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WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

...comes out! I sure some here people have seen this post from happier aboard before. This one of saddest thing I've seen in a long time but it extremely eye opening. But it brings up a lot of questions at least for Can attraction be created? Maybe it can only be amplied if it already exist? Why even both too approach women unless it's clear you've been chosen (eye contact more than anything)?? Shoutout to my natural freedom people if you happen to be looking at this thread. Here is the orginal thread:


Greetings fellahs, this is Sexter. I've been in the pickup industry for a long time. I've pretty much used almost every dating guru's advice and went out and field tested it.(see if it worked). As for me, i come from a normal background. Kinda dorky growing up but not super nerdy. I had friends and had a few girlfriends. When i was in college, I wasn't seeing that much women so I turned into the pickup industry. I've tested a lot of pickup methods out there. I will review every method I used...

Before you read my reviews... Here are the statistics

1. I've approached roughly 5000 girls(sets)
2. The approached i've done was mostly non-asian girls(I wasn't interested in asian girls, i was mostly interested in white women, sometimes persian or latina women)
3. the girls i've approached were mostly either average looking/ HOT/or Thin. I rarely approached fatties or uglies
4. I'm Filipino American, 5'7 average looking.(25 yrs old now)

method #1 Mystery Method

When I got in the game, I used Mystery Method for a long time. Basically you approach a girl using an indirect line(who lies more men or women?), then you lower a girl's value by "negging her", after you neg her, you qualify her, then build rapport with her. They also have techniques like "false time constraints" and "body rocking". I've applied all of the material mystery preached and 95% of the time I got rejected.

WHY? because I came off incongruent and robotic. The women were already bitchy/rude to begin with. After using mystery's method, they became more BITCHIER. The only times the women were ever interested in the techniques mystery taught are the women who already saw me as a guy with "value". The women who were already attracted to me are usually the ones it worked on. Even when the women were already attracted to me, those "negs" and "DHV stories" made me come off incongruent, thus I still got rejected anyway.

THe major problem about mystery method is the level of practice you have to give out. You literally have to practice hundreds of times for the method to work, otherwise it will come off incongruent. After talking to a thousand women using this technique. I absolutely didn't get any results. The problem with this method is that it forces you to somebody your not. It makes you over think, and it will make you WEIRD.

I'm sure when Mystery used his method, it worked for him b/c he came from an entertainer background(magician). He's also 6 foot 5 and very good looking caucasian guy. 5 foot 7 average looking asian guy who came from a dorky background didn't work out for me.

pickup method #2 Real Social Dynamics

Basically this method teaches "natural game". It teaches a lot of inner game jargon such as

1. Not caring what people think of you
2. having confidence they call "state"
3. Social conditioning is bullshit
4. Looks and money doesn't matter, as long as your a lovable fun guy, she will still sleep with you
5. self entertain yourself

I've studied "The Blueprint decoded" by Owen Cook, and he really had some great concepts. Basically what RSD is, is they teach you a lot of inner game stuff(stuff you think in your head) to fix your non-verbal communication with women. THat way, you come off congruent and confident, hence you will get women.

I've tried this technique many times and had minimal success. There were nights where I would be "in-state" and every girl loved me. However, there were nights where I was "out of state" and every girl hated me. Regardless of all the nights i've went out, I barely got any results. Even if you are really confident around a women, if the woman was never interested in the first place, she will most likely not sleep with you. Sure, she will laugh at your jokes and even give you her number, but she probably will flake out on you(b/c she was never really attracted to you).

RSD has a lot of pretty useful concepts, but it only worked with certain men. I know a couple of tall good looking white guys who utilized "real social dynamics" and got a lot of good results. However, when I use it, it hardly ever worked. Women who gave out their numbers to me were Flakey. I know a really good looking indian guy who relied on "natural game", he would only talk to a woman for 2 minutes, and he will rarely have any flaky numbers. However, when I talk to a woman using natural game, whenever I get her number, 9x out of 10 the number is flaky(regardless of how good my phone game is).

When a woman is really attracted to you, she won't flake out or ignore your phone calls. Every guy who's ever successful with RSD are usually guys who are good looking or guys who have a lot of status. Don't believe me?

If you look at all the "naturals" w/ hot white girlfirends living in Southern California, most of them are good looking white guys. Or average looking white guys with a really good personality or high status. I rarely see an average looking asian guy date a good looking white girl in socal. Whenever i see one, they probably met through their social circle, not through cold approach.

