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Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Tomorrow Im being interviewed on a syndicated mexican news show (Milenio) about my take on the Julien Blanc shitstorm.

My posture will be that while the guy is an ass and brought thgis down upon himself, he didnt deserved to be expelled or exposed globally just because someone got offended over some idiotic shit he said over the internet.

Ill share a link as soon as I have one.

Let me know what you think, or what do you think I should mention. Interview will run for about 5 minutes so ill get perhaps 1-2 minutes talk time.

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

I'd take the stance of "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" because Jenn Li's twitter account was suspended because of white-racism during the Ferguson protests.

She's pretending her shit don't stink but she's just as guilty of hatred, racism & prejudice as those she attacks. Maybe she should get a real job like the rest of the world rather than taking up space as a worthless "internet activist."

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Firstly, well done on getting media exposure for yourself.

Like you said, distance yourself from RSD but stress how intolerant some 'liberals' are.

Echale ganas. I'll be watching .

Learn Spanish Game Latinas

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Quote: (11-27-2014 06:25 PM)germanico Wrote:  

Tomorrow Im being interviewed on a syndicated mexican news show (Milenio) about my take on the Julien Blanc shitstorm.

My posture will be that while the guy is an ass and brought thgis down upon himself, he didnt deserved to be expelled or exposed globally just because someone got offended over some idiotic shit he said over the internet.

Ill share a link as soon as I have one.

Let me know what you think, or what do you think I should mention. Interview will run for about 5 minutes so ill get perhaps 1-2 minutes talk time.

Tell them there's no substitute for self improvement.
Mention Bang and the forum.
Also, if the presentadora is hot, number close, then fuck the shit out of her, and PM a good pic of her snatch. One of the things Latin America does well, is put some very very hot women on TV.
[Image: Carolyne1.jpg]

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Congratulations Germanico....
Give us more details, man. Do you have a website? What's your business? How are you associated with this Julian Blanc issue?
I'm just trying to find out more information...


Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Ive been giving game and self improvement seminars for 7 years now.

A couple of years back they interviewed me for their newspaper, the guys are now over at the TV news show, Im assuming their are hopping on the bandwagon of "the most hated man on earth" before the novelty of it dies out, one of them remembered that my take was that "men need to better themselves to deserve the better things in life, better lives, better relationships, and better women", and called me to see if I could do a segment as the opposing side of the pick up business.

This all just yesterday. I dont even know if its going to be on live, and im getting nothing out of it, but the publicity is good and its just $100 bucks to fly down there tomorrow morning.

Im not going to hate on Julien, I like the guy. But he kicked a hornets nest and just went into hiding when the storm he was trying to provoke finally came down on him.

Plus, grabbing girls and being obnoxious might get him attention and impress a few newbies, but its not game.

My website is, if you look at it yall think its horrible, i know. Im working on that. My principal promotion channels are Facebook and Twitter.

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Looking forward to this. Good job Germanico. Milk it!

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Awesome, good luck with it. Definitely draw light to how disgusting the SJWs that attacked Julien are in their own right.

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Will it be in English, or subtitled at least?

Chicago Tribe.

My podcast with H3ltrsk3ltr and Cobra.

Snowplow is uber deep cover as an alpha dark triad player red pill awoken gorilla minded narc cop. -Kaotic

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.


[Image: Carolyne1.jpg]

Do we have a new rating system in place yet? I WB

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

WB repeatedly and good work getting the gig germanico

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Just do a better job than Julien Blanc did himself by playing the apologetic Beta with his tail between his legs.

I would also point to the fact, that no charges have been filed by the women in the videos. Also the criminal agencies had no interest in him whatsoever.

While likely his "advice" was meant to generate publicity and his actions were taken out of context, there is frankly no reason for a lynch mob to come after him.

In the UK Somali and Pakistani men have been doing thousands of gang-rapes on children, and the media is more concerned about a PUA giving some questionable advice?

I would also stress that men need Game teachings like air nowadays and anyone claiming otherwise lives on a different planet. The old norms of nice boy meeting nice girl and marrying early on for life are gone. Women themselves react to asshole Game and in some extreme cases they get too much of it.

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Germanico, what about the angle that this was just one giant troll job by RSD? I haven't seen anyone even entertain the thought that this could have started as a traffic driving troll job to promote their products, that went extraordinarily out of hand. Surely a smart journalist could pick up on that. In the land of info products, I wouldn't think anything is off the table.

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Ok, done.

Didnt go as well as I wanted but it didnt go bad, just was short on time and the host (male) went on and on about my work so i didnt said all that I wanted to say.

The piece on Julien previous to our segment wasnt really that bad, just said that the guy was being accused and banned from various countries for "abusing women" and included some youtube footage of the guy teaching bootcamps, but curiously not the ones where he pulls girls down on his crotch. Then cue to us on the studio.

Guy asked point blank what was my take on this as my job was to "coach men on how to seduce women"

I opened stating that "we as men have the responsibility to give our best to women" to set some distance between me and Blanc, and to preemptive measure against the notion that "pick up" is a bad thing. I also said that I use the word "seduction" on my material because it calls to attention and sells, but that our objective really was to be better men.

Then I stressed its about self improvement, and reduced Blanc to a barking chihuahua, all aggresion, no bite. The guy is offensive but harmless. Said the real danger was in socially inexperienced and uncalibrated geeks looking up to him and thinking that that was something to aspire to instead of bettering themselves as men in order to deserve better women.

Then the guy started asking questions about my job, but not in a negative or inquisitive way, more in the sense of "well, if a guy wants to contact you to get some help how can they do that?" or "so what are your courses like", so it was positive.

Its going to be on tonight at 23:00 on "Ajuste de Notas" on Milenio TV.

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Is it on the link you posted? I skipped through the 28 minute video and didn't see you.

On the other hand, knowing about the tarahumara and their ultra-marathon records is quite impressive. It starts around the 10 minute mark.

You should get some business from the lefty viewers.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Quote: (11-30-2014 09:51 AM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Is it on the link you posted? I skipped through the 28 minute video and didn't see you.

On the other hand, knowing about the tarahumara and their ultra-marathon records is quite impressive. It starts around the 10 minute mark.

You should get some business from the lefty viewers.

The interview starts @ the 12:30 mark. I was able to follow along. Seems like it went well.

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

They post new videos on Saturday evening so I guess I caught the previous' week video when I saw it Saturday morning

Edit: Saw some Mexican females friends retweet Germanico's tweets, just realized I knew about him before RVF.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Good interview Germanico! The interviewer didn't seem particularly interested, as if he was just trying to get through the questions. That's fine though since it allowed you to have an open platform where you effectively got your points across and separated yourself from this clown's 'game' tactics.

A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.

A true friend is the most precious of all possessions and the one we take the least thought about acquiring.

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

I just watched the interview.


You spoke clearly, and didn't speak too fast (frequent mistake people who are nervous on TV make).
You came across as interesting and reasonable to a broad audience, which should give you a nice business boost.
They even showed superimposed a headliner with your website address on it. I bet you got a great spike in traffic.
I'm also guessing that you will get several bangs from your increased profile.

[Image: kim_jung_un_clapping.gif]

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Quote: (11-27-2014 06:46 PM)monster Wrote:  

I'd take the stance of "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" because Jenn Li's twitter account was suspended because of white-racism during the Ferguson protests.

Is that why her twitter account got suspended? Awesome.

Where is the link that explains it?

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Just watched the report.

You did well. The preliminary report was as usual anti-Game calling it manipulation and coercion.

But at least the interview was way more rounded than in the Western countries, which automatically cried rape culture and misogyny. Also interesting that they picked different clips than the Western media - more Blanc straight up insulting girls. He really pushed the envelope there as Owen called him the Darth Maul of RSD.

Funny also that they call you a relationship expert - well Game can be used for that and for the majority of men it should rather be taught like that, since 60-80% of men have no ambition of ever becoming Players.

In any case - good stuff. Congrats.

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Quote: (11-30-2014 12:55 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Funny also that they call you a relationship expert - well Game can be used for that and for the majority of men it should rather be taught like that, since 60-80% of men have no ambition of ever becoming Players.

They asked how should they introduce me and I said "relationship expert", they added the "social coach" part on their own. Frankly, all "PUA" titles are lame, and im also considering the option to cater to a female audience in the future. Women are bigger spenders.


Saw some Mexican females friends retweet Germanico's tweets, just realized I knew about him before RVF.

Really? Thats a huge thing. If im at the point where women are retweeting, I th]nk that means im getting the message across correctly.


You spoke clearly, and didn't speak too fast (frequent mistake people who are nervous on TV make).

Thanks, cameras terrify me (I didnt looked at the camera once if you noticed), plus, I had a headache and was nauseated from just getting off a turbulent flight. Im lucky I didnt threw up.


I'm also guessing that you will get several bangs from your increased profile.

I got a couple friend requests on Facebook from women. Ill see where that goes.

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Nice job on the interview. You presented yourself well.

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

well done, hopefully it gets you some fame bangs

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Im being interviewed on national (mexican) TV about the Julien Blanc debacle.

Nice job on the interview. I like how you speak and get your point across.

Also it is nice to see RVFers getting media exposure in a positive way.

Also it is good how you differentiate yourself from the lame and typical PUA community and emphasize more on becoming a better man, which is always better.

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