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Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

OP, your "White God Factor" and rich life experience can only be manifested through these bike lights. No opening line, no escalation, no money spending. Just ride up with these bad boys and bitches will swarm...

[Image: 233799.jpg]

[Image: 233783.gif]

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

"21K4TG" posts two days ago, gets lots of great advice and then dissapears?

I wonder if "21K4TG" is a female SJW troll and the video just was of some random geeky nerd that cycled to China and is not the real starter of this thread??

Please 21K4TG engage in the discussion, come up with a self improvement and gaming action plan, report on progress and prove yourself not to be a feminist Troll.

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

I was gonna post something to add to my gif last night but was too tired so here it is.

I'm no game expert but even i can certainly see what's wrong here.

Contrary to what some other posters said, i don't think you're ugly.
I know guys who are facially more f*cked than u dating good-looking girls.

What you definitely need to do is to change your entire appearance , body language and in general, the way you interact.

You kind of come across as a sexless nerd.

Go and visit a stylist to see what haircut and clothes look best on you. Get some style.

Definitely take the advice other posters said in terms of game and body language.

Also, you might be in shape, but you look a bit frail. I don't know if it's because you don't know how to dress for your body type or if you really are frail. If so, get to the gym, you can even meet some people there.

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Go overseas. Stay overseas. Carry on.

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Meeting woman is not a job interview, where u are boasting your past achievements.
Especially in the west, where subtle attraction triggers play a big role.
If u were just treating it as a matCH making event, then probably east asia or eastern Europe would be more suitable, As long as u got some tangible stuff like money in order.

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

I'm sorry, but it's hard for me to take seriously someone who:

1. Claims he was "stalked by the world's largest centipede."

2. Claims not to know how people actually get laid.

Somethin' ain't addin' up here....

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Alright gentlemen, first off let me respond by saying thank you. I take all the advice on here seriously, although 'change your body language' and 'my first impression of you was a Mormon' weigh a tad heavier than 'scrotum bike lights' and mini videos of talking dolphins.

Since that video was taken, I changed my entire appearance: dress, hair, starting hitting the gym. So you know that I am serious and listen to people that take the time to reply here, I am attaching a picture from just ten minutes ago.

Contrary to what some posters speculated, I don't have Asperger's. No psych history. Not exactly Mystery, but, yes, I would posit my social skills around average. How well I present myself depends on the vibe of the other person. When talking to anyone tall, important and supremely confident I come across as more mellow. If the girl is looking bored from the start, I may struggle to get the conversation to a 'flowing' level. And when she has energy, I have energy. I'm probably far worse conversationally than the average guy on this forum... but learning from you all is what led to this post.
Sadly, I have zero social circle. I moved to Arizona two weeks ago, and was abroad for the better part of several years before that. I will be slowly building that as I settle here in Arizona.

Body language:
Where to begin... I think new clothes and lifting will subtly change this, and working on posture and slow, deliberate movements will help. A ton more nuances will be necessary.

Results, for me, were far better in Asia. No bangs, but lots of attention. The biggest cockblockers I faced in Asia, mostly China and Vietnam, were the language (most girls speak little or no English outside of huge cosmopolitan cities like Beijing or Hanoi) and the fact that most girls travel in large groups and isolation is challenging. Once I tighten my game here in the US, and save up a few grand, I WILL be returning to Asia, hopefully interior China, Indonesia and of course the Philippines.

Went out again on Friday last night. Lots of people at the clubs and bars, but still far, far too many dudes. A few cute girls, but mostly tattooed, obese, lesbian, excessively pierced and smoking quasi-females. However, it's my understanding that it's currently intersession here at the University of Arizona, and summer session and fall will bring in around 25,000 more girls. I do think Tucson has potential for decent gaming. Plus, I live 5 blocks from the nightlife epicenter. Logistics are excellent.

Most important:
The number one lesson spewed on this thread is don't be boastful of your achievements. Girls don't want self-centered men. Instead, I am gleaning from the majority of responses, let the value obtained through those accomplishments be displayed indirectly on conversation, ideally aimed at making her 'feel special'. Be polite, friendly, and, most importantly, FUN.

As certainly a few people on here can attest, I think going out with another player, skilled or novice, would be instrumental in player development. Nothing to lose, certainly a lot to gain.

Does anyone on here live in Arizona??

Again, thanks for taking the time to care. This community means a lot, and I hope to be a more active participant in the future, definitely posting on topics NOT related to myself. Maybe a Tucson data sheet far down the road.

