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Whey Protein Denaturing

Whey Protein Denaturing

Hey Guys,

So I started drinking whey shakes after my workouts a month ago. One day I decided to make a hot chocolate with my chocolate flavoured powder. It got me thinking whether pouring boiling water on the powder would 'denature' the proteins in such a way that it would alter the benefits of consuming it.

So, a quick google tells me that, no, the protein in Whey, and all proteins for that matter, does not lose its benefit when heated to the point of denaturing:

This got me wondering why people like to chug raw egg whites - apart from tasting like cum, why do it? What's wrong with making an omelette?!

Whey Protein Denaturing

Quote: (09-29-2016 10:44 AM)[u]FeeltheBern Wrote:  [/u]

Hey Guys,

So I started drinking whey shakes after my workouts a month ago. One day I decided to make a hot chocolate with my chocolate flavoured powder. It got me thinking whether pouring boiling water on the powder would 'denature' the proteins in such a way that it would alter the benefits of consuming it.

So, a quick google tells me that, no, the protein in Whey, and all proteins for that matter, does not lose its benefit when heated to the point of denaturing:

This got me wondering why people like to chug raw egg whites - apart from tasting like cum, why do it? What's wrong with making an omelette?!

[Image: kqiu9.gif]

Whey Protein Denaturing

Quote: (09-29-2016 10:44 AM)FeeltheBern Wrote:  

Hey Guys,

So I started drinking whey shakes after my workouts a month ago. One day I decided to make a hot chocolate with my chocolate flavoured powder. It got me thinking whether pouring boiling water on the powder would 'denature' the proteins in such a way that it would alter the benefits of consuming it.

So, a quick google tells me that, no, the protein in Whey, and all proteins for that matter, does not lose its benefit when heated to the point of denaturing:

This got me wondering why people like to chug raw egg whites - apart from tasting like cum, why do it? What's wrong with making an omelette?!

I hope it's not too late for you to edit that
[Image: whoa.gif]

Whey Protein Denaturing

Does anyone want to talk about protein? instead of that (obvious) joke

Whey Protein Denaturing

Maybe some guys don't want to take the time to cook an egg, dirty up a pan and utensils. They'd rather just chug a raw egg.

Whey Protein Denaturing

Oh just drink pasteurized egg whites.

These are fantastic to drink and cook with.

Come in a bunch of flavors also.

Drinking warm whey protein just sounds nasty and reminds of when you leave a shaker in your car and it reeks after a few days.

Whey Protein Denaturing

Even if it does denature a bit its not going to matter assuming you're getting sufficient protein for the day. Its the same as guys worrying about so and so food not having a "complete" amino acid profile. It doesn't matter.

Whey Protein Denaturing

Sometimes i'll drink the eggs because it takes me 30 seconds to drink 8 eggs, while if I make an omelette preparing+eating+cleaning takes no less than 15-20 minutes, and some times I don't have that time, there is no macro nutrient benefits on having them raw. Micro nutrient wise, I can't talk about it.

Whey Protein Denaturing

I only drink egg yolks. Mostly because if I cook with the whites, i feel guilty throwing them out.

OP's post:

Genre: Informal
Female = 214
Male = 149
Difference = -65; 41.04%
Verdict: Weak FEMALE

Weak emphasis could indicate European

Terrible user name, references eating egg whites to cum, gender guessing says female (or euro).

Verdict: CHICK

Whey Protein Denaturing

Quote: (09-29-2016 11:58 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

I only drink egg yolks. Mostly because if I cook with the whites, i feel guilty throwing them out.

OP's post:

Genre: Informal
Female = 214
Male = 149
Difference = -65; 41.04%
Verdict: Weak FEMALE

Weak emphasis could indicate European

Terrible user name, references eating egg whites to cum, gender guessing says female (or euro).

Verdict: CHICK

Look, just because we disagree politically, doesn't mean I'm female. And I am European, yes. The UK is (just about) part of the EU still.

I don't know why you guys are getting so caught up about a silly little joke?! I was actually trynna post something that I thought would be an interesting discussion.

I'm not really sure what kind of analysis you're using there, but I assume it thinks that taking more care over punctuation, syntax and grammar is a feminine trait. I'm well trained in writing; so that's probably it. Which is not to say I don't make mistakes all the time!

Whey Protein Denaturing

Quote: (09-29-2016 10:44 AM)FeeltheBern Wrote:  

Hey Guys,

So I started drinking whey shakes after my workouts a month ago. One day I decided to make a hot chocolate with my chocolate flavoured powder. It got me thinking whether pouring boiling water on the powder would 'denature' the proteins in such a way that it would alter the benefits of consuming it.

