images of the Kardashian clan 24/7 can't be good. Media is a powerful driver for outlining acceptable roles for women. Media needs to stop promoting degeneracy. How many of this younger generation (post snapchat) play the piano, speak a foreign language, engage in volunteer work, etc? Not so many.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

No, of course women are not able to have intellectual conversations with each other.
Stupidity is in their genes.
There are 3 topics women talk about: fashion, makeup and knitting.
I'm not a sexist, this is just the sad truth.
I tried to have a conversation about a male topic with a woman once and asked her if she liked greek philosophers such as Sokrates and Platon.
She straight up asked me if those where some kind of clothing brands.
Let's be honest, women and brains just don't go well together.
(Not trying to be offensive)

Why do women have such boring conversations?

"I'm not sexist" says 'Woman Hater 2000' ha

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Women simply want to have fun. This means having emotional roller coasters of conversations.
1. Love to talk about themselves to an interested ear.
2. Do NOT mind being lied to, infact love being lied to as long as you're not obviously lying.
3. Would talk about anything, as long as you make them feel they're at least adequate on the subject. (women love to learn if that learning makes them feel superior)
4. Don't want people to necessarily agree with them straight up. But would rather "persuade" you to think like them. Just as women love to learn, they love to teach and spread their ideas even more.
5. They absolutely love to have roasting session but are very sensitive, so keep your jokes light hearted.
6. The more you can keep your life and personality a mystery the more she would want to solve you.
7. The more emotion she ties into you (no matter how negative or positive) the greater a chance you have to have control over her.
8. Funny, calming and charming are the only emotions you should focus on. although all emotions work the best are the ones mentioned
9. NEVER and I mean NEVER come to a girl with your problems, Some guys get lucky but for the most part you're simply boring her
10. NEVER and I mean NEVER complain about her, "whine" to her or talk negatively about her. If you must, tell her ONCE and if she doesn't change leave. SHE WILL come back and when she does DON'T take her back immediately if at all.

She has to fear your absence, and desire your company.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Roosh explained it some weeks ago in a RooshHour broadcast.
Women don't have their own beliefs and values. They just don't.
In the rare case that they have, if because of the direct influence of a man.
If a woman says "I believe that…", all that comes afterwards is a lie.
So they talk about socially accepted topics and relationships. That's it.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Aside from nonsense like celebrity gossip, female conversation topics tend to be pretty practical when you think about it: food, relationships, sex. Those are all basic and necessary parts of life.

Do you really want to spend time discussing the finer points of Kierkegaard with your significant other? That's what male friends are for.

I hiked with a girl for a couple of days on a long distance backpacking trip. She said that she thought it was weird that I would enjoy hiking on my own and I told her that I liked to just be alone with my thoughts. She replied by telling me she didn't have any deep thoughts and then compared herself to Phoebe from Friends (the ditzy blonde). Even though she was exaggerating somewhat I found her outlook very refreshing. The girl was in good enough shape to be carrying a pack up and down mountains and had a good enough relationship with her father to have gone on the trip with him, so that checks a lot of the boxes for many of us.

Compare that to my female co-workers who have above average IQ's. All they can talk about is Trump, complain about politics, micro-aggressions, Kavanaugh, and so on and so on thinking that they're quite deep all the while. You truly cannot talk to one of these people for more than 5 minutes before the SJW talking points begin to flow from their mouths like so much malodorous waste from the sewers on a rainy day, regardless of how innocuous the conversation was to begin with.

So instead of knocking women for having superficial interests I say let them enjoy it. I'd rather a woman teach our children to socialize properly, respect their parents, and not be fat instead of using them as fodder for some trendy virtue signalling vanity project like going for the Guinness record for youngest to undergo gender reassignment surgery.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

[Image: attachment.jpg40438]   

Why do women have such boring conversations?

When no credit is around and everyone is in debt, it'll be interesting to see just how far the 80-20 rule (or is it 90-10 currently?) goes or is apparent. There has to be some breaking point to the lack of sense society has had for decades now.

^Penta, that was hilarious.

Why do women have such boring conversations?


i REALLY want a vagina on my face. constantly. It never stops.


Why do women have such boring conversations?

Damn Penta that was fucking spot on!

4chan is a national treasure, lets hope it never goes away.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

Quote: (10-22-2018 11:55 AM)LookingForEurope Wrote:  

Roosh explained it some weeks ago in a RooshHour broadcast.
Women don't have their own beliefs and values. They just don't.
In the rare case that they have, if because of the direct influence of a man.
If a woman says "I believe that…", all that comes afterwards is a lie.
So they talk about socially accepted topics and relationships. That's it.

Yep. Evolution designed women to make babies, not to come up with new ideas, which entails risk-taking. A woman's mindset is invariably geared toward seeking resources (be they economic, physical, emotional, or social) from individual men or from the collective, i.e. the tribe. Everything she believes must facilitate this process; likewise, any information that threatens, impedes, or undermines this process needs to be discarded, ignored, attacked, and so on. Roosh asked, "Is Game just an algorithm to extract sex from NPC females?" Women are just NPCs. The movie Her with J. Phoenix is not at all far-fetched; in the way VP porn + sexbots will replace women's physical role, AI will replace their conversational role.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

What do women have to worry about or think about? They have it easy. All they have to do is spread their legs and get banged. The man has to do practically everything. So with so little to think about their conversations reflect that.

Don't debate me.

Why do women have such boring conversations?

With regards to conversation, men and women are simply different.

I noticed this all the time in high school. Guys talked about stuff they did, say, after school or over the weekend ("We had a BB gun fight last night and I shot Kevin in the ass...."). Girls talked about previous conversations they had with others ("I said.... Then she said....Then I rolled my eyes and said.....").

I think these differences in the conversations that guys and girls have simply reflect fundamental differences in how guys' brains and girls' brains are wired.

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