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Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-17-2012 11:50 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-17-2012 10:30 PM)bigxxx Wrote:  

Without expecting TOO much, a trip here can only be good: great restaurants, high quality women, history/architecture, 3am last call.

Ok, so in my situation, I don't care AT ALL about restaurants as I prepare my own foods because of my diet, I could care less if Emeril himself was cooking in the corner restaurant, so that's out.

History/architecture? Nice, but it's 5th on my list of things to do/see.

that leaves high quality women, and if those HQ women are not any easier than the bitches in Miami, then are you saying I'll be disappointed?


Mixx, can you elaborate on how you work around dates and stuff due to the fact that you prepare all your own foods? I am similar in that I cook for myself nearly all the time but when I am travelling or if I meet a new lizard that I decide is worthy of more than just first date tea or drink, I am obliged to go to a restaraunt since inviting them back to my place is too forward for them.

In terms of the women in Montreal, I think you should just go and do your thing. Speak to Gmanifesto since he had a ball and you guys have similar swagger. If you listen to many different people, their accounts of a place will vary according to their level of game and looks.

I think you will be fine in Montreal. I had two blondes approach me in my last ventures down there who I was unable to SNL due to lack of closing skills (probably accentuated by my concern of logistics - sharing a hotel room) and the second one was very poor in English and my French is not strong enough to speech a lizard into bed (voulez vous couchez avec moi maintenant is the height of my close in French).

Plus you are an American and I still believe that Canadians have a secret hardon for Americans.





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

I would not worry about Montreal being tapped out. Ever.

Think of the history if MTL. In the 60's and 70's it was considered one of the greatest cities in the world. It was giving Paris a serious run for its money. Our Prime Minister (Pierre Trudeau in the shades) was a swinging International Playboy.
[Image: 600_trudeau_cp_110410.jpg]

If anything, MTL is already beyond its prime. You guys havent "slept" on Montreal. It was always just there, doing its thing trying to quietly build itself up again after the hit it took in the 80s and 90's.

When you are in Montreal next time, do as Alfonzo has been saying and appreciate the attitude of the people to want to help out and be friendly. The strangers around you are your greatest wingmen.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-18-2012 12:55 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-18-2012 12:08 AM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

You're going to kill that city. On Monday nights they have salsa dancing in this outdor park in the Verdun neighborhood. So many hot white chicks practicing salsa. Man, just think about that....

Oh, I am. When I was in Winnipeg, my local wings informed me about SALSA DANCE CLASSES at a local venue at an outdoor park (seems popular in canada to dance in parks), and I thought, damn..lots of hot, white bitches practicing salsa, and the Spanish language; this is a slam dunk for me! Nope. When I got there it was nothing but FAMILIES and old couples, and a local salsa school just itching to get you to sign-up to one of their dance classes.....boy, what a letdown that was. Of course, I know you can't compare Winnipeg to MTL, but you can see why I am skeptical.

I had a great time with a really pretty lady alright, we danced, and She had a great time...then her FAT, white husband showed up. [Image: dodgy.gif] No sex for Mixx that day either!

Quote: (02-18-2012 12:08 AM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

In Montreal, you'll be fine with English. Knowing French would be a plus and help you connect with girls a little better,

Got it! I'm going hard on the French, and have tutors who are members of this forum who are native French Speakers hooking it up!



Haven't you been to Montreal before?

Quote: (02-17-2012 10:12 PM)metalhaze Wrote:  

I live in montreal and do approve of what is being discussed. I call it the land of casual sex.

Bust out a Data Sheet.

Which neighborhoods would you recommend staying in the summer?

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-18-2012 09:54 AM)Moma Wrote:  

I am obliged to go to a restaraunt since inviting them back to my place is too forward for them.

Did they told you that was too forward for them, or did you tought that it was too forward for them?

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-18-2012 12:55 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-18-2012 12:08 AM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

You're going to kill that city. On Monday nights they have salsa dancing in this outdor park in the Verdun neighborhood. So many hot white chicks practicing salsa. Man, just think about that....

