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Best vitamins/supplements for men

Best vitamins/supplements for men

In addition to the ones already mentioned:

NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine)
Good for liver health and removing oxidative stress from the body. NAC is a precursor to glutathione, which is the liver's mechanism for clearing toxins. I take it before or after a night of heavy drinking.

Multiple studies on mice produced substantial gains in lifespan. No conclusive effect on people yet. Some studies showed that only a tiny fraction is absorbed by humans, but I saw a recent study that suggested it is broken down into metabolites which later reform mostly intact later in the digestive process.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Daily, I take 4g vitamin D, 15mg zinc, and two probiotic pills: Jarrow Ideal Bowel Support 299v and Nature's Way Primadophilus Reuteri.

I also take 200mg Magnesium Citrate once every 3rd day (more often than that and I eventually start to get runny shits, which is an indication you're not absorbing the magnesium.) And I take 600mg NAC an hour or so before I do any drinking.

Be careful with the fish oil. I would recommend eating fatty fish (E.g. salmon, mackerel, sardines) once or twice a week instead. There seems to be more and more evidence that rancid or heated polyunsaturated fat is really really bad for you, and that's probably the state that the fish oil you're taking is in, as it's been processed and sitting around on shelves for a long time.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

You guys should save all the money you're spending on useless supplements /vitamins/etc. and just buy real food. I also used to think all this crap was important but it really isn't, it's just a useless waste of money at best and actually potentially harmful in the long term.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (11-13-2015 02:55 PM)Robert Guiscard Wrote:  

Daily, I take 4g vitamin D, 15mg zinc, and two probiotic pills: Jarrow Ideal Bowel Support 299v and Nature's Way Primadophilus Reuteri.

I also take 200mg Magnesium Citrate once every 3rd day (more often than that and I eventually start to get runny shits, which is an indication you're not absorbing the magnesium.) And I take 600mg NAC an hour or so before I do any drinking.

Be careful with the fish oil. I would recommend eating fatty fish (E.g. salmon, mackerel, sardines) once or twice a week instead. There seems to be more and more evidence that rancid or heated polyunsaturated fat is really bad for you, and that's probably the state that the fish oil you're taking is in, as it's been processed and sitting around on shelves for a long time.

You are completely right. I would recommend EVCLO (Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil) as it is unrefined and it's extremely fresh. All bottles go out within weeks of production. You'll only taste a fishy taste instead of the bitter taste you normally get with liver oil, which is an indicator of its freshness as liver oil in a pure and fresh form doesn't taste like anything.

Here's some more info on it:

Can really recommend it. Have just gone through my first bottle and I'm noticing a great variety of results that I have never experienced before when I bought fish oils that weren't fresh.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (11-13-2015 03:05 PM)Teutatis Wrote:  

You guys should save all the money you're spending on useless supplements /vitamins/etc. and just buy real food. I also used to think all this crap was important but it really isn't, it's just a useless waste of money at best and actually potentially harmful in the long term.

Key word here is supplement. Most guys here probably understand it's to supplement a nutritionally diverse diet.

The problem is that some nutrients/vitamins are more bioavailable from supplements than from food. Ex: Zinc and Magnesium Citrate

And from that standpoint it's cost effective to buy the more expensive, more bioavailable supplements.

This of course goes both ways, I think you are better off getting Lycopene or Vitamin C from fruits and vegetables.

Ultimately as individuals we have to experiment and see which works better. You can accept the guidance offered here, but at the end of the day it's trial and error.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (11-11-2015 07:43 PM)thoughtgypsy Wrote:  

In addition to the ones already mentioned:

NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine)
Good for liver health and removing oxidative stress from the body. NAC is a precursor to glutathione, which is the liver's mechanism for clearing toxins. I take it before or after a night of heavy drinking.

amazing supplement but DO NOT take it after drinking, it will make the damage from alcohol even worse. It must be taken before you start drinking, jarrow has a great time release formula that is amazing.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

For those taking supplements, I highly recommending checking out PBS Frontline's new episode on supplements and safety:

It basically warn consumers on whether supplements being taken are efficacious, authentic (whether you are getting what you pay for), or outright dangerous. My concern is over the later two. I currently take two supplements, Vitamin D and Fish oil, both mentioned in the program.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-23-2015 07:06 PM)Isaac Jordan Wrote:  

In addition to the basics (multivitamin, vitamin D, fish oil, juicing, green tea, coconut oil, ACV), the one thing that's made the biggest difference in my life has been collagen:


Gelatin (also known as cooked collagen) is a wonder food with anti-inflammatory and anti-aging qualities, as it helps to fill in the missing amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) in the standard American diet.

