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Eye contact!

Eye contact!

So new semester @ school & holy shit the first 2 days of class I haven't ever recieved this much eye contact. On top of that, when I was busy doing something and I looked up after some time I would catch a girl who is already looking at me. This stuff happened at the schools bookstore, registration lines, in class (first day walking in & having more than one girl giving me eye contact and smiling as an invite to sit with them). There was even a girl who completely turned around to stare at me more after I passed her. This is awesome, I've never been oogled this much or maybe I just haven't noticed before.

Here's the part I didn't do. Approach any of them. I was a tad busy getting my classes and books lined up right. Or at least that was my excuse.

My question is if I'm sitting down and I meet eyes with a chick and she's walking kinda far away(this happened also), how do I talk to her? I'm not gonna run across the quad and chase her, that'd be stupid. And there's a cute girl in my class who I've noticed eyeing me and I've just realized she's in more than one of my classes. Only problem is where my friends sit is on the other side from her (I'm usually late & they save me a seat). She runs out the minute class ends and I'm not in the mood to hurdle tables to talk to her.

And Roosh, once again awesome blog man.

Eye contact!

I was always late to class, and it always worked out well for me, because then I could just sit next to the good looking girls and start talking to them in class. From there it's easy getting a girl's number and so on and so forth. Your friends are your friends, so you don't ALWAYS need to sit with them. Take every opportunity and stay proactive. When a girl is eye fucking you, smile/wink at her and say Hey.

Eye contact!

Quote: (08-22-2009 12:29 PM)kerouac Wrote:  

I was always late to class, and it always worked out well for me, because then I could just sit next to the good looking girls and start talking to them in class. From there it's easy getting a girl's number and so on and so forth. Your friends are your friends, so you don't ALWAYS need to sit with them. Take every opportunity and stay proactive. When a girl is eye fucking you, smile/wink at her and say Hey.

Yeah man being late is awesome. I actually just ran into your post about your chick and yeah I'm exactly in that fucking confident state you were in. Feels amazing huh

Eye contact!

"I haven't ever recieved this much eye contact"

Enjoy it while you can, my friend, after college, it only gets harder. And you need to bring heavier Game.

"I was a tad busy getting my classes and books lined up right."

Screw the classes and books. Swoop the girls. Plenty of time to read after college.

"I was always late to class"

Yeah. Always sit next to the flyest girls. This is not the time to be hesitant. Just sit next to her.

Its a strong move, and she has to sit next to you all semester.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Eye contact!

All of what MPM said is so true, listen to this man!

You're going to have a lot of people in college looking at everyone, college is a crazy new experience for a lot of people and some of these girls were probably trapped under their parent's thumb, and are now looking for liberating experiences.

I would sit next to the girl who is in more than one of your classes, make small talk about the class, professor, etc, just some simple jokes. Once you've talked to her in one of your classes, talk to her right away in the other one, ask her if she's stalking you or something, but obviously in a joking manner. Then invite her to a party the next weekend or whatever you're into. Just make sure you hang out with her ASAP so she doesn't just become one of those "class friends" (trust me I've made the mistake before) that you always wish you'd partied with and banged. Worst case scenario, you hang out a lot outside of class and she isn't interested, but guess what she's got friends, and because you'll be friends with her, you'll already be pre-qualified to them.

As far as friends go, I wouldn't keep too many guy friends in college. I always had the most fun partying with girls, and always gut laid the most that way too. Usually, sleeping with their friends after they'd have parties, or at parties we'd go to.

I really wish I'd read all this stuff when I was younger, and saved myself the hassle of learning as I went along in college as I was really shy, and never knew what to say at parties around girls most of my first two years. Plus my ability to trust my instincts and get a good read on girls was pathetic, and I was nowhere near aggressive enough. Maybe I didn't drink enough, IDK, but either way I think of all the pussy I got the next three years (look going to college for only 4 years is like leaving a party at 10pm) and how much more I could've got, and then I cry...

Eye contact!

Quote: (08-22-2009 06:11 PM)CJ Wrote:  

All of what MPM said is so true, listen to this man!

You're going to have a lot of people in college looking at everyone, college is a crazy new experience for a lot of people and some of these girls were probably trapped under their parent's thumb, and are now looking for liberating experiences.