[Image: attachment.jpg26518]   

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Quote: (05-30-2015 05:41 AM)americanInEurope Wrote:  

Go overseas. Stay overseas. Carry on.

100% agree. It's the long-term plan.

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Nice bro, I think you are on the right path, you took all the criticism constructively, you didn't let it hurt your ego, you came back on here and showed that you are willing to grow and change. Sometimes it takes baby steps, gaming in the U.S. if you want a certain caliber of woman isn't always easy. Tucson and AZ should be a gold mine for hot chicks from what I hear, but they sound like your typical dumb blonde slutty party girl types, this may be a tough pill to swallow, but sometimes you've got to dumb yourself down a notch to connect with these types, especially if you are highly intelligent and educated which I think you are.

I'd say instead of trying to become a master of night game, maybe focus on building a social circle, start to find a "niche" that interests you where you can meet chicks, (yoga, cross fit, other social meet ups, etc.) Maybe think outside the box a little bit, all the while work on your approaching and social skills.

I'm not a huge proponent of drinking in general, but you sound like you may be an introvert, if you're within walking or cabbing distance from downtown, I think you should push yourself out of your comfort zone and get drunk a night or two a week and just break out of your shell, not give a fuck, approach the hottest girls at the bar, high five all the frat boys, dance like a fool, try to make out with a drunk skank at last call... It may get you laid.

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

That's the spirit.

Also keep in mind, what we have told you directly is what some pro PUAs might know too, but would not tell you, because they either don't want to lose a client by saying something that might offend him or they simply don't give a shit and just show you the techniques which may not help you so much in the beginning.

Keep in mind that everyone can become better with women through study in Game. Tucson is no easy place for you to start, but if you keep an equal measure of theory and practice up, you will get results even there. You are just 26, which is super-young for a man. Your brain just now stopped growing in contrast to women who experience that around age 18. So enjoy the process and the sweet steps of victory on the way.

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

One thing I am wondering is do you have incredibly high standards? I know a lot of guys who are near virgins that have only had sex with one or two women, yet they only want to bang 7-10 caliber women and feel entitled to get these quality girls. It sucks but the reality is a lot of times you got to work your way up the totem pole, this can mean banging sixes for a while till your looks and game improve than you can make your way up to sevens, and hopefully the Gods smile upon you and you start getting 8+ eventually.

The point is it's a process, shit doesn't happen overnight, sometimes you got to pay your dues and work your way up the ranks, this usually applies to anything in life, business, politics, sports, women, etc.

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Quote: (05-30-2015 01:14 AM)Fujiwara Wrote:  

as an avid everyday cyclist, I first thought that your bicycle adventure was really cool! now are you ready for a couple first impressions?

when i saw the preview image, i thought I was looking at one of those Mormon dudes that I always see on college campuses. Then the video started and the first thing I thought was, "NERD!"... after skipping through some frames of what looked like a clip from Reading Rainbow (with a white guy). You look like someone that would get mugged in broad daylight, in public. after skipping some frames I landed on a part where you were talking about yourself and I turned it off.

But obviously an adventure like that does take big balls, these were just the first impressions to some nobody on the internet.

but you're right, that ratio sucks. I'd have bounced.

I've banged girls from work, but I work in the food industry so who cares. my position is one where my intelligence, strength, skill, and dominance are all on display and we all know those are attractive traits.

Anyway, check out body language

THANK YOU for your honesty. I for one think first impressions count drastically, and the anonymity of the internet allows them to be truthfully conveyed far better than in-person, especially negative ones like this. I am NOT Mormon, don't know what Reading Rainbow is, and indeed have been mugged in broad daylight. If skimming a clip suggests all this to you, I got some serious frickin changes to make. +++ points to you

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Reading Rainbow LOL!! That's some classic old school shit, if you're under 30 you probably wouldn't know what it is... Basically what he's saying is you come across as way too nice, cookie cutter, and square, kind of like Mr. Rogers if you know who that is...

You don't have to radically change your looks, personality, and style, get a face tattoo or something to gain an "edge", but like the beta accountant guy from the Date Lab thread on "everything else", girls don't want a super square boring dude, they want someone "FUN!" Believe me, I'm a very calm, routine oriented person, I've had girls tell me I'm "boring", but usually they figure that out after I've been banging them for about 6 months [Image: banana.gif].

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Quote: (05-29-2015 01:50 AM)mbare Wrote:  

So what to do? Join a social club or some group, on-line dating, day game/night game. There are tons of ways to meet people, so drop that thought.

