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USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

Well, if enough tax payers move out of California, there will be nobody left to fleece. Large swaths of the state are currently unaffordable. The more they drive out the middle class, the faster they accelerate the downfall of everyone else. Actions have consequences, and California will either be a Trump-run outpost of the Republic in ten years or less, or it will have fallen into total anarchy.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

How much does Silicon Valley and Hollywood prop the state up?

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

Practically nothing, since Apple, Google, Facebook, et al. pay zero taxes.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

Quote: (02-11-2017 06:52 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Practically nothing, since Apple, Google, Facebook, et al. pay zero taxes.

They don't pay much in the way of taxes, but all their cheap H1-B visa worker bees pay through the nose in taxes. They pay in property taxes, income taxes, gas taxes, etc. There are tons of taxes and fees for everything in California. Just breathing in California may be taxed some day, as a way of encouraging people to reduce their "carbon footprint".

The large corporations have plenty of accountants and lawyers dodging taxes. It is the small and medium size businesses that can't afford the crazy costs of regulation and taxes. The big guys have effective schemes of off-shoring the money. The little guy gets screwed.

We lost over 10,000 businesses in the last calendar year alone to other states, or just went out of business period due to being drowned in the swamp. Trust me, The Swamp isn't just Washington D.C., California represents The Swamp on the Left Coast.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

Quote: (02-08-2017 07:24 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  


Skull-Stomping Sacred Cows: Reality Isn’t Nice. It’s a 2×4 to the Teeth.

Sam Culper posted a comment on FB recently, in light of the protests-turned-riots in Berkeley, and elsewhere, asking, “What happens when the black bloc (“anarchists”) get AR’s?” A legit question, all things considered, and one deserving of serious consideration, which we’ll get to in a moment. The problem that arose, which I, in turn, confronted in a FB post on the MG FB page, was that the responses to Sam’s questions were retarded. Seriously. The comments read like the locker room bragging of a bunch of 13 year olds, after PE class, about the hot dates they’d had last Friday night.

Seriously….these ranged from “Open season on liberals!” type macho posturing, to “they’re just a bunch of cowards who can’t do shit in a stand-up fight!”

Here’s the reality. I am going to share my response to the commentary, from Facebook, then I’m going to discuss some harsh truths that are the 900-pound guerrilla in the room (see what I did there?).

Antifas opening fire on crowds with rifles? Come on. The whole antifa method relies on plausible deniability. "Oh, we're just protestors against facism! If we hurt people it's because we're just so motivated against HATE!"
Bringing rifles and opening fire on a crowd would shatter that permanently, and they know it. It will never, ever happen. Some looneybat might take a shot at Spencer or Milo, but the type of scenario he's describing is simply an impossibility.

Dude needs to relax a bit. I know it's a lot of fun to look at people and say, "You guys may think you're badasses, but I'm actually a greater badass, and you need to listen to ME!" A lot of this has been going around since that Days of Rage book came out, and it needs to stop, if only because it's bad for people's blood pressure. It's no different than the usual LARPing, just with a slightly different twist. This isn't the 70s.

Word...Team Shaved

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

Now that Jeff Sessions is AG, there's no time to lose. He needs to put these antifaggot groups out of business fast. Quintus was right. Trump and Sessions need to put the fear of the law into these people fast. Defunding the universities, while essential, is not a muscular enough response for the short term. These groups need to be broken up, their ringleaders arrested, and their followers frightened. RICO charges would be very nice as it's put many domestic terrorist groups out of business in the past.

If this continues, they're going to kill someone.

When that happens, especially if they kill a woman, you're going to see Freikorps like squads forming and showing up wherever they are. Then you're going to see Weimar style street battles, and I think it will happen this year.

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USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

Quote: (02-08-2017 07:24 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  


Skull-Stomping Sacred Cows: Reality Isn’t Nice. It’s a 2×4 to the Teeth.

Seriously….these ranged from “Open season on liberals!” type macho posturing, to “they’re just a bunch of cowards who can’t do shit in a stand-up fight!”

