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"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

The message is:
-Hillary is not left-wing enough
-but Republicans are worse
-and SHE'S A WOMAN so she understands me
-having periods means she can run the country well?


I won’t tell anyone how to vote. But I am telling you, this time, I refuse to shut up when people act as though it’s not enormously important, from a progressive politics perspective, that Hillary Clinton is a woman. I refuse to listen to anyone who warns against “vagina voting,” when I’m 40 years old and have still never had the opportunity to vote with my damned vagina in a general election. American women have been bleeding for over 200 years while men tell us it’s no big deal, and a lot of us have arrived at the point where we just want someone with a visceral, not abstract, concept of what that means.

There has never been a president who was a woman. That is more than reason enough.

Wait for it...

[Image: DSC_0377.jpg]

Men if you vote in U.S. elections please vote with your brains. Someone has to.

If civilization had been left in female hands we would still be living in grass huts. - Camille Paglia

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

Someone needs to tell her she's but reinforcing binary gender constructs in her focus on Hilary being a woman, that gender is a continuum and Hilary only self-identifies as a woman.

This is the amusing thing about identity politics amongst the left. Race, sex, and now LGBT cards can be played that combat each other.


"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

How many Hillary threads does one forum need?

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"


"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

The Democrats seem to be doing a good job of keeping liberals on side with symbolic leaders, rather than tackling serious issues.

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

[Image: attachment.jpg26198]   


[Image: attachment.jpg26199]   

“When you're born into this world, you're given a ticket to the freak show. If you're born in America you get a front row seat.”

- George Carlin

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

Quote: (05-07-2015 10:19 AM)IvanDrago Wrote:  

How many Hillary threads does one forum need?

This isn't really about Hillary Clinton, it's about women like the typist above. Hillary will be old news after she loses the election and they'll still be here.

If civilization had been left in female hands we would still be living in grass huts. - Camille Paglia

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

I suppose asking women to vote with their brains is too much to ask these days, huh?


"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"


"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"


American women have been bleeding for over 200 years while men tell us it’s no big deal,

I don't understand what this means. Has there been mass pogroms against women in America for over 200 years that I don't know about? Or is she using the fact of menstruation for imagery? But all women all over the world menstruate, why emphasize your own American-ness?

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

given that it is hillary, i guess that rules out any american man from voting for her with his penis.

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

Agreed, we all must think with our heads. Not that any guy on here would vote for hillary anyways but we have to get more on our side before its to late and that thing becomes our next president.

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

OMG she's just sooooo sexist!!!!!!

Seriously what an idiot. Unfortunately this is what will probably push Hillary over the top, along with the mindless but endless puff pieces she'll get from the mainstream press....

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"


Men if you vote in U.S. elections please vote with your brains. Someone has to.

Considering the only choices on the menu range from a shit sandwich to diarrhea pudding, the only real way to vote with your brains is by voting with your feet. Failing that, for god's sake at least don't waste your time voting at all and lending legitimacy to this farce.

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

Eh, whatever, I mean, these are the same people who said Blacks only voted for Obama because he is Black, now it's their turn to not care about the issues and vote solely on gender -- selective tolerance and liberal hypocrisy are as American as apple pie.

The President is selected, not elected, so if it's in the cards for Hilary to hold the highest office in this country, it won't be because a bunch of undesired spinsters decided to declare "gurl power".

As usual, sit back, and let women believe they're doing something important, these bitches need something to do with their vaginas, Lord knows they're not getting licked and sticked.

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

Voting with her vagina? Her muscle control must be out of this world. Wouldn't want to be voting after her.

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

[Image: DSC_0377.jpg]

Pretty much what I expected.

The standard progressive profile picture is a combination of Ugly and smug.


"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

Quote: (05-07-2015 10:03 AM)Grange Wrote:  

[Image: DSC_0377.jpg]

She even has that pained look when trying to smile that doesn't even come close to a good fake smile that instagram hoes muster up because her narcissistic programming won't allow it.

You can read a lot in that facial expression. It's precisely the type of woman that feels emotional turmoil and sees confrontation in everything. This is why she can't smile. She's jaded and her fight or flight response is constantly wired for confrontation.

