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Sleep issues

Sleep issues

I'm hoping that with the broad knowledge base here I can get some insight.

I typically have difficulty sleeping, including lots of nightmares and have suffered from night terrors at various times in the last couple of decades. So, I am usually a little short on sleep, sometimes enough to be noticeably impaired, but usually just a bit tired. That's not the problem I am concerned about. The problem that I am looking for insight into is on the rare occasions I get plenty of sleep, I seem to be very irritable and short tempered. I have no idea what is going on here, any ideas?

Sleep issues

I'd vote for seriously working out being a cure-all for falling asleep easily and improving mood. When I say workout, I mean heavy weightlifting, not just cardio bullshit.

I find that if I workout and really push myself, even if it's early in the morning, I will always have zero issue falling asleep that night. Your body is craving sleep to repair your muscles, it won't let you stay up.

Do you workout currently?

Sleep issues

Working out will help but it's not the answer to everything.

Get yourself into a routine so that your body gets used to waking up and falling asleep at the same time every day. If you get up earlier than you need to, say 5:30 - 6:00 am, the added bonus is that this will be become a very productive time of the day.

With regards to feeling irritable and short tempered even when you get plenty of sleep it could be because you have no consistency in your sleep pattern.

Get a lightbox.

Use the search function.


Sleep issues

I have a fairly regular sleep schedule, so that's not it.

As far as being productive, I spend most of my time at work twiddling my thumbs. I haven't had a job where I was actually engaged in many years, it's just not how American business works these days. I'm trapped being a keyboard monkey with no hope of any promotions and no opportunity to actually solve problems. After years of that, I have very little drive left, I am just completely burned out.

Working out would be a good thing, but the last time I found something I enjoyed and could stick with, a bunch of insane, hysterical, lying cunts fabricated a group psychodrama to get rid of me. I've tried a regular gym, but between not knowing what I'm doing and totally useless trainers, I've given up. Looked into Crossfit and discovered that it's a franchise where there is a complete lack of consistency between locations and it's bloody expensive, which explains why there are so many crappy franchisees.

Sleep issues

Find another gym, and don't make excuses for working out. Start now, and you'll soon regret you didn't start earlier. You'll become addicted to the high you get from working out, it will definitely make going to sleep easier, you'll look better which will make gaming easier, and you'll increase your testosterone, which will make you fuck better. There is no downside to working out at all. Find the time.

Crossfit is garbage, it's overly complex and the shit they have you do early on is prone to injuries. Working out is not complex at all. I've convinced a bunch of friends to use 5x5 StrongLifts and they've had great success with it:

Get the 5x5 StrongLifts app:



A beginner could stick to StrongLifts 5x5 for a year or a little more to build a foundation and gain strength, then move up to more advanced routines.

Sleep issues

Around a year or so ago if I got over 8 hours of sleep i would wake up in a foul mood which would take half the day to quit, I used to experience a lot of nightmares also.

I'd only remember them if I woke up half way through and went back to sleep though.

I've read online that it can be caused by "oversleeping" but don't hold me to that.

Today I rarely (1 in 14 days) wake up in a foul mood or experience nightmares.

I've changed a number of things in my lifestyle which might help you in some way.

The first was buying a light-box, credit due to The Lizard of Oz's guide to better sleep. (thread-46677.html)

The other things were taking 2 pills of Zinc + Ashwagandha before sleep coupled with 30 minutes of cardio in the morning and regular weight training.

Like you I've never really been fond of the gym so I picked up a cheap exercise bike on Amazon and a bench / squat rack so I could workout at home.

“It is far better for a man to go wrong in freedom than to go right in chains.” Thomas Henry Huxley

The Drum & Bass Music Thread
The Dubstep Music Thread

Sleep issues

Quote: (10-08-2016 04:01 PM)Mushroom Wrote:  

Find another gym, and don't make excuses for working out. Start now, and you'll soon regret you didn't start earlier. You'll become addicted to the high you get from working out, it will definitely make going to sleep easier, you'll look better which will make gaming easier, and you'll increase your testosterone, which will make you fuck better. There is no downside to working out at all. Find the time.

Crossfit is garbage, it's overly complex and the shit they have you do early on is prone to injuries. Working out is not complex at all. I've convinced a bunch of friends to use 5x5 StrongLifts and they've had great success with it:

Get the 5x5 StrongLifts app:



A beginner could stick to StrongLifts 5x5 for a year or a little more to build a foundation and gain strength, then move up to more advanced routines.

Let me put this in simpler terms. I have no fucking idea what I am doing and just reading a book is not fucking going to work. Been there, done that. I'm fucking asking for help and, as always, being told that there is no help.

