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Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

OK - the title is meant to get some attention. I'm not saying there are absolutely no fat chicks in Montreal, but the last time I went in 2007 you really had to look for them. In contrast, while not as fat as most American chicks, finding fat chicks in Toronto is not a problem.

Why is that? I think that it is an important question to answer because unlike a European city that doesn't have fat chicks, it is not clear at all why Montreal completely bucks the North American trend to fat chicks. With the exception of a thriving downtown, the city is indistinguishable layout wise from NE American cities like Philadelphia. They have good public transportation in the center, but giant car dependent suburbs circle the city. This is the city that gave the world Poutine and Smoked Meat Sandwiches, so it sure doesn't look that it's the diet.

They have universal healthcare. So does Toronto, but Toronto has fat chicks.

So what's keeping those girls slender?

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

They actually care about their appearance and women regard their femininity as something valuable.

Clearly it comes from the French side of their culture and not the north american side.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-17-2012 07:25 AM)beta_plus Wrote:  

Why is that? I think that it is an important question to answer because unlike a European city that doesn't have fat chicks, it is not clear at all why Montreal completely bucks the North American trend to fat chicks. With the exception of a thriving downtown, the city is indistinguishable layout wise from NE American cities like Philadelphia. They have good public transportation in the center, but giant car dependent suburbs circle the city. This is the city that gave the world Poutine and Smoked Meat Sandwiches, so it sure doesn't look that it's the diet.

Sure, the layout can be considered largely North American, but it is culturally somewhere between North American and European, combining some of the best elements of both, in particular, from the European side, few fat chicks.

I can't have sex with your personality, and I can't put my penis in your college degree, and I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams, so why are you sharing all this information with me?

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

They're banned there. that's why

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Is Montreal the best city in North America for girls (quality + ease of hooking up) ? Lots of praise on the forum.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-17-2012 08:55 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Is Montreal the best city in North America for girls (quality + ease of hooking up) ? Lots of praise on the forum.

I will be there all summer and let you guys know. Can't wait!

I knew a Colombian addict, like me, who stopped going to Colombia once he went to Montreal.

So, is Montreal the Medellin killer? who knows......


Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

I understand it be the result of the lifestyle more than any one thing.

When I go to Montreal to visit friends and family, I have to expect that when we are out, we are out. There is usually no popping back home for a quick bite and drop some things off.

It takes some getting used to and be tiring if you are from a car heavy culture. Montreal is not so difficult to get around using the metro, but so often we just go from one place to another and are always on the go. It can be tiring and I think a lot of energy is expelled just staying out.

In the west I often pop in and out of my place a few times per day. Sometimes I have intentions of heading back out but I get comfortable and just dont bother heading back out. In Montreal if you need a rest, you hit a cafe for a small bite and some wine or beer.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-17-2012 09:23 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-17-2012 08:55 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Is Montreal the best city in North America for girls (quality + ease of hooking up) ? Lots of praise on the forum.

I will be there all summer and let you guys know. Can't wait!

I knew a Colombian addict, like me, who stopped going to Colombia once he went to Montreal.

So, is Montreal the Medellin killer? who knows......


I have noticed certain "trends" with the forum.

When I first joined, everyone was yapping about Buenos Aires.

Then Mixx ushered in the "Colombia Era".

Then there was a brief "Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania" era.

That one got cut short by my Data Sheet, and got Killed off By Roosh's recent Sheets.

Then there was kind of a "Thailand, Philippines Era" and "Balkans Era".

You will notice hardly anyone talks about Buenos Aires anymore.

Now it is a "Ukraine and FSU Era" along with a "Montreal Era".

Poland is really getting a lot of play lately too.

Places get hyped so hard, then the next wave comes through who's expectations are sky high, and then the back lash comes.

Then you start seeing threads like "Is XXXX city past it's prime?" or "Have Sex Tourist's Ruined XXXXX?"


"Is flaking getting out of control in XXXX?"

Followed by the inevitable:

"Wait, what is the best way to meet girls online in XXXXX?"

Followed by the also inevitable:

"I figured out Game finally in XXXXX!!!!!! The Key is Social Circle Game!!!!!"

This forum is a little of a Self Fulfilling Prophecy.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

G: [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif]

[Image: potd.gif]

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

I have read too much positive on Montreal. Me and the fellas will be there this summer. I will catch the direct Baltimore-Burlington VT flight (I think HC also mentioned this method) and rent a car in Burlington to drive the rest of the way.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Well in my opinion it's just because the image is really important and women will do whatever in their possible to stay slim whatever in a healthy or non healthy way . Laner has bring an interesting point with the always on the go . It's really a culture thing here . Even we have finish work , it's always go go go . But, I don't think it's really affect their shape . It's more an image focus they had develop .

