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Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video


A clip from Belgian film student Sofie Peeters' documentary Femme de la Rue shows how she is openly sexually harassed by men on the streets of Brussels. Peeters' film has had wide ramifications in Belgium, with some politicians promising more legislation against street harassment of women. Others accuse her of racism, because most of the men in her film are of immigrant origin

If that is in a "first world country" imagine what could happen in a more dangerous one?

Being a man is becoming illegal.

Okm no more rantings, that is not going to get us anywhere, How would you open her without "harassing her" (whatever that means)?

Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

I have to disagree on this one.

Yes, some laws are really about prohibiting normal behaviour, e.g. drunk sex constituting rape. Other laws, especially concerning divorce and child custody can also be said to be misandrist. Draw attention to those unjust policies, but don't go knee jerking about anything set in place to protect women.

Let me put this in perspective, since my country is in a similar situation to Belgium's.

What we see is a normal Western European country with liberal laws and decent economies. Mainly white people, and pretty promiscuous. No religious right, no fights against hook-up culture.

A lot of immigrants have come, many of which are backwards, uneducated and without any perspective in life. The women actually do very well, the men drop out and fall off track. Sucky jobs or crime. Their women don't want them (more for me) and the Western women don't want them.

Young, well raised students walk down the street, and many times a day these unattractive and often older men, who barely speak the language, literally creep on them. Not a failed pickup attempt from a socially inept teenage kid, but dirty guys straight up asking them to come with them for sex. If they refuse, they are not left alone, and at the end they're called "whores."

It's normal to have a society where you can meet new people, and try to chat someone up.

It's not normal when girls that are physically weaker have to be afraid to walk down the street.

The bad reaction to this is really caused by you defining yourself with loser guys instead of normal girls. This is not about a "war between the sexes" as much as a clash between a liberal culture and a backwards one. Normally everyone here hates the politically correct, cultural marxist bullshit, and that's what this is about. These are not "dumb, entitled sluts" who have unfair privileges over men.

Don't be so bitter, this film girl was not trying to make being a man illegal. If anything, this shit is a major reason women have bitch shields in the first place. Identifying with the street losers means you have to tweak your game, bro.

Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

Quote: (08-05-2012 10:10 AM)sixsix Wrote:  

I have to disagree on this one.

Yes, some laws are really about prohibiting normal behaviour, e.g. drunk sex constituting rape. Other laws, especially concerning divorce and child custody can also be said to be misandrist. Draw attention to those unjust policies, but don't go knee jerking about anything set in place to protect women.

Let me put this in perspective, since my country is in a similar situation to Belgium's.

What we see is a normal Western European country with liberal laws and decent economies. Mainly white people, and pretty promiscuous. No religious right, no fights against hook-up culture.

A lot of immigrants have come, many of which are backwards, uneducated and without any perspective in life. The women actually do very well, the men drop out and fall off track. Sucky jobs or crime. Their women don't want them (more for me) and the Western women don't want them.

Young, well raised students walk down the street, and many times a day these unattractive and often older men, who barely speak the language, literally creep on them. Not a failed pickup attempt from a socially inept teenage kid, but dirty guys straight up asking them to come with them for sex. If they refuse, they are not left alone, and at the end they're called "whores."

It's normal to have a society where you can meet new people, and try to chat someone up.

It's not normal when girls that are physically weaker have to be afraid to walk down the street.

The bad reaction to this is really caused by you defining yourself with loser guys instead of normal girls. This is not about a "war between the sexes" as much as a clash between a liberal culture and a backwards one. Normally everyone here hates the politically correct, cultural marxist bullshit, and that's what this is about. These are not "dumb, entitled sluts" who have unfair privileges over men.

Don't be so bitter, this film girl was not trying to make being a man illegal. If anything, this shit is a major reason women have bitch shields in the first place. Identifying with the street losers means you have to tweak your game, bro.

Well spoken. It's the failed multicultural society that's the problem here and it has nothing to do with pick up.

There is already a thread on this here:

Where do you live Sixsix ?

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

Why are Muslim guys in Europe such creeps? There are a lot of Muslims in North America (Toronto, Montreal, New York, Detroit) but I've never heard of street harassment by Muslim men being a problem here.

Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

Quote: (08-05-2012 10:10 AM)sixsix Wrote:  

I have to disagree on this one.

Yes, some laws are really about prohibiting normal behaviour, e.g. drunk sex constituting rape. Other laws, especially concerning divorce and child custody can also be said to be misandrist. Draw attention to those unjust policies, but don't go knee jerking about anything set in place to protect women.

Let me put this in perspective, since my country is in a similar situation to Belgium's.

What we see is a normal Western European country with liberal laws and decent economies. Mainly white people, and pretty promiscuous. No religious right, no fights against hook-up culture.

A lot of immigrants have come, many of which are backwards, uneducated and without any perspective in life. The women actually do very well, the men drop out and fall off track. Sucky jobs or crime. Their women don't want them (more for me) and the Western women don't want them.

Young, well raised students walk down the street, and many times a day these unattractive and often older men, who barely speak the language, literally creep on them. Not a failed pickup attempt from a socially inept teenage kid, but dirty guys straight up asking them to come with them for sex. If they refuse, they are not left alone, and at the end they're called "whores."

It's normal to have a society where you can meet new people, and try to chat someone up.

It's not normal when girls that are physically weaker have to be afraid to walk down the street.

The bad reaction to this is really caused by you defining yourself with loser guys instead of normal girls. This is not about a "war between the sexes" as much as a clash between a liberal culture and a backwards one. Normally everyone here hates the politically correct, cultural marxist bullshit, and that's what this is about. These are not "dumb, entitled sluts" who have unfair privileges over men.

Don't be so bitter, this film girl was not trying to make being a man illegal. If anything, this shit is a major reason women have bitch shields in the first place. Identifying with the street losers means you have to tweak your game, bro.

I understand the intent, but some of these new laws are just so vague you know they'll be abused.

If the laws stated something like, "Women being harassed must turn on a recording device (i.e. a smartphone) and document themselves asking the harasser to leave before charges can be pressed," then the laws would be fair and more suited to protect the innocent.

But as it stands you know it will come down to "He said she said" scenario's and I can't help but shake the feeling that innocent men will be prosecuted.

When the laws against deadbeat dads were passed back in the 1980's, people did so with the best of intentions, the same way the rape laws were passed. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and since these laws are given no clauses to protect the innocent, there laws end up creating a dystopia for men.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

Let's be clear, these are not silver-tongued lotharios who approach in their bespoke suits and cause women to swoon through the seductive power of their conversational skill. They are a bunch of sexually frustrated goons who make women dress in ugly clothes and less open to approach.

A year or two ago, I had a long distance relationship with a cute Arab chick working in Brussels. Any time we went out for a meal or a bar, if I left her alone for a few minutes, she'd have a crowd of Arab males trying to hit on her in their typically clumsy and rapey way. They would generally disperse when I returned, but not after trying to force pieces of paper bearing telephone numbers on her. Some of the more religious would accuse her of being a whore and an infidel when they saw who she was with. Some of the more circumspect would leave their numbers under the windscreen wipers of her car.

As others have already said, this isn't so much a video about sexism as it is about the failure - and the general unwillingness - of Muslim immigrants to integrate into European society. It's a pity the documentary maker is too much of a coward to point out the real problem and chooses, in typical feminist fashion, to accuse every man of the crimes of a select minority.

And, by the by, it is not "foreigners" who are the problem - Brussels is filled with foreigners who work there and who are generally well behaved. It is a problem specific to Muslim immigrants (and which affects many other parts of Europe).


Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

Quote: (08-05-2012 12:08 PM)Dolmance Wrote:  

Let's be clear, these are not silver-tongued lotharios who approach in their bespoke suits and cause women to swoon through the seductive power of their conversational skill. They are a bunch of sexually frustrated goons who make women dress in ugly clothes and less open to approach.

A year or two ago, I had a long distance relationship with a cute Arab chick working in Brussels. Any time we went out for a meal or a bar, if I left her alone for a few minutes, she'd have a crowd of Arab males trying to hit on her in their typically clumsy and rapey way. They would generally disperse when I returned, but not after trying to force pieces of paper bearing telephone numbers on her. Some of the more religious would accuse her of being a whore and an infidel when they saw who she was with. Some of the more circumspect would leave their numbers under the windscreen wipers of her car.