Oh, I am. When I was in Winnipeg, my local wings informed me about SALSA DANCE CLASSES at a local venue at an outdoor park (seems popular in canada to dance in parks), and I thought, damn..lots of hot, white bitches practicing salsa, and the Spanish language; this is a slam dunk for me! Nope. When I got there it was nothing but FAMILIES and old couples, and a local salsa school just itching to get you to sign-up to one of their dance classes.....boy, what a letdown that was. Of course, I know you can't compare Winnipeg to MTL, but you can see why I am skeptical.

I had a great time with a really pretty lady alright, we danced, and She had a great time...then her FAT, white husband showed up. [Image: dodgy.gif] No sex for Mixx that day either!


Ha. That sucks. But the salsa night in MTL is dope. The chicks were young and very attractive. Caught me by surprise because the area where it was going down was aways from the city center. Verdun is kinda residential. Anyway, that's an off-the-beaten path tip for you to keep in mind.

MTL will always be what it is. The talent there is the best you'll find. There's a diversity of looks, and you also have amazing mixes and lots of immigrants. I've met stunners from Belarus and Ukraine. I've met chicks that are half French-Canadian and half Romanian. North African chicks mixed with French or just North African. Blondes, brunettes, blue eyed, olive skin chicks. It's crazy out there!

The thing about hype only concerns success. The talent will definitely be there, but you have to put in work just like anywhere else. I think for guys that are used to approaching and already have game (Roosh, Mixx, etc), getting bangs will be no problem. My data sheet included the spots where you'll find the best talent, so you won't waste any time. That's my gift to the forum. I even gave up some of my personal gems, just because there's that much talent to go around.

Another reason I think MTL is the best in the world--at least for Americans--is because you have advantages you just don't have in other countries, even in EE. If you don't speak the local language well in other countries, you aren't getting the best chicks, whether in Poland or in Colombia. That's just a fact. You only find comfort in that their averages look better than the average chicks in the US.

Also, Montreal has diversity that other countries don't have. You have lots of different shades and types of looks to choose from.

In MTL, the hottest girls speak English. They are bilingual. No language barrier. The city is within 100 miles from the US border. US culture obviously has reach out there. The traveling playboy who came up from NYC story I gave them impressed the girls up there. They were wondering why I even wanted to come to MTL. If they only knew....

The guys on here have heard so many good things about the place now. It was different for me because I was thrown in for a complete surprise. My first trip up there was by myself, though I had a local friend there I knew from South America. I was in Toronto kicking it with a Brazilian chick I met in Sao Paulo. She was telling me how much better Montreal was and how it was her favorite city in the world. This is coming from a chick who's been all over Europe, NA, and South America.

She said the men and women in Montreal look better than the people in Toronto. So I decided to venture out there from TO. Man, I couldn't believe my eyes my first night out. The next day I sent a mass e-mail to my best friends in the States. I said they HAVE TO come to MTL. Only one of my boys heeded my advice. We met up in Brooklyn a couple weeks later and he drove up to MTL. Changed his life. There was one night where we saw three chicks from Belarus that were honestly the top 10 chicks we ever laid eyes on. I can't even describe how hot these girls were. My boy sent a e-mail to his frat bros and closest friends the next day. The third time around, we rolled up there five deep. Again, everyone was mindblown by the talent.

I went another time after that, which was the first time a chick I had met on an earlier trip there hooked up with me to make it happen. She was Moroccan and very cute.

Anyway, I'll leave it at that. The city is legit. G wouldn't waste his time and go back to a place if it was wack. Between us and Mixx, that should be enough of an endorsement.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-18-2012 01:20 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Between us and Mixx, that should be enough of an endorsement.

True Dat. Not to mention you're from Brooklyn, like me. I'm from Buschwick - born and bred player pedigree papa! So, if you say it's on, then IT'S ON!


Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

How is city life in Montreal in general? (esp in the mcgill and concordia area's)


I think the name of that book mentioned was called "French women don't get fat", I knew a girl who used to be fat, she bought that book and it changed her life literally. I think it was about seven years ago that this girl read the book, she hasn't put on any weight since then!

