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How Long to Find a Wife?

How Long to Find a Wife?

Don't think having a wife will solve your lonliness plenty of men have worthless wives. The real problem is Western society is poison to women, and once they are brought here 90% of them will get ruined. Once women hit late 20s thats when you want to dump them. The only solution is to constantly pickup young and hot girls 16+ and dump them when they become too old. Continue this until you hit your late 40s and then if you do get married, marry a girl in her late 20s who doesn't come from a fucked up background and won't screw you over the first chance you get. Avoid chubby girls, as chubby turns fatty real quick now a days. Also acoid excessively thin girl because they often end up as whales.

Anyways your best bet if you do not want to be gaming when your 60 (ie cheating on your wife) is to marry a girl maybe less attractive than you a tad and to find girls who are deep into their own culture where there are lots of dead beat dads. And never ever marry a girl whose daddy abandoned her. These girls are good for fucking but they have no long term relation potential

How Long to Find a Wife?

It sounds like you have not even had a serious girlfriend before, if you had then you would realize it takes more than 14 months to know a person. Usually, after that time you start to see her "true" colours and the things you like/dislike about her.

You are young at age 24, get life experience before you take on something that will change your life. Women are cunning and smarter than men, this you should have learnt from the site already. I myself could write a blog about all the crazy stories I have heard over the years.

Another thing, you are in FSU where life is hard. If these potential women know that you can work legally in the USA they will hook you like the catch of the day.

Listen to what people are telling you, they know what they are talking about.

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How Long to Find a Wife?

Quote: (01-27-2012 04:34 PM)Spartan Wrote:  

I know not everyone here is lookin for a wife, but thats my goal.

I'm thinking of taking some time off to find someone. Either 7 months, or 14 months. (it works out this way due to my schedule)

Is 7 months, living in the Former Soviet Union, enough time to find someone of quality and marry them?


How Long to Find a Wife?

Quote: (01-27-2012 06:59 PM)Spartan Wrote:  

Fuck, I don't think I can stand being alone for another 5 years.
Could you imagine spending the next 5 years of your life alone?

I draw wood just thinking about it. What a great thought.

How Long to Find a Wife?

Fuck dude you're 24, dont' get a wife.

Wait till your mid 30s at the earliest. Right now if you marry you're gonna get divorce raped. There's a reason that you don't have much experience with women, and thats because you are a pussy. I'm not even being mean, that's the same with way with a lot of the younger guys in the forum(including me). The difference is we're busting our asses off becoming better men while you're looking for a easy way out, which is a wife who will marry you for your future earning potential.

Man up and start improving yourself.

How Long to Find a Wife?

Dude, I have similar background - born and raised in Central Europe (Slovakia), but living since 24 in the States (now 33). I came here for internship, got married, divorced after 5 years. The marriage was a very bad experience, but at least it gave me permanent US residency and I found and started a good career while married. Now, divorced for over 2 years, and couldn't be happier. But I guess I'm quite well adjusted here and like the lifestyle (well, mostly the money part). Girls are quite easy to find, although quality is much lower than back home. At least they jump to bed fast.

Got to go now, will write more details later, but about the marriage - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't do it. And ESPECIALLY not with FSU woman - with the attitude you're showing you'd be the prime target for a greencard marriage. Central Europe in my opinion has the best girls for a LTR, I have dated Slovakian, Czech, Polish and Romanian girls and all were very sweet. Plus, most of these countries are relatively well off, and EU members, so there is less chance that a girl would marry you just for you citizenship. Work on yourself - frankly, I hate the term "game" - but I guess it does encompass what you need to work on - inner issues, neediness, satisfaction with life.
As they say - you're ready to handle a woman when you feel you don't need one to be happy...

How Long to Find a Wife?

This thread

How Long to Find a Wife?

I wonder if this dude is just fucking with us. Probably best to spend our time answering questions that are more in line with the philosophy of this forum.