Here’s the reality. I am going to share my response to the commentary, from Facebook, then I’m going to discuss some harsh truths that are the 900-pound guerrilla in the room (see what I did there?).

Antifas opening fire on crowds with rifles? Come on. The whole antifa method relies on plausible deniability. "Oh, we're just protestors against facism! If we hurt people it's because we're just so motivated against HATE!"
It's no different than the usual LARPing, just with a slightly different twist. This isn't the 70s.

Again, and I'm going to flog this dead horse into infinity A.D.

1) You don't need to worry about roving packs of antifa with or without rifles. They're relatively easily avoided. What you need to worry about is targeted violence and how it's going to affect you or the nation you're in.

2) What's the difference between a pussy anti-gun college student and a killer who can reliably dump two barrels of twelve guage into your guts at point black when you open the door to go to work in the morning? I'll tell you. The difference is about one weekend in the woods and a hundred bucks worth of ammo for desensitisation training.

3) Antifa public sympathy is not going to take a hit when Roosh is gunned down on his porch and the media of the world give it two square inches on page 59 headlined "Rape advocate killed in home invasion". Ditto when this happens to:

2. Samseau: 36967 likes
3. Dusty: 32426 likes
4. Tuthmosis: 30060 likes
5. AnonymousBosch: 27914 likes
6. iop890: 25204 likes
7. The Lizard of Oz: 24449 likes
8. Zelcorpion likes: 24019 likes

You see how that works? Leaders in the manosphere. Extremely valuable scalps for antifa injuns. Big juju. Pussy lined up for years. You think Trump is going to read the riot act over dead guys on this forum? Think he's going to put the FBI on a bunch of page 59 "Rape advocate killed in home invasion" cases? And this goes for every other right wing alternative site from the guys over at the patriot gun blogs to the Christians at the home-schooling sites. Trump won because of guys like these. Anyone who doesn't think that the top dogs at antifa don't have a list and a plan to fill it isn't much of a history student. We have become accustomed to the snowflake left. However the young men there are starting to rediscover their own masculinity and unfortunately it's filling the vessel of left wing violence because, to paraphrase a source, "these guys (antifa) are like gods to them (the rest of the soft protest groups)." This is precisely the warrior code that's getting them paid (Soros) and getting them laid (protest groupies), and to them it's like a heady drug because not only does it pump their primal triggers but they're able to do it in a setting that validates the violence both tribally and morally.

4) What are you going to do if, God forbid, guys like Roosh start suffering "home invasions", eh? Are you going to step into their shoes? Start shooting random antifa? Cry to the media? To the government? Change you name and move to Nepal? History is riddled with early deaths of people who not only underestimated their worth as political targets but who failed to understand just how bad things could get and how quickly it could happen. Everyone here needs to take their normalcy bias and

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

This bitch is crazy.

Tucker went too nice on her. She doesn't see in her crying about fascists that she takes a completely fascist viewpoint by wanting to shut down any conversation she doesn't agree with, by any means necessary. She actually sounds like a Nazi referring to Jews or a jihadist talking about infidels.

When did Milo try to whip us his base to go commit acts of violence? Milo's one of the most anti-violence conservatives I've seen. This is the insanity we have in the Bay Area. This is the insanity which isn't only common around here but causes most conservatives to not dare speak about their beliefs in public. If you were to lose your job you probably got off lucky. They'll try to ruin you here.

I'm saving up and bolting to Eastern Europe. Imagine being surrounded by this shit, this type of lunatic most days. Imagine having to bite your tongue around the clock because a pack of these lunatics can be in any and every room, ready to pounce. Then imagine the lengths they'd go to to ruin your career. That's the current Bay Area.