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Over complicating things! [Image: wink.gif]

Montreal women are thin because:

A) they smoke like chimney stacks
B) they fuck like rabbits

I admit I have not been to MTL YET but I've known a handfull of women from there and Quebec and I have a lot of french bredren.

It is indeed true that Quebec women value their femininity way more than a typical N.American broad for sure. They also put more value in things like clothes and food, Quebeciose don't like crap. They won't eat shitty food and don't like to wear shitty clothes. For women you have to be slender to wear nice threads they have this hard wired at a young age. And lastly keeping active and fucking a lot keeps you thin. Toronto women are active as well but not in the same way, its ussually work related and stress inducing which ages women and makes them pack on pounds more easily.

One poster compared the talent in Montreal to Vancouver!?!? Noooo waaaaay bud. Its the only legitimately cool city in Canada and will largely stay the same as long as the govt keeps protectionist culture laws in place. Most people won't lock down french before going there so if you learn good basics you will always have the upperhand with Montreal Women!

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-19-2012 12:18 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Over complicating things! [Image: wink.gif]

Montreal women are thin because:

A) they smoke like chimney stacks
B) they fuck like rabbits

I admit I have not been to MTL YET but I've known a handfull of women from there and Quebec and I have a lot of french bredren.

It is indeed true that Quebec women value their femininity way more than a typical N.American broad for sure. They also put more value in things like clothes and food, Quebeciose don't like crap. They won't eat shitty food and don't like to wear shitty clothes. For women you have to be slender to wear nice threads they have this hard wired at a young age. And lastly keeping active and fucking a lot keeps you thin. Toronto women are active as well but not in the same way, its ussually work related and stress inducing which ages women and makes them pack on pounds more easily.

One poster compared the talent in Montreal to Vancouver!?!? Noooo waaaaay bud. Its the only legitimately cool city in Canada and will largely stay the same as long as the govt keeps protectionist culture laws in place. Most people won't lock down french before going there so if you learn good basics you will always have the upperhand with Montreal Women!

Interesting that you say that.

Pre-Smoking ban, America didn't nearly have the obesity problem it has today.

When the world looks back at the fall of America, they are going to trace big parts it to the Smoking Ban in California.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-17-2012 01:50 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (02-17-2012 01:42 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Quote: (02-17-2012 12:47 PM)Lumiere Wrote:  

Quality of girls? Best I saw in N.America.

Ease of hooking up? Not so easy without social proof and (preferably) French language skills.

Also, steer clear of the place in winter.

Yeah. I don't want to give anyone the impression that you can just come here and win. You have to have game just like in any other top tier city. The difference with Montreal is the consistency in the level of quality and the excellent ratios. I never walked into a sausage fest the entire time I was there.

As a general rule of thumb, for a player wanting to strike gold at an outing, he should make at least 10 approaches, which is very feasible in MTL. Compare that to DC, where finding 10 approachable girls is a challenge in itself. Plus you have to contend with a sausage fest most of the time. In those environs, a chick who would otherwise be a 6 begins to behave like a 10, thanks to all of the lame and thirsty males around competing for her attention and offering her drinks.

That is a very unfavorable environment for a practitioner of game.

That being said, I did experience quite a number of flakes and rejection in MTL. This may sound weird but I actually looked forward to rejections. MTL is a place with so much action that you worry that you might be walking home with a girl who's not the best you can do that night, even if she's attractive. There's so much talent and you also have that magical hour after the clubs close down and a lot of girls are drunk and more likely DTF. I usually made my approaches earlier in the night just to get it out of my system and prepare myself for the real winners later on in the night.

That's actually how I learned game: relentlessly making approaches. Through that, I learned how girls think and how retarded so many of them are. Some of the conversations I've had and the openers that have worked are downright ridiculous, which is why I don't take girls seriously. Once I got my lifestyle down, traveled more, dressed better, my approaches increased and through that I acquired confidence, self-awareness and control. That's the key to having the right attitude towards chicks no matter your goals (LTR, SNL, harem, etc). Chicks instinctively prefer the alpha male and when you have no fear in striking up a conversation with any girl you lay your eyes on, that attitude will help keep your bitch in check should you go the LTR route.