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

We also have to remember that Montreal is obviously a place with a heavy French influence, which extends its way through a society. French sensibilities like lifestyle, food, personal maintenance, fashion sense, etc. all add up to society that produces very attractive women.

It's not a coincidence that Rio also had a sizable French influence as well (Rio was a colony for a short time; France Antarctique) In his book Carnival Under Fire, Brazilian author Ruy Castro makes the case that French pros and courtesans taught the women of Rio the advanced sensuality stuff. Plus Rio had the Portuguese Royal court who were obviously French influenced.

So, can it be a coincidence you could make the case that ARGUABLY (lets not get into that debate) the hottest women in both North and South America come from cultures with a heavy French influence. In polar opposite climes; one is freezing cold the other hot as hell. Plus obviously some think French women are the hottest in Europe, and some Ivory Coast women are the hottest in subsaharan Africa.

I'm a hardcore American Boy, but I shoooo' don't mind if my gal is French or into French culture.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-17-2012 08:55 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Is Montreal the best city in North America for girls (quality + ease of hooking up) ? Lots of praise on the forum.

For quality, Montreal is up there with Manhattan and South Beach. For ease of hooking up, the women are very warm and feminine, so bring your swagger. Brush up on your conversational French, come with enough of a bankroll to have a good time and I cannot recommend the city highly enough. I'm not calling it a walk, but if you have decent game and enough French to converse for a few minutes (much of the population can speak English...doesn't mean they will, but they can) and you should be able to bang out a few pretty French girls.

There was some book years ago about French (France french) women being thin in spite of a diet of heavy cream and cheese because of all the red wine they drink, which is fine and good, but it's also because Montreal (like SoBe, Manhattan...) is one of the last remaining small enclaves where women aren't afraid of holding their womanly charm, which means staying thin because it's what men want and not ballooning up like a whale because it's what you want.

...and now I want to go to Montreal, it's been a few years.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-17-2012 08:55 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Is Montreal the best city in North America for girls (quality + ease of hooking up) ? Lots of praise on the forum.

Dude. Montreal in the summertime can hold its own against any location in the world. That's not hyperbole. You would be seriously remiss not to visit Montreal upon your return to the US. I don't care if you're here for just a month, go. You'll probably write a book about it.

My data sheet broke it down for how anyone on any budget can get there. Mad transportation options.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-17-2012 09:23 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-17-2012 08:55 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Is Montreal the best city in North America for girls (quality + ease of hooking up) ? Lots of praise on the forum.

I will be there all summer and let you guys know. Can't wait!

I knew a Colombian addict, like me, who stopped going to Colombia once he went to Montreal.

So, is Montreal the Medellin killer? who knows......


I'm counting down the months. Can't wait either. I think G said something about almost feeling suicidal the first time he went to MTL for not having gone sooner. Strong statement, but I can relate. My first night on St. Laurent was an overwhelming experience. I was dumbfounded and flabbergasted by the level of talent all around me. The closest I ever came to that feeling was in Cordoba, Argentina, but Montreal was still more impressive, especially being so close to home. I really regret having slept on it for so long. Talk about negligence!

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quality of girls? Best I saw in N.America.

Ease of hooking up? Not so easy without social proof and (preferably) French language skills.

Also, steer clear of the place in winter.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-17-2012 12:46 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

I'm counting down the months. Can't wait either. I think G said something about almost feeling suicidal the first time he went to MTL for not having gone sooner. Strong statement, but I can relate. My first night on St. Laurent was an overwhelming experience. I was dumbfounded and flabbergasted by the level of talent all around me. The closest I ever came to that feeling was in Cordoba, Argentina, but Montreal was still more impressive, especially being so close to home. I really regret having slept on it for so long. Talk about negligence!

OMG.. HC, please stop tormenting me!!! It's bad enough I have to wait for months before summer. Weather right now in MTL is 37F [Image: sad.gif] I'd leave tomorrow if it weren't for the cold weather.


Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-17-2012 12:50 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-17-2012 12:46 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Quote: (02-17-2012 09:23 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-17-2012 08:55 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Is Montreal the best city in North America for girls (quality + ease of hooking up) ? Lots of praise on the forum.

I will be there all summer and let you guys know. Can't wait!

I knew a Colombian addict, like me, who stopped going to Colombia once he went to Montreal.

So, is Montreal the Medellin killer? who knows......


I'm counting down the months. Can't wait either. I think G said something about almost feeling suicidal the first time he went to MTL for not having gone sooner. Strong statement, but I can relate. My first night on St. Laurent was an overwhelming experience. I was dumbfounded and flabbergasted by the level of talent all around me. The closest I ever came to that feeling was in Cordoba, Argentina, but Montreal was still more impressive, especially being so close to home. I really regret having slept on it for so long. Talk about negligence!

OGHH.. HC, please stop tormenting me!!! It;s bad enough I have to wait for months before summer. Weather right now in MTL is 37F [Image: sad.gif] I'd leave tomorrow if it weren't for the cold weather.