I would sit next to the girl who is in more than one of your classes, make small talk about the class, professor, etc, just some simple jokes. Once you've talked to her in one of your classes, talk to her right away in the other one, ask her if she's stalking you or something, but obviously in a joking manner. Then invite her to a party the next weekend or whatever you're into. Just make sure you hang out with her ASAP so she doesn't just become one of those "class friends" (trust me I've made the mistake before) that you always wish you'd partied with and banged. Worst case scenario, you hang out a lot outside of class and she isn't interested, but guess what she's got friends, and because you'll be friends with her, you'll already be pre-qualified to them.

As far as friends go, I wouldn't keep too many guy friends in college. I always had the most fun partying with girls, and always gut laid the most that way too. Usually, sleeping with their friends after they'd have parties, or at parties we'd go to.

I really wish I'd read all this stuff when I was younger, and saved myself the hassle of learning as I went along in college as I was really shy, and never knew what to say at parties around girls most of my first two years. Plus my ability to trust my instincts and get a good read on girls was pathetic, and I was nowhere near aggressive enough. Maybe I didn't drink enough, IDK, but either way I think of all the pussy I got the next three years (look going to college for only 4 years is like leaving a party at 10pm) and how much more I could've got, and then I cry...

Yeah! I also regret many of my non-moves on my first few semesters at University.
Just pursue them and be positive and agressive in a joking way, fresh girls in college are really easy.
I remember in my first semester, the hottest girl in my class took me out during a break to ask me stuff and invited me to a party, I was so dumb I played uninterested and actually didn't go (ok, I had a gf, although not in that University). Another girl left me notes on my notebook....
So many missed chances.

Good thing, for my last years, I found out i was good looking (i never thought so) and started screwing every girl (pretty and non pretty ones) who eye contacted me or talked to me in the library, cafeteria, 1 hot secretary (actually 2, but only one hot), my psychology teacher (horny woman as hell) and so on....I miss those times of easy fucks without needing to make much of an effort..

Enjoy while you can!
In my experience in University, blunt game works.

Eye contact!

When it comes time to take a test, and your sitting next to a worthy female, offer her a meal, or weed, or hell even money to let you cheat. That was the classroom move that always worked for me.

Eye contact!

Knowing what I know now, I would die to be back in school now. Sitting next to hot chicks is too easy, and escalating from there...

Eye contact!

Quote: (08-23-2009 01:44 AM)elguapo Wrote:  

Knowing what I know now, I would die to be back in school now. Sitting next to hot chicks is too easy, and escalating from there...

Hey man, do go on

Eye contact!

Sometimes playing it low key is your only option in college daygame. Talk for a little, make her smile, leave an impression. You'll feel it's trying too hard to close so soon off so little. You'll see her out, and she'll say Hey! and you meet her and her friends. Lots of dudes with no game or connections hookup with chicks from classes this way.

Eye contact!

One thing I remember worked really well was cafeteria/lunch game. Whenever you're alone getting some food, find a girl that's alone too and go sit with her. Hooking up doesn't get much easier than in college... :'( Memories... Time for me to think about grad school [Image: biggrin.gif]

Eye contact!

Quote: (08-23-2009 02:04 PM)kerouac Wrote:  

One thing I remember worked really well was cafeteria/lunch game. Whenever you're alone getting some food, find a girl that's alone too and go sit with her. Hooking up doesn't get much easier than in college... :'( Memories... Time for me to think about grad school [Image: biggrin.gif]

I'm thinking about grad school for the same reasons too! Plus the crappy economy has been hard to get a decent job, especially in Michigan.

I can remember my freshman year being all excited when a cute girl came and sat next to me when I happened to be eating alone... sadly, she was one of those "Jesus freaks" so even if I had any game back then, I'd have been up against insurmountable odds.

Eye contact!

"One thing I remember worked really well was cafeteria/lunch game."

For sure. Lunch time is a gold mine.

I used to throw jello at other kids as well.

Not sure if it helped me get chicks, but keep the guys in check.

Also, slapping a full tray of food out of a rivals hands is a good move.

Most people only do this stuff in high school. My psycho crew and I still did it in college.

Strong move.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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