Anyway, I digress. It will be interesting to see how MTL turns out this summer if all these RVF cats make an appearance. We could clean that place up dry, but I welcome it. If that happens, I'm confident a new location will be ready to take its place. The world is always changing.

Yeah, I agree with this.

I got rejected in Montreal tons.

The positive thing is you have opportunities to land clean shots in Montreal.

There are plenty of girls. And with Canada (in my experience) you don't have a local population of aggressive guys. Either trying to swoop or trying to fight you.

And guys aren't "trying to hold girls down" either. Again, this gives you opportunities to land clean punches.

So like I said above, if you have the pieces of the puzzle, you will get what you deserve.

Which is nice, because in many places, ie DC, you don't get what you deserve.

Or in CA you can take a loss because you are timed out ie bars closing.

I really like this assessment. Montreal is not a paradise. It's a fair and level playing field.

In sports terms:
Montreal is the NFL, which has revenue sharing and salary caps, leading to parity where every team is equal. As a guy, you may be the Detroit Lions or Arizona Cardinals, but if you work at game properly you can succeed.

Poland is Major League Baseball, where the guys are the NY Yankees, the STL Cardinals, or the Red Sox. They don't need good game because the game is so tilted in their favor. A basic understanding of game is all you need.

Toronto is Premier League soccer, where the girls are Manchester United and the guys are some team at the bottom desperately struggling not to get kicked out. The game is even more unfair than MLB and even if you use Moneyball techniques (that is game), it won't help much unless you master them perfectly. Even then, it'll never allow you to win the championship, just allow you to survive.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

I was never a fan of smokes growing up but I respect cultures that naturally do/enjoy it. When a clan of folks smoke naturally, they pull it off well and I tend not to notice it... Vs. Hipsters or folks trying to hard, who look mad awkward when they are having a smoke. The Quebecoise pull it off nicely, only time I find a girl looks HOT with a smoke is if she's from there.

About Trudeau. Canada's leaders only have swag if they are from Quebec. Mulroony was a stooge, and US puppet but dude had swag and always came correct with style - plus he gets dap for pulling shady kickback deals with European oligarchy. Back to Trudeau, he made modern Canada. The little identity we have was shaped by him, he made Canada matter globally. Few leaders have had such dramatic impacts on their nations IMO.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-18-2012 09:54 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (02-17-2012 11:50 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-17-2012 10:30 PM)bigxxx Wrote:  

Without expecting TOO much, a trip here can only be good: great restaurants, high quality women, history/architecture, 3am last call.

Ok, so in my situation, I don't care AT ALL about restaurants as I prepare my own foods because of my diet, I could care less if Emeril himself was cooking in the corner restaurant, so that's out.

History/architecture? Nice, but it's 5th on my list of things to do/see.

that leaves high quality women, and if those HQ women are not any easier than the bitches in Miami, then are you saying I'll be disappointed?


Mixx, can you elaborate on how you work around dates and stuff due to the fact that you prepare all your own foods?

In one word. HONESTY.

I tell girls I want to bang why I do not go to restaurants, and you will be AMAZED AT HOW MANY ADMIRE THAT, and will easily comply with you COOKING FOR THEM ONE OF YOUR BEST TASTING FAT BURNING MEALS, at your place or hers!

once she's at your place, TURN UP THE SEXUAL HEAT CHEF. [Image: smile.gif]

* Make sure you say "FAT BURNING MEAL" that's like fucking crack to their ears! Then slightly, and playfully, pull up your shirt just a bit for them to see your 6-PACK! They scream, and some juice-like liquid squirts from between their legs you can smell a mile away.