As others have already said, this isn't so much a video about sexism as it is about the failure - and the general unwillingness - of Muslim immigrants to integrate into European society. It's a pity the documentary maker is too much of a coward to point out the real problem and chooses, in typical feminist fashion, to accuse every man of the crimes of a select minority.

And, by the by, it is not "foreigners" who are the problem - Brussels is filled with foreigners who work there and who are generally well behaved. It is a problem specific to Muslim immigrants (and which affects many other parts of Europe).


It sounds like the backlash will be strong against these immigrants.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

Still, that women are outraged about creeps just walking up, asking for sex and harassing them would imply that they would absolutely jump on the chance to be with someone who respects them, is very polite and does not view them as just a sexual object.

Of course, we all know how that one ends.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

Quote: (08-06-2012 02:26 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (08-05-2012 12:08 PM)Dolmance Wrote:  

Let's be clear, these are not silver-tongued lotharios who approach in their bespoke suits and cause women to swoon through the seductive power of their conversational skill. They are a bunch of sexually frustrated goons who make women dress in ugly clothes and less open to approach.

A year or two ago, I had a long distance relationship with a cute Arab chick working in Brussels. Any time we went out for a meal or a bar, if I left her alone for a few minutes, she'd have a crowd of Arab males trying to hit on her in their typically clumsy and rapey way. They would generally disperse when I returned, but not after trying to force pieces of paper bearing telephone numbers on her. Some of the more religious would accuse her of being a whore and an infidel when they saw who she was with. Some of the more circumspect would leave their numbers under the windscreen wipers of her car.

As others have already said, this isn't so much a video about sexism as it is about the failure - and the general unwillingness - of Muslim immigrants to integrate into European society. It's a pity the documentary maker is too much of a coward to point out the real problem and chooses, in typical feminist fashion, to accuse every man of the crimes of a select minority.

And, by the by, it is not "foreigners" who are the problem - Brussels is filled with foreigners who work there and who are generally well behaved. It is a problem specific to Muslim immigrants (and which affects many other parts of Europe).


It sounds like the backlash will be strong against these immigrants.
it does not make any difference, the reproduction rate of say "muslim" immigrants is above >2 (3-4), and the reproduction rate of most other groups is like ~1-2. in a few generations, everyone else will be the minority. most immigrants in yurop have not been the elite of their country and have brought a really backwards few on religion and society with them.
idk, could be compared to the whole mexican/latino/usa topic, but with greater culture gap.

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Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

Quote: (08-05-2012 12:08 PM)Dolmance Wrote:  

Let's be clear, these are not silver-tongued lotharios who approach in their bespoke suits and cause women to swoon through the seductive power of their conversational skill. They are a bunch of sexually frustrated goons who make women dress in ugly clothes and less open to approach.

A year or two ago, I had a long distance relationship with a cute Arab chick working in Brussels. Any time we went out for a meal or a bar, if I left her alone for a few minutes, she'd have a crowd of Arab males trying to hit on her in their typically clumsy and rapey way. They would generally disperse when I returned, but not after trying to force pieces of paper bearing telephone numbers on her. Some of the more religious would accuse her of being a whore and an infidel when they saw who she was with. Some of the more circumspect would leave their numbers under the windscreen wipers of her car.

As others have already said, this isn't so much a video about sexism as it is about the failure - and the general unwillingness - of Muslim immigrants to integrate into European society. It's a pity the documentary maker is too much of a coward to point out the real problem and chooses, in typical feminist fashion, to accuse every man of the crimes of a select minority.