How Long to Find a Wife?

You can know a man in 14 months but not a woman because woman make a purposeful effort to hide them true selves from men, hence your often too deep into bull shit before you realize what's happening to draw out. The worst part is as you go with game you see the signs of it early. You see a girl who looks hot and seems perfect. Then you notice as she scratches her back that she is pimply on her back and her face is all covered in foundation so it looks like that too, you notice the little lies and inconsistencies she has very quickly, you notice all the bull shit they make effort to hide from men quick enough that you know to use her for nothing but fucking.

Women use their looks and when they been fucked by every hot guy they could meet and start to get a wrinkle that foundation or the mask from cover girl can't cover up then they want to get married. It is the real reason women who do not really "NEED" men financially choose to get married in late 20s early 30s, because no one is going to want them after. There are lots of guys with good jobs in there 30s and 40s who will only improve in looks and wealth.

Quote: (01-27-2012 08:23 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

It sounds like you have not even had a serious girlfriend before, if you had then you would realize it takes more than 14 months to know a person. Usually, after that time you start to see her "true" colours and the things you like/dislike about her.

You are young at age 24, get life experience before you take on something that will change your life. Women are cunning and smarter than men, this you should have learnt from the site already. I myself could write a blog about all the crazy stories I have heard over the years.

Another thing, you are in FSU where life is hard. If these potential women know that you can work legally in the USA they will hook you like the catch of the day.

Listen to what people are telling you, they know what they are talking about.

How Long to Find a Wife?

Quote: (01-27-2012 09:30 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

Fuck dude you're 24, dont' get a wife.

Wait till your mid 30s at the earliest. Right now if you marry you're gonna get divorce raped. There's a reason that you don't have much experience with women, and thats because you are a pussy. I'm not even being mean, that's the same with way with a lot of the younger guys in the forum(including me). The difference is we're busting our asses off becoming better men while you're looking for a easy way out, which is a wife who will marry you for your future earning potential.

Man up and start improving yourself.

T.K is spot on.

Quote: (01-27-2012 10:06 PM)mofo Wrote:  

This is the most fucked up thread I've read in a long time.
At age 24?

Spartan, have a read of this:

In it I break down the only two ways a modern man should settle down. The first is to marry a far wealthier woman. The second is to cohabit with a woman in a jurisdiction that doesn't recognize common law marriage. It's also full of a lot of other great tips, one of which specifically deals with age. Have a read.

After that I'll link you to dozens of A Voice For Men and The Spearhead articles about why you would be a total idiot to even get married in the first place, but even more so considering that you're only 24 fucking years old.

How Long to Find a Wife?

I voted for 7 months. Within two weeks of being in Ukraine, I met a girl that, in my opinion, is "wife material". But yeah, if you are only 24, that's too young for marriage.

How Long to Find a Wife?

Dude you would have no problem finding someone in 7 months. The thing is, at about half a year or so you really start to be able differentiate which girls are real quality and which are girls are faking it. It can take that long because of the culture difference. You would be able to have a decent grasp of the language, which I strongly suggest you learn if you want to get married, and you would have a better social network. Social network is a controversial topic here, but I think for looking for a quality wife it is really important to get access to girls who don't go out much and are also looking for marriage.

I'm not going to knock you for this if you're serious but you really should set aside 14 months. You do not want to be making decisions like this under time pressure.

I almost forgot to add, after 14 months you might change your mind about getting married to an FSU woman. Make sure you meet her mom and aunts too preferably. Some of these girls don't age well.

How Long to Find a Wife?

Dude, I can empathise with your emotions and your sentiment of loneliness.

But if you're ever going to accept any advice here, and from what appears to be your state, you as a man, as a person are incomplete.

I don't know if you draw self-esteem from your current place in life, or your accomplishments to date. To me it appears you do not, and I will try to communicate this thoroughly.

If you are incomplete in your life right now, a wife will not complete it.

