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Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 09:37 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 09:21 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 07:14 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 07:04 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 05:27 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

The public reaction to this will say a great deal about the state of race relations.

There were hundreds of thousands of white people on the street when Trayvon Martin got shot. Will there be hundreds of thousands blacks on the street now or will they think "isn't my responsibility"? The same happens in Europe when muslims go nuts, there are never other muslims on the street to show support for the victims. This creates deep resentment since whites use public gathering as their number one way of showing support.

The difference is the majority of the public outraged have jobs. You aren't going to see hordes of blacks or Hispanics taking to the streets after this. I can't afford to miss work to march the streets...

Why not?

Don't bother doing that yet. Our SJW president is almost out of there. Trump will do something to that place.

We might as well start taking bets on if he will push a Federal Gun Carry permit for the whole country (including NYC), or just make one for Chicago. Would he be willing to send military to round up all the thugs the SJWs won't punish? I can see that possibility.

The truth is that cops take too long to arrive if someone is shooting. Having your own gun puts you on equal force standing. Saw a video of some recent thug in the Houston area trying to attack a person at a stop light. After he hit the glass on that person's car, shots came out, and like a pussy, he ran back to the back of his truck to cower and hide, like the trash he is. I am surprised this doesn't happen more often to be honest, but that is because most people here have enough sense to know that many people have a gun with them at all times. Random home invasions are somewhat rare here for that reason as well.

All these Chicago thugs would stop if a few people at any given time, pulled out their own guns on them, they would think twice about shooting around open areas killing babies and mothers walking around. It won't be a fast fix, because it would take a long time to get enough people trained and armed, but after a few years, it would make the crime numbers drop. Their home invasion numbers will drop as well if the typical home owner is armed.

We tried the Liberals idea of a civilized society/utopia for too long. The West was tamed by the Winchester 1873, and in 2017, America can be tamed by Trump allowing the handgun to be carried by all Americans.


A Covenant not to defend my selfe from force, by force, is always voyd. -Thomas Hobbes

Agreed, I believe the stats show this too. On the other hand, you can't expect everyone walking around armed, some little old lady with a handgun. Overall I agree with you that the price of freedom is the willingness to defend yourself, but there is something for living in a society where it is so safe that no guns are needed. I guess people who haven't experienced it, don't know how cool it is to be able to go anywhere, anytime and never have to worry. Only a few places left, Tokyo was like that for me, smaller towns in Scandinavia and the Baltics, but that is changing too.

I kinda know what you mean. My grandparents never locked their back doors. That was a different time though. Even then my grandfather had plenty shotguns around his bed or his recliner chair. One of his favorite phrases was, "Come on Hoss!"

I feel very safe in China, even at night time, because they tend to execute for most serious crimes. They also do not have guns everywhere. They also don't have our freedom either. That's the trade off.

I myself have seen the following buying pistols and taking the permit classes in Houston:

1. Black women
2. White women
3. Asian women
4. Gay dudes
5. Indian men and their women
6. Middle Eastern guys
7. Old women (black and white and 55+)
8. Recent European immigrants that have moved here. (seen at least 3 of these)
9. Nigerians and other Africans
10. Caribbean guys.

Contrary to popular belief, there is not a sign that says, "Welcome to Texas! You are now required to own two guns."

It's almost like everyone is catching on. I posted about this earlier in another thread, but the NRA even has black women members in senior positions. The tide and the times are changing.

This is why I posted in another thread, that the Democrats are going to keep losing if they do not reverse their anti-gun agendas. Most Americans are no longer anti-gun anymore. Only 3 or so large (Tier 1 cities) Democrat cities are still anti-gun. That's not enough for them to win again. The Amish even listed gun control as one of the major reasons they came out to vote against Hillary.

Your personal safety is your responsibility. Anyone that is not willing or able, leaves their lives in the hands of the police. That is a risk they need to calculate and weigh consciously for themselves.

[Image: 5411TSCHWeDontCall911Tshirt_med.gif]

This shirt sums it up pretty well.

[Image: 911_AR15_Sign-2.jpg]

[Image: KGrHqZqgFCruy4EMHBQ9DePeVCQ-60_1.jpg]

Houses in Chicago need to start having these out front.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Oh man, those signs, I want one of those.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

This story got some coverage this morning on the Today show

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Instead of cracking down on crime I bet Chicago cops were too busy handing chickenshit parking and traffic tickets.