Method #3 David DeAngelo, Cocky Funny

This was actually the 2nd method i used. Basically, what they teach you is to be "cocky funny" to women. That way, you will come off as a "challenge" to the woman.

Again, it doesn't work for everyone. Not many men are witty, and being cocky funny requires a lot of wit. Sure, you might be witty with some cocky funny lines, but if you fuck up, she will just look at you like your a weirdo or an ass hole. THe best times cocky funny worked was when I was using it in a very subtle way where I used it as a "witty" remark. Not as a tool to get the girl.

Cocky funny only made the girl laugh, it never made the girl "fuck me" or "interested in me".

Whenever cocky funny didn't work, DeAngelo will blame it on your "inner wuss". TOTAL HORSESHIT b/c I was never really a wuss to begin with.

Method #4 Love Systems(by savoy)

Very similar to mystery method but way more broad. They preach a lot of social circle game and gives you a lot of techniques.

I've tried social circle game and it's somewhat rewarding. The problem with social circle game is that you are limited to the women you meet in that social circle. The women you meet in the social circle tend to go for the "alpha male" of the social circle. The guy who has "value" and respect of the peer group. That's b/c you are in a social circle, doesn't automatically mean you will get laid. THe person who gets laid in the social circle are usually the guys who are the "most alpha, best looking, or the guy everyone respects".

Social circle game isn't really social circle game, it's more like "status game".

The person who has the most status in the social circle has the easiest time getting laid. That explains why the "DJ" or the "bouncer/head club promoter" etc get the most pussy is b/c they have status.


I've tried other pickup methods out there and i keep on running into the same patterns....

1. you approach a girl(most of the time, they are rude and bitchy especially the hotter ones,)
2. you make girl laugh(cocky funny from david d/Negs from mystery/Confidence from RSD)
3. you build rapport
4. you get her number

9/10 the number is flaky. She won't return or pickup your call. That or she befriends you and not take you seriously as a man.

of all the times i've ever had success with a girl, it's the times where she already thought "i was cute" "I was her type". Or when I was in her "social circle" and saw me as a guy who's high value.

I've approached over 5000 girls and I have yet to have a girlfriend. Sure, i've made out with quite a few chicks using the "pickup" techniques and got a few lays, but nothing really consistent such as a long term girlfriend. Making out is overrated too, it doesn't get your dick wet. Making out with a girl at a club is totally different from fucking her.

Pickup in America is FUCKING BRUTAL. If a girl isn't really interested in you, no matter how good your game was. THE PHONE NUMBER SHE GAVE YOU WILL MOST LIKELY BE FLAKY. The best way to get laid in America (especially to the women who were never interested in you in the first place) is to fuck her that same night you met her(when she's tipsy or when she's laughing at ures jokes). Chances of her going on a date w/ you(especially to men she was never interested in) is slim to none.

BTW, I went on many dates w/ cute white girls in the past(all cold aproach). Of all the times I went on a date with a cute white girl, most of the dates... she never took me seriously. Just treated me as a friend. Of all the times I got lucky w/ a cute white girl, usually she's the most open minded white girl who's used to dating men in different races.

Dating in America is fucking brutal(especially if you are non-white or non-black). Women have high standards and only go for men with the most status in their clique, most status in general, or a guy who's good looking w/ average game.
An average looking asian guy w/ good game just doesn't cut it anymore....

THe pickup industry in America is mostly a scam; however, that doesn't mean they don't teach good concepts. Many pickup methods teach good concepts, but to only guys who are compatible with it. Or to girls who see you as someone they are already interested in. There are some good concepts in PICKUP, but that doesn't mean you will get laid b/c of it. It really sums down to the guy with the most status or the guy with the best looks(tall good looking white guy).

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

Well, he is a failure and his failures say nothign about the "industry." (Although the industry is shady.)

"1. you approach a girl(most of the time, they are rude and bitchy especially the hotter ones,)
2. you make girl laugh(cocky funny from david d/Negs from mystery/Confidence from RSD)
3. you build rapport
4. you get her number"


After rapport, you make out. You grind with her on the dance floor. You try playing with her pussy from outside of her clothes. She moves your hand, you go back to making out, then you try again later. Push-pull. Tease her. Act like you're going to kiss. As her face comes near, smirk and back away. "No, no, no." Then, a minute or two later, aggressively pull her in for a hot make out session. Push-pull.

If you have a # before a serious make-out session, of course you're going to fail.

SO that guy is basically a fuck up.