When exactly are you going? Springtime in Montreal (late April-Early May) is pretty nice, good weather.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-17-2012 10:53 AM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

I have read too much positive on Montreal. Me and the fellas will be there this summer. I will catch the direct Baltimore-Burlington VT flight (I think HC also mentioned this method) and rent a car in Burlington to drive the rest of the way.

I think this is the best way if you're coming from the DC area. The second option would be Amtrak, which does a DC-MTL route for like $70-80 each way. I've never done it, but I think it's like a 14-hour trek, which is quite long.

Another option would be Craigslist rideshare, which is only widely available for those in NYC, Boston, and Toronto. I've done it from NYC a couple of times, which was around $40-50 each way. There are comfy cargo vans that do the trip in like 7 hours incl. the wait at the border. I've also met cool people doing this. From Boston or TO, it's like 5 hours or so. The advantage of doing this over flying is time and logistics. From NYC, you're already giving up an hour just to get to JFK. Then there's the hassle of getting through security. Then in Montreal, the airport is a little ways outside of the city, so there's that too. You're looking at five or more hours flying anyway and it's much more expensive.

Rideshares from the cities I've mentioned are available throughout the week from multiple individuals/companies.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

No phat ass chicks in Montreal? Damn (i know many of you guys call phat ass chicks fat girls, there is a difference)

But if they are that easy, then Montreal may still have a place in my player heart.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

I spend most of my days in coffee shops near universities and the French Canadian students are definitely one notch below their Polish counterparts. As in France, state sponsored feminism is strong here.. shit makes me wanna puke
Dope city though, custom suits: http://mayeu.com and custom boots: http://www.yelp.ca/biz/imperial-boots-montreal

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-17-2012 12:54 PM)Nonpareil Wrote:  

Quote: (02-17-2012 12:50 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-17-2012 12:46 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Quote: (02-17-2012 09:23 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-17-2012 08:55 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Is Montreal the best city in North America for girls (quality + ease of hooking up) ? Lots of praise on the forum.

I will be there all summer and let you guys know. Can't wait!

I knew a Colombian addict, like me, who stopped going to Colombia once he went to Montreal.

So, is Montreal the Medellin killer? who knows......


I'm counting down the months. Can't wait either. I think G said something about almost feeling suicidal the first time he went to MTL for not having gone sooner. Strong statement, but I can relate. My first night on St. Laurent was an overwhelming experience. I was dumbfounded and flabbergasted by the level of talent all around me. The closest I ever came to that feeling was in Cordoba, Argentina, but Montreal was still more impressive, especially being so close to home. I really regret having slept on it for so long. Talk about negligence!

OGHH.. HC, please stop tormenting me!!! It;s bad enough I have to wait for months before summer. Weather right now in MTL is 37F [Image: sad.gif] I'd leave tomorrow if it weren't for the cold weather.


When exactly are you going? Springtime in Montreal (late April-Early May) is pretty nice, good weather.

I was planning to go right after Mothers Day, as I always spend time with my mom that day, no matter what.

So, The fist/second week of May was when I was hoping to have "first dibs" on MTL French ass before you guys get there in June/Juy for the RVF meet up. =)

My plan for now is May-July - 3 months, and then head to Greek Islands (iOS) or Bulgaria for August. Of course, if Montreal is THAT GOOD TO ME, I may stay until September.

IN 3 WEEKS, I WILL BE IN CALI WITH WEDO! for the pre-semana santa fuckfest!


Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-17-2012 12:50 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-17-2012 12:46 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

I'm counting down the months. Can't wait either. I think G said something about almost feeling suicidal the first time he went to MTL for not having gone sooner. Strong statement, but I can relate. My first night on St. Laurent was an overwhelming experience. I was dumbfounded and flabbergasted by the level of talent all around me. The closest I ever came to that feeling was in Cordoba, Argentina, but Montreal was still more impressive, especially being so close to home. I really regret having slept on it for so long. Talk about negligence!

OMG.. HC, please stop tormenting me!!! It's bad enough I have to wait for months before summer. Weather right now in MTL is 37F [Image: sad.gif] I'd leave tomorrow if it weren't for the cold weather.


You have one of the best setups player! I'm jealous. Miami in the winter and MTL in the summer is a tough combo to beat!

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Actually, I gave a little misinformation.

The direct flights from the DC area to Burlington VT are from Reagan Airport (DCA). Seems like the Baltimore flights want to stop in Philly first before going to Montreal.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-17-2012 08:55 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Is Montreal the best city in North America for girls (quality + ease of hooking up) ? Lots of praise on the forum.

New York City (specifically Manhattan) might be the best city if you know what you're doing and find your niche. Quality girls, and I can't imagine them being easier to hook up with (this must be the SNL capital of the world).

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