Maybe bring in Duterte to clean up that city.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Seen on a different forum: Freedom, security, diversity. Pick two.

Not on here much anymore. I'm either out on 2 wheels or trying to kill something.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 10:20 AM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

Instead of cracking down on crime I bet Chicago cops were too busy handing chickenshit parking and traffic tickets.

Maybe bring in Duterte to clean up that city.

Many cities in America have this problem. Houston is terrible about that too. I have my traffic lawyer on speed dial and I almost never pay a ticket. The first time I called 911 to report a large truck on fire I was on hold for more than 7 minutes. After that, I got my gun carry permit, because if I was hiding from armed thugs or a terrorist attack somewhere, the cops would never show up in time if you cannot get an operator instantly.

What is the point in calling them? They cannot teleport anywhere and they are only hanging out in places that offer them revenue. The highway for tickets, the banks, Fortune 500 companies and downtown, etc.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Internet says the cunt who taped it is 'Brittany Herring' on Facebook, not going to link but her profile is open.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

You guys don't get it! Even if we had Federal Reciprocity, there would STILL be Gun-Free Zones! Illinois bans carry on public transit and most other places, so I don't see how it would make any difference.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 09:37 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Agreed, I believe the stats show this too. On the other hand, you can't expect everyone walking around armed, some little old lady with a handgun. Overall I agree with you that the price of freedom is the willingness to defend yourself, but there is something for living in a society where it is so safe that no guns are needed. I guess people who haven't experienced it, don't know how cool it is to be able to go anywhere, anytime and never have to worry. Only a few places left, Tokyo was like that for me, smaller towns in Scandinavia and the Baltics, but that is changing too.

Armed Grandma Shoots, Chases Intruder from Home

[Image: Rebbie-Roberson-armed-grandma-Bowie-Coun...40x480.png]

On Sunday night, a grandmother retrieved her handgun, opened fire on an intruder, and chased him from the house.

According to CNN, the incident occurred in Bowie County, Texas, as 74-year-old Rebbie Roberson sat down to watch the news.

Roberson said that a man armed with a gun “broke into her home.”

“When I started to get up [from my recliner], he was in here on me with a gun facing me,” she recounted.

Roberson managed to get to her .38 revolver, which was sitting on a nearby table, and pointed it at the suspect.

She said the intruder ran, and she gave chase, shooting as she went. “Bullet holes in the walls of her home” tell the tale, showing the path the suspect took as he fled under fire.

Roberson said, “I’m not sure I didn’t hit [him], and I don’t know yet. I sure tried. I sure was hoping.”

She added, “I tried to kill him. Anyone break in on me, I’m going to kill them.”

The Bowie County Sheriff’s Department stressed that Roberson was acting within her rights when she opened fire. The department explained that the “Texas Penal Code” recognizes a citizen’s “right to defend themselves and their family.

[Image: heart.gif]

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Couldn't help myself. Triple entendre.


Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 09:09 AM)heavy Wrote:  

Quote: (01-04-2017 06:43 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

There is dumb, then there is stupidity that defies belief.

I have decided to commit an felony, lets brodcast it on Facebook-Said no unincarcerated man ever......

Quote: (01-04-2017 06:58 PM)LeoneVolpe Wrote:  

The only thing more retarded than doing something highly illegal, is doing something highly illegal and recording yourself doing it.

Not dumb, more a sign of the state of our culture. Or rather the stupidity of some of the sub-cultures.

Which makes me think, when people say instead of "sign of the culture" they say "what this says about us"...don't let them get away with that. They mean the culture, and "us" does not equal "me". Say culture or society, not us.

Quote: (01-04-2017 06:49 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (01-04-2017 06:45 PM)Sooth Wrote:  

This stinks of influence by some unseen power that wants chaos.

You mean someone who has made plays in the market which will yield him additional billions if there is a race war?

Any scenario is possible, either an unseen power (who could yield billions) or simply motivated by socio-econo-political influence.

