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Another life destroyed by feminism

Another life destroyed by feminism

I was in the bar last night, and my friend (really an acquaintance) walked in. She loves me, so naturally she joined me.

I discovered the following facts about her:

-Her fiance broke their engagement, which she tried to get over by wearing her wedding dress for Halloween
-Because she is 28 and doesn't glow like she used to, men now play games with her
-She doesn't know how to cook
-She has $80,000 in student debt so that she could get a "real job" (event planner for a major media corporation)

She has done everything that was expected of her, and now has an unfulfilling life. Her attractiveness is declining, meaning in a few years she might not be able to get the attention of a quality man at all. There is nothing particularly exciting about her work, but she has to keep working to pay her student loans (not dischargeable by personal bankruptcy).

I decided to post this tidbit because of Roosh's recent posts about older, bitter women.

Normally stories like this make me snicker, but she is actually a nice and earnest person and therefore I just feel bad. I'd bang her but my girlfriend cuts her hair.

Another life destroyed by feminism

28 is not too late. She could still get on the threadmill, kick the take out, get some cooking lessons and adopt a sexy attitude. Thing is, not everyone has the willpower to turn around.

It's the same way as with your friends that are rationalizing game.

Another life destroyed by feminism

Quote: (12-07-2011 11:25 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

28 is not too late. She could still get on the threadmill, kick the take out, get some cooking lessons and adopt a sexy attitude. Thing is, not everyone has the willpower to turn around.

It's the same way as with your friends that are rationalizing game.

I agree, and there is hope for her. She is very fit (and thus has a great body), no longer lives in bars (real jobs aren't sexy for women, but they also don't take years and years off your life like service industry jobs), and takes care of appearance well (my gf's salon is very, very good).

I told her she had to change the cooking thing and that she'd never make a good wife without domestic skills.

Another life destroyed by feminism

Her fiance broke the engagement? Was she dating out of her league?

I think a reason women become bitter is because when they get screwed over by men, it's a huge loss on their part. Women have, what, 6-8 years in their prime?

Men, on the other hand, have at least twice as many prime years, anywhere from 15-20 years to find a good mate. A man getting rejected means shit when you have so much time.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Another life destroyed by feminism

That's the hardest leap for chicks to make. To be self-critical and work on their shortcomings, as opposed to simply blaming men, or simply trying to find a wealthy guy that will have certain things taken care of (like having a cook and bring in a cleaning lady). Too many of them believe that all they need to bring to the table is good looks, and when a man rejects them despite those looks, they don't know what else to do.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Another life destroyed by feminism

Quote: (12-07-2011 11:46 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Her fiance broke the engagement? Was she dating out of her league?
Unsure, but she clearly has not gotten over him--that leads me to suspect yes.

Quote: (12-07-2011 11:46 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

I think a reason women become bitter is because when they get screwed over by men, it's a huge loss on their part. Women have, what, 6-8 years in their prime?

Men, on the other hand, have at least twice as many prime years, anywhere from 15-20 years to find a good mate. A man getting rejected means shit when you have so much time.
Right, a serious relationship that does not end in marriage means several years of prime reproductive time squandered, forcing the girl to start over again but as a more depreciated sexual asset. I am starting to sense desperation from girls just a bit older than I am (I'm 26).

I am much more attractive to women than I was even two years ago, let alone five. I can only imagine what it'll be like when I'm 30.

Quote: (12-07-2011 11:56 AM)Timoteo Wrote:  

That's the hardest leap for chicks to make. To be self-critical and work on their shortcomings, as opposed to simply blaming men, or simply trying to find a wealthy guy that will have certain things taken care of (like having a cook and bring in a cleaning lady). Too many of them believe that all they need to bring to the table is good looks, and when a man rejects them despite those looks, they don't know what else to do.
Many of them don't even realize they need good looks...

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