So, a quick google tells me that, no, the protein in Whey, and all proteins for that matter, does not lose its benefit when heated to the point of denaturing:

This got me wondering why people like to chug raw egg whites - apart from tasting like cum, why do it? What's wrong with making an omelette?!

And you compare these tastes with what experience? If you said "taste like shit" no one thinks you actually ate shit, but when you say tastes like cum?[Image: gay.gif]
As a newbie you are really setting yourself up.
I got a question: Do you like BBQ?
If so, let me put my meat on your grill.[Image: biggrin.gif]
Just saying "protein shakes" sounds gay, to me a protein shake is a gal swallowing my load.

Whey Protein Denaturing

Quote: (09-29-2016 12:06 PM)AboveAverageJoe Wrote:  

And you compare these tastes with what experience? If you said "taste like shit" no one thinks you actually ate shit, but when you say tastes like cum?[Image: gay.gif]
As a newbie you are really setting yourself up.
I got a question: Do you like BBQ?
If so, let me put my meat on your grill.[Image: biggrin.gif]
Just saying "protein shakes" sounds gay, to me a protein shake is a gal swallowing my load.

The reason I said that is because they are both protein based liquids! I've heard people say they taste the same. Personally, I've never tasted it.

"protein shakes" is gay??? I don't know what planet you're living on. Its just the name of the thing.

People here get their jimmies rustled easily. Will remember for next time.

Whey Protein Denaturing

Alpha males eat meat. Why be an apex predator on top of the food chain to drink gruel that tases like chalk? Protein shakes like nearly all supplements are a waste of money. Spend your money on real food. Your gains will thank you as will your taste buds, Bud.

Whey Protein Denaturing

Quote: (09-29-2016 12:18 PM)AboveAverageJoe Wrote:  

Alpha males eat meat. Why be an apex predator on top of the food chain to drink gruel that tases like chalk? Protein shakes like nearly all supplements are a waste of money. Spend your money on real food. Your gains will thank you as will your taste buds, Bud.

I agree with you to some extent. I'm quite skeptical of supplementation in general.

I do, however, use protein shakes after lifting because it is an easily digested quick source of protein which your body needs after exertion. I also think they're good because I sometimes don't want to eat HUGE amounts of meat (its expensive and takes time to prepare). A shake is easier and fills me up a little at night.

But yes, I do agree in general that my food is far more important than my supplementation of it. There are quite a few studies out there, btw, that demonstrate the effectiveness of whey protein post work out to speed up recovery tims.

Whey Protein Denaturing

This entire thread is hilarious.

[Image: laugh4.gif]

A newbie posting jokingly about cum taste - will get a ribbing - especially with a username like that.

Whey Protein Denaturing

Quote: (09-29-2016 12:22 PM)FeeltheBern Wrote:  

Quote: (09-29-2016 12:18 PM)AboveAverageJoe Wrote:  

Alpha males eat meat. Why be an apex predator on top of the food chain to drink gruel that tases like chalk? Protein shakes like nearly all supplements are a waste of money. Spend your money on real food. Your gains will thank you as will your taste buds, Bud.

I agree with you to some extent. I'm quite skeptical of supplementation in general.

I do, however, use protein shakes after lifting because it is an easily digested quick source of protein which your body needs after exertion. I also think they're good because I sometimes don't want to eat HUGE amounts of meat (its expensive and takes time to prepare). A shake is easier and fills me up a little at night.

But yes, I do agree in general that my food is far more important than my supplementation of it. There are quite a few studies out there, btw, that demonstrate the effectiveness of whey protein post work out to speed up recovery tims.

Paid for by you-guessed it- the billion dollar industry it feeds.
You ever wonder why they only use fitness models who are on a steady diet of steroid cocktails and HGH injections?

[Image: syntha_6_banner.jpg]

Because it doesn't work any better than food, in fact common sense would tell you to build muscle you need to eat muscle. Whey is far from the ultimate protein-eggs are better than whey, that is the reason for raw eggs being a cheap and available source of proteins long before whey shakes were a huge industry.

The only real reason to drink protein post workout is to prolong the anabolic phase and to postpone the catabolic phase. Your body can only be in one or the other.
The easiest way to avoid this is a high carbohydrate post workout meal, preferrably with protein. The insulin spike/cortisol response is something you want post workout.

The difference between eating and drinking the necessary nutrients post workout has a neglible effect/difference. Just do what you prefer.

Remember this: abs are made in the kitchen, gains are made in the gym.