And, by the by, it is not "foreigners" who are the problem - Brussels is filled with foreigners who work there and who are generally well behaved. It is a problem specific to Muslim immigrants (and which affects many other parts of Europe).


yup thats true they hit on anything and everything.
and ive seen really nice old men walking the street, a sexy dressed girl walks by and they scream at her "YOU GERMAN WHORE".

that was a nice old granpa type. the problem is really they are from some backwords-ass society and make no effort to integrate themselves. in germany you can walk into certain neighbourhoods and its like walking through istanbul, the integration policy here is really really bad.

the problem (in germany) gets magnified because most of the immigrants are from some really country parts of their homelands, so really backwards/conservative. for example if you go to turkey many turks will say theyre ashamed of the turks living in germany, because theyre the lowest class and behave badly.

there is a lot of these problems in some western european countries.
and i dont see it getting any better in the next decades because noone even talks about these problems on an official level as its not PC.

thankfully imgetting the hell out of this place soon.

btw some of these arab girls are HOT though. i banged a moroccan chick once and she was the best fuck ive ever had. her brothers would propably kill me if they found out.

Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

Yeah anyone who's been to Brussels, it's pretty creepy past 9 pm. All I saw were muslim guys hanging about the sidewalk looking around. When you're with a blonde women they stare you down. Some old drunk guy had a go at me at the (irish) pub in Bruges before realising i was with a foreign woman. We europeans are too tolerant. Try going to my country, Britain, it's such a mess cause no one cares anymore, they feel no connection to the country. Going through immigration at london city airport the other day...not one single white face or otherwise english looking person in the immigration service.

Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

The question is why aren't these men married off by 20 as they would in the old country? This would relieve the sexual frustration these guys are feeling.

The face that there are a bunch of lonely older bachelors from sexually repressed cultures roaming around the city creeping on young girls who won't give them the time of day is a powderkeg ready to explode. These guys should be married with kids right? Why isn't this happening?

And the fact that we don't seem to have these problems in the US and Canada might be due to us screening for the more educated/entrepreneurial type of Muslim. I occasionally see the really religious type with beard and skullcaps but they seem to be pretty well behaved.

Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

Quote: (08-06-2012 03:04 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Still, that women are outraged about creeps just walking up, asking for sex and harassing them would imply that they would absolutely jump on the chance to be with someone who respects them, is very polite and does not view them as just a sexual object.

Of course, we all know how that one ends.

Ironically it kind of works. Translate "does not view them as just a sexual object" as "qualification and screening girls for things other than their looks", and reading "respects them and is polite" as "being friendly and knowing how to calibrate" (which is not mutually exclusive with leading and dominance) and you have central game tenets.

I agree with Samseau though, laws like these are quickly abused by your nutjob radical feminist who thinks that touching her upper arm in a bar without her consent is an 'abuse of male privilege'. The law needs to clearly distinguish between the intimidating behaviour of these men and and the (at least reasonably) well-intentioned approach by your average gamesman.

And if there are a group of people who would truly be helped by game, it's these immigrant men who find themselves at the bottom of the socioeconomic barrel.

Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

I think you don't really see it with muslims here in the US is because there is an ocean between us. It's not exactly cheap to cross the Atlantic. However, we do have similar issues here in America. A majority of the Central Americans that I have seen and met are exactly like what is being described in this thread. I've even seen some fight old ladies for a loaf of bread at the soup kitchen. It's not all of them, but it seems that the scum seems to congregate. If you talk to some of the other Latin American immigrants about these guys they'll say that they are the people that aren't even wanted in their home country (i.e. rapists, murderers, child molesters). In other words, they are the stereotype that republicans use for anti-immigration rhetoric.

I experienced it first hand while walking down the street with my tan skinned girlfriend (born in Miami, raised in NJ). First, they would offer her money for sex. Then, they would call her a bitch or a whore when she declined. Finally, they would lament the fact that I'm with her by saying things like "why do the gringos take our women?"

10/14/15: The day I learned that convicted terrorists are treated with more human dignity than veterans.

Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

What this shows me is that the vast majority of this world is filled with horny, frustrated, angry men hard-up for sex with hot chicks. Multiply the "frustration" x 100 in the Arab world.

Gentlemen, enjoy life in Post-Soviet Europe or wherever else you plan to make your home base and hope the desperate masses never reach your shores and ruin your Eden.

Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

Quote: (08-06-2012 06:20 AM)Juan Antonio Wrote:  

The question is why aren't these men married off by 20 as they would in the old country? This would relieve the sexual frustration these guys are feeling.

The face that there are a bunch of lonely older bachelors from sexually repressed cultures roaming around the city creeping on young girls who won't give them the time of day is a powderkeg ready to explode. These guys should be married with kids right? Why isn't this happening?