Politely, out of curiosity, what do you recommend as the better social clubs and groups to meet single women? I have access to almost anything as a member of a 50,000-student campus. Following my own hobbies - martial arts, cycling, camping, mountaineering - have not led to much female interaction as far as social clubs go. What are the more popular girl hobbies/interests that are open to guys?

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Quote: (05-30-2015 01:14 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

One thing I am wondering is do you have incredibly high standards?

I'd say 5 or higher. Not high.
At a club last week two girls, a 3 and a 5, approached me on the dance floor and said 'You smell good.'
I was surprised and my response consequently came too late: I said 'thank you' and put my arm around the 5. They quickly walked off, embarrassed by the awkwardness. Would have gone after the 5, but couldn't determine how to recover.

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Quote: (05-30-2015 05:29 AM)Driesinator Wrote:  

You kind of come across as a sexless nerd.

To you also, sincere thanks for the honesty. I have been doing a mountain of research on what makes a man attractive.
You pulled this impression certainly based on something... kindly, in your opinion, what are the biggest simple and specific changes a 'sexless nerd' can make to create a positive impression on women BEFORE approaching and starting a conversation?

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

OK. You look all right. I was concerned there for a bit; thought you might be a female troll or a wacko. I was busting your balls a little bit, but it's all in good humor.

From reading your posts, it does look like you might have some minor social calibration issues that would probably be fixed by getting a woman in your life.

Bottom line man is that there's no magic wand or easy fix. Just get out there and keep trying to mix and mingle. Sounds like you've got a plan, and that's a great start.

Like a lot of guys (myself included) you might be taking these girls too seriously. They're not as impressed with our achievements as we are. Keep it light, playful, and dismissive.

You can be Mr. Nice Guy in Asia, but you need to be moving the interaction forward to a closing. You need to direct them where you want them to go, but in a "nice guy" way. Hard to explain, but you'll get the hang of it.

I think you would also benefit from some internet angle as well. Have you thought about joining Tinder? You're in or near a big city, so it might be good idea. Just a suggestion.

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Quote: (05-30-2015 01:34 PM)21K4TG Wrote:  

Quote: (05-30-2015 01:14 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

One thing I am wondering is do you have incredibly high standards?

I'd say 5 or higher. Not high.
At a club last week two girls, a 3 and a 5, approached me on the dance floor and said 'You smell good.'
I was surprised and my response consequently came too late: I said 'thank you' and put my arm around the 5. They quickly walked off, embarrassed by the awkwardness. Would have gone after the 5, but couldn't determine how to recover.

So you are garnering some attention, but scare the cat away. Women have an acute sense and pick up quickly whether you have an Alpha relaxed or fun vibe or something less appealing. This can be learned though.

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Quote: (05-30-2015 01:45 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (05-30-2015 01:34 PM)21K4TG Wrote:  

Quote: (05-30-2015 01:14 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

One thing I am wondering is do you have incredibly high standards?

I'd say 5 or higher. Not high.
At a club last week two girls, a 3 and a 5, approached me on the dance floor and said 'You smell good.'
I was surprised and my response consequently came too late: I said 'thank you' and put my arm around the 5. They quickly walked off, embarrassed by the awkwardness. Would have gone after the 5, but couldn't determine how to recover.

So you are garnering some attention, but scare the cat away. Women have an acute sense and pick up quickly whether you have an Alpha relaxed or fun vibe or something less appealing. This can be learned though.

What would an alpha have done in this situation?

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Quote: (05-30-2015 01:46 PM)21K4TG Wrote:  

What would an alpha have done in this situation?

Depending on her openness:

Smirk. Pulling her closer and smelling her: "Let's see if you smell as good as I do." - as you smell her neck. That way you initiate physical contact and some dominance as well, pull her closer at a pretense.

It takes perception and experience to read a woman's openness though.

If she is less open, then any witty comeback would have worked:

"No surprise. I am an expert on perfumes and can identify one million individual brands. Come here and let me get a whiff of your sweet smell." Then you do a fake smelling test on both of them. Say something outrageous.
"You see, I trained my smelling skills while traveling in Asia the last year. There I had the pleasure of smelling many many many different "flowers"." You do the "flowers" while doing exclamation marks:
[Image: 5a081f802d6f9e8d534af81c5b58bb14.jpg]

But it really depends, since you react on spur of the moment. Sometimes it's not even what you say, but how you react on that, your eye contact, relaxed attitude. Everyone works with what he's got.

I wouldn't recommend RSD for a bootcamp, but Owen Cook knows his stuff and the video here displays expertly the difference between a Lover and Provider vibe. Especially at night you do not want to be the Provider.

