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AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

I am fresh off a trip to the DR that probably made my dick about an inch longer with girth gains so I am finally tipping the 4" mark.

A little background I am about 5'9" skinny white guy from NorCal with the only redeeming factor a good face and smile. When I am in the US all I care about is blazing, money and good laughs. But when I get out I am all about sex.

I just arrived here in Medellin 5 days ago. I have scored two dates that were terrible. I am currently in a funk and don't even feel like going outside today. From reading Linux's thread I think I need to check out a different city or pull out completely. I am not one to quit before at least grabbing the flag though.

I was meaning to write threads on the Phils and the DR but I basically just followed the bible that is 20nation. I didnt think I could really add much that isn't already there. I can give some great advice on Makati and Santo Domingo because I absolutely destroyed those places. And a lot of the girls were smokeshows way beyond the fat sluts I pull in America that I only bang out of necessity.

I'm thinking of looking for an apartment elsewhere, I am damn glad I didnt rent one here for a month. I think that bad date last night was a blessing in disguise telling me to move on. I will try to keep this updated with any success I may run into. But as of now it's looking dismal.

Stats in Phils: 46 lays 79 days
Stats in DR: 51 lays in 4 months. I had one GF for 3 weeks, cabarete for a month, 4 threesomes including my first I was a natural, and the final 31 bangs came in 21 days. I was smoking about a pack of marlboro's a day and prolly lost about 15-20 pounds in the process of those 21 days.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Oh no, no notches in five days in Medellin, the horror! Might as well buy a Japanese girlfriend pillow and retire from the game!

You're making a mountain out of a molehill.

As with any stochastic process, like notches per day, sometimes you'll hit cold streaks. Flipping a coin five times will occasionally result in straight tails.

Your previous experiences and reading this forum are inducing poor expectations management.

I'm guilty of this, as well. I had 6 notches in 6 nights last time to Santiago, DR, a few months ago, and a flake on the 7th day almost made me punch a hole through my hotel wall (ended up doubling up the last day to finish 8 for 8).

If you really are feeling desperate, go to a mall and daygame approach like a machine.

Don't do something drastic just because your first five days didn't align entirely with your expectations.


AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

I appreciate the advice and you are absolutely correct. I need to get back on the horse tomorrow and hit the malls. I'm throwing online game out the window here. I almost punched a hole in the wall in Santo Domingo when I couldnt find my date in Zona Colonial. It was before I bought a local sim. To make a long story short 2 months later I ended up taking the same girl's virginity and she was an 18 yr old stunner white dominican with green eyes and freckles. It took 3 dates and she would not let me buy her anything even food besides one meal at pizza hut (how cheesy is that) Flake rate in the DR is super high I'd recommend scheduling 3-6 dates per day. But online game is an absolute goldmine. Im still going to leave here in a few days for greener pastures Cali or Bogota, but I hope to get one notch before that happens.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Quote: (05-07-2015 04:05 PM)AndThenDime Wrote:  

Stats in Phils: 46 lays 79 days
Stats in DR: 51 lays in 4 months. I had one GF for 3 weeks, cabarete for a month, 4 threesomes including my first I was a natural, and the final 31 bangs came in 21 days. I was smoking about a pack of marlboro's a day and prolly lost about 15-20 pounds in the process of those 21 days.

Where do you guys find the energy for this?


AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Quote: (05-07-2015 07:34 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (05-07-2015 04:05 PM)AndThenDime Wrote:  

Stats in Phils: 46 lays 79 days
Stats in DR: 51 lays in 4 months. I had one GF for 3 weeks, cabarete for a month, 4 threesomes including my first I was a natural, and the final 31 bangs came in 21 days. I was smoking about a pack of marlboro's a day and prolly lost about 15-20 pounds in the process of those 21 days.

Where do you guys find the energy for this?


Haha incredibly impressive, but I think the same thing when I read something like that. After banging three or four new chicks in a week, I just want to chill for at least a few days.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

It doesn't seem to be efficient for multiple guys in the same country to have their own thread.

Just a heads up that guys in the same place may have to share the same thread.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Quote: (05-07-2015 08:44 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

It doesn't seem to be efficient for multiple guys in the same country to have their own thread.

Just a heads up that guys in the same place may have to share the same thread.