I'm not sure it matters besides being able to finger point. The influence is disgusting regardless. It's like the housing market's more of a systemic problem than individuals being evil. As much as I hate the politicians, bankers, and idiot homeowners who caused the housing market crash, it's a stretch to say we should have put all those people in jail. So the disgusting influence...maybe it does mean "us". Not that you or I influenced the housing market crash or this white guy being kidnapped, but that it's possible, under different circumstances, that we would have influenced those things. Damn I didn't mean for this to circle back. But it's a reminder of why individualism is so important.

So we throw the 4 kids in prison. And if we find a direct line of influence, we throw them in prison. We won't find that though, because anyone "dumb" enough (that word again, do you see the meaning of it yet) to find that direct line might end up in an unfortunate tragic car wreck.

This is my biggest hope with Trump in office, that he has the balls and the will to go after the root cause, the influence. I don't care if we have to go through a period of turmoil and instability, it's a battle that needs to be fought and won.

Future scenario that I see playing out; one of Trumps policies whether it be the wall or deportation causes serious unrest, or the next black man shot by cop gone viral, whatever is convenient for to organize into riots, cities burn, cops die, innocent bystanders are assaulted or killed.

The ONLY way to stop this cycle is if Trump calls a spade a spade and goes after Soros/all of his henchmen in and locks them up. It can't just be tweeting and words, he has to take action.

If Trump does not do this we will have a shitty 4 years, he will be a failure, and after his first term it will be back to business as usual for the demise of the USA.

Trump needs to take on anyone from the globalist inner circle who attempts to interfere with his presidency through chaos, he needs to take on the role of exorcist ridding a body of demonic possession.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 06:22 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Of course this wasn't a hate crime.

Hate crimes can only be committed by white males.

[Image: black-lives-matter-kidnapping-comic.png]

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

It's going to be a big mistake if this isn't deemed a hate crime. This is going to wake the last whites if they weren't already.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 11:41 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

It's going to be a big mistake if this isn't deemed a hate crime. This is going to wake the last whites if they weren't already.

Agreed, there is now way in fucking hell this ISN'T a hate crime.

4 did get arrested so we'll see

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 11:41 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

It's going to be a big mistake if this isn't deemed a hate crime. This is going to wake the last whites if they weren't already.

Yep. The emperor has no clothes.

I enjoy how 'naked' the picture being portrayed is, here are the things even a not so bright person should be able to interpret from the news and video.

Person watches video - "wow, this is a horrific crime of a white man being tortured specifically for his skin color...I hope the perpetrators get caught."

Person then sees the news and police coverage, then can then conclude - "it is open season on white people, there are no extra social or criminal consequences"

The police and media response to this is the real signal/message. The video is so extreme, that is leaves no gray area or wiggle room for a different interpretation by police or media as anything other than a hate crime. Yet they do.

This is the 'bagdhad bob' of trying to hide the farce of soros/anti white/blm agendas.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 11:58 AM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 11:41 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

It's going to be a big mistake if this isn't deemed a hate crime. This is going to wake the last whites if they weren't already.

Agreed, there is now way in fucking hell this ISN'T a hate crime.

4 did get arrested so we'll see



Chicago police don’t believe a man beaten in an assault broadcast live on Facebook was targeted because he was white despite profanities made by the accused assailants about white people and President-elect Donald Trump, a police spokesman said Thursday.

Charges are expected later in the day against four black suspects, Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi told The Associated Press.

He acknowledged that the suspects made “terrible racist statements” during the assault, but that investigators believe the victim was targeted because he has “special needs,” not because of his race. But he said authorities are still looking at whether the attack falls under hate crimes statutes.

Guglielmi said it’s possible the suspects were trying to extort something from the victim’s family. Investigators said the victim was with his attackers, including one who was a classmate, for up to 48 hours, and the attack left him traumatized.

Excerpts of the video posted by Chicago media outlets show the victim with his mouth taped shut slumped in a corner as at least two assailants cut off his sweatshirt with a knife, as others taunt him off camera. The video shows a wound on the top of the man’s head, and one person pushing the man’s head with his or her foot. A red band also appears to be around the victim’s hands.

Off-camera, people can be heard using profanities about “white people” and Trump. At least one woman is shown in the video.