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

Quote: (01-20-2012 04:10 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Well, he is a failure and his failures say nothign about the "industry." (Although the industry is shady.)

"1. you approach a girl(most of the time, they are rude and bitchy especially the hotter ones,)
2. you make girl laugh(cocky funny from david d/Negs from mystery/Confidence from RSD)
3. you build rapport
4. you get her number"


After rapport, you make out. You grind with her on the dance floor. You try playing with her pussy from outside of her clothes. She moves your hand, you go back to making out, then you try again later. Push-pull. Tease her. Act like you're going to kiss. As her face comes near, smirk and back away. "No, no, no." Then, a minute or two later, aggressively pull her in for a hot make out session. Push-pull.

If you have a # before a serious make-out session, of course you're going to fail.

SO that guy is basically a fuck up.

Obivously, but 5000 times?? No way, After extensive pick up study and practice? Naw man, c,mon? Guy like this should only focus on hoes giving him serious rhythm (that's interest for all you lames).

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

I read a pretty large amount of pickup literature when I first found out about game. Nowadays the only game books I'll consult as a reference are Bang and Day Bang. I think the usefulness of Roosh's stuff comes from the fact that he's a normal guy who spent several years learning exactly what works and what doesn't by trial and error, so he's neither some weird social retard who swears by gimmicky bullshit nor a natural who can't fully articulate exactly what he does that makes him successful. The game he teaches is designed to help normal guys optimize the way they present themselves to women and aggressively capitalize on opportunities.

I've found that most of the "mainstream" pickup shit written by the kind of person who identifies as a "PUA" or "community guy" will just not be applicable to your average guy who wants to get laid. If I'm lucky I might get 2 or 3 useful nuggets out of a given book (usually taking the form a short, fun routine or logistical move) but copying most of these guys' stuff will just make you come off as an incongruent weirdo. Not to mention that the "industry" that's sprung up since The Game was published is replete with bullshit scams.

Roosh and Roissy's stuff combined with the collective wisdom of this forum has been far more high-yield in helping me bang more and higher-quality girls. I'm glad I found it when I did.

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

After 5000 approaches,you would think he would start using his own personality and come up with something that works for him.

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

One guy can't get game to work, so game must not work. Let's write a sensationalist headline and hope for a lot of replies.

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

Maybe it's because I'm a good looking guy, but I have to agree the vast majority of my lays (90%) are from when the girl was already into me. Like, the minute she saw me she was attracted and all I had to do was not fuck it up too poorly. I've found game more important in trying to keep the girl around than actually seducing. (You would be surprised how many guys go full blown insecurity venting beta after sex)

I'm also a quasi-Asian like the 5000 guys, so I kind of agree. That's why I stopped approaching white girls. I get the bitch-face 90% of the time and they want their generic looking white douchebag. Roll up to an Indian, Asian, or ME/Mixed girl and it's like "open sesame". Waspy white women are overrated. Thin lips, weird skin, not for me. (Yes, this is mildly sour grapes)

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

This reminds me of a lot guys I see at the gym. The ones who work out everyday but their body never changes.

They never learn how to make it work. They talk to everyone, they read all the books, they eat "healthy", but nothing ever changes. Some people just don't learn.

Often times, its because they rely on others to fix the problem for them. They say they got bad advice or they had bad teachers and trainers. Its always someone else's fault and they always bitch and complain .

Thats why I follow the 10th Law of Power..

"avoid the unhappy and unlucky"

I study guys with 5000 bangs, and avoid these types of losers.

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

What I have noticed is that guys with this level of failure usually have one (or more) of three issues with them.

1) They are HORRIBLY incongruent. IMHO, this traces back to an extreme lack of self esteem. At their core, they don't believe that they deserve women like this so they ATTEMPT to mimic someone else's personality (Mystery, David DeAngelo, etc) it comes off as extraordinarily fake and desperate.

2) They refuse to escalate and close. These are the guys that think that if they keep running the lines the women will close them. They are so afraid of rejection that they don't even attempt OVERT sexual contact. This throws a bunch of them in the friend zone. Back in my early days, I was like this. I would run tight game with chicks, get obvious IOIs, but was too pussy to escalate. At one point, I was such a pussy that a chick had to physically grab my hands and place them on her breasts. She had been hinting at it for months, making it more and more blatant, but I didn't escalate. Once I learned to escalate, shit became MUCH MUCH easier.

