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Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

I guess I live in a different world than some of guys here.

I was talking about guys who claims they are having great life in places like SEA but still have time and energy to bitch about American women.
I was talking about guys who lives in states, are getting treated like a piece of shit by American women so they just agree with guys above and they are hoping to move there sometime in the future.
I live in states and I choose not to bitch about it like just like a Bitch would do. Whatever the circumstances is I choose to work with the environment. (usually guys running to Asia can't get jobs here and only skill they got is Speaking English. so they become an English Teacher. I guess it's American job markets fault. It's as bad as American Woman.)

JUST think about American woman who dates foreign guys and talk bad about American guys. what kind of person do you think she is?

Try to have a conversation about this (american girls are horrible, let's go to SEA type) in public places. Even normal fellow thirsty guys will find it funny and feel bad for such discussion.

Let's have a bar talk? I'd like to meet some of you guys in person.

Anyways I will stop here. Have fun in SEA. I will have fun here too. Fair enough.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

That rep-to-post ratio though. [Image: icon_lol.gif]
Is it fair to say that Sebastian is a 'failed member'?

But seriously, I've met American women. Many, although I've yet to visit America. And man, that shit scares the hell out of me. I keep those chats very brief. Even Australian women are ladies compared to what I've seen in American women. Whenever I meet them, all I can think is "this is a shapeless blob of gross", even for the slim ones. It's like their character has no shape to it, and nothing feminine in it. Like it's just a big aimless tactless sloppy bag of noise and arrogance.

I can only assume Sebastian has never actually been to these countries. The arrogance of making out that the countries are just the same, and that the reason men are going there is mostly because they're failures back home, reeks of a truly ignorant and inexperienced world view. I have no idea what you've been doing here since 2012 mate, your mentality is anathema to the whole theme of this forum.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-03-2016 01:51 AM)Sebastian Wrote:  

I guess I live in a different world than some of guys here.

[Image: jupiter_gany.jpg]


I live in states and I choose not to bitch about it like just like a Bitch would do.

(usually guys running to Asia can't get jobs here and only skill they got is Speaking English. so they become an English Teacher.

[Image: troll.gif]


Let's have a bar talk? I'd like to meet some of you guys in person.

[Image: tumblr_lgawdzYkRM1qbyg8io1_500.gif]

I'm the King of Beijing!

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-03-2016 01:51 AM)Sebastian Wrote:  

I guess I live in a different world than some of guys here.

I was talking about guys who claims they are having great life in places like SEA but still have time and energy to bitch about American women.
I was talking about guys who lives in states, are getting treated like a piece of shit by American women so they just agree with guys above and they are hoping to move there sometime in the future.
I live in states and I choose not to bitch about it like just like a Bitch would do. Whatever the circumstances is I choose to work with the environment. (usually guys running to Asia can't get jobs here and only skill they got is Speaking English. so they become an English Teacher. I guess it's American job markets fault. It's as bad as American Woman.)

JUST think about American woman who dates foreign guys and talk bad about American guys. what kind of person do you think she is?

Try to have a conversation about this (american girls are horrible, let's go to SEA type) in public places. Even normal fellow thirsty guys will find it funny and feel bad for such discussion.

Let's have a bar talk? I'd like to meet some of you guys in person.

Anyways I will stop here. Have fun in SEA. I will have fun here too. Fair enough.

This coming from the guy who barely mustered the balls to tell a transvestite in a dress to move out of his own house...

[Image: jordan.gif]

I think you're getting a little keyboard-happy there, toughguy.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Unfortunately, Sebastian's behavior isn't so uncommon for Chinese dudes who have spent time abroad. I've noticed that a lot of these dudes look down on expats but fawn over white girls that we don't even look at.

That bit about picking up (presumably) good looking white girls at bars abroad made me chuckle.