Yeah, I actually got a lot of sleep last night and am really grouchy today.

Sleep issues

Quote: (10-08-2016 04:07 PM)chicane Wrote:  

Let me put this in simpler terms. I have no fucking idea what I am doing and just reading a book is not fucking going to work. Been there, done that. I'm fucking asking for help and, as always, being told that there is no help.

Yeah, I actually got a lot of sleep last night and am really grouchy today.

I'd recommend what Mushroom mentioned about downloading the Stronglifts app, It shows the workout for you and you can keep log of progress.

It's basically Squat / Bench / Bent over Rows / Deadlifts / etc.

There's even videos demonstrating the exercises with proper form.

Couple that plan with a morning jog or exercise bike and you'll be feeling a lot better.

“It is far better for a man to go wrong in freedom than to go right in chains.” Thomas Henry Huxley

The Drum & Bass Music Thread
The Dubstep Music Thread

Sleep issues

Bro, if you were open-minded enough to check out the app you'd see that it has videos in the app that show you the exact motions and form. The app is literally meant for beginners that don't know what they are doing, it provides you with a super simple workout plan that can be done in as little as 45 minutes a day and every single workout in the routine has a video you can watch for form. It's the closest thing you're going to get to someone holding your hand the whole time you're in the gym.

Quit being a victim, you're in charge of your own destiny. All that we can do is offer advice, it's up to you to act on it, and if you want to be a grumpy fuck about it, we're going to be less inclined to help you out.

Download the app, see what the routine is and before you even go to the gym, study the videos -- because you're likely to have shitty cell reception at the gym and won't be able to watch them there. Study before you go, it'll take less than 10mins. The plan is only two alternating routines, so there are only 10 or so workouts to learn the proper form of.

And I know that one of the most common problems with beginners is feeling embarrassed about having to start out with small weights, you might see a girl lifting heavier than you. Don't fucking worry about it, everyone at the gym is so self-absorbed that they don't give a fuck about what you're doing, and keep in mind a lot of people there are often rehabilitating injuries. I've seen monstrous mountain men maxing out at bench pressing 75lbs and figured they must be recovering from an injury. No one cares.

Sleep issues


I have a fairly regular sleep schedule, so that's not it.

Have you considered therapy?


As far as being productive, I spend most of my time at work twiddling my thumbs.

I wasn't talking about being productive for your employer, I meant with regards to self improvement.


Find another gym, and don't make excuses for working out.

^^ I second this.


Let me put this in simpler terms. I have no fucking idea what I am doing and just reading a book is not fucking going to work. Been there, done that. I'm fucking asking for help and, as always, being told that there is no help.

Yeah, I actually got a lot of sleep last night and am really grouchy today.

How about you stop being grouchy with someone who is trying to give you the help that you asked for.

Let me put this in simple terms. It's a big bad world out there so you better get used to figuring some shit out for yourself. There's a shitload of information on the internet with regards to training, plenty of books and magazines on the subject. I also refuse to believe that every trainer in your area is totally useless.

Finally, there are lots of threads on this forum about training. Again, the search function is your friend.

Trial and error, perseverance, observation, and a little research will take you a long way.

Sleep issues

Buy a new bed, beauty rest world class or better.

If you are tall buy a california king, its longer than a king.

Set the bed in the room according to feng shui standards, not under a window or by a door etc.

Work on the underlying stress issues.

Sleep issues

Working out will not cure shit. I have been working out for 6-7 years and still suffered insomnia until recently. For me working out raises my cortisol level trough the roof. High cortisol = no sleep.

What cured me is getting about 8,000 - 15,000 steps / day.

I tried lots of sleeping pills, changed mattress, changed pillow and nothing made me sleep better then walking more then usual.

Sleep issues

What is with the attitude of some of you guys? Working out helps the overwhelming majority of people sleep better. If it doesn't work for you, you can't just come in and tell someone that it doesn't work at all. That's nonsense.

Working out in the morning can have a severe negative impact on raising cortisol for some people. Such individuals have better luck working out in the evening.

You can also try meditating, even 10mins a day helps you unwind and can lower cortisol levels.

Also, some people are more sensitive to the cortisol raising effects of coffee than others. If you're the type of person that drinks a lot of coffee, try cutting back, maybe even switching to tea or dropping caffeine all together.

Sleep issues

Have you tried P90X?

You can get a used set of the DVD's for about 50 bucks on eBay, and you can do all the exercises from your own living room at home. All you need is a set of dumbells and a pull-up bar.

They have 3 different versions of P90X, the newest one, P90X 3, has workouts that are only 30 minutes each.