3) They have what could best be described as a personality disorder. There are guys that I know for whom no amount of game/PUA training will be able to cover up the fact that there is something fucking wrong with them. They are just off. Not full blown crazy/psychotic/schizophrenic, but they just cannot relate with people.

I remember one guy like that who was complaining about how he hadn't gotten laid in years and had all of this resentment/hatred toward women in the US. I was going to just recommend that he go to Costa Rica or the Dominican Republic and screw some hookers, but the thought of him down there, and what he might do if he got fixated on one of those girls, scared me. I didn't want to put those girls in danger.

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

I read this as a short Asian guy that doesn't like Asian women, approaches 5000 white american girls and only gets a handful of lays, but mostly flaky #'s.

What I don't know is how good his game is, where he hunts, what he's going after, and if he ever calibrated.

But if he did everything that they said, well, there's always whores on Craig's List

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

Classic race troll. Only wants to fuck white women, fails because he sucks at game, then goes on a forum to complain about how obviously all his problems stem from racism.

edit: heh couldn't even get that out before five people before me said the same thing.

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

It would be good to control for variables. It seems the guy is at a genuine disadvantage in terms of looks, race, and height. He is claiming that game alone won't remedy that.

I don't see how people not in his position have relevant experiences to compare.

The genuinely ugly or physically unattractive may certainly have different experiences with game than the average man. Let's hear from the truly ugly people to get a larger data set.

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

His handle is "Sexter" and he's "been in the pickup industry a long time". Flags right there. Who calls themselves "Sexter"? This combined with the spamming of his artcile on the board yesterday in his very first post ever leads me to believe he is a social retard. I could be way off, but I'm reminded of an Asian version of "The Sherminator".

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

Quote: (01-20-2012 04:58 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

Classic race troll. Only wants to fuck white women, fails because he sucks at game, then goes on a forum to complain about how obviously all his problems stem from racism.

Co-sign. Unless I see those "5,000 approaches," I have no way of knowing if: 1. they really happened; and 2. that this guy wasn't some idiot clown that didn't know how use game (which of course he is), on top of being a white-girl worshiping race-troll along the lines of our very own Indian Race Troll.

He's not very specific about his timeline for these "5,000 approaches," but in order to get to 5,000, he would have to have done almost 7 approaches EVERY SINGLE DAY--including weekends and holidays--for two years (730 days). I'm not sure I believe that. What's more, the tell-tale sign that his guy never really internalized the "methods" he claims to have learned is this:


I've approached over 5000 girls and I have yet to have a girlfriend. Sure, i've made out with quite a few chicks using the "pickup" techniques and got a few lays, but nothing really consistent such as a long term girlfriend.

Guys singing the girlfriend sermon are invariably betas that think a few lines can land them someone to hold hands with. This, of course, comes from the school of thought that game is a "magic bullet." This shit is a skill, an art. It's like saying: "I went to one year of art school, did 5,000 paintings, and didn't sell a single piece." Does this mean art school doesn't work? Of course not. It depends on what school you went to, how good of a student you were, how good your work is, and how you market it.

[Image: attachment.jpg4240]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

When are people going to realize that a number means nothing?

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

If after 5000 approaches he didn't realize that a number means nothing, I'd say this guy is just too stupid to learn game. You can't be a fucking moron and learn game.

He should go hang out with AlekNovy. He'll give comforting hugs.

But seriously, I don't believe a word of the above bullshit anyways. Guarenteed lies in there.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

Quote: (01-20-2012 06:24 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

When are people going to realize that a number means nothing?

When guys like this stop uploading videos on youtube showing them getting numbers from hot girls and gullible newbs stop watching them.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

Quote: (01-20-2012 06:24 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

When are people going to realize that a number means nothing?

Exactly, this is why I ignore all the day game video's on Youtube like Simple Pickup. If I could so much as halve the rate I get flaked on... well let's just say I'd be a very happy young man.

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

Quote: (01-20-2012 04:41 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Thats why I follow the 10th Law of Power..

"avoid the unhappy and unlucky"

I study guys with 5000 bangs, and avoid these types of losers.


Fuck the guy. The whole time he kept bringing up that he didn't feel "congruent." Well, that's where you find some inner-strength to try to pull it off. If you can't get yourself to get out of your regular frame of mind, nothing will ever work. He's just weak.

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...


I've tried this technique many times and had minimal success.


I've approached over 5000 girls and I have yet to have a girlfriend.

When you're best just isn't good go home and get your fucking shinebox.