The standard American diet tends to be very high in muscle meats (such as beef, chicken, lamb and turkey), which when not balanced by other proteins (such as eggs, fish, dairy, shellfish, organ meats) can contribute to inflammation over time.

Four tablespoons of collagen a day completed eliminated my post-squat knee pain. I've been able to consistently push myself harder in the gym, and it's definitely shortened my recovery time.

There are numerous other benefits to collagen even if you're not a heavy lifter:

-an increased ability to repair connective tissue (bone, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, skin)
-stronger, thicker hair and nails
-promotes rapid cell growth producing synovial fluids to lubricate joints
-slows the skin degradation that leads to wrinkles

My preferred brand is Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate, as they derive the product from grass-fed cows, and the hydrolysate treatment process reduces the molecular weight so that the powder dissolves in either hot or cold liquids (i.e. it won't clump up like regular gelatin).

You can buy the product on Amazon by the pound, but it's cheaper to order directly from the manufacturer's website.

I was hoping this was going to be a game changer, especially for the stronger, thicker hair, but I haven't noticed anything. Been taking it for about two or three months now.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (11-14-2015 01:08 PM)btz Wrote:  

Quote: (11-11-2015 07:43 PM)thoughtgypsy Wrote:  

In addition to the ones already mentioned:

NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine)
Good for liver health and removing oxidative stress from the body. NAC is a precursor to glutathione, which is the liver's mechanism for clearing toxins. I take it before or after a night of heavy drinking.

amazing supplement but DO NOT take it after drinking, it will make the damage from alcohol even worse. It must be taken before you start drinking, jarrow has a great time release formula that is amazing.

Thanks for the warning. I'm very interested in this- do you have any information to support post drinking damage?

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Recently got some blood work back and I'm a little high on total cholesterol, very low on vitamin D and on the low end of the range for T.

Here's my supplement plan:
20,000 units D3 for a week then back off to 10,000 units.
500 mg Magnesium
50 mg Zinc
1 g Niacin

I'd appreciate any thoughts or suggestions.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (01-23-2016 02:37 PM)thirty-six Wrote:  

Quote: (10-23-2015 07:06 PM)Isaac Jordan Wrote:  

In addition to the basics (multivitamin, vitamin D, fish oil, juicing, green tea, coconut oil, ACV), the one thing that's made the biggest difference in my life has been collagen:


Gelatin (also known as cooked collagen) is a wonder food with anti-inflammatory and anti-aging qualities, as it helps to fill in the missing amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) in the standard American diet.

The standard American diet tends to be very high in muscle meats (such as beef, chicken, lamb and turkey), which when not balanced by other proteins (such as eggs, fish, dairy, shellfish, organ meats) can contribute to inflammation over time.

Four tablespoons of collagen a day completed eliminated my post-squat knee pain. I've been able to consistently push myself harder in the gym, and it's definitely shortened my recovery time.

There are numerous other benefits to collagen even if you're not a heavy lifter:

-an increased ability to repair connective tissue (bone, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, skin)
-stronger, thicker hair and nails
-promotes rapid cell growth producing synovial fluids to lubricate joints
-slows the skin degradation that leads to wrinkles

My preferred brand is Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate, as they derive the product from grass-fed cows, and the hydrolysate treatment process reduces the molecular weight so that the powder dissolves in either hot or cold liquids (i.e. it won't clump up like regular gelatin).

You can buy the product on Amazon by the pound, but it's cheaper to order directly from the manufacturer's website.