*TIP. When she is at your place (Or hers), PURPOSELY SPILL SOMETHING ON YOUR SHIRT, and make it look accidental. Take your shirt-off in her presence as you "pre-soak it for washing", and voila!! Let that lizards clit start screaming for your cock beyond control!

Tip NO.2 ALWAYS KEEP A SPARE, CLEAN T-SHIRT IN YOUR CAR...secretly, and put t on AFTER YOU BANG HER, or you leave her place [Image: wink.gif]


Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?


Bust out a Data Sheet.

Which neighborhoods would you recommend staying in the summer?

Plateau and mile end most definitely( i.e. near metro berri-uqam up to laurier) saint-denis is more french, saint laurent more anglophone.

French Canadians are generally more open minded, they usually sleep with you by the second date though anglophones are quite open minded too.

There is a different bar for each style, you gotta stay a while in the city to explore it. Best time is summer time, the streets are BURSTING with people (specially the downtown area), and lots of events occur on st-helene island. (metro jean drapeau).

You can also check out Atwater and guy-Concordia area (west side of downtown) lots of anglophone bars on crescent and bishop street.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-19-2012 01:03 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

I tell girls I want to bang why I do not go to restaurants, and you will be AMAZED AT HOW MANY ADMIRE THAT, and will easily comply with you COOKING FOR THEM ONE OF YOUR BEST TASTING FAT BURNING MEALS, at your place or hers!


My Game is so revolved around restaurants its not even funny.

Although I do a lot of cooking as well.

What are some of these "BEST TASTING FAT BURNING MEALS"?

Bust out a recipe or two for the crew!

Quote: (02-19-2012 10:54 PM)metalhaze Wrote:  

Plateau and mile end most definitely( i.e. near metro berri-uqam up to laurier) saint-denis is more french, saint laurent more anglophone.

French Canadians are generally more open minded, they usually sleep with you by the second date though anglophones are quite open minded too.

There is a different bar for each style, you gotta stay a while in the city to explore it. Best time is summer time, the streets are BURSTING with people (specially the downtown area), and lots of events occur on st-helene island. (metro jean drapeau).

You can also check out Atwater and guy-Concordia area (west side of downtown) lots of anglophone bars on crescent and bishop street.

So you think "Plateau and mile end" are way better to stay than Old Port?

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

true, Old port is definitely good too, it's 15 minutes walk from berri-uqam, (it's metro place d'arme or champ de mars).
However, it's very touristy and expensive with lots of hotels and swanky condos (I'm a resident so that's why I don't live in that area due to lack of affordable housing, grocerey stores, etc.) but the night life there is good.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-19-2012 11:10 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

What are some of these "BEST TASTING FAT BURNING MEALS"?

Bust out a recipe or two for the crew!


Asian Beef Stir Fry

Number of Servings: 4 <<-- This means 4 PEOPLE, do not eat the whole thing!


4 portions (8 oz) of uncooked spaghetti
4 portions (1 lb) lean steak
1/8 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
3 cloves, minced garlic
1 onion, sliced
4 celery stalks, sliced
1 head napa cabbage, shredded
1/2 cup lite soy sauce ** Braggs Liquid amino is best, found in whole foods!!!


Prepare spaghetti, drain and set aside.
While spaghetti is cooking, slice steak into 2" strips. Cut crosswise into 1/8" thick slices.
Coat skillet with cooking spray. Over medium-high heat, stir fry red pepper flakes and garlic for 1 minute.
Add steeak to skillet, stir fry just until no longer pink, approx 2 minutes. Remove from skillet and set aside.
Recoat skillet with cooking spray. Stir fry onion and celery until tender, approx 5 minutes. Add cabbage and cook until crisp-tender, approx 2 minutes.
Return steak to skillet. Add cooked spaghetti and lite soy sauce, mix gently and heat thoroughly.
Makes 4 servings


Baked Chicken Parmesan

Number of Servings: 2 <<-- PERFECT FOR 2 PEOPLE!!