Sleep issues

Only use your bed for sleeping, sex, and if you are sick
Do not use a computer or smartphone 2 hours before bed
Do not read books in bed
Never eat food in your bed
Never use a tablet or smartphone in bed
Do light stretches before bed
Do not exercise two hours before bed
Do not eat heavy meals before bed
Do not drink caffeine or alcohol
Do not read an hour before bed
Remove stress from your life
Declutter your room
Block out all artificial light in your room
Have clean sheets
Do not make any phone calls an hour before bed
Do not make any important decisions an hour before bed
Do not have any intense conversations an hour before bed
Get plenty of natural sunlight in the afternoon
Go to bed an hour after it gets dark
Wake up when the sun rises
Avoid heavily spiced foods
Avoid sugary foods
Avoid refridgerated foods
Do not nap during the day
Wash face before bed
Brush teeth before bed

Sleep issues

Working out is amazing and should be in everyone's daily routine. But i i wouldn't recommend working out for insomnia. Working out gives a lot of energie and blows up cortisol level. Walking can be done right before bed. Walking 5,000 to 8,000+ steps more then usual literally cured my insomnia.

Sleep issues

None of this really addresses the issue of why I am so short tempered when I do get a solid night's sleep. I'm doing okay in my everyday life when I'm running short on sleep and only in a bad spot when I do get enough sleep. It is really strange.

Sleep issues

Quote: (10-08-2016 09:02 PM)chicane Wrote:  

None of this really addresses the issue of why I am so short tempered when I do get a solid night's sleep. I'm doing okay in my everyday life when I'm running short on sleep and only in a bad spot when I do get enough sleep. It is really strange.

What you're describing here is more :
Short on sleep = enough sleep for you at this particular time
Enough sleep = too much sleep for you at this particular time

I insist on the particular time because you don't need the same amount of sleep all year.

Being at work doing nothing is more mentally strenuous than haveing a physically hard job and the paradox is that you didn't spent an ounce of your force but you might need more sleep to repair you overall body (mind+body).

So maybe you need to exhaust your body as hard as your mind could be or even more...
I not talking about lifting weight here but more about running or swimming as it tend to give you a bigger rush of dopamine and make you sleep better

Tell them too much, they wouldn't understand; tell them what they know, they would yawn.
They have to move up by responding to challenges, not too easy not too hard, until they paused at what they always think is the end of the road for all time instead of a momentary break in an endless upward spiral

Sleep issues


Not trying to pick on you, but have you considered seeing a shrink? You seem to have issues that cross beyond simple sleep problems.

You sound really whiny and don't seem to be interested in taking action when real world solutions are suggested.

You "have no fucking idea what you're doing" and posters give you VERY simple exercises. Honestly, if you can't figure out how to do a bench press, you're beyond help.

We've given you many many helpful responses. Pick up a set of P90X, or actually, I recommend P90X 3. The exercises are really simple, you just follow along with the video and that's it. They even have modifications for people who are weak pansies. You really can't fuck it up.

If exercise doesn't help, get a higher quality matress, as others have suggested.

You seem to simply have social problems that aren't sleep related, IMHO.


"I'm trapped being a keyboard monkey with no hope of any promotions and no opportunity to actually solve problems. After years of that, I have very little drive left, I am just completely burned out.

Working out would be a good thing, but the last time I found something I enjoyed and could stick with, a bunch of insane, hysterical, lying cunts fabricated a group psychodrama to get rid of me. I've tried a regular gym, but between not knowing what I'm doing and totally useless trainers, I've given up. Looked into Crossfit and discovered that it's a franchise where there is a complete lack of consistency between locations and it's bloody expensive, which explains why there are so many crappy franchisees.

This does not sound like the words of someone who is mentally healthy. I'm not trashing you, but honestly, everything is someone elses fault. You're a man. Act like it. Quit blaming all your issues on your employer, women, and franchises.

YOU have to fix your life. YOU are responsible for your problems. We are more than happy to provide advice and guidance, but when we've done that and your response is simply more excuses, frankly it makes is seem like we're wasting our time.

Sympathy is what women are for. Tell your girlfriend(s) about how you feel. We're here to give you actionable advice. Take it or leave it.

Sleep issues

Watch this little video:

That's similar to how snipers slow their bodies down so they can hit targets.

We were taught basically the same in the Navy. Guys, myself included, could go from full workout mode to fast asleep on a loud ass ship in minutes

I think there's other threads about this.

Also, check for bed bugs. Are bugs crawling on you in your nightmares?

And one more, don't eat steak or drink orange juice before bed. You have bad dreams.

Sleep tight.