That is no problem, I can report on the Linux thread if need be and you can throw this one out.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Quote: (05-07-2015 07:34 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (05-07-2015 04:05 PM)AndThenDime Wrote:  

Stats in Phils: 46 lays 79 days
Stats in DR: 51 lays in 4 months. I had one GF for 3 weeks, cabarete for a month, 4 threesomes including my first I was a natural, and the final 31 bangs came in 21 days. I was smoking about a pack of marlboro's a day and prolly lost about 15-20 pounds in the process of those 21 days.

Where do you guys find the energy for this?


I take a repertoire of supplements in precise dosages that turn me into a machine. I encapsulate them all myself before any trip. It takes hours upon hours but makes it all the more worth it.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Quote: (05-07-2015 11:30 PM)AndThenDime Wrote:  

Quote: (05-07-2015 07:34 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (05-07-2015 04:05 PM)AndThenDime Wrote:  

Stats in Phils: 46 lays 79 days
Stats in DR: 51 lays in 4 months. I had one GF for 3 weeks, cabarete for a month, 4 threesomes including my first I was a natural, and the final 31 bangs came in 21 days. I was smoking about a pack of marlboro's a day and prolly lost about 15-20 pounds in the process of those 21 days.

Where do you guys find the energy for this?


I take a repertoire of supplements in precise dosages that turn me into a machine. I encapsulate them all myself before any trip. It takes hours upon hours but makes it all the more worth it.

Well, shit...drop some data on this process. I know I'd love to boost energy and such, and I'm sure many guys on the forum would too.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Quote: (05-07-2015 11:30 PM)AndThenDime Wrote:  

Quote: (05-07-2015 07:34 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (05-07-2015 04:05 PM)AndThenDime Wrote:  

Stats in Phils: 46 lays 79 days
Stats in DR: 51 lays in 4 months. I had one GF for 3 weeks, cabarete for a month, 4 threesomes including my first I was a natural, and the final 31 bangs came in 21 days. I was smoking about a pack of marlboro's a day and prolly lost about 15-20 pounds in the process of those 21 days.

Where do you guys find the energy for this?


I take a repertoire of supplements in precise dosages that turn me into a machine. I encapsulate them all myself before any trip. It takes hours upon hours but makes it all the more worth it.

You mean you make your own supplement pills? Yes, everyone would be interested in this. Please start a detailed thread in Lifestyle. Please include the source of all of materials.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

I finally got the flag today!! After a long hiatus. It took me awhile, but Medellin just was not my scene for women. It was my scene for the snow. Muy barato y muy bueno. I had to breathe in the spirit of Pablo, before I could get to doing my own thing in Bogota. I had a time in a Colombian barrio that completely shit on any type of sightseeing. The women there reminded me of Americans and all the hot ones seemed to be either prostitutes or full of silicon. Not really my thing. At first I was blown away by the hotness, but once I saw the westernization effect I lost all interest. I don't like shoring and fake tits/ass just doesn't do it for me. The DR messed me all up in the department.

I can say the Linux method is the way to go, but I hope people that aren't here don't start flooding it in flight mode so they can beat off. The flag was extra juicy. I think I got it from being sober and putting in max effort to find. The girl was 19 light latina. I swear Latinas have the softest mouths and tastiest bodies. Even softer than Asians. With the hourglass wastes. These women have the best stomachs I've ever seen. If the girl is a young latina I don't even question making her cum with my mouth. Sometimes con negra you gotta be careful of the funyon scent. But I absolutely love negra latinas I think they are some of the hottest women in the world. I went three rounds with her with some 69 action as well as shower play. We pretty much met and immediately went up to my room. It was 100% free and she actually bought me some kind of coconut vanilla thing on the street that tasted like french toast. It was a glorious time to say the least.

The leads seem to be expanding and I am actually enjoying the budget hotel life instead of an apartment. Free breakfast, really great staff and they thoroughly clean the room every day. I didn't like the Candaleria barrio at first, but then it kind of grew on me like a healthy fungus. I'm hoping to come up with some more stories soon. As for the supplements if you are interested send me a pm and we can talk about it. All hail the boognish and keep it greasy!

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Good report.

