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I hate condoms.

I hate condoms.

Went out on Thursday, thought I'd try wearing a suit.

Fucking loved it. Even though G advised against being suited down for students (I think) I thought I'd give it a try. I ended up back at my flat having sex with a new girl.

Long story short, I really don't like using condoms. Having been regularly banging a different girl without a condom for a few months, Thursday night just wasn't the same. I knew I wasn't gonna get my nut.

I asked the girl is she was on the pill and she said no, so I pulled the johnny off (at her initial protest, but eventual agreement), and just pulled out and nutted on her back.

This isn't a thread about "what are the chances I got her pregnant/caught and STI?" because I really can't be arsed worrying about that. If she is pregnant or I have caught something I'll find out soon enough and deal with it appropriately.

I also know that it was a dumb decision.

My question to you guys is this: Do you know of any way of making sex with a condom more pleasurable so that you don't resort to rawdogging and pulling out?

Because I'd really rather not keep taking these risks just to get my nut.

PS. Apparently sex without a condom is better for girls too.

21 y/o brit.

I hate condoms.

Quote: (02-04-2012 10:45 PM)dulst Wrote:  

Went out on Thursday, thought I'd try wearing a suit.

Fucking loved it. Even though G advised against being suited down for students (I think) I thought I'd give it a try. I ended up back at my flat having sex with a new girl.

Long story short, I really don't like using condoms. Having been regularly banging a different girl without a condom for a few months, Thursday night just wasn't the same. I knew I wasn't gonna get my nut.

I asked the girl is she was on the pill and she said no, so I pulled the johnny off (at her initial protest, but eventual agreement), and just pulled out and nutted on her back.

This isn't a thread about "what are the chances I got her pregnant/caught and STI?" because I really can't be arsed worrying about that. If she is pregnant or I have caught something I'll find out soon enough and deal with it appropriately.

I also know that it was a dumb decision.

My question to you guys is this: Do you know of any way of making sex with a condom more pleasurable so that you don't resort to rawdogging and pulling out?

Because I'd really rather not keep taking these risks just to get my nut.

PS. Apparently sex without a condom is better for girls too.

There's a lot of debate about in the forum- check search.

Check out the current probabilities for you and the kind of a girls you are getting.

I hate condoms.

Check out Crown Skinless Skin condoms, they've gotten good reviews from a lot of the guys on the forum. They don't sell them at CVS and I can't be fucked to order them online so I've been using Lifestyles Skyns which I like. Regardless, the best condom in the world isn't going to feel as good as rawdogging so you need to decide for yourself whether it's worth the risk of pregnancy/STDs.

I hate condoms.

Besides getting her to vaginally contract/clamp down tighter during sex, getting her wetter/warmer, or putting warming lube on the condom I think you're out of luck until they invent antimicrobial lube. Ask yourself if it's the condom or the sex itself that isn't pleasurable. If your bedroom game is good enough I don't think condoms should be an issue, as if you experiment with the right positions and get her horny her body should be enough for you to nut good, but then again everyone's body is different.

I hate condoms.

Quote: (02-04-2012 10:54 PM)gringochileno Wrote:  

Check out Crown Skinless Skin condoms, they've gotten good reviews from a lot of the guys on the forum. They don't sell them at CVS and I can't be fucked to order them online so I've been using Lifestyles Skyns which I like. Regardless, the best condom in the world isn't going to feel as good as rawdogging so you need to decide for yourself whether it's worth the risk of pregnancy/STDs.

Yes, I hate condoms too, I think everyone does, my problem is sometimes I just can't cum when I'm wearing a rubber, unless the girl is really hot, has a very tight pussy, or is a great lay. Ideally, the girl will give me head to get me off.

Anyways, I quoted your reply because I too like Lifestyles Skyns, but apparently because it's made from lamb skin, it only protects against pregnancy and not STDs. So as far as I'm concerned if that's actually true, you might as well just raw dog and pull out.

I've heard good thing about the Crown skinless, and I think my bro gave me one once, but if I remember correctly it was too small. From my experience a condom that's too small is either a boner killer or breaks during sex. Anyone know if crown makes a larger size rubber?

I used some free condoms from the health clinic, some brand I never heard of, very tight on my dick, they ended up breaking two times in a row, the first time, I didn't know it was broken and I nut in the chick. Beware of free health clinic condoms, unless they're a reputable brand.

I hate condoms.

Quote: (02-04-2012 11:39 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-04-2012 10:54 PM)gringochileno Wrote:  

Check out Crown Skinless Skin condoms, they've gotten good reviews from a lot of the guys on the forum. They don't sell them at CVS and I can't be fucked to order them online so I've been using Lifestyles Skyns which I like. Regardless, the best condom in the world isn't going to feel as good as rawdogging so you need to decide for yourself whether it's worth the risk of pregnancy/STDs.
Anyways, I quoted your reply because I too like Lifestyles Skyns, but apparently because it's made from lamb skin, it only protects against pregnancy and not STDs. So as far as I'm concerned if that's actually true, you might as well just raw dog and pull out.

They're made from polyisoprene. It protects against STDs, it's just a different material from latex (which might be a good thing because apparently some people have latex allergies--I wouldn't want to find out about that in the middle of fucking [Image: lol.gif]).

I hate condoms.

Like a lot of guys here I have a really hard time getting my nut while wearing a rubber. If I'm taking Lexapro there is no chance!

I have found that urethane gave me a lot more sensation than the latex Trojans I usually used. I'm not allergic to latex but just wanted to try something different. They seemed to transfer heat a lot better and were available at the local Walgreens.

Anymore I just rawdog except for the broad that got knocked up twice while on BC. I went in sheathed on that one.

