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College Game and Social Proof

College Game and Social Proof


However, what frustrates me is that I have the ability to approach, in principle, any girl on campus or library, yet the potential consequences seem severe - from getting a label to having to deal with a temporary to permanent ban from the library, or even dealing with some disciplinary action and police UNLESS I'll do very indirect, 'incidental' approaches (still, in college girls' eyes it will be brave) and ask them out for a coffee, lol

You are frustrated cause seemingly you have ver narrow view of game.

General rule of thumb is the more anonymous the environment the more risky you can go. Therefore in places like college where people know you or can recognize you easily you have to play under the radar. How?

1. Be friendly and meet girls socially (no dedicated approaches, no Hey you're cute I want to meet you, no flashy actions that get you unnecessary attention).
2. Network (meet groups, befriend guys)
3. Hang out and party together (that's how you create that fun vibe and flirty atmosphere where you work your magic)
4. Play it cool but escalate and pull the trigger when it's appropriate.
5. Network more, go out with girls girls girls.

Wash rinse repeat.

If girls hook up with some guys not you then befriend those guys and outshine them. With all that knowledge you can learn here and online it should be no problem. Connect with them over sport, gym, beer, etc. Even better introduce them to some girls and they will love you.

Vast majority of those frat bros are bunch of idiots with no game whatsoever. They just roll in groups create some havoc under liquid influence focus girls attention and escalate on the ones who give them obvious green light.

College Game and Social Proof

Yeah, but "frat game" works in part by not needing it. It's entirely based on group status. Girls just show up at the frat party knowing that it's a place to go when you want to get fucked hard by a dudebro.

College Game and Social Proof

Quote: (08-17-2017 06:22 PM)XXL Wrote:  

Vast majority of those frat bros are bunch of idiots with no game whatsoever. They just roll in groups create some havoc under liquid influence focus girls attention and escalate on the ones who give them obvious green light.

Almost makes a mockery out of game/seduction doesn't it [Image: undecided.gif]. I don't know if it's just me or it's mildly infuriating to watch them knowing they could be doing so much better.

College Game and Social Proof

Quote: (08-16-2017 08:05 PM)bgbusiness Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2013 01:52 AM)GLethal85 Wrote:  

I went from virgin to 8 notches in my four years in college.

I was in a fraternity (helpful) and also an RA (very helpful).

It wasn't until a year or so after graduation that i started reading the manosphere. Whole new world. I was pissed cuz I always thought that once you hit the 'real world' girls stop all the bullshit. Nope, theres more bull shit and if you're not high value then you're out.

Hey, just wondering what is the average notches that frat boys get in 4 years or 1 year? I know it would of course vary by a many factors, but do you have an estimate?

I would say once a month would be for the average "bro", although that can rise or fall depending on the person.

Keep in mind most guys have 0 game and all you really need is to offer alcohol in your room and then hope her sisters / friends don't jam her phone with missed calls / find her. A lot of freshman chicks don't know what the hell their doing, which meant deflowering a girl or two [Image: banana.gif]

If I only knew about the game, notch count would have been way higher in college.

College Game and Social Proof

Hey guys, I am trying to interpret a situation that happens in college sometimes. You cross paths with a couple of girls who you know, not very well but have talked to once or twice before in social situations and seen them around a few times. Its obvious that they have seen you but only one of them turns around to look at you to say 'hi', the other just pretends to look forward(looks kind of weird from a third person perspective). What does this mean? Is this some kind of test or seeking validation kind of move by the girl who pretends to ignore?

What would your response be in this situation?

College Game and Social Proof

In most situations I would imagine it's likely the girl has weak social skills and doesn't know exactly what to do. Or is just passive and would rather not bother to acknowledge "strangers"/new people.

However I'm not sure how autistic you come off in real life, so it's likely some girls may not like that vibe(not being insulting).

College Game and Social Proof

Only 5 of my 20 bangs as of 24 years old were from college (I did bang a girl from my school two years after graduation, but this was only due to my SMV improving).

You ABSOLUTELY need game in college.

College Game and Social Proof

I'd take initiative and spark a convo and get the numbers to hang out which will lead to the dorm room. She wants you to take charge and lead the way, otherwise she wouldn't have said anything to you.

College game was fun to run back in the day, but boy did I take a lot of losses in the field then....