With all the guys striking out in Medellin, it's making me more excited about my August trip. Where other men fail, I succeed.[Image: biggrin.gif]

I kid, I kid...but being a masochist I do like myself a good challenge.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

It's actually not hard to get laid Medellin just be prepared to pay in some way or another. For any quality if shes a not prostitute she will surely be a semi pro. I barely gamed there, I'm not into Americanized women. You'll see a lot of ugly guys with no game with the hottest girls since they are probably rich.

Quote: (05-26-2015 06:17 PM)Chick Magnet Wrote:  

Good report.

With all the guys striking out in Medellin, it's making me more excited about my August trip. Where other men fail, I succeed.[Image: biggrin.gif]

I kid, I kid...but being a masochist I do like myself a good challenge.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

In another news, I am up to 4 notches. Girls have been rock solid too. The second had the thickest, nicest thighs I have ever seen with a park hill ass. I ended up blowing 4 almost 5 times in a matter of hours. At one point she sucked me dry. I even threw in a little anal. I think she blocked me on whatsapp haha. The third was after a date with an Asian Latina. I was on my way back to the hotel and got a random message from a Penelope Cruz looking Latina milf. I met her at the bar and she was obviously looking for cock. At one point she spilled two full beers and we had to dip out of the bar.

I convinced her to come back and we did the dirty twice. Definitely wrapped up on this one. It wasn't top notch sex, but it did the trick. The next day, I scheduled a Second date with the Asian Latina. Asian Latinas are pretty much top of the ladder for me. I convinced her to come straight to the hotel before we went out. We ended up banging 4 times and she was so tasty sweet to go down on. I was putting my full effort into this one. Now she wants me to come to her house for dinner. I think I'm actually going to go, I don't want to be rude. But I'm holding out as long as possible.

Now I'm working on a few stunners that are going to take some work to meet, but well worth it. I'm still going on dates with new girls and repeating some performances. This place is ecstasy once you get the hang of it and get out of Medellin. The food is unreal too. I'm starting to get hungry for these negra latinas for dessert. I got the 19 year old here at the door time to get back to work.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Sounds like you're having a good time and making some good memories in Bogota. My favorite women have come from Bogota. Last week I flew a girl in for 4 days and never left the bed unless it was to smoke a cigar or buy more beer.

I think this is what it's about man. Making memories and dying with a smile on your face.

I'm interested in hearing more about this asian/latin chick.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Quote: (06-02-2015 09:59 AM)LINUX Wrote:  

I'm interested in hearing more about this asian/latin chick.

As am I. I'm wondering if it's the same one I flaked on a month ago. Is she around 31? I keep meaning to get back to her, but I get a slight prepago vibe, so I haven't gone out with her yet.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Quote: (06-02-2015 09:59 AM)LINUX Wrote:  

Sounds like you're having a good time and making some good memories in Bogota. My favorite women have come from Bogota. Last week I flew a girl in for 4 days and never left the bed unless it was to smoke a cigar or buy more beer.

I think this is what it's about man. Making memories and dying with a smile on your face.

I'm interested in hearing more about this asian/latin chick.

That is exactly the kind of time I'm into. Flying the girl in is straight connoisseur level. I been nutting so good I can feel it in my eyes sometimes. I had the 19 yr old over this morning she has such a sexy body. Probably jerks the best cock I've ever come across. Today instead of the coconut thing she bought me this huge snap pea looking fruit that starts with a g I think. You crack it open and it has this delicious white cottony fruit instead. I'm trying to buy her lunch one day. She also brought some kind of treat from her house that tasted like pumpkin pie filling. The women of Bogota are definitely rock solid I agree.

I've also seen some really cool stuff in the streets here. Lots of art and musicians. I don't know if I'll leave this barrio. I been blowing up the place with sounds of sex in the afternoon. The people who work here are always giving me a funny grin. I think the women are getting a little hot for it actually.

The Asian/Latina is younger than 30 and tiny. But she has the latina curves going on somewhat with Japanese descent. She definitely wouldn't be a girl you'd flake on maybe she'd be the one flaking. I think she's already mad at me cause I been kind of avoiding her and she wants to escalate the relationship. She's definitely not prepago. The only times I've run into those is Medellin. I been still kinda chatting with a couple stunners from there. Asking them how their fan clubs are doing. One girl wanted me to fly in to see her. I told her I'm sure she has enough dudes already there waiting on deck.