One must wonder: if Sebastian is killing it so hard with the white girls why does he have the time to sneer at foreigners banging undesirable SEA girls?[Image: banana.gif]


I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

The big issue in asia, in particular the further north you go, is the shaming that asian men deliver to asian women for being around white men.

Asian women are afraid of what THEIR men will think if they are seen publicly with a white dude....but privately many of them want white men.

Asian men have come up with a whole complex of scripts for rationalizing why a decent looking white guy in asia is somehow a "loser" that "left his home because he couldn't get laid" (secretly inside he feels jealousy and insecurity that even a relative "chump" from the west can get laid consistently with his women).

So they say things like "these white men are dating women I wouldn't even touch", meanwhile many of these guys haven't been getting laid 1/10 as much as the white dude (I'm not referring to the top 5% of local guys that have their act together, just the majority of the anti-white shaming crowd of asian males).

It's obviously understandable why many asian men don't want to see white guys with their women. They probably don't even like seeing white men with their ugly women, to be honest. Asian cultures are mostly openly racist and yes, supremacist.

I think people on here claiming that this david guy is "ruining Asia for white men" is a little absurd. Some asian girls might see this stuff and get turned on, actually. You could think of it as a display of power. The men don't like it, but I'm betting some women might actually find it attractive.

The men feel threatened by it, that's why it's "shocking". Many asian men feel a sense of national and racial insecurity towards whites, and the white-men-dating-asian-women phenomenon plays upon those insecurities and fears, riling up an intense hatred inside of them, which further fuels the rationalizations and "scripts" they run to try to reframe the situation. I'm not saying they should like it. If I were in their shoes I probably wouldn't "like" it either.

Sure, many white guys come to asia and bang unattractive women. But I'm in a city in Asia now where a huge number of white dudes are getting with the local girls. Some of them less attractive, but some are beautiful.

Case in point for how ineffective media shaming of whites is Indonesia.

They have a television show called "bule gila" which translates roughly to "crazy whitey" where mostly Australian whites are shown doing really stupid shit.

I spent around two months in Jakarta and got with around 30 girls. In fact, when you say the word "bule" the next common word out of their mouths is "gila" or "crazy". Then you take them to your apartment and have sex.

Someone else cited earlier the shutting down of a military base in the Philippines and how this pissed the locals off the way they were acting. But the Philippines is arguably the easiest place to get laid, so clearly this didn't alter the easiness of sex in the country for foreigners. In fact, their actions may have helped.

Women are turned on by foreign dominant men, men that might act ridiculous and even disrespect the culture.

I think we're looking at David Bond through a "male lense". Maybe we should be looking at how women might perceive it.

It may or may not hurt perception of western men in asia from females, then again cases like this may have unintended positive benefits.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-03-2016 02:10 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2016 01:51 AM)Sebastian Wrote:  

I guess I live in a different world than some of guys here.

[Image: jupiter_gany.jpg]

Wrong planet brah. We're talking about where has the better women, and Sebastian is in America, the worst place to find quality girls. If the world is the Solar System, it's pretty obvious where Sebastian is located:

[Image: 4_179.jpg]

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

I've been calling Sebastian a troll since I entered the damn forum. People always said "U KIDDIN' M8 HE A LONG TIME MEMBER WITH 1000plus posts..."

Now you all woke up [Image: biggrin.gif]

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

I forgot which ROK article or poster said that one of the main self analysis tests to see how successful you really are with women is whether or not you feel a twinge of envy or even disgust when you see a guy with a girl you'd like to be with.

If there is a bit of envy or annoyance when you see a hot girl you'd like to bone with some other guy then you have more work to do.

If you don't feel anything besides mild apathy and zero envy that it's a guy out with his girl then you're probably doing well enough with your own life that you don't care how other guys are doing in comparison. Personally, i'm happy to be in this zone.