This bitch deserves five across the eyes.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

I was getting ready to mention this crazy bitch. Here's more of her shenanigans.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

Hard to imagine she's a middle school teacher. The whole time in that video she looked bitchy af

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

'Leonard D Neubache'

2. Samseau: 36967 likes
3. Dusty: 32426 likes
4. Tuthmosis: 30060 likes
5. AnonymousBosch: 27914 likes
6. iop890: 25204 likes
7. The Lizard of Oz: 24449 likes
8. Zelcorpion likes: 24019 likes

4) What are you going to do if, God forbid, guys like Roosh start suffering "home invasions", eh? Are you going to step into their shoes? Start shooting random antifa? Cry to the media? To the government? Change you name and move to Nepal? History is riddled with early deaths of people who not only underestimated their worth as political targets but who failed to understand just how bad things could get and how quickly it could happen. Everyone here needs to take their normalcy bias and

Out of all those I think only Roosh has something to fear and actually if you watch it closely mainly when he tried to organize the ROK-meetup. Nothing incited more vitriol because it seems that the globalists wanted to nip this movement in the butt before more masculine men of different races and origins would suddenly unite under a banner that is out of their control.

I mentioned that the only group that really mattered were men in the ages of 16-50. If you got them united, then the globalists could be toppled. The women are too stupid and can be manipulated too easily. They will only rally if they are told to rally.

But wisely Roosh stepped back from that.

As for the rest - anonimity shields us and forum members here are of little relevance to the mainstream world. I live in shitlord country where a record 71% of the general population is for a complete ban on all Muslim immigration. The shitlibs or Antifa are a tiny minority. The globalists here have to organize and pay demonstrations in order for the brainwashed to appear at all.

We are not activists by the way - Roosh has to take precautions, but he lives in shitlord-country too. He is surrounded by men who share his views - nevermind the Muslim migration - that is just a facet of it.

The poll would be equally destructive on issues such as feminism, gender-craze, white privilege and other crap. No one even knows what white privilege is here, since almost everyone is white.

And as for violence - you will find that the only group so far who has started to use targeted violence are:

1. Islamic jihadis (not only in terrorist attacks on cartoonists, they target specifically Ex-Muslims who speak out against Islam - those guys are above the level of cartoonists)
2. Black Lives Matter thugs - but that group is already pretty violence prone in the US - they just got a boogieman for all their troubles and are killing cops now

Antifa if they truly wanted to kill Milo, then they would achieve that. The left radicals are currently not murdering people. It will happen, but then the pendulum of disapproval will come down hard on them and I don't expect them to do so.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

^Therein lies a problem.

Let's say Milo (much less the more obscure alt-right members) was snuffed today. Let's say we can take a pretty good guess about who it was that did it but we don't know for sure.

What then?

Keep in mind that the whole point of these left wing fascist revolutionaries committing violence is that they want to drag the left into a shitfight and the way they intend to do that is by forcing the right to crack down on them.

Trump is not going to play that game. He's not going to declare war on antifa over the deaths of a few obscure political figures who "may or may not" have been killed by left wing activists. And the reality is that this is why such killings make a sick kind of sense. Because the parties targeted know that they are fundamentally on their own and it drags them towards militarism, perhaps even proactively which is exactly what the violent left want. Trouble is, if you're the kind of person in the crosshairs then your viable reactions are extremely limited, particularly when there's close to zero public outrage for your plight.

For the record I'm not saying run and hide. All I'm saying is that this is a threat that needs to be taken seriously. Anyone who thinks that the left is comprised entirely of pathetic snowflakes could be in for a rude awakening of the most costly kind.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

Current narrative:


I am afraid that women appreciate cruelty, downright cruelty, more than anything else. They have wonderfully primitive instincts. We have emancipated them, but they remain slaves looking for their masters all the same. They love being dominated.
--Oscar Wilde

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

I just caught this commercial. I may be out of the loop, but I don't recall ever seeing a "support California tourism" commercial. California might be smelling some impending financial woes due to the Trumpening. Could this be an attempt to encourage other revenue sources?

They included some iconic California locales in the commercial worth visiting. Needless to say, they omitted the campus of UC Berkeley during an SJW riot

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

Quote: (02-18-2017 08:53 PM)MajorStyles Wrote:  

I just caught this commercial. I may be out of the loop, but I don't recall ever seeing a "support California tourism" commercial. California might be smelling some impending financial woes due to the Trumpening. Could this be an attempt to encourage other revenue sources?