Also you don't have to emulate the high energy approach to get there.

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Quote: (05-30-2015 01:39 PM)21K4TG Wrote:  

Quote: (05-30-2015 05:29 AM)Driesinator Wrote:  

You kind of come across as a sexless nerd.

To you also, sincere thanks for the honesty. I have been doing a mountain of research on what makes a man attractive.
You pulled this impression certainly based on something... kindly, in your opinion, what are the biggest simple and specific changes a 'sexless nerd' can make to create a positive impression on women BEFORE approaching and starting a conversation?

You said in your response post that you got some new clothes and started hitting the gym, that's good.

The 'sexless nerd' vibe i got was because of the video you posted and your overall body language, hairstyle, clothing and demeanour, you seemed like a smart and good guy but not attractive to a woman, atleast not those in the West.

If i can give you one very good tip : Visit a stylist.

They will break it down for you.

What colors look good on you , what sort of style of clothing (casual, classy, bad boy... ) hairstyle and also your body-type and what fits you best.

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Gotta say: OP, you have shown that you have skin in the game now. Good luck.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Haha OP, I too thought you were a troll until I saw your video. OK now I can relate, you are actually a lot like I was back when I was a noob. Except that you are white and of average height, this is good.

Im actually surprised that you didnt explode with all your frustrations. Im not mocking you, quite the contrary, because I exploded when I felt betrayed by my best friend and my oneitis. But I used that anger to fuel my desire to smash pussy and now Im where I never thought I would be. For more info you can check out my old thread:

I understand your problem perfectly. You are in desperate need of some sexual experience and calibration. All that frustration inside you is what makes you spew forth the "look Im awesome and this is why you need to date me" Proof is that you didnt have an instant reaction when the girls complimented you.

I bet my ass you are not comfortable touching girls and getting sexual. If so here's what you can do:

-Join a dance class. If there s any hobby in the world that s good for men except lifting, this is it. You will learn an invaluable skill to woe girls as well as getting comfortable with the idea of touching them and feeling their titties on your chest. Join a club and ask as many partners to dance as possible.

-Join a martial art gym/class. Wont be as good to up your sexual skills but will help you release all that pent up energy and frustration. Also teaches you that if you got a problem, fucking solve it instead of whining.

-Start mass approaching. Because thats the only way

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

I visited Tucson back in 2001. I remember a lot of rather cute U of Az. girls being there. Sorostitute types. I think my friends took me to a place appropriately called "Dirtbags".

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Convince Me Getting Laid is Not A Myth

Quote: (05-30-2015 01:14 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

One thing I am wondering is do you have incredibly high standards? I know a lot of guys who are near virgins that have only had sex with one or two women, yet they only want to bang 7-10 caliber women and feel entitled to get these quality girls. It sucks but the reality is a lot of times you got to work your way up the totem pole, this can mean banging sixes for a while till your looks and game improve than you can make your way up to sevens, and hopefully the Gods smile upon you and you start getting 8+ eventually.

Here's my take on this: I think that entitlement complex comes from their pedigree and upbringing, looks, social circle. In other words, they believe that they have the goods, inherently or otherwise, to attract a particular calibre of women, then feel incredibly short-changed when that doesn't happen. They may later get the impression that to settle for 5s -- or, God forbid, moving to SEA -- will be selling themselves short when they could be banging a harem of hot, popular blonde 10s that are the centre of their social circles.

I can relate to this sort of complex -- I went to an independent boys school, and was raised in upper-middle class circumstances. I happened to move in reasonably élite social circles earlier on. I have above-average looks which tend to get complimented on (I modelled very briefly as a teenager).

I also imbibed a lot of SJW-type propaganda that exhorted how you should "be yourself, and shouldn't be 'working' towards sex -- "Women aren't machines you put niceness tokens into so that they eventually spread their legs".
It often fucks with your game headspace because that doesn't really push you to sharpen yourself socially -- you're not going to get laid simply by spending all your time doing maths homework or whatever.

It's quite a depressing rut for a young, attractive guy to be in, because a status quo of rejections/celibacy leads into a cycle of self-doubt and mental dissonance at one's own qualities -- "If I'm tall/cute/witty enough to get but aren't, maybe I'm not etc/etc/etc after all?!".

The Anglosphere has quite a polarising sexual effect on a man -- most times, it can either be like shooting fish in a barrel, or a sexual wasteland. The rather jarring this is that too many smart, good-looking, interesting guys are stuck in the latter.

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