In fact it will make it worse. You will send off signals of being weak, of being beta. This is something nearly all women hate, and none moreso than FSU women. In this situation, a wife will only compound your issues.

Complete your education, at least you can draw a positive feeling of completing such an arduous task. If you're still not feeling good about yourself, doctors can always take time off, then resume. Take some time off to discover yourself, go backpacking in SE Asia, do aid work in South America, be a bar tender for 6 months at a time in Paris, Barcelona and Rio.

Whatever it is, I can assure you, a wife will not solve your problems.

How Long to Find a Wife?

Quote: (01-27-2012 06:12 PM)Spartan Wrote:  

Quote: (01-27-2012 06:08 PM)durangotang Wrote:  

Are you getting married because you believe in marriage or just because you want some pussy?

If I wanted pussy, hookers are cheap here.

No, he's asking you why don't you just use game and get a girlfriend to agree to your terms on a relationship instead of marrying her.


How Long to Find a Wife?

"Women are dreamkillers."--Tom Leykis

Why do you want to get married?

It is dangerous for a man without game and success with women to get married. You have no experience with women. How will you screen women for wife potential? How will you know whether a woman is genuine or is just putting on a "good girl" act just to get married?

You, right now, have the opportunity and privilege to be whatever you want to be. You have the freedom to build a lifestyle, follow your dreams, get lost in your passions, build wealth, use game to get women, and do almost anything you want to do with your life. At no point in almost all of history has tremendous freedom, privilege, and opportunity been afforded to young men as it is today.

And you want to throw it all away and get married?

Let me tell you a story.

There was a guy, an immigrant just like you from EE who got married to an American chic and had a baby with the age of 18. Yup. She was fat, but had a kind of cute face, nevertheless. He got married at a young age. He was training to be a firefighter, and she was..well...just stayed at home. He took them on vacations, was a good father, didn't drink too much, etc. seemed like a nice guy. You know, the "good man" that women always talk about that are so scarce. Well, this is how "good men" that women supposedly pine for get treated. Shortly into their marriage after the birth of their child, while he's working the nightshift at his job, she's visiting bars and cheating on him. Can you imagine? A guy busting his ass off, sacrificing for his family, and this is what he gets. Anyway, he, not she, files for divorce after finding out. The divorce was for the better. This dude made a seriously wrong decision. He was a beta. He probably didn't have much success with women. But it seriously messed up his life.

Women, just like drugs and alcohol, can ruin your life. Young men need to start waking up and realize that women can seriously f**k up your life forever. A false rape accusation. A bogus domestic violence charge. Good luck getting a job afterwards with a criminal charge. Getting off the pill and not letting you know. Getting pregnant on purpose when you've stated that you're not ready nor willing to have children yet. Good luck on pursuing your dreams because now you have to financially support a baby you never wanted, but an emotionally immature woman did, and now she gets what she wants in life, but you don't get to follow you dreams in life because you're strapped supporting a kid.

His goals and dreams now almost gone. He's (re)building his life. He had a scarcity mentality, just like you seem to have.

He threw it all away for pussy.

Divorce. Alimony. Child support payments.

Don't end up like him.

Don't throw away your dreams.

Especially not for pussy.


How Long to Find a Wife?

Both options are incorrect.

The correct time to wait for marriage is............

3.141593 months

also known as the ratio of the circumference of a cirle to its diameter (correct to 6 decimal places)

A year from now you'll wish you started today

How Long to Find a Wife?

Any more input from guys who have actually been to the FSU?
is 14 months worth it even if the logistics are more difficult, should I really be pushing for that extra time? I'm starting to think it might be worth it in terms of quality.

How Long to Find a Wife?

Quote: (01-28-2012 04:12 AM)Spartan Wrote:  

Any more input from guys who have actually been to the FSU?
is 14 months worth it even if the logistics are more difficult, should I really be pushing for that extra time? I'm starting to think it might be worth it in terms of quality.