Keep on rolling Linux I could tell you have a solid energy going on.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

One for the ages

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Just a little update from Cali on my thoughts and observations here in Colombia. Overall, the place is great cheap food, stunningly hot women (everyone knows this), great culture in some places and the people are nice for the most part. The misconception of danger is a downfall, as long as your street smart and have traveled before you will be All Good.

I'm only up to 8 bangs in 6 weeks, but as it turns out the numbers game is basically meaningless here. As an average, skinny, white dude I am taking my game to the next level. The absolute stunners have inspired me to work more on myself. I want to be a strong, white aficionado.

The past week, I have been working out and eating like a fucking horse. I've found places with feasts for 3-5 dollars. Have also upped my style, and my personality is what is actually getting me laid which is very new for me. A lot of times in the Philippines, when I look back, the girls only banged me because I was a handsome, white guy from America. In hindsight as awesome as that was it was like shooting fish in a barrel and not a true game enhancer. The best it did was make me better at sex and last longer.

Three days ago, I saw a girl that looked like a young Sofia Vergara but actually hotter. This set off another light bulb for me. The only girls that are worth it here are stunners, unless it's been awhile since you've been laid and need to get one out.

Below are some tips for here I can think of off the top of my head. I'm sure a lot has been touched upon, but this is off my personal experience.

1.) Don't flood your whatsapp with 6s 7s or even 8s it's not worth it. Strictly use girls that are absolute stunners in your eyes. Work hard on meeting them and believe me it will pay off. These girls get jealous easily and if your not giving adequate attention your not going to get her. Once I changed my mind set to "OK I am going to work hard on this girl" it paid off. I ended up having sex with a stunner mestiza and was having trouble not cumming which is rare for me. If you have some girls in 6-8 range archive them until you really need a bang. They will probably be happy to meet if you stayed away for awhile. This is much different than when I was in the DR and I would broadcast messages to upwards of 100 girls at a time maybe more.

2.) The flake rate is the highest I've ever seen here. I think that stems from girls here actually have jobs and go to school so you have to work around that. Also, it goes back to number 1 if your not giving adequate attention the chance of being flaked on is much higher.

3.) If your fat, no style and short stay home you have no chance here unless your looking to bang hookers. Colombian men aren't ugly like in other countries and they are in great shape. This is the most fit culture you will ever see in your life.

4.) If you have long hair like me it's going to be a constant struggle. Girls are always going to ask you if you have long hair and they are not going to like it. But when they do it's nice. Just last night I got deepthroat head from a sexy 18 yr old half paisi/half Holland. She doesn't like long hair and she doesn't even find me that attractive physically, but I ran game that worked and broke through some lmr. It seems every girl I get is half Colombian and half something which I don't mind at all.

5.) If you have a good sense of humor it helps because from what I've noticed Colombian men definitely aren't that funny. Each girl I have been with says she likes that I can make her laugh.

6.) Don't waste your money on anything average, if your on somewhat of a budget like me save the money for the stunners. It's going to take more than one date with a stunner. Buy her flowers on the second date be romantic.

7.) Don't touch the girls so much on the first date or in public. My greatest success has come when I didn't act attracted to the girl at all while we were out. I think this builds a thought in her mind that hey this guy isn't just looking for sex. I've even went as far as teasing the girls and making a little bit of fun of them. This is way different than a gringo walking up to a girl with a hard on and asking them if they want to go back to the hotel. Give them something fresh that they haven't seen before. Once you get them in your place turn on some music and then start the touching and kissing.

8.) Be sure to check with apartments or hotels if you are allowed to have guests. The guest policy here is insanely strict and you don't want to get fucked like I did once. I had an Arabian, Colombian smoke show come directly to my hotel and the dude says right in front of her, you need to pay 50 mil if you want her in your room. I almost punched that old bastid in the face right there. I left the next day before I really did break that guy. Every time I passed him I felt that fire in my chest. What blew was I had numerous lays in that place, but didn't know I was breaking the rule.

9.) I've been running online game, but day game is what really needs to be run here. Stunners can be pulled online, but day game will raise the bar and you can really see what your getting. Don't be surprised if you meet a girl and she looks way worse than in pictures. That can be anywhere, but it is especially true here.