Minutes to Prepare: 40
Number of Servings: 2


2 egg whites
1/3 cup Italian-seasoned breadcrumbs
4 Tbs. reduced-fat Parmesan cheese, grated, divided
2 portions chicken breasts (about 1/2 lb)
2 portions spinach pasta (about 4 oz. uncooked)
1 cup low-fat pasta sauce


1. Preheat oven to 400
2. mix egg whites until frothy. Then mix breadcrumbs & 2 Tbs of reduced fat Parmesan Cheese in pie plate
3. Dip Chicken in whties then crumbs...coat both sides.
4. Lightly coat baking sheet w/spray. Place chicken on sheet. Bake for 12 minutes, turn & bake 12 more, until chicken is no longer pink.
5. While chicken is baking , prepare spinach pasta according to directions.
6. In small sauce pan, warm pasta sauce.
7. Layer portions of warm spinach pasta & baked chicken breasts. Top with pasta sauce & remaining Parmesan cheese.

Bon Appetit!


Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-19-2012 11:10 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

So you think "Plateau and mile end" are way better to stay than Old Port?

Hell nah on the mile end. That's like straight residential. Families and hipsters. Not for G Manifesto.

The Plateau is cool for logistics. My data sheet broke that area down. There is a key bar venue called Bily Kun that is a win. Salon Doame--the only dance club there--is hit or miss.

I think for you, Old Port is definitely your style. It's sophisticated and blends perfectly with your custom suit game. All the spots there, like my favorite bar Santos, are ripe as fuck for the custom suit player.

Why does Montreal not have any fat chicks?

Quote: (02-20-2012 12:16 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-19-2012 11:10 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

What are some of these "BEST TASTING FAT BURNING MEALS"?

Bust out a recipe or two for the crew!


Asian Beef Stir Fry

Number of Servings: 4 <<-- This means 4 PEOPLE, do not eat the whole thing!


4 portions (8 oz) of uncooked spaghetti
4 portions (1 lb) lean steak
1/8 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
3 cloves, minced garlic
1 onion, sliced
4 celery stalks, sliced
1 head napa cabbage, shredded
1/2 cup lite soy sauce ** Braggs Liquid amino is best, found in whole foods!!!


Prepare spaghetti, drain and set aside.
While spaghetti is cooking, slice steak into 2" strips. Cut crosswise into 1/8" thick slices.
Coat skillet with cooking spray. Over medium-high heat, stir fry red pepper flakes and garlic for 1 minute.
Add steeak to skillet, stir fry just until no longer pink, approx 2 minutes. Remove from skillet and set aside.
Recoat skillet with cooking spray. Stir fry onion and celery until tender, approx 5 minutes. Add cabbage and cook until crisp-tender, approx 2 minutes.
Return steak to skillet. Add cooked spaghetti and lite soy sauce, mix gently and heat thoroughly.
Makes 4 servings


Baked Chicken Parmesan

Number of Servings: 2 <<-- PERFECT FOR 2 PEOPLE!!

Minutes to Prepare: 40
Number of Servings: 2


2 egg whites
1/3 cup Italian-seasoned breadcrumbs
4 Tbs. reduced-fat Parmesan cheese, grated, divided
2 portions chicken breasts (about 1/2 lb)
2 portions spinach pasta (about 4 oz. uncooked)
1 cup low-fat pasta sauce


1. Preheat oven to 400
2. mix egg whites until frothy. Then mix breadcrumbs & 2 Tbs of reduced fat Parmesan Cheese in pie plate
3. Dip Chicken in whties then crumbs...coat both sides.
4. Lightly coat baking sheet w/spray. Place chicken on sheet. Bake for 12 minutes, turn & bake 12 more, until chicken is no longer pink.
5. While chicken is baking , prepare spinach pasta according to directions.
6. In small sauce pan, warm pasta sauce.
7. Layer portions of warm spinach pasta & baked chicken breasts. Top with pasta sauce & remaining Parmesan cheese.

Bon Appetit!


Good lookin' out Mixx. I was gonna ask about this. I actually went out to the track today to do some interval sprints. I have a homeboy in BK who swears by it. That, along with the powerlifting and fat burning meals, sounds like a win.

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