What you guys say about some asian guys out there is true but I wouldn't say it's just an asian thing either. When I used to date in the U.S. (California) I would occasionally get nasty looks from other races too when I would date their women. I'm also obviously asian. I'm not going to lie this reaction always made me laugh too because it's real easy to read what someone is thinking. It doesn't matter who is doing it I feel in poker terms they just showed their weak hand to you when they do that.

It's just a natural human reaction from envious (and mostly thirsty guys) in society. The more envious and angry guys are about this the thirstier they probably are too in private. In asia there's a combination of homogenous ethnic, national, or face components that drives this reaction. Most guys aren't even all that thirsty in asia (with the except of a few of the developed asian nations) but they definitely feel social slights easier because of the face culture and more homogenous demographic.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

An even better reaction is a genuine, "Hmm, what can I learn just by looking at this guy?"

Example: One winter in SF at a public event, I sat next to another Asian guy and his attractive Asian girl. I noticed his coat and thought to myself, "Nice coat brah." At the time, I had just started upgrading my wardrobe from "post-college whatever," so I ended up getting a similar coat only a few days later.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Like Fortis said, sadly "Looking down" on these people and these girls is actually pretty common mentality in east Asia, and to some extent the Chinese in Thailand.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Chinito hit it on the head: a masculine dude isn't sitting around butt hurt that "ugly" broads are getting railed by foreigners.

This is where cultural relativity goes bust for me. Sorry but no amount of "it is cultural" changes the fact that some of these dudes just hate foreigners and don't wanna see us with any girls at all.

This is not common in USA and the west. Most dudes don't give a shit that you're smashing something.

I've learned to avoid these types of guys but it still is funny as fuck when these rich government subsidized Chinese man-children sneer at other people for enjoying their lives whilst having nothing to show for themselves other than daddy's money.

"Do you know who MY dad is?"

"No, but who the fuck are YOU?"

[Image: tard.gif]

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

At the end of the day, haters are going to hate.

I think there's an East Asia/SEA divide here. You cannot really compare poor countries with colonial histories to China or Korea etc. These places will go the same way eventually but probably not in our dating lifetimes.

East Asia is far more xenophobic and socially tightly knit in my experience. The collective face of your group matters. People saying "it won't affect me" just don't get how things work in Japan or China etc.

Sure, David Bond, RSD and their ilk are just tiny drops in the pond but it all adds up.

Give the haters enough ammunition and it affects things.

- Those nice middle-class girls who might have been open to us begin to back away.
- The hot young girls stop thinking of foreigners as cool.
- Girls start to believe the hater talk that we are all broke English teachers who pump and dump ugly girls.

How do I know this is true? I've seen it happen already.

For each well-integrated expat there are 10 thirsty dudes. It is what it is. Adapt to the changing environment. Play the differentiation game. Always be three steps ahead. If you read what I'm saying as negativity then you are getting me wrong.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia


PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-03-2016 11:29 PM)dreambig Wrote:  

It is what it is. Adapt to the changing environment. Play the differentiation game. Always be three steps ahead.

This exactly.

I could care less if thirsty Americans somehow "ruin" Asia because I will still do my thing no matter what happens and no matter where I am in the world. And I don't even have to pretend to be some apex predator of the dating market to make that true.

Will a time come when there are less girls hungry for white boy?

It's possible.

But what do I care? You only have time to nail so many anyhow, and the well will never dry up completely.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-02-2016 04:15 AM)Sebastian Wrote:  

I don't consider myself Asian-American since I came after high school.

Anyways, I am not butthurt about guys banging those trash girls. I really don't care.

Just because I am Asian doesn't mean, I have to defend other asian people.
Honestly, we look DOWN ON those people. Truth is some guys are banging girls even some Asian guys won't even look at. that's just a fact which is part of racist asian culture.

Honestly, I really don't care if a white dude talk about any asian girl fantasy at a bar.
(IMO, more than average guys never talk about Asian girl fantasy. that's my experience)
I Prefer it since white dudes get offended if I talk about some white girl just walking by. If they talk about asian girls first then I am allowed to talk about white girls.
I've only banged mostly white girls and few latinas.