10.) Night game works nicely here too, but I'm not a huge fan of bars or salsa. They do have electronic clubs but it's sub-par electronic. Your not going to be able to get down like your bumping Armin Van Buuren, Deadmau5 or Bassnectar. Maybe I need to dig a little deeper. For some reason when girls dance salsa it actually turns me off haha.

11.) These girls give the best head I've ever gotten even better than the DR. Never skip the dome.

12.) Be ready to answer the question que te dedicas? Every girl is going to want to know what your job is, I have never been to a place besides America where it holds higher value. I don't completely lie, but I am definitely stretching the truth. I have been getting my feet wet in new business plans and plan to make a landing page as a consultant offering a wide array of services.

13.) More money is mo better. Bagging stunners without a fat paycheck is going to be difficult unless you have blonde hair, blue eyes over 6' and ripped with a quality back story. It's still possible just more difficult. I have been able to pull it off and I am 5'9" at best with black hair. I have had some girls even tell me I look Latino. Overall, I barely possess foreigner value, but I have been able to work past that.

14.) If your into mestizas the hottest ones are in Cali. I haven't been up to the North yet, but I am heading there in a little over a week to surf and check out the coastal cities. I will be stopping in Medellin for a few days and trying to convert on some stunner leads I made there. This time I plan to get a private room in an apartment in Poblado where I can have guests. The hottest girls I have seen in my opinion are in Cali. But I hear Shakira and Sofia V are from Barranquilla so I have to check that out.

15.) In my opinion this is not a place you come for a week or two on your first visit. It's better to think long term.

Currently, I am working on a 19 year old Mestiza mas Morena stunner before I head out. We had one date and we kissed some at the end of it. We are suppose to meet tomorrow when she is done work. She's the hottest girl I have been able to meet.

Overall, I think the point I am trying to make is Colombia is not a place you come to for racking up easy lays. It's possible with the right attributes, but it most likely isn't going to be the wholesome stunners. It's a place you come to work on your game as a whole and raise the bar. It it like hitting the weight room for game hard every day. By the time I leave, I am going to Asia to live long term and running game is going to be way different this time. That is if I don't get into something serious here first. I will be extending my visa for sure. That's the problem with stunners is you just might bump into something that isn't worth letting go. Peace from your boy "Oil Spills"

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

It looks like I won't be converting on the 19 yr old mestiza her cousin was stabbed in the back yesterday for a chain. She even sent photo evidence of the poor kid in the hospital. The other girl was puking all day yesterday, not very attractive. I think it's a sign from God to move on. It's time to jump in the ocean and be baptized, while hopefully converting on a white latina in the process. Reporting from the trenches your boy Oil Spills.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Quote: (06-25-2015 12:24 PM)AndThenDime Wrote:  

It looks like I won't be converting on the 19 yr old mestiza her cousin was stabbed in the back yesterday for a chain.

Holy shit, is that something that 'happens' in Cali or is this a very uncommon incident/restricted to a couple bad neighbourhoods?

If you take out a fancy DSLR to take some photos, risky move or OK?

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Quote: (06-25-2015 01:25 PM)Espresso Wrote:  

Quote: (06-25-2015 12:24 PM)AndThenDime Wrote:  

It looks like I won't be converting on the 19 yr old mestiza her cousin was stabbed in the back yesterday for a chain.

Holy shit, is that something that 'happens' in Cali or is this a very uncommon incident/restricted to a couple bad neighbourhoods?

If you take out a fancy DSLR to take some photos, risky move or OK?

I definitely would not recommend walking around anywhere in a Colombian City with a fancy DSLR. I actually have one with me, my friend let me borrow, and it's been a brick. You could probably get away with it, if you used a small backpack and whipped it out fast for some shots. I am not even willing to do that. To be honest there's not too much in any Colombian City worthy of needing an SLR besides in cultural parts of Bogota. I'd recommend going on a tour or a tourist destination for that. Medellin has some epic views. Cali is a lot like the Dominican with way smaller boobs and fatter asses. Like the Dominican, it's probably more dangerous than some other places but nothing to worry about. Stick to Granada that's where all the tourists stay. And stay away from the kids in the street with devil sticks. Obviously, never give money to the completely downtrodden because if they see you have anything you could be targeted. I didn't really like it in Granada so I moved down to the Southern Part of the city. You can find some fine ass here, but it get's boring fast with no beach and basically nothing to do but game and workout. The women have nearly blank personalities, but luckily the hotness makes up for that. The flake rate here is just as high if not higher than other cities with less options than Bogota or Medellin. I feel my game is high enough to make a return to Medellin if I can keep my nose clean. The hottest girls I have seen have been here and Medellin, with Medellin just having a lot more of them.