They included some iconic California locales in the commercial worth visiting. Needless to say, they omitted the campus of UC Berkeley during an SJW riot

They've been making this same commercial for years.

Now Arnold's done with Shriver and is destroying The Apprentice, though.

"In America we don't worship government, we worship God." - President Donald J. Trump

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread


you're going to see Freikorps like squads forming and showing up wherever they are. Then you're going to see Weimar style street battles, and I think it will happen this year.

There's no violence like right-wing violence...

Лучше поздно, чем никогда begins at "70% Warning Level."....

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

Portlanders are fed up with the protests:

'Not My President' Protesters Pepper-Sprayed, Arrested in Portland

I am afraid that women appreciate cruelty, downright cruelty, more than anything else. They have wonderfully primitive instincts. We have emancipated them, but they remain slaves looking for their masters all the same. They love being dominated.
--Oscar Wilde

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

Portland is such a fucking shithole. I went there on business all the time... theres literally human feces on every street corner. I feel for the good people that live there because Oregon is such an American gem.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread


You beat me to this incident.

I found a longer video and if you watch the first 50 seconds you will see the whole thing unfold.

You could title it, Pussy Pass Denied.

Watch the girl in the orange down jacket not only ignoring police orders, but thinking nothing will happen to her when she doesn't.

Watch her get educated.

She ignore orders and gets it the face of a whole mess of police in riot gear, and I am not sure if she initiates contact, but at first she gets pushed to the ground.

She is immediately picked up by a bunch of antifa in shining armor, and this seems to embolden her, as she goes right back to doing what got her knocked on her keister.

She rushes the police line and gets gassed, shot with something, not sure what, enveloped by police, and taken away.

It is like she is in a trance that is so strong that no amount of reality will make her come to her senses.


“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

^^^They really screwed up the music editing on that...they're playing Beethoven's 5th with some other piece overlaid which isn't necessary.

The part at 1:06 is the transition from the 3rd to the 4th movement, quite possibly one of the greatest moments in all of Western Music, the transition from a contemplative, uneasy, preoccupied wandering theme to one of utter triumph and majesty, the victory of righteousness and justice over evil and darkness, a rousing call-to-arms for the common man everywhere to overthrow mediocrity and censorship and rise up.

If you're going to play that famous transition of the 3rd to 4th movement, you better have that shit blasting, not some background music. That video could have been incredible if they'd just amped it up. I'll give them credit for using it in the first place, but whoever made it needs to go back to the drawing board.

For reference, here is Beethoven's 5th in its entirety. While I encourage you get to know this piece intimately in its entirety, beyond its famous intro and first movement, the part I'm referring to (transition from 3rd to 4th movement) can be found starting at 22:20. The most red-pill music ever created. Play it loud.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

I bet she also keeps an untidy workspace in her kitchen.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

Quote: (02-13-2017 08:45 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (02-08-2017 07:24 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  


Skull-Stomping Sacred Cows: Reality Isn’t Nice. It’s a 2×4 to the Teeth.

Seriously….these ranged from “Open season on liberals!” type macho posturing, to “they’re just a bunch of cowards who can’t do shit in a stand-up fight!”

Here’s the reality. I am going to share my response to the commentary, from Facebook, then I’m going to discuss some harsh truths that are the 900-pound guerrilla in the room (see what I did there?).

Antifas opening fire on crowds with rifles? Come on. The whole antifa method relies on plausible deniability. "Oh, we're just protestors against facism! If we hurt people it's because we're just so motivated against HATE!"
It's no different than the usual LARPing, just with a slightly different twist. This isn't the 70s.

Again, and I'm going to flog this dead horse into infinity A.D.

1) You don't need to worry about roving packs of antifa with or without rifles. They're relatively easily avoided. What you need to worry about is targeted violence and how it's going to affect you or the nation you're in.