Bottom line, I will go after white girls. Some guys will go for those asian girls they talked about. Let's respect each individual's tastes.

A lot of Asian girs like white guys, because they're white and not because they have great personalities. Just like you have a lot of white girls that like black guys, simply because they're black. It is how it is and there's not much you can change about it.

Most women can get every man they want, so they're craving for the men they can't get or are not allowed to hang out with.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-04-2016 11:35 AM)Marcus187 Wrote:  

A lot of Asian girs like white guys, because they're white and not because they have great personalities. Just like you have a lot of white girls that like black guys, simply because they're black. It is how it is and there's not much you can change about it.

Most women can get every man they want, so they're craving for the men they can't get or are not allowed to hang out with. me crazy, but I don't think that's 100% true. A lot of white guys have personalities certain women find attractive.

Not to race troll, but it is part of the appeal.

This is applicable to other races, not just white. For white broads, part of the appeal to black guys is the personality a lot of black guys have. You can't deny there are common themes. Cultural personality traits, I guess you could say.

Same as a lot of guys valuing Asian women for femininity, passivity, modesty, family values, etc. Aside from their glorious bodies, guys who like black women like their sass, no-bullshit attitude, and fire in the sack. Spanish women are known for their passion.

I get that it's taboo to admit there is plenty about white guys to admire, but pretending it's all about skin color is over-simplification and lacks intellectual integrity, in my opinion.

I for one won't shy away from saying many of our personality traits are in high demand.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-03-2016 11:05 AM)Fast Eddie Wrote:  

Wrong planet brah. We're talking about where has the better women, and Sebastian is in America, the worst place to find quality girls. If the world is the Solar System, it's pretty obvious where Sebastian is located

Nah, those planets don't even support life. Kepler-186f is a more likely candidate for Sebastian's true origins.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-03-2016 09:43 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

Chinito hit it on the head: a masculine dude isn't sitting around butt hurt that "ugly" broads are getting railed by foreigners.

This is where cultural relativity goes bust for me. Sorry but no amount of "it is cultural" changes the fact that some of these dudes just hate foreigners and don't wanna see us with any girls at all.

Have to agree with that. It's scarcity mindset, rationalised as "it's cultural". These guys are weak-sauce, generally have no game and keep their fragile world together with rationalizations and putting other people down.

That said. I've partied in Asia with genuinely cool, abundant local dudes who have done nothing but been good to me - hooking me up with their female friends, bringing me to cool parties, intro'ing me to connected people. And I've done the same for them - win-win.

The difference between these guys and the local haters couldn't be clearer. It's not "cultural", it's just a load of betas feeling threatened.

Also, the true local players I've known in Asia have not had this "white skin = beauty" chip on their shoulder - I've seen them pull beautiful light-skinned locals as well as sexy darker skinned girls. They simply go for hotties.

Generally, the more judgemental a guy is, the worse he tends to do. Tend to be constricted, stifled, care-what-others-think kinds of people. Which equals no chicks.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

I'm not even sure what the debate is here.

One of the major reasons that many guys on this forum travel in the first place is to get away from Western women and culture. Of course importing that same culture en masse is going to make things “worse”.

As others have mentioned, simply interacting with Western men on a regular basis changes these girls. It's like an infection. Hence why terms like “Americanized” and “Westernized” are used in an almost derogatory fashion on most of the forum.

And the “Asians do it too” comments simply aren't accurate.

Asians in the West do not behave the same as Westerners do in the East. Your average Westerner actually amps up their behavior in Asia – mostly because the average Asian is smaller and less confrontional.

It's not a clash of cultures we're talking about here. It's a group of people who are purposely obnoxious and have no consideration for the people around them.

Also, are we going to pretend like guys don't cockblock in the US? This is going to be the same anywhere you go. That is not the issue here.