After I leave here and stop in Medellin en route to the North to surf, I don't plan to come back to Cali unless it is for a guaranteed lay with the Mestiza or a weekend in Granada. Things started off hot here, but kind of fizzled out fast. Bogota and Medellin have way more options and much better climates. I like the energy in Bogota the most. The warmth here creates a lot more bugs and it's hard to go out in the sun during the day without a beach.

Another note I have to add, is if like me you love to bargain, Colombians are not bargainers. Where as in the Dominican everything could be haggled down and even in Asia. I have had numerous experiences where a Colombian was wiling to take nothing instead of offering a discounted price. On the plus side, if you do not like to haggle they almost never up charge me because I am gringo. This might be because I almost look Latino and speak Spanish at a high level. I hear on the coast it is different, and I hope so because I love to haggle. That's one of the big reasons I love Asia so much; haggling there is a sport.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Damn, didn't realize it was that bad. I love taking photos but taking a DSLR + lenses somewhere like that is definitely a bit of a headache. Takes time to get a good shot too, maybe needing a tripod as well, which makes the whole thing even less inconspicuous.

Thanks for the insights, I'll be keeping an eye on the thread.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Quote: (06-25-2015 04:05 PM)Espresso Wrote:  

Damn, didn't realize it was that bad. I love taking photos but taking a DSLR + lenses somewhere like that is definitely a bit of a headache. Takes time to get a good shot too, maybe needing a tripod as well, which makes the whole thing even less inconspicuous.

Thanks for the insights, I'll be keeping an eye on the thread.

Yup I have a separate zoom lens and that's another hassle in itself. I was all gun hoe about using it when I got here, but swiftly realized it was a bad idea. I'm not saying it can't be done, but just be extra careful.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

I had a real game changer of a night last night. It seems every time I don't give a shit about a date it pays off. I found a girl a few days back that looked decent in pictures and we set up a date to meet in the park last night. I honestly almost forgot about it. I was eating a crepe and drinking a pineapple lulo smoothie while watching the Peru Bolivia match and got a message from her saying she was on her way to the park. Luckily the park is right next to the crepe place.

I went over to find her, it took a minute, but once I found her I felt an immediate spark. She was way hotter in person, a rarity, borderline 9 for me. Beautiful hazel eyes and face on a white Latina with hair all the way down to her little pumpkin butt. I used great body language when I first saw her. I immediately shifted the date to the nearest bar for a couple beers. I soon found out she actually had a personality and we liked a lot of the same music. To add to the highlights she's a librarian. Who doesn't want to bang the sexy librarian?

We had a couple beers and I was cracking her up, my Spanish has really come a long way. We finished up the beers and finished watching the match. I went in for a little touch. I told her straight up that I wanted to take her back with me because I was feeling attracted to her while keeping eye contact. We got in her car and drove back to my place with a few beers. Before we got in the car I started making out with her.

Once we got back it didn't take long before I was going in for the sex. We both showered up and ended up banging 3 times over the night. She had to get up super early for work. I am not much for cuddling but the Latinas have changed that for me. They have the softest skin and they are just so damn cute and sexy. We watched youtube concerts of the disco biscuits and I was telling her stories of my psychedelic experiences. She was all about it.

I invited her back tonight to watch the Colombia Argentina match. I decided to stay a couple more days to chill with her some more and hopefully pull off the mestiza in the meantime. I had a date set up with a Morena for tonight that I think I'll try to postpone until tomorrow. Seems to be higher maintenance and not guaranteed sex.

What's strange is I usually don't pray when I'm running game because I feel as though it's a little devilish. One of my mottos is "Walk with the Devil and Fly with God". Yesterday I said a prayer for the first time in months not asking for anything in return, and I think a little light was shined down on me. I'm not a religious freak so don't take that the wrong way. I have also been making some hot white Latina Leads in Medellin, Bogota and Santa Marta. With some creamy Latina leads in Barranquilla. I've almost got it down to a science. Peace from your boy Oil Spills!

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