I hate condoms.

btw G, when you recommend guys where a suit, is it with tie or without?

I hate condoms.

Good reason to not take Lexapro anymore

I hate condoms.

Quote: (02-05-2012 12:17 AM)LowerCaseG Wrote:  

Good reason to not take Lexapro anymore

Even rawdogging broads get sore when I'm on that shit. 3-4 hours is a bit much for most.

That's actually the reason I've quit taking it in the past.

I hate condoms.

I actually like condoms.

Try different brands until you find one that you like. Crown skinless are good, Trojan Intense are also good. Ive heard great reviews about One brand, but havent tried yet. Im ordering some when I go trough the last batch I bought.

I hate condoms.

Quote: (02-05-2012 12:14 AM)metalhaze Wrote:  

btw G, when you recommend guys wear a suit, is it with tie or without?

Corrected your spelling.

G isn't even on this thread. And with a tie obviously. I thought you were a troll until I saw your post count.

I hate condoms.

Crown Skinless Skin are good condoms, though I've read reviews of supposedly well-endowed men complaining that they're a little snug.

They work for me though. Condom pro-tip, add a small drop of lube to the inside before putting it on.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

I hate condoms.

Quote: (02-05-2012 02:03 AM)P Dog Wrote:  

Corrected your spelling.

G isn't even on this thread. And with a tie obviously. I thought you were a troll until I saw your post count.

What's up with the grammar police posts? Maybe we need a grammar troll addition.

I would skip the tie for a more relaxed look. I wore too many ties when consulting.

I hate condoms.

Quote: (02-05-2012 04:09 AM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (02-05-2012 02:03 AM)P Dog Wrote:  

Corrected your spelling.

G isn't even on this thread. And with a tie obviously. I thought you were a troll until I saw your post count.

What's up with the grammar police posts? Maybe we need a grammar troll addition.

Apologies, I was pissed off by shitty spelling by obvious trolls on other threads. And it's not being the grammar police, it's being the spelling police. There's a difference [Image: tongue.gif]

I hate condoms.

Quote: (02-05-2012 01:59 AM)germanico Wrote:  

I actually like condoms.

Try different brands until you find one that you like. Crown skinless are good, Trojan Intense are also good. Ive heard great reviews about One brand, but havent tried yet. Im ordering some when I go trough the last batch I bought.

One is the brand I referred to earlier, when I said that I got free condoms from the health clinic and they broke two time in a row, that was 100% of the time because I only used them twice.

They were super tight on my dick and didn't roll down anywhere close to all the way, I'd recommend against them if you are 7 + in.

I hate condoms.

Condoms are hard work for me sometimes, I almost go blue in the face tying to Jizz. It's especially hard if i've been jerking off before sex

I hate condoms.

@ YoungGunner

That is true, and I was pretty drunk at the time which obviously can cause problems.

I think I've grown accustomed to rawdogging thanks to my steady girl, and now there's a kind of mental block to jizzing with a condom.

21 y/o brit.

I hate condoms.

Add more lubricant, even if she's wet.

I hate condoms.


A year from now you'll wish you started today

I hate condoms.

^^^^^^ That post above is hilarious!!!!!!



I hate condoms.

Damn funny!

The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.
- Garry Kasparov | ‏@Kasparov63

I hate condoms.

Quote: (02-05-2012 12:14 PM)ElJefe Wrote:  


[Image: lol.gif]

I hate condoms.

Sex with condoms sucks!

There is nothing more pleasurable than hitting it raw.

My advice to you is to stop hitting random chicks if you like it raw.

Qualify...and get a harem of chicks that you...know...(ie, sexual habits/lifestyle etc) and rotate (ie, alternate fucking) the women in your harem.

If you have a group of women who are clean that you are hitting on the regular you don't have to worry about condoms.

Be open with the women that you are fucking that they are not the only one. If you're open with them about what you're doing they will be open with...YOU! So you'll know whether to hit them raw or not.

As I stated in a previous post, you'd be surprised with what women will let you get away with when you give them the choice to choose to fuck with you.

And...yes...women prefer it raw.

A hater hates you for 1 of 3 reasons. 1) They want to be you. 2) They hate themselves. 3) They see you as a threat.

I hate condoms.

Quote: (02-06-2012 01:28 PM)PimpishMentality Wrote:  

Sex with condoms sucks!

There is nothing more pleasurable than hitting it raw.

My advice to you is to stop hitting random chicks if you like it raw.

Qualify...and get a harem of chicks that you...know...(ie, sexual habits/lifestyle etc) and rotate (ie, alternate fucking) the women in your harem.

If you have a group of women who are clean that you are hitting on the regular you don't have to worry about condoms.

Be open with the women that you are fucking that they are not the only one. If you're open with them about what you're doing they will be open with...YOU! So you'll know whether to hit them raw or not.

As I stated in a previous post, you'd be surprised with what women will let you get away with when you give them the choice to choose to fuck with you.

And...yes...women prefer it raw.

I like your way or thinking, but I think it's a little bit flawed, or maybe you're being a bit idealistic.

I guess I just have lost a lot of trust for women, I wouldn't count on them to be honest with you about whether they're fucking other guys at the same time, since it's in their nature to be deceptive, and do what's in their best interest.

Also, you better believe that if you're in an open relationship and telling these girls your fucking other chicks, they're going to go out there and get some other dick. It will be way easier for them to get laid with new guys than it would be for you to get new pussy, just the realities of the sexual market, unless you're a super attractive, high status "alpha"

Point being, yeah condoms suck, and having a harem would be awesome, but you can't count on women to be honest with you. Furthermore, you can't know for sure they're "clean", sure you can judge them on their personality and character, but that's mostly meaningless unless you've seen an STD test.

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