2) What's the difference between a pussy anti-gun college student and a killer who can reliably dump two barrels of twelve guage into your guts at point black when you open the door to go to work in the morning? I'll tell you. The difference is about one weekend in the woods and a hundred bucks worth of ammo for desensitisation training.

3) Antifa public sympathy is not going to take a hit when Roosh is gunned down on his porch and the media of the world give it two square inches on page 59 headlined "Rape advocate killed in home invasion". Ditto when this happens to:

2. Samseau: 36967 likes
3. Dusty: 32426 likes
4. Tuthmosis: 30060 likes
5. AnonymousBosch: 27914 likes
6. iop890: 25204 likes
7. The Lizard of Oz: 24449 likes
8. Zelcorpion likes: 24019 likes

You see how that works? Leaders in the manosphere. Extremely valuable scalps for antifa injuns. Big juju. Pussy lined up for years. You think Trump is going to read the riot act over dead guys on this forum? Think he's going to put the FBI on a bunch of page 59 "Rape advocate killed in home invasion" cases? And this goes for every other right wing alternative site from the guys over at the patriot gun blogs to the Christians at the home-schooling sites. Trump won because of guys like these. Anyone who doesn't think that the top dogs at antifa don't have a list and a plan to fill it isn't much of a history student. We have become accustomed to the snowflake left. However the young men there are starting to rediscover their own masculinity and unfortunately it's filling the vessel of left wing violence because, to paraphrase a source, "these guys (antifa) are like gods to them (the rest of the soft protest groups)." This is precisely the warrior code that's getting them paid (Soros) and getting them laid (protest groupies), and to them it's like a heady drug because not only does it pump their primal triggers but they're able to do it in a setting that validates the violence both tribally and morally.

4) What are you going to do if, God forbid, guys like Roosh start suffering "home invasions", eh? Are you going to step into their shoes? Start shooting random antifa? Cry to the media? To the government? Change you name and move to Nepal? History is riddled with early deaths of people who not only underestimated their worth as political targets but who failed to understand just how bad things could get and how quickly it could happen. Everyone here needs to take their normalcy bias and

This was the go-to tactic of the Brownshirts, Redshirts, Al'Qaeda and ISIS before they rose to prominance in their respective areas.

Targeted attacks against people leaves you with fewer enemies to fight against you.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

Quote: (02-22-2017 03:39 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  



@2:44 A perfect example of why everyone in these areas should have a can of bear mace in the glovebox of their car.

Window down. Sweep. Roll out.

And when this starts happening then you can expect escalation that enters into the grotesque. As I said before, the protesters will soon be bringing children barely old enough to walk to these protests. They will claim that it's about securing the future of said child, but the real reasons will be clear. What they really want is another image like that dead kid that washed up the beach. And it'll happen too. When police rush a line of protesters and there's a little girl in the third row, she's going to get trampled without the cops ever having a chance to know she's there. Some little boy with athsma is going to take a face full of OC spray and choke to death on the street. He'll be positioned for maximum effect and the pictures will go global in seconds.

The leftist parents will revel in their newfound celebrity and indulge in the most abhorrent form of method acting you could imagine. They will play the distraught (but not really) peaceful protesters who's child was killed by Trump's fascist police state. They will personally hamster the death of their child as a martyrdom and pretend they loved little Johnny dearly, despite secretly being glad to be rid of him with all his annoying dependencies and cringeworthy white cisgender privilege.

Bet on it.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

Quote: (02-22-2017 12:38 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

Portland is such a fucking shithole. I went there on business all the time... theres literally human feces on every street corner. I feel for the good people that live there because Oregon is such an American gem.

Admittedly I don't hang around downtown very often, but I've lived here for most of my life and never seen any poop on the sidewalk. Lots of marijuana stink wafting in the air though.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread

I had a friend visit Portland just for a couple days, in a "nice" neighborhood. He parked the car at the hotel, and went inside to check in at the lobby. By the time he got back to his car, someone had smashed his windows in and stolen all his luggage and personal effects. Leftist tolerance is stealing your shit if you aren't taxed enough to give it away on your own!

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

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