And the fact that we don't seem to have these problems in the US and Canada might be due to us screening for the more educated/entrepreneurial type of Muslim. I occasionally see the really religious type with beard and skullcaps but they seem to be pretty well behaved.

Well most muslim men aren't married off by 20 in their homelands. The muslim girls, yes, but not muslim guys. They have to be somewhat established to get married. Trust me, there are a lot of sexually repressed creeps in those muslim countries. I mean if some guy is taking 4 wives, you can obviously do the math on what that means.

Another reason they aren't married in their homeland is because they aren't in their homeland. They moved away for better opportunities. Once muslims immigrate, it becomes harder to pair off and find a suitable marriage partner, hence the reason why you see high rates on unmarried muslims despite the fact they would likely be married in their homeland.

Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

Quote: (08-06-2012 06:20 AM)Juan Antonio Wrote:  

The question is why aren't these men married off by 20 as they would in the old country? This would relieve the sexual frustration these guys are feeling.

The face that there are a bunch of lonely older bachelors from sexually repressed cultures roaming around the city creeping on young girls who won't give them the time of day is a powderkeg ready to explode. These guys should be married with kids right? Why isn't this happening?

And the fact that we don't seem to have these problems in the US and Canada might be due to us screening for the more educated/entrepreneurial type of Muslim. I occasionally see the really religious type with beard and skullcaps but they seem to be pretty well behaved.

I don't understand why Europe doesn't screen for the good type of immigrant instead of the uneducated ones....

Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

Quote: (08-06-2012 02:22 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

Quote: (08-06-2012 06:20 AM)Juan Antonio Wrote:  

The question is why aren't these men married off by 20 as they would in the old country? This would relieve the sexual frustration these guys are feeling.

The face that there are a bunch of lonely older bachelors from sexually repressed cultures roaming around the city creeping on young girls who won't give them the time of day is a powderkeg ready to explode. These guys should be married with kids right? Why isn't this happening?

And the fact that we don't seem to have these problems in the US and Canada might be due to us screening for the more educated/entrepreneurial type of Muslim. I occasionally see the really religious type with beard and skullcaps but they seem to be pretty well behaved.

I don't understand why Europe doesn't screen for the good type of immigrant instead of the uneducated ones....

Giving free money/welfare to immigrants and making sure no laws will block their entry to the country is an excellent way of securing voters for left wing parties. At least it is this way in Holland but it also a European Union problem.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

Quote: (08-06-2012 03:19 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Quote: (08-06-2012 02:22 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

Quote: (08-06-2012 06:20 AM)Juan Antonio Wrote:  

The question is why aren't these men married off by 20 as they would in the old country? This would relieve the sexual frustration these guys are feeling.

The face that there are a bunch of lonely older bachelors from sexually repressed cultures roaming around the city creeping on young girls who won't give them the time of day is a powderkeg ready to explode. These guys should be married with kids right? Why isn't this happening?

And the fact that we don't seem to have these problems in the US and Canada might be due to us screening for the more educated/entrepreneurial type of Muslim. I occasionally see the really religious type with beard and skullcaps but they seem to be pretty well behaved.

I don't understand why Europe doesn't screen for the good type of immigrant instead of the uneducated ones....

Giving free money/welfare to immigrants and making sure no laws will block their entry to the country is an excellent way of securing voters for left wing parties. At least it is this way in Holland but it also a European Union problem.

Yup. Not to mention most immigrants come to Europe illegally.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

In terms of % of islam in Europe, it looks like post soviet Eastern Europe wins again:

[Image: cIPjT.png]

Femme de la Rue: sexism on the streets of Brussels – video

What strikes me is how polite and dignified this girl is even in the face of overt propositioning and abusive name calling. Are European women generally this nice? American guys are always commenting on how much nicer European women are.

I'd like to see these guys run their "day game" on American women in New York or DC. These cats wouldn't last a week.

I think a lot of American guys are afraid of American women as they can be loud, rude, bitchy, aggressive and hostile to creepy come-ons. I'm sure more women carry pepperspray here than anywhere else. It's why guys here are too afraid to cold approach during the day, and overt street harassment like this isn't too common in the US.

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