I was hoping this was going to be a game changer, especially for the stronger, thicker hair, but I haven't noticed anything. Been taking it for about two or three months now.

How much are you taking every day? And how old are you? Are you looking just to grow thicker hair, or fight back/delay baldness/etc.?

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (01-23-2016 07:38 PM)Isaac Jordan Wrote:  

Quote: (01-23-2016 02:37 PM)thirty-six Wrote:  

Quote: (10-23-2015 07:06 PM)Isaac Jordan Wrote:  

In addition to the basics (multivitamin, vitamin D, fish oil, juicing, green tea, coconut oil, ACV), the one thing that's made the biggest difference in my life has been collagen:


Gelatin (also known as cooked collagen) is a wonder food with anti-inflammatory and anti-aging qualities, as it helps to fill in the missing amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) in the standard American diet.

The standard American diet tends to be very high in muscle meats (such as beef, chicken, lamb and turkey), which when not balanced by other proteins (such as eggs, fish, dairy, shellfish, organ meats) can contribute to inflammation over time.

Four tablespoons of collagen a day completed eliminated my post-squat knee pain. I've been able to consistently push myself harder in the gym, and it's definitely shortened my recovery time.

There are numerous other benefits to collagen even if you're not a heavy lifter:

-an increased ability to repair connective tissue (bone, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, skin)
-stronger, thicker hair and nails
-promotes rapid cell growth producing synovial fluids to lubricate joints
-slows the skin degradation that leads to wrinkles

My preferred brand is Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate, as they derive the product from grass-fed cows, and the hydrolysate treatment process reduces the molecular weight so that the powder dissolves in either hot or cold liquids (i.e. it won't clump up like regular gelatin).

You can buy the product on Amazon by the pound, but it's cheaper to order directly from the manufacturer's website.

I was hoping this was going to be a game changer, especially for the stronger, thicker hair, but I haven't noticed anything. Been taking it for about two or three months now.

How much are you taking every day? And how old are you? Are you looking just to grow thicker hair, or fight back/delay baldness/etc.?

I'm taking the recommended dose, 2TSP (12g) twice a day. And, nada. That's awesome that it's helping you in the gym, though.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Interesting article in today's Wall Street Journal on how athletes are waking up to the benefits of vitamin D for training and preventing injuries:

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Let's see, here's the supplements I'm taking and why I'm taking them:

Zinc, 50mg
Magnesium, 200mg
B6, 100mg
D3, 5000 IU

-these I'm taking primarily for boosting testosterone. The magnesium and B6 are supposed to help out the zinc in building that testosterone, and the D doesn't hurt either. The vitamin D also really helps my mood. I live in the Pacific Northwest, and can definitely suffer from seasonal depression during the winter. The vitamin D really helps perk me up. It's not like an anti-depressant or anything, but I find I'm not down in the dumps all the time.

Vitamin E, 400 IU

-I take this as it's great for hair, skin, and nails. Also helps beard growth, which isn't too bad since I do wear a short beard.

I also do creatine powder before workouts and whey protein powder after workouts. I make sure to get the protein powder that does not have any soy in it, as the soy can hurt guys by building up estrogen. Can't stress enough either how much getting 8 hours of sleep consistently every night is, or having a proper sleep schedule. I know it can be difficult to keep when going out and partying or having a girl over, but it really helps me having my body keep a rhythm.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

I've changed my list around with a few new additions and dropped theanine and mag citrate because the effects just weren't really noticeable enough. I also stopped buying fish oil.

2016 Vitamin list:
Improved vascularity during workouts and boner quality. I attack my workouts with a ferocity that is unprecedented. Makes you feel "on", like a mild version of NO explode you feel all day

-Creatine Monohydrate
Already been discussed. Better intra set workouts. Each rep feels like it "counts" more and I can always crank out a few more than usual

-Royal jelly extract with honey and ginseng
For long term goals of sexual longevity and overall health. I plan on making this a permanent part of my supplementation. Mood and overall well being is uplifted slightly after ~3 weeks of steady consumption

-Rhodiola Rosea powder
Natural herb that grows in cold climates which is a reportedly powerful testosterone booster. Main benefit is the ability to cope with stress and long hours doing unpleasant tasks. A 12 hour day isn't really a big deal on rhodiola. One time I finished a presentation at near midnight and still had an hour to drive home and still felt like I could box 5 rounds.

Horny Goat Weed with Maca-
I bought this stuff off Ali B's recommendation because he said it worked well for him. I'm not sure if I'm going to continue taking this supplement. I got a free extra bottle in the Amazon deal so I'll take it for 2 months and report back. It's supposed to increase sex drive and boner quality but so far I don't find it very effective on either front. Citrulline seems way more effective for those purposes so far. It also makes your heart beat very hard, it's slightly uncomfortable

Better boners. Killer instinct. Better sleep. Immune strength. In fact zinc's powerful protective qualities seem to be the least discussed aspect of this amazing product. I haven't gotten a common cold or flu in what must be over 4 years now, pretty much the entire time I've been taking zinc. I've had plates with severe cases of sniffles come over and fuck me and I woke up like a stallion the next day.

Testosterone and bone health

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Maybe I missed it, but I haven't seen anything on L-Glutamine or BCAA's.

[Image: attachment.jpg29794]   
[Image: attachment.jpg29795]   

These were both recommended to me by a friend that's a competitive body builder with a pro card.


Studies have shown that L-Glutamine supplementation can minimize breakdown of muscle and improve protein metabolism. Find out everything you need to know about glutamine and how it can help you!

Glutamine is the most common amino acid found in your muscles - over 61% of skeletal muscle is Glutamine. Glutamine consists of 19% nitrogen, making it the primary transporter of nitrogen into your muscle cells.

During intense training, Glutamine levels are greatly depleted in your body, which decreases strength, stamina and recovery. It could take up to 6 days for Glutamine levels to return to normal - and Glutamine plays a key role in protein synthesis. Studies have shown that L-Glutamine supplementation can minimize breakdown of muscle and improve protein metabolism.


Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) refers to three amino acids: Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine. BCAA supplementation, for people with low dietary protein intake, can promote muscle protein synthesis and increase muscle growth over time. It can also be used to prevent fatigue in novice athletes.

I did some a while back and got good results. I'm going to get back on them both in March. I would recommend that you get the capsules. I used the powders and they tasted like hot monkey shit. It's recommended that you take them with juice or a sports drink, but I was avoiding sugars at the time.

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Best vitamins/supplements for men

^ something like Scivation Xtend will give you your glutamine, leucine, isoleucine and valine needs in one, whilst tasting good too.

I've been on it for the last 3 years with good results.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

I have a desk full of all kinds of supplements- Zinc, B Complex, Magnesium Citrate, Resveratrol, NAC, Vitamin D, etc etc. I haven't been taking them much lately and I don't feel noticeably different than when I took them religiously. Anyone have a similar experience?

Best vitamins/supplements for men

^^^^^ yeah I feel the same... have at least 50 jars of supplements... between when I take them and when I don't there isn't much of a difference.

I notice a difference with optizinc and ACV, thats about it.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (02-09-2016 08:33 PM)thoughtgypsy Wrote:  

I have a desk full of all kinds of supplements- Zinc, B Complex, Magnesium Citrate, Resveratrol, NAC, Vitamin D, etc etc. I haven't been taking them much lately and I don't feel noticeably different than when I took them religiously. Anyone have a similar experience?

Let me quote myself here:

Quote: (11-13-2015 03:05 PM)Teutatis Wrote:  

You guys should save all the money you're spending on useless supplements /vitamins/etc. and just buy real food. I also used to think all this crap was important but it really isn't, it's just a useless waste of money at best and actually potentially harmful in the long term.

You don't feel different because all those supplements are useless. I used to take lots of supplements as well when I was younger, I really thought I *needed* them, so I understand when guys came on here and are worried they have to have 100 different pills to cover all their needs, but the whole supplement/vitamin thing is just another billion dollar scam industry. I take zero supplements and I'm as healthy as I've ever been.