College Game and Social Proof

Catalyst, that's some good ideas. Hope the autistic part is not true haha. But if she's passive, then we can assume she's is not interested. But its tough to know if its just shyness or can't be bothered/passive. If there has been prior conversation, its kind of hard to imagine why they would be shy to say hi. Has happened quite a few times, where one girl is up to say hi and continue a convo while the other just kind of freezes.

College Game and Social Proof

Quote: (09-26-2017 03:44 AM)Hazaer Wrote:  

Catalyst, that's some good ideas. Hope the autistic part is not true haha. But if she's passive, then we can assume she's is not interested. But its tough to know if its just shyness or can't be bothered/passive. If there has been prior conversation, its kind of hard to imagine why they would be shy to say hi. Has happened quite a few times, where one girl is up to say hi and continue a convo while the other just kind of freezes.

You can't assume a girl isn't interested because she's passive, unless she's only passive in that situation and not passive in all the other situations.

If you're really wondering just jokingly point out the girl is freezing and you're genuinely curious why she seems that way, she'll laugh and start to explain, and so on. Hard to say what's going on without seeing you

College Game and Social Proof

I work at a major university and have been in academia on and off since I was 18 (I am now 35). I banged a 19 y/o (solid 8) this past weekend with little effort, which has been my experience repeatedly. A few general observations (confounded by game, personality, and looks improving as I aged):

1. When I was an undergraduate (18-28 y/o due to military service) direct approaches were typically fruitless with the 21 and under crowd. Being friendly, being nice to their social circle, and independently minded scored me the most bangs.

2. When I was a graduate student, 28-32 (MS & PhD) direct approaches were more fruitful, but my readily available demographic shifted (females in the 6-8 range, aged 22-28). Social circle game is does not provide much of an advantage in the graduate student crowd. Direct approaches to undergrads were the same as before. When pursuing 18-21 crowd, having better logistics, and creating a bidding war among the desired target's friends, while they drank, usually resulted in a bang just by being cool and fun. Keeping a I don't give a shit attitude and being fun and light was my tactic and it seemed to work. I used to outlast the competition, but I have learned hanging around until a woman is done partying and ready to bang is a waste of time in a target rich environment. The key is isolating the target from their social circle.

3. Now I am a prof and I do not enjoy being around undergraduates. I hang out at college bars and take strolls through the frats and sororities between beers at the bar (assuming there is no action at the bar). I open girls walking in groups on the sidewalk (use cigarette / directions game / or fake a musical act or party that "I am trying to find"), and walk into frat parties and only stay long enough to get the interest exchange numbers/social media and then I disappear without saying goodbye to anyone. The key thing is I make strong eye contact with the target, be nice to all the douchebags and laugh at their jokes, and never attempt any verbal game (unless the woman initiates it first). Usually, the friend circle throws a ton of shit tests the second you walk in the door or interact at the bar. I usually get: "you're old, you are married aren't you" and use agree/amplify "Yes, I have 3 wives, would you like to be #4?" After 3-4 shit tests, they usually stop. The amount of shit tests I receive from the 18-21 demographic have gradually increased since I have aged. I recommend setting a good impression, make plans to meet up later, and give her your number and leave. When she needs the bang you will run into her again, she will contact you, or you will have already secured the deal at the other parties/bars. When closing the deal I insist that we go to their place as they typically will kick you out of bed asap so their other boyfriends don't find out, lol. Opening girls that are sober on campus is easy, but results in significantly fewer quick bangs (quantity versus quality). In these instances, I act like I am interested in pursuing a relationship and run provider game, since 90% of women are on campus for their MRS degree.

To make a long story short: I agree with most of the thread. Be fun and exciting, be a social butterfly with her friends, have a fast exit strategy for more food/drinks, have good logistics for the bang, and ABC. Consider your age and how you are perceived by the 18-22 cohort and do not stray too far from their schema of you (no matter how inaccurate it may be).

College Game and Social Proof

Quote: (08-17-2017 06:22 PM)XXL Wrote:  


However, what frustrates me is that I have the ability to approach, in principle, any girl on campus or library, yet the potential consequences seem severe - from getting a label to having to deal with a temporary to permanent ban from the library, or even dealing with some disciplinary action and police UNLESS I'll do very indirect, 'incidental' approaches (still, in college girls' eyes it will be brave) and ask them out for a coffee, lol

You are frustrated cause seemingly you have ver narrow view of game.

General rule of thumb is the more anonymous the environment the more risky you can go. Therefore in places like college where people know you or can recognize you easily you have to play under the radar. How?

1. