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High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

I'm only posting this because it's a timely contrast to the officer that slammed that girl out of her chair the other week. One of the most common responses is, "You can't treat a child like that!"

These aren't children anymore.

There were fights in my high school but absolutely nothing like this. When I was in high school it would be a group of guys, usually 1-on-1 handling business just outside of the school grounds.

This looks like a pack of wild animals.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

I wasn’t surprised by the video, this kind of stuff has been going on for a while now.

My neighbour got kicked out of school because he punched a teacher in the face and the teacher went flying backwards over a desk. This was in the early 1990s in UK.

Nearly a year ago, a teacher was killed at school for the first time in UK history:

Ann Maguire murder: Will Cornick sentenced to life


3 November 2014

A 16-year-old boy has been given a life sentence after he admitted murdering Leeds teacher Ann Maguire.

Will Cornick stabbed Mrs Maguire, 61, seven times in the back and neck at
Corpus Christi Catholic College, then sat down and said "good times".

Leeds Crown Court heard he had told other pupils he hated Mrs Maguire.

The judge said he had shown a "chilling lack of remorse" and ordered him to serve at least 20 years, saying he might never be released.

Mrs Maguire's family said they were "looking to the future with a fragile hope".

No emotion

Cornick, who was 15 when he killed Mrs Maguire in April, had not been named because of his age but judge Mr Justice Coulson lifted an order banning his identification.

Earlier the teenager stood in the dock flanked by two prison officers as the clerk read out the charge.

He looked straight ahead and showed no emotion as he admitted murdering Mrs Maguire. The Spanish teacher suffered seven stab wounds to her back and neck.

Mr Justice Coulson said it was "quite possible" Cornick would never be released.

Prosecutor Paul Greaney QC told the court the boy had "psychopathic tendencies" and had derived pleasure from the public nature of the killing, something the judge referred to as "truly grotesque".

He told the court pupils had noticed disturbing aspects to Cornick's personality.

Cornick told other children he hated Mrs Maguire and wanted her dead, writing on Facebook that she "deserves more than death, more than pain and more than anything that we can understand".

The prosecutor said: "Late on the night of Christmas Eve 2013, and into the early hours of Christmas Day, the defendant exchanged messages with a friend on Facebook.

"In those messages he spoke of 'brutally killing' Mrs Maguire and spending the rest of his life in jail so as not to have to worry about life or money."

The court heard Mrs Maguire had been leaning over her desk helping a girl with her work when the boy attacked her from behind after winking at another pupil in the classroom.

"The defendant approached his teacher and began to stab her in the neck and back," said Mr Greaney.

"Ann Maguire was 61 years of age, 5ft 2in in height and of slim build.

"The defendant was a full foot taller and was armed with a large kitchen knife.

"To describe his attack as cowardly hardly does it justice."

The prosecutor said Mrs Maguire fled but was chased by Cornick, who was "stabbing her as she sought to escape".

'Proud of what he did'

Mrs Maguire was stabbed seven times before colleague Susan Francis, alerted by children screaming, rushed her friend into a work room and held the door shut.

Mr Greaney said: "She was able to see the boy through a glass panel in the door. His face was emotionless and he then walked away."

Cornick went back to the classroom and sat down "as if nothing had happened", the prosecutor told the court.

"He said that he had stabbed Mrs Maguire," said Mr Greaney. "He added that it was a pity she was not dead.

"He said to the entire class 'good times' and spoke of an adrenaline rush."

The boy told a psychiatrist after the killing that he had a "sense of pride" in killing Mrs Maguire, the court heard.

Mr Greaney said when the expert asked about the impact on Mrs Maguire's family, Cornick replied: "I know the victim's family will be upset but I don't care.

"In my eyes, everything I've done is fine and dandy."

"It's kill or be killed. I did not have a choice. It was kill her or suicide."

'Responsible parents'

But the prosecutor said the teenager's actions were still "inexplicable".