The problem is the hit in reputation that white guys take when 90% of the white guys in Asia are complete doofuses.

That doesn't mean it can't be overcome. That doesn't mean you can't still get quality girls. But it definitely affects things and in a negative way.

The way I see it, Asian men and culture have their women in check. Meanwhile many Western guys come to Asia simply because they can't cut it in their own countries, only to get played like a fiddle in Thailand or the Philippines.

You can talk all you want about how “beta” some Asian men are, but it doesn't change the fact that even American celebrities are dating/marrying known sluts, fatties, single mothers, etc.

Let's face it. Mainstream Western culture, as it exists now, sucks. Half the reason most guys here are where they are is because they've rejected it.

That doesn't mean Eastern culture is perfect, but they certainly have things figured out a lot better than the West when it comes to women and dating. Why would you even live here if you didn't at least partially agree?

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

(East) Asian race trolling is a very real thing. I know because I used to engage in quite a bit of it myself. There was an embarrassing time in my life as an undergraduate that I got involved in the Asian American activist community though I was mostly a slacktivist (the same way many internet activists are) and a HUGE thing in these circles would be the guys constantly complaining about how Asian girls, including even the ones in the activist community would date white guys. Funny thing is that a lot of these guys would be lusting for white girls and saw absolutely no contradiction. Common complains was how Jet Li didn't get to make out with Aaliyah at the end of Romeo Must Die and the lack of Asian males in porn which one guy attempted to counter with by uploading white girl/Asian male porn to his local university DC++ hub which he seemed to be pretty proud of since he would brag about it. [Image: tard.gif] There was another guy i knew who bought multiple copies of this straight to DVD movie called Shanghai Kiss; not because of the quality of the story line but simply because it featured a Asian male/white girl coupling.

It was my first exposure to this sort of SJW culture; this was long before the "SJW" acronym came into use but the mentality was pretty much the same. It's definitely something that WILL negatively impact your mentality and make you into a bitter chode who thinks everyone in the world is out to get you. Prior to encountering this subculture I simply didn't care about interracial pairings. Honestly I don't think I even really noticed them in public. Now when I see girls who were previously normal and well-adjusted turn into raving lunatic feminists after exposure to Tumblr and other internet feminism hot spots I know exactly what happened to them because the same thing happened to me. You are going through life happily then all of a sudden you have all these people pointing out how even the most innocuous thing is an example of patriacrhy/white men/heterosexuals of oppressing you and then you begin to see all these things even when they aren't really there.

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Morgan Freeman's thoughts on this thread

Morgan Freeman's thoughts on this thread

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Eternal embarrassment should be posting that kind of meaningless drivel. Doesn't the forum mandate a minimum of three IQ digits to register?

It should.

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-01-2016 07:07 AM)Sebastian Wrote:  

If you can throw 10,000 dollars, are you a baller? You could be. In fact, it's HK dollar. then now what? that's my analogy here.

That's what I see. Guys can't compete in their own country but want to show off they've got something without changing their reality. I am sick of these guys talking about 'game'. They think they know about women all of sudden.
('hey man, it's all about the confidence when you approach women. watch what I do.' Fuck you, do that to average white chick in your home town. let's see what happens)

If you just want to have it easier, then fine. go to the places you can live easier.
BUT don't tell guys in U.S, you are doing it better over there.
(eg:this guy got nice house for $1000 a month in Philippines. He thinks he's more successful than this guy living in a studio in NY for $2k. If he comes back to the reality, then what?)

'I can't swallow the reality so I am going to run to the easier place'

I really want to see those type of guys running around places like in France, Italy, Sweden etc. where are they?

Sebastian, thanks for watching my videos. Italy is on my list, allthough my next trip will be mostly me working on a personal photography project i'm working on.

When I go maybe I'll upload some videos on the dating scene there.

Reading your post I thought this video may be of interest.


Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Pretty sure the above is self-promotion, which is prohibited here.

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