Whey Protein Denaturing

Quote: (09-29-2016 12:05 PM)FeeltheBern Wrote:  

Look, just because we disagree politically, doesn't mean I'm female. And I am European, yes. The UK is (just about) part of the EU still.

I don't know why you guys are getting so caught up about a silly little joke?! I was actually trynna post something that I thought would be an interesting discussion.

I'm not really sure what kind of analysis you're using there, but I assume it thinks that taking more care over punctuation, syntax and grammar is a feminine trait. I'm well trained in writing; so that's probably it. Which is not to say I don't make mistakes all the time!


Whey Protein Denaturing

I agree with AboveAverageJoe here, don't bother with protein shakes. Eat real meat. I'm not going to name drop here but when I lived in LA, I was friends with a B-list actor that had to bulk up, then cut down to 8% body fat for a role, he worked with one of the most well known and respected celebrity trainers in the business. All his food was made for him and it was just good clean food; lots of chicken, steak, fish, 6 whole eggs a day, lots of healthy fats like avocado and coconut oil, and at least a pound of vegetables a day. He didn't even take a multivitamin, he got everything from food.

The protein shakes are just bullshit, they are expensive, nasty and not nearly as effective as just eating real food.

Whey Protein Denaturing

Quote: (09-29-2016 02:01 PM)Mushroom Wrote:  

I agree with AboveAverageJoe here, don't bother with protein shakes. Eat real meat. I'm not going to name drop here but when I lived in LA, I was friends with a B-list actor that had to bulk up, then cut down to 8% body fat for a role, he worked with one of the most well known and respected celebrity trainers in the business. All his food was made for him and it was just good clean food; lots of chicken, steak, fish, 6 whole eggs a day, lots of healthy fats like avocado and coconut oil, and at least a pound of vegetables a day. He didn't even take a multivitamin, he got everything from food.

The protein shakes are just bullshit, they are expensive, nasty and not nearly as effective as just eating real food.

But there's the rub! I don't have someone to make all my meals for me!! There's such a low time cost for me to drink a protein shake.

6 eggs a day is a high number no ? I have 3 every morning and I think that's quite a lot.

Whey Protein Denaturing

So this guy likes Bernie and compares something to tasting like cum.....

[Image: gtfo.gif]

Whey Protein Denaturing

Sure protien shakes are unnecessary if youe diet already has enough protien, otherwise they are an easy way to quickly consume extra calories and meet your macros. Thats it. You can be fine with or without.

Whey Protein Denaturing

I'm a fan of protein shakes, but I've done my homework on protein spiking (go with MyProtein).

Meat is cool and all, but it's easier to mix up and chug a protein shake (especially in the morning) than it is to sit down and eat ten ounces of chicken or a dozen eggs.

I always chuckle at fans of Shakeology, they have no idea what they're getting.

3 eggs is fuck all for protein or calories. You're looking at 210 calories and maybe 21 grams of protein, tops. I get that much protein in one single scoop of whey.

“I have a very simple rule when it comes to management: hire the best people from your competitors, pay them more than they were earning, and give them bonuses and incentives based on their performance. That’s how you build a first-class operation.”
― Donald J. Trump

If you want some PDF's on bodyweight exercise with little to no equipment, send me a PM and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Whey Protein Denaturing

Quote: (09-29-2016 06:26 PM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

So this guy likes Bernie and compares something to tasting like cum.....

[Image: gtfo.gif]

Brah, I'm fully prepared to defend what I think in a coherent manner. I also agree with the analysis of the sexual market that is accepted on this forum; I really don't see why I have to be a 'full political convert' to come here, talk about weight lifting and how to improve my game.

I also thought my username was a funny pun cause of weight lifting + it succeeded in rustling so many jimmies.

Whey Protein Denaturing

Quote: (10-05-2016 07:44 AM)FeeltheBern Wrote:  

Quote: (09-29-2016 06:26 PM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

So this guy likes Bernie and compares something to tasting like cum.....

[Image: gtfo.gif]

Brah, I'm fully prepared to defend what I think in a coherent manner. I also agree with the analysis of the sexual market that is accepted on this forum; I really don't see why I have to be a 'full political convert' to come here, talk about weight lifting and how to improve my game.

I also thought my username was a funny pun cause of weight lifting + it succeeded in rustling so many jimmies.

[Image: laugh4.gif]

I think peoples first thought of your username is that of an old frail jewish man with one foot in the grave, nothing close to a pun on weightlifting [Image: biggrin.gif]

Whey Protein Denaturing

I think this thread is not going in the direction OP hoped...

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