"The parents are decent people and responsible parents," he said. "They are at a loss to understand how and why their son has turned out as he has and they have co-operated fully with the police and with the prosecution.

"It follows that this is not one of those cases in which a defendant's actions may find a degree of explanation in his family circumstances."

Ch Supt Paul Money, of West Yorkshire Police, said no person acting in authority could have foreseen the "cold-blooded" and "cowardly" murder.

Mrs Maguire had worked at the school for more than 40 years and had been due to retire.

In a statement read to the court, Mrs Maguire's widower Don described the attack as a "monumental act of cowardice and evil".

Her sister Denise Courtenay said: "We will never recover from this pain and anguish.

"No amount of punishment can compensate us for what we have lost."

Speaking after Cornick had been sentenced, Nigel Richardson, head of children's services at Leeds City Council, said everyone's thoughts were with Mrs Maguire's family, friends and colleagues.

He said her "lasting legacy" would be felt across the local community and throughout Leeds.

Steve Mort, head teacher of Corpus Christi Catholic College, said: "I want to take this opportunity to pay tribute to all our staff and students, present and past, for the way that they have coped and continue to cope with this shocking and unprecedented incident.

"I would also like to say thank you for the amazing tributes and messages of sympathy and support that we have received in school from across Leeds, from around the country and from far further afield.

"We have drawn great strength and comfort from these and from our shared faith, and we continue to remember Ann and her family in our prayers."

Just this week a kid was stabbed to death at a school:

Pupil dies after school stabbing at Cults Academy in Aberdeen


A 16-year-old pupil has died after being stabbed at an Aberdeen school.

Police are treating the death of the pupil - named locally as Bailey Gwynne - at Cults Academy as a murder inquiry.

Officers said a 16-year-old male had been detained after emergency services were called to the school at about 13:30.

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

The level of insanity just keeps increasing.

[Image: giphy.gif]

A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.

A true friend is the most precious of all possessions and the one we take the least thought about acquiring.

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

This what happens when you take discipline out of the schools. Anarchy. And when you try to impose discipline, parents and media stab you in the back.

Public education is dying, if not already dead. I went to small-town public schools and high school, but I think that era of history is now ending.

Pretty soon, if not already, the only kids getting a decent education will be those from families who can afford private school. I was not one of those, but things were safer back in the 80s.

Now, it's just chaos.

If it were up to me, I would bring back uniforms and corporal punishment. But of course that would never fly.

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

Quote: (10-29-2015 07:58 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

This what happens when you take discipline out of the schools. Anarchy. And when you try to impose discipline, parents and media stab you in the back.

Public education is dying, if not already dead. I went to small-town public schools and high school, but I think that era of history is now ending.

Pretty soon, if not already, the only kids getting a decent education will be those from families who can afford private school. I was not one of those, but things were safer back in the 80s.

Now, it's just chaos.

If it were up to me, I would bring back uniforms and corporal punishment. But of course that would never fly.

We used to have corporal punishment in the UK until the late 1980s. We still have uniforms - why doesn't the US have them?

I think another issue is that the parents nowadays never take the side of the teachers. If a kid was hit by a teacher in some countries, the parent would beat the kid too for getting in trouble at school.

Nowadays the parent is more likely to attack the teacher. My sports teacher was once attacked by parent when I was a kid.

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

That's out of control.

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

I'm not entirely shocked here. Maybe I just went to a bad school but I'd see teachers catch stray punches etc when they tried to break up a fight. The kids in this video are fighting each other, its not a 1 on 1 that started with the principal.

All the screaming black bitches literally sounds like agitated chimpanzees.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

Shit, I went to a suburban public school in MA (graduated in 06), never saw a principal get body slammed, but saw plenty of teachers get tangled up in fights, I threw a chair at a teacher, me and my friends would tape porn to the back of their jackets, pissed in the principals potted plants, we were little shits, there's always been little shits. This isn't the first time a principals been assaulted.

The difference is now everythings a fucking spectacle for the world to see and a topic of debate. I saw cops forcefully pull white kids out of school, it was never a topic for debate, its what happened to you when you were a shit head.

I straightened out eventually, and so did a lot of other shit heads, but no one was holding my hand telling me I'm a victim, it was basically be a scum bag and die or get it together. These kids now, its like a contest to see who can be the most disrespectful and get rewarded for it.

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

Principal wasn't doing well in holding him back, should of gone with a Nelson hold.

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

Quote: (10-29-2015 07:58 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

This what happens when you take discipline out of the schools. Anarchy. And when you try to impose discipline, parents and media stab you in the back.

Public education is dying, if not already dead. I went to small-town public schools and high school, but I think that era of history is now ending.

Pretty soon, if not already, the only kids getting a decent education will be those from families who can afford private school. I was not one of those, but things were safer back in the 80s.

Now, it's just chaos.

If it were up to me, I would bring back uniforms and corporal punishment. But of course that would never fly.

My elementary school principal had air holes cut in the wooden paddle as to make for less air drag with swift swings.

Some kids got it hard, some kids lesser depending on the kid's attitude and history of bad behavior.

Bloody clobber-fests in high school occurred off - but close - to school grounds, some being pretty epic fights. Feminization of patriarchal figures in the home is where all this shit starts. A real man/parent would gladly let their misbehaving child take a beating from an authority figure at school with no retort, except to maybe drive it home harder when at home.

The removal of a male figure thanks to female hypergamy long-game post birthing of a child.

The system, continually fucks itself. Best strategy is to move you, your family, and your kids out of it if possible.

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl


"It's kill or be killed. I did not have a choice. It was kill her or suicide."

This line here, something was incredibly messed up in this kids head. This is the one thing I would like to know if anything about, why he felt that way.

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

At least he didn't get suplexed.

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

The media has been questioning why schools have police officers.

This video is the fucking answer. A frail, elderly man isn't equipped to break up a fight.

And female teachers can't restore order to a class like this:


High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

As an eastern European unaccustomed to the sight of elephants I cannot fail to notice that there are brown non-pink elephants in all those videos.

And the education system is also a global problem. With students having all the rights and teacher shaving none - we are raising a generation of entitled savages. Yet in countries where elephants are close to non-existent the problems are far lesser. Teenage students are still lazy and unmotivated but at least they don't jump and brawl all around the classrooms like rabid monkeys.

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

Quote: (10-29-2015 07:58 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

This what happens when you take discipline out of the schools. Anarchy. And when you try to impose discipline, parents and media stab you in the back.

Public education is dying, if not already dead. I went to small-town public schools and high school, but I think that era of history is now ending.

Pretty soon, if not already, the only kids getting a decent education will be those from families who can afford private school. I was not one of those, but things were safer back in the 80s.

Now, it's just chaos.

If it were up to me, I would bring back uniforms and corporal punishment. But of course that would never fly.

This must be why, when I read about the story about the cop who threw the student across the room, that my first thought was that she probably deserved it.

[Image: quote-each-new-generation-born-is-in-eff...-84-60.jpg]

I would argue that it is now too late.

"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute." - John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

That's nothing special. Feral single-motherhood kids look like that. Back in the 1950s when black households had 90% father and breadwinner living at home, this would not even be remotely possible. Aggression potential is genetic, but lack of control and discipline is learned.

The same goes for the lack of control with Muslim-heritage students. It's not that they are inherently aggressive and have no respect towards teachers. No - Islam poisons their mind and destructive mental attitudes are passed down from father to son.

Every time someone asks what is so problematic about single mothers, you may point him to the video. This is what single mothers do. And in our times one may also add all the cuck / deep Blue Pill men into the mix as well. A powerless man is a non-existant man in his household.

1950s black patriarchal frame control - and funny as well

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

Wow, just wow, Veloce. Way to post a video without giving proper context.

If only we spent more money on pre-schools, gave these kids 10,000 hours of practice, eliminated stereotype bias, primed them correctly in their hallways (in a manner that somehow escapes replication), they would be crushing the Terrence Tao's of the world.

I am thoroughly triggered.


High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

This is by design. It is exactly what the elites wanted. To target and destroy the middle class, destroying the education system was a must. Push the liberal feminist agenda in schools and watch is spread. They are probably happy to see the results from incidents like this.

I believe it was Karl Marx who coined the term "useful idiot". If not, he has been given credit for it. This is the result of "free" healthcare, "free" food, "free" housing, next up is "free" college. Women don't need a man, the govt. provides everything for "free". We hand out the right to vote like candy at Halloween and the useful idiots vote in candidates who offer "free" anything.

This shit ain't free. We are seeing the cost of this "free" shit. The destruction of the family unit and the destruction of the community. It is far cheaper to just work and pay for things yourself, than waiting for the govt. to give you something for "free" and this video is evidence of this.

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

Why break it up?

I'd use pepper spray on both the fuckers faces. Screw getting in the middle of that.

I went to a magnet school. You know the only ones who ever got into fights? Thug rat chicks.

If I was a teacher or principal i'd carry a small can of mace. Fight breaks out, spray 'em both down. When they're crying on the ground drag them both off.

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

This kinda shit pisses me off...
To the point i just stopped speaking with urban black people (im black btw)

There is no excuse to behave like that.
Growing up if i ever behaved like that i would get the beatdown of my life once i got home. From my dad, mom or both.
I can honestly say if that was my school i'd drop out and do online schooling of some kind and the take my GED to remove myself from that jungle.

The most fucked up thing about black kids acting like that is it makes the rest of us (law-abiding, educated, well adjusted) look terrible. We get lumped together with them like we are all ghetto thug wanna be rappers/ballers regardless of the clothes we wear.

I wanna say the those WN used to piss me off alot with their bullshit...but when you see a video like these posted all of over worldstar with pride i dont even blame the WN anymore.

I'm so sick of ignorant black people doing dumbshit.

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

Quote: (10-29-2015 07:58 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

If it were up to me, I would bring back uniforms and corporal punishment. But of course that would never fly.

Uniforms would definitely help, but before there can be corporal punishment, there needs to be a step in between: separation of boys and girls.

To me it looks very obvious that this kind of aggressive behaviour is also due to the presence of the other sex and, therefore, the whole relationship/sexual market. Boys will need to prove to girls that they are the top dog, and girls will have to compete against each other regarding who can dress or move in the most sexual way. When you take this out of school, it will become much easier to control them.

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

Quote: (10-30-2015 02:33 AM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

This is by design. It is exactly what the elites wanted. To target and destroy the middle class, destroying the education system was a must. Push the liberal feminist agenda in schools and watch is spread. They are probably happy to see the results from incidents like this.

I believe it was Karl Marx who coined the term "useful idiot". If not, he has been given credit for it. This is the result of "free" healthcare, "free" food, "free" housing, next up is "free" college. Women don't need a man, the govt. provides everything for "free". We hand out the right to vote like candy at Halloween and the useful idiots vote in candidates who offer "free" anything.

This shit ain't free. We are seeing the cost of this "free" shit. The destruction of the family unit and the destruction of the community. It is far cheaper to just work and pay for things yourself, than waiting for the govt. to give you something for "free" and this video is evidence of this.

All true points. It also goes beyond that. By coming up with the concepts of "hate crimes" and "hate speech," the elites essentially found a way to neuter any response to this sort of thing by whites. Black Lives Matter ups the ante even further.

Let's say the principal here had a background in boxing and after taking a few punches, suddenly rebounded and knocked this kid the fuck out? What would the response be then? The response would have been the loss of his job, the end of his future, and massive public shaming.

The spectre of being called racist is causing whites to have to take dives, so to speak, when this sort of thing happens. For all we know, this principal might just have had it in him to retaliate, but didn't. (According to some reports, the video of the cop attacking that girl was not an attack, but a counter-attack.)

When you start telling a group of people that every move they make will be monitored for racism which will then lead to wrecked lives, you've basically frozen all but the most bold of those people out of taking initiative in situations like this. You talk about the erosion of the middle class? Well, the elites not only eroded their earning and buying power, but their dignity as well.

The media counts as "the elite" because it's owned by them and follows their party line. The fact that this video didn't go viral yet this particular posting of the video got 60K hits in one day is a story in and of itself.

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

'sphere blogger and ROK author Obsidian commented at a connected topic - concerned more the Spring Valley High manhandling of a girl by a cop, but it has essentially the same talking points:

Here reminder of the Spring Valley High incident:

Also the officer was fired as he tried to protect a black teacher. Officer was even defended by other students claiming that the cop was cool and certainly no racist.

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

Quote: (10-29-2015 07:58 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

This what happens when you take discipline out of the schools. Anarchy. And when you try to impose discipline, parents and media stab you in the back.

Public education is dying, if not already dead. I went to small-town public schools and high school, but I think that era of history is now ending.

Pretty soon, if not already, the only kids getting a decent education will be those from families who can afford private school. I was not one of those, but things were safer back in the 80s.

Now, it's just chaos.

If it were up to me, I would bring back uniforms and corporal punishment. But of course that would never fly.

I am actually going to disagree here. I don't think the increased violence has to do with less strict schools, it has more to do with single mums trying to raise children with no male authority in the child's life. And then they try to say that the children don't need a father in their lives. Bullshit. I'm guessing the father could not be reached for comment in any of these cases of psychopathy in students.

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

Quote: (10-30-2015 06:26 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

Quote: (10-29-2015 07:58 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

This what happens when you take discipline out of the schools. Anarchy. And when you try to impose discipline, parents and media stab you in the back.

Public education is dying, if not already dead. I went to small-town public schools and high school, but I think that era of history is now ending.

Pretty soon, if not already, the only kids getting a decent education will be those from families who can afford private school. I was not one of those, but things were safer back in the 80s.

Now, it's just chaos.

If it were up to me, I would bring back uniforms and corporal punishment. But of course that would never fly.

I am actually going to disagree here. I don't think the increased violence has to do with less strict schools, it has more to do with single mums trying to raise children with no male authority in the child's life. And then they try to say that the children don't need a father in their lives. Bullshit. I'm guessing the father could not be reached for comment in any of these cases of psychopathy in students.

I agree, but let me add something (this is becoming my standard phrase on here now).

Not only does this have to do with single mothers raising kids without dads, it has to do with the type of genetics these kids are getting because of the dads those moms choose.

Study after study has shown both personality and intelligence have large genetic components. When you sire kids with Billy Badass instead of Dudley Do-Right, it should be no surprise that you get Billy Badass, Jr. as a kid. If you have entire communities doing this, you end up with outlaw communities. The best parenting in the world, the best teachers in the world, and the most well-funded school systems will not change this.

When society stopped putting pressure on women to get married before having kids, it unwittingly gave them the freedom to spawn with bad boys, thinking that would be the same as breeding with marriage-ready guys because it's all about giving the kids "love" and "support." It isn't. You can't create gold out of garbage.

This goes for white women in equal measure.

The "educated class" (gag) -- especially school system-type shitheads -- will dispute this by claiming kids are a "blank slate" and nurture trumps nature. Oh really? Then why is it that when educated women or couples need a sperm bank, the male genes they seek come from well-bred Ivy League men, not prisoners? If it's all about nurture, why not choose a big, strapping ex-con to sire your kids for free instead of paying for expensive Ivy sperm?

From 2012: It's nature, not nurture: personality lies in genes

From 1986 and in the New York Times, no less (!!!!): Major Personality Study Finds That Traits Are Mostly Inherited

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