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

^ Is apparently 'bleeding', despite having access to clean clothes; water to wash her hair; a hairdresser to dye and style it for her; prescription glasses; cosmetics; a brick shelter; electricity connected to the shelter; most likely airconditioning as well; ugly floral arrangements showing evidence of comfort to chase wants not needs; a high quality camera to take her photo; and an public outlet to spout her braindead opinion.

Has any woman in history truly suffered as much as the Current White American Progressive Woman?

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

That picture is both accurate and scary Zelscorpion.

On another note guys:

1) Colleges, major news papers, etc, are raging liberal institutions nation (world?) wide.

2) Republicans are buffoons on and by large.

3) Aside from Rand Paul, I don't see any other candidate having a shot at fighting Hilary Clinton's pussy pass.

I don't see how Hilary can possibly lose next election. The only way I see her not becoming the next POTUS is if she pulls a Sarah Palin and she exposes herself as an insane cat lady. Which is possible, but unlikely.

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

Welp, this is just one more nail in the coffin for my paying attention to the untenable U.S. political situation.

I'm laughing at the idea that archaeologists will dig up hard drives from the 2000s and see that Western civilization peaked by reaching the moon, then less than the span of a lifetime away, political action was reduced to a point that it was compared to a vaginal discharge.

[Image: I8nepxWwlEuqI.gif]

Crossing my fingers for a secession so I can flee to a free state and leave these moonbats to reap what they have sown.

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

Here are a few more candidates that have come out of the woodwork to run for president. Check these awesome people out:

Ben Carson. Black Republican neurologist from Detroit. Don't know much about this guy but he's apparently not really known. Aside from the obvious token minority issues the combination of Detroit AND mainstream GOP affiliation raises huge red flags.

Carly Fiorina. Incompetent former CEO of HP who was fired for doing a piss poor job and was directly responsible for tanking the company. Now she wants to run the country.. into the ground. Just the fact that she thinks she can do a good job as president indicates psych ward level delusions of grandeur.

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

Go cunts!

A whore ain't nothing but a trick to a pimp. (Iceberg Slim)
Beauty is in the erection of the beholder. (duedue)
Grab your life by the pussy.
A better question to ask is "What EXACTLY do I want out of life and what EXACTLY am I doing to get EXACTLY that? If you can answer that question truthfully you will be the most Alpha motherfucker you will ever need to be. (PapayaTapper)

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

Voting with her vagina, talking with her arse.

"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute." - John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

"I Am Voting With My Vagina: Hillary Clinton For President"

I'm extremely hopeful that once Hillary has to start putting herself out there again for her campaign, she'll start losing steam. She's just incredibly unlikable, a fact that the current president exploited way back in 2008.

Not to mention that you have a bunch of chicks who are "grrrl power" and "you go girl!" to each others' faces, but who will ultimately not vote for Hillary for any number of reasons. She's too masculine for the (~5%) traditional females, but too in the pocket of a lot of companies for a lot of the Jezebel crowd. Some girls won't respect her because of her age or because she "couldn't keep her guy on lock" (even though we know how ass-backwards that is).

Her personality puts a lot of people off, and what scares me as a right-leaning independent is that she'll be even more war-hungry than W. After 16 years of disastrous presidencies, we could use a more libertarian, (semi) isolationist foreign policy for the next 8 years as we regroup. That's the big, ugly secret of Bill's presidency (aside from the various scandals and "ruh oh" deaths of folks close to the Clintons)--he was able to appease his corporate and defense contractor masters without going to war.

That showcases a certain charisma, a "let's play politics, gents" that's all but missing from the current generation of politicians in this country. Compromise used to be the status quo. Now, it's spelled "get fucked."

Hillary lacks all of that. Actually, she might be one of the <1% of women who has more intellectual horsepower than Bill. And that's saying something, since by all accounts, he's one of the smartest men on the planet along a variety of metrics.

But she lacks a LOT of the qualities that Bill brought to the table--the charisma, the people-skills, the deal-making, the qualities that ingratiate someone to a foreign head of state, let them talk for hours about manly pursuits, or otherwise get along.

In short, Hillary lacks game! Which is odd, since I've heard 3rd-4th hand that she's been with more chicks than Bill [Image: lol.gif].

Still, I contend that the president's biggest role over the next 8 years will be foreign policy-related, as China gets its footing, and Putin continues to slide inches of his cock out on the table (price of oil and gas be damned). Who do you want to try to talk their way out of any potential shit that might go down?

I certainly hope it's not Hillary...


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