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

A couple things that come to mind-

1. He doesn't escalate, he pussies out and doesn't physically escalate on the girls.
2. He hasn't worked on his style and fitness at all. I know lot of creepy PUA's who look horrible because they don't take care of their looks or don't work out. Being fat as fuck doesn't help.

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

O I feel so sorry for you Americans, you have to fuck your girl in the same night otherwise she loses interest, O boo whoo, what'd I pay to have girls who want to fuck in the same night instead of waste my time with extra meetings.

If this guy approached 5000 girls and got 1/10 numbers, and 1/10 fucked him, he has a 50 notch count. Way higher than mine, and probably 10 times the average man. And if you cannot get a girlfriend out of 500 non flaky numbers, something is seriously wrong with your game that you need to work on. Anytime a girl was non flaky she was usually sexually interested and I could make a gf out of her.

For cocky and funny to work you need to say outrageous things and then laugh.
Girl: o can i touch your chain
You: Touch touch your tits

A few girls actually say yes to this [Image: wink.gif]

As for the general failure of game for this guy. Well one of the things I see is that he uses the techniques but at his root he is beta, he seems to just go through the motions to try to get girls but you gotta either be alpha or at least believe your routine which makes you look alpha. You gotta be interesting enough that a girl could speak to you for an hour. The best one guy could do in the environment he describes (where asian men have trouble pulling hot white girls) is to go quickly for the bang.
Which seems to work well for the environment he describes of a hook up culture and casual sex.

My girl has seen mystery and she thinks he is unattractive physically, and I've seen numerous women comment about him being not hot on the youtube at him with letterman show. But I do not doubt Mystery could game alot of these girls. the thing is girls bang men who are persistent or have game who they are not attracted to all the time. This is why race should be a general non factor. It doesn't matter what you look like, hot girls bang guys all the time just because they are persistent/pushy. I once had a girl put up 50 minutes of resistance to me, Literally 50 minutes of her saying no noe fuck offf stopp, blah blah blah. Then I'd chase her around hit her with a few pillows, then I'd stop and play video games for 5 minutes and then re-escalate and go right back where I was, chasing her around smacking her ass. And then by minute 41, a miracle happened, she gave up resisting and said ok go ahead take my pants off. And I did and fucked her silly and she offered no more resistance and was a dick fiend after. I have to try 7-8 times for 5 minutes then stop and re-engage just to fuck her. Had I quit at the 3rd or 4th or 5th time I'd get nothing and be an AFC. IMO persistence can trump any and everything, even game, looks, etc. if this guy was not persistent in trying to fuck or get a gf then its game over.

If it is true that this guy can't pull in socal, there are so many other places he could go to pull women where his game would work outside of america

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

Quote: (01-20-2012 03:59 PM)The Lesser Evil Wrote:  

I've tried other pickup methods out there and i keep on running into the same patterns....

1. you approach a girl(most of the time, they are rude and bitchy especially the hotter ones,)
2. you make girl laugh(cocky funny from david d/Negs from mystery/Confidence from RSD)
3. you build rapport
4. you get her number

5,000 approaches, tons of game study and he still does it wrong.

His mistake is so obvious that it's glaring

You are not supposed to follow the 4 step pattern above you are supposed to .

1.Establish vibe
2.Sexualise vibe

Of course he is not going to have success without doing 2 and 3.

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

I don't know what to make of a guy like that. First, I can't comprehend how someone can make 5000 approaches and still be in that situation. Without seeing or meeting the guy, I can't really comment any further as to what he is doing wrong.

However, from what I've seen with friends of mine, the failure to escalate is a huge problem that stops them from getting any ass. Girl likes guy, guy gets girl alone, guy does nothing. I even knew a kid who slept naked in the same bed as a girl he wanted to fuck, never made a move, and wondered why she stopped talking to him afterwards.

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

Quote: (01-21-2012 01:45 AM)misterstir Wrote:  

And then by minute 41, a miracle happened, she gave up resisting and said ok go ahead take my pants off. And I did and fucked her silly and she offered no more resistance and was a dick fiend after.

I love it when stuff like this happens. But a lot of guys just stop if she puts up any resistance, I remember times where it took me like 30 minutes just to get her shirt off. The problem is feminism and lots of society has literally brainwashed guys into thinking that if they persist past her reluctant no she will call them a rapist, which is never the case.

The funniest girls are the old leads that told you NO, but you keep in touch with them maybe once or twice a month through text. Then one day like 8 months later they finally agree to go out for a drink, get sloppy, and you get the bang. A lot of game is just good timing.

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