OK, I think I've decided on 14 months.

Especially since E. European cities clear out in the summer and summer would be a huge chunk of my 7 months.
I've noticed girls are a lot more responsive on Mamba as well during winter/fall as compared to summer.

Anyone who's experienced with the FSU that can confirm this? Summers are bad times for FSUW hunting?

How Long to Find a Wife?

Do you speak fluent Russian, ukrainian, or whatever language they speak in your FSU country? If not, add 1 year to your time frame. Cause in my country if you're a foreigner and don't speak the language, you're almost entirely limiting yourself to sluts, bar girls, gold diggers who purposely milk the foreigners for their money, no wife material. Incidentally they are also the segment of the population the local men won't touch. The girls who are fluent at English and aren't strip-bar girls have probably been educated abroad or at international schools, and honestly wouldn't want to marry that soon anyway. Don't know how it works in FSU, but can't be too different in more traditional unwesternized countries.

So my advice -Learn game. Learn the language, so your options aren't limited to gold-diggers. Honestly what kind of quality can you find in a girl who'll just marry any foreign dude in 7, 14 months? Then you can decide for yourself.

How Long to Find a Wife?

Quote: (01-28-2012 04:55 AM)the_conductor Wrote:  

Do you speak fluent Russian, ukrainian, or whatever language they speak in your FSU country? If not, add 1 year to your time frame. Cause in my country if you're a foreigner and don't speak the language, you're almost entirely limiting yourself to sluts, bar girls, gold diggers who purposely milk the foreigners for their money, no wife material. Incidentally they are also the segment of the population the local men won't touch. The girls who are fluent at English and aren't strip-bar girls have probably been educated abroad or at international schools, and honestly wouldn't want to marry that soon anyway. Don't know how it works in FSU, but can't be too different in more traditional unwesternized countries.

So my advice -Learn game. Learn the language, so your options aren't limited to gold-diggers. Honestly what kind of quality can you find in a girl who'll just marry any foreign dude in 7, 14 months? Then you can decide for yourself.

I already know Russian.

OK, I think I've decided on 14 months.

Especially since E. European cities clear out in the summer and summer would be a huge chunk of my 7 months.
I've noticed girls are a lot more responsive on Mamba as well during winter/fall as compared to summer.

Anyone who's experienced with the FSU that can confirm this? Summers are bad times for FSUW hunting?

How Long to Find a Wife?

This thread

How Long to Find a Wife?

Wow this is the most depressing thing I read in a while. This guy is going to throw away his life in his mid-20s and he doesn't listen to any of the great advice other have written here.

How Long to Find a Wife?

Quote: (01-28-2012 05:02 AM)Spartan Wrote:  

Quote: (01-28-2012 04:55 AM)the_conductor Wrote:  

Do you speak fluent Russian, ukrainian, or whatever language they speak in your FSU country? If not, add 1 year to your time frame. Cause in my country if you're a foreigner and don't speak the language, you're almost entirely limiting yourself to sluts, bar girls, gold diggers who purposely milk the foreigners for their money, no wife material. Incidentally they are also the segment of the population the local men won't touch. The girls who are fluent at English and aren't strip-bar girls have probably been educated abroad or at international schools, and honestly wouldn't want to marry that soon anyway. Don't know how it works in FSU, but can't be too different in more traditional unwesternized countries.

So my advice -Learn game. Learn the language, so your options aren't limited to gold-diggers. Honestly what kind of quality can you find in a girl who'll just marry any foreign dude in 7, 14 months? Then you can decide for yourself.

I already know Russian.

OK, I think I've decided on 14 months.

Especially since E. European cities clear out in the summer and summer would be a huge chunk of my 7 months.
I've noticed girls are a lot more responsive on Mamba as well during winter/fall as compared to summer.

Anyone who's experienced with the FSU that can confirm this? Summers are bad times for FSUW hunting?