Eat real food and stop worrying about all those pills, you'll be healthier.

Quote: (02-09-2016 09:34 PM)BallsDeep Wrote:  

^^^^^ yeah I feel the same... have at least 50 jars of supplements... between when I take them and when I don't there isn't much of a difference.

I notice a difference with optizinc and ACV, thats about it.

ACV is great and should certainly be one of the elements present in any healthy diet but I doubt you can really tell any difference in your body when you stop taking it.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (02-10-2016 03:55 PM)Teutatis Wrote:  

You don't feel different because all those supplements are useless. I used to take lots of supplements as well when I was younger, I really thought I *needed* them, so I understand when guys came on here and are worried they have to have 100 different pills to cover all their needs, but the whole supplement/vitamin thing is just another billion dollar scam industry. I take zero supplements and I'm as healthy as I've ever been.

I can practically do pushups on my penis when I supplement zinc.

I would say a healthy paleo diet covers everything except certain minerals, which are being redistributed away from the topsoil by industrial farming and sewage systems.
And even non-essential supplements teach people about what nutrients to look for in their food.

I have to say, your attitude is glum and unscientific. "Not feeling different" doesn't account for bodily (or even mental) processes we have no conscious awareness of.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

You make some good points Teutatis, but ultimately the truth most likely lies in the middle somewhere.

It's definitely true that with a lot of these supplements it was more like I was convincing myself I was feeling different, and I am definitely guilty of being on the placebo bandwagon with many of these products.

On the other side of the coin, there are a few (keyword) that had indisputable effects. One important factor is also individual physiology. I am markedly more lethargic/inactive/blasé for instance when I forget to consistently take my B-complex vitamins. There have been times where I was inexplicably depressed "from the inside out" and couldn't understand why, then I suddenly realized it's been 4 days in a row that I haven't taken b-complex. Within another 3 or so days of consistent use I feel back to normal. To be fair, I may be one those people who just naturally lacks proper b-vitamins.

Another is L-Optizinc. Granted I don't feel bad when I don't take it, but the boost is physically tangible. You literally feel it in your balls. I also feel much different when I wake up in the morning during consistent zinc dosage.

But there is so much bullshit snake oil and other products that are completely unnecessary and possibly even harmful. This is why I'm constantly trying to change stuff around and see what is beneficial vs sawdust. The horny goat weed I referenced earlier seems to be one of such products. I suspect most of those super overpriced nootropics bundles like alpha brain are also overpriced marketing garbage. Seriously guys the cheapest and most economic thing I have done in this regard is to just buy individual ingredients off amazon and concoct my own much cheaper, much more effective "custom nootropics". Bulksupplements is an awesome vendor for this, whom I am not affiliated with just love their products. Best damn creatine on the market.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

[quote='dispenser' pid='1218247' dateline='1455139441']
I can practically do pushups on my penis when I supplement zinc.
Quote:I took zinc for years, I noticed exactly zero difference when I stopped. I seriously doubt it's the zinc pills you take that's giving you all that penile strength.

[quote]I have to say, your attitude is glum and unscientific. "Not feeling different" doesn't account for bodily (or even mental) processes we have no conscious awareness of.

There's plenty of scientific research out there supporting what I'm saying. Taking supplements is a waste of money in the short term and potentially dangerous for your health in the long.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Have you considered that you may just have higher zinc levels than the average person, and thus didn't feel much different after dosage than a zinc-deficient person?

Best vitamins/supplements for men

I should mention that I'm referring to normal healthy individuals, some people do need supplements, like pregnant women, older people, people suffering from anemia or recovering from illnesses, drug addicts, vegetarians, etc.

Quote: (02-10-2016 07:04 PM)HonantheBarbarian Wrote:  

Have you considered that you may just have higher zinc levels than the average person, and thus didn't feel much different after dosage than a zinc-deficient person?

I don't think I have higher Zinc levels, I just eat lots of red meat, chicken and eggs. It's pretty much impossible to have any Zinc (or any vitamin or mineral) deficiencies if you follow a healthy and varied diet.

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