The victim is a suburban Chicago resident who Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said has “mental health challenges.” In a news conference Wednesday, Johnson described the video as “sickening.”

“It makes you wonder what would make individuals treat somebody like that,” he said.

The investigation began Monday after officers found a man who “was in distress and was in crisis” walking on a street on the city’s West Side, Capt. Steven Sasso said. The man was taken to a hospital and it was later discovered that he had been reported missing from an unidentified suburb.

At about the same time, police took several people into custody at a nearby address where they found signs of a struggle and property damage. Investigators determined that the missing man had been at the same address.

When asked Wednesday about the racial comments on the video, Cmdr. Kevin Duffin said the four people in custody were “young adults and they make stupid decisions.” Investigators will have to determine whether the racial remarks were “sincere or just stupid ranting and raving” when considering a potential hate crime charge, Duffin said.

The victim was with his attackers for 24 to 48 hours before police found him, and the episode has left him shaken, according to Duffin.

“He’s traumatized by the incident and it’s very tough to communicate with him at this point,” he said.

The victim was a classmate of one of the attackers and initially went with that person voluntarily, Duffin said.

Police haven’t identified the individuals in custody, but said three are Chicago residents and one is from suburban Carpentersville. Guglielmi said the suspects are all age 18 or older, and that police were working with prosecutors on Thursday “to build the strongest case.”


Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

I hope they aren't prosecuted for hate crime actually. I hope they are prosecuted with the full extent of a just law for the terrible actions they took to get prosecuted for such a horrible crime. I hope this incident is what it takes to remove the ridiculous hate crimes anyway. Hate crimes are total bullshit.

As long as a person had the intent and action the motive shouldn't matter. The only place motive matters is in solving the crime. Once past that. Did they intend to kidnap and beat the individual? Yes. Did they do it? Yes.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 12:31 PM)realologist Wrote:  

I hope they aren't prosecuted for hate crime actually. I hope they are prosecuted with the full extent of a just law for the terrible actions they took to get prosecuted for such a horrible crime. I hope this incident is what it takes to remove the ridiculous hate crimes anyway. Hate crimes are total bullshit.

As long as a person had the intent and action the motive shouldn't matter. The only place motive matters is in solving the crime. Once past that. Did they intend to kidnap and beat the individual? Yes. Did they do it? Yes.

The hate crime laws aren't going to go away if these monsters aren't prosecuted under them. It will just mean that the hate crime laws will be a weapon used only against white people.

I'm not sure why this is a desirable outcome.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 12:45 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

I'm not sure why this is a desirable outcome.

From point of view of "the worse, the better", this will turn sane people away from the left.

I am afraid that women appreciate cruelty, downright cruelty, more than anything else. They have wonderfully primitive instincts. We have emancipated them, but they remain slaves looking for their masters all the same. They love being dominated.
--Oscar Wilde

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 10:15 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Oh man, those signs, I want one of those.

Guns have a high resale value on the black market, so I would think that advertising that you have guns in your house might make it more likely to get burglarized in some cases. I wouldn't advertise it.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Guys, there will be no liberal outrage over this simply because of the underlying ideology that influences liberals, and which has been directing conversations on race in this country for the last few decades (up until recently).

To understand this you have to understand Marxist doctrine, and post-modernism. It's "systems of oppression" related thought.

To them, even with overwhelming live proof, this is at most just an isolated incident. It is thus mathematically meaningless.

Edit: In fact since situations are not judged individually, but judged through the lens of historical oppression, Blacks must the victims automatically in every situation. It goes much deeper than this, but you get the point.

You don't get there till you get there

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

This has me in a pretty bad mood. I have a younger relative who is special needs, and if something like this happened to him I can't imagine how I'd react. It would kill me inside, to say the least. The people who did this should get life in prison.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

They won't get harsh punishment, judges do whatever they want.

In Oklahoma a black crip shot this white Australian who was jogging in a park, targeted him because he was white.

Initially sentenced to life w/out parole, a judge later 'throws out the sentence' and demanded they lessen his sentence.

It's the same defense they use with muslims, they're just some 'youths' who don't know any better. Some overzealous 'kids' being rambunctious.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Lawyers have a saying "the law is whatever the judge says it is"

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Segment on CNN last night about the attack:


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