If you were here in front of me, I'd beat the living fuck out of you to drive some sense into you.


You are throwing your fucking life away. It's like you're standing at the edge of a skyscrapers rooftop and we're all talking you out of jumping.

If you take the leap, it will destroy you. And it won't be fucking pretty.

How Long to Find a Wife?

Quote: (01-27-2012 06:18 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote: will meet so many chicks that you can't even imagine living in the US. Don't do anything now, wait till you get there, and you WILL meet tons of hot, sexy and smart girls. And when you do meet that special one, keep her there, do NOT bring her to the US under no circumstances. The society is fucked up, the laws are totally biased against us men and within a short period, she will be brainwashed by the feminazi and all the white knights. ..

Please please listen about NOT BRINGING HER TO USA, you will be so, so, screwed, you have not been screwed over by NEARLY enough women to know what time it is and as someone who scored in the top 1% of aptitude tests let me tell you all that means is you will find it even harder to decode the signals of women.

The problem with being smart is it makes it hard to believe that you can be very, very easily deceived. Dealing with women iS NOT like organic chemistry or the academic stuff you are good at-- it is the OPPOSITE TYPE OF PROBLEM SPACE, where your most primitive, ignored instincts are useful and intellect is virtually useless. Women are not only non-rational, they couldn't and wouldn't be rational if they had the ability.

You should get blown off by a woman in each of these ways at least two times each before you have a fucking clue what they're like.

1) Woman who says she likes you but has continuous plausible excuses why she won't meet/and or fuck you.

2) Woman who says she likes you but is too hard to contact, but when you finally do as in #1 eagerly asserts she is into you. You see her with "bad boys" and she tells you it's nothing.

3) Woman who is not physical and incapable of orgasm, and views you as weird because you want sex and crave orgasms. I knew a 9 who was shocked I wanted sex two days in a row.

4) Woman who asserts she likes you but her parents are stopping her from dating you

5) Woman who asserts she likes you but she needs to help parents who have health problems. This either means bad genes or lies; neither of which is good.

5.5) Women whose parents drink and or smoke.

6) Woman how asserts she likes you and has financial problems which would be so easy to solve with just a little of your money.

7) Woman who takes a long time to return calls and text and asserts she really likes you but she was really busy with<insert bullshit here>

8) Women who do not, right from the beginning like to be touched by you.

9) Women who don't voluntarily swallow as a show of affection.

And find and get ditched by ALL THE ABOVE before you EVER mention being a doctor.


Look for good relationships within the whole family structures, aunts, uncles, parents, siblings. If there is a "villain" in the family it's usually a symptom of the whole family being fucked up and it being blamed on that person. They may be too enmeshed.

She should (1) Like (2) Admire her father. Look at the professions of her parents. Watch out if she EVER smoked cigarettes, drank a lot.

Do the Mother test:

1) Is her mother attractive?
2) Does your mother like her
3) Would she make a good mother?

It takes years to have the social skills, which you definitely do not from the naivete of your question, to feel out who is a truly healthy mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy woman. For marriage, do not allow poor health in ANY of the above three spheres. She must be loving, patient, vigorous, and firmly in touch with physical reality. You would be surprised how many academically accomplished women actually have trouble facing simple physical facts, like the fact you were not late when she "feels" you were.

How Long to Find a Wife?

Quote: (01-27-2012 04:34 PM)Spartan Wrote:  

I know not everyone here is lookin for a wife, but thats my goal.

I'm thinking of taking some time off to find someone. Either 7 months, or 14 months. (it works out this way due to my schedule)

Is 7 months, living in the Former Soviet Union, enough time to find someone of quality and marry them?

Depends on your future plans.

If you want to buy a house for someone you hate then I would say that you should invest the 14 months in looking for someone.

If you want to buy a house for someone you really, really hate then 7 months should be enough to find someone.

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