Sleep issues


I just reviewed a few of your earlier posts. Ignore what I said above---for some reason, I imagined you were in your 20's or 30's, I forget we have some older guys on this forum as well. I need to remember that and be more empathetic in the future.

You're old, your set in your ways, and you're grumpy. That's pretty normal, so I apologize for implying you were unhinged.

I still hold that you should give P90X a shot. It's a great program, can be done from your home, and if you don't have space, they have modified exercises using resistance bands instead of dumbells. Now, if you ask me, that's less effective, but some people swear by them.

Anyways, if you want to try it without getting the DVD's, you could probably find them via a search on PirateBay or elsewhere. But I think it will suit you well.

Sleep issues

Quote: (10-08-2016 02:22 PM)chicane Wrote:  

I'm hoping that with the broad knowledge base here I can get some insight.

I typically have difficulty sleeping, including lots of nightmares and have suffered from night terrors at various times in the last couple of decades. So, I am usually a little short on sleep, sometimes enough to be noticeably impaired, but usually just a bit tired. That's not the problem I am concerned about. The problem that I am looking for insight into is on the rare occasions I get plenty of sleep, I seem to be very irritable and short tempered. I have no idea what is going on here, any ideas?

Have you tried keeping a daily activity log/journal of sorts?

I was having trouble sleeping earlier this year, maybe getting 4-5 hours per night, even after long days of work where I would normally be wiped. It freaked me out because it never happened to me before.

After a month I kept a brief journal: things I did, what I ate, when I slept, what woke me up (bad dream, having to go to bathroom, police sirens, etc.).

I narrowed it down to a new diet I had been trying. I corrected the problem and I was back to normal.

So maybe by just keeping a small daily checklist of activities, you could possibly narrow it down to something that occurs during the day that might trigger these crankiness-inducing deep sleep sessions

Sleep issues

Jesus, how many times do I have to say that I'm concerned about being irritable and very short tempered when I do get enough sleep? Sleeping better makes my life worse and I'm trying to figure out what is causing it. All these suggestions on how to improve my sleep are well meaning, but are likely to cause more problems.

Sleep issues

Quote: (10-09-2016 10:28 AM)chicane Wrote:  

Jesus, how many times do I have to say that I'm concerned about being irritable and very short tempered when I do get enough sleep? Sleeping better makes my life worse and I'm trying to figure out what is causing it. All these suggestions on how to improve my sleep are well meaning, but are likely to cause more problems.

Sleeping needs vary between genders and age, Hell, some physicians I've talked to say that everyone has his own internal Sleeping Clock.

How many hours do you consider a good night sleep, Chicane? Some need 6, others 10 and when those guys out of the 6 hour group sleep for 10 hours they feel groggy and grumpy the whole day.

Maybe you are oversleeping without knowing it.

This applies to me for instance. If I sleep over 8 hours I feel like shit the whole day.

When it comes to older Gentlemen I believe I was told that they usually do not need that much sleep in one go, but rather solid sleep for a couple of hours which is then completed by a daily hourly nap or two.

Have you tried to experiment with the amount of hours you sleep and how they affect your mood?

Romans 8:31 - 'What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?'

My notes.

Mike Cernovich Compilation 2015 | 2016

The Gold from Bold

Sleep issues

Quote: (10-10-2016 11:05 PM)Guriko Wrote:  

Quote: (10-09-2016 10:28 AM)chicane Wrote:  

Jesus, how many times do I have to say that I'm concerned about being irritable and very short tempered when I do get enough sleep? Sleeping better makes my life worse and I'm trying to figure out what is causing it. All these suggestions on how to improve my sleep are well meaning, but are likely to cause more problems.

Sleeping needs vary between genders and age, Hell, some physicians I've talked to say that everyone has his own internal Sleeping Clock.

How many hours do you consider a good night sleep, Chicane? Some need 6, others 10 and when those guys out of the 6 hour group sleep for 10 hours they feel groggy and grumpy the whole day.

Maybe you are oversleeping without knowing it.

This applies to me for instance. If I sleep over 8 hours I feel like shit the whole day.

When it comes to older Gentlemen I believe I was told that they usually do not need that much sleep in one go, but rather solid sleep for a couple of hours which is then completed by a daily hourly nap or two.

Have you tried to experiment with the amount of hours you sleep and how they affect your mood?

I haven't set up a formal experiment, I'm just going by my experience. If I get less than 7 hours of sleep then I'm kind of groggy and don't focus well. If I get 8 hours or a bit more, I am wide awake but very irritable and short tempered. Since I really don't like being that kind of angry, I'm trying to figure out what is going on. Currently I operate at way less than my mental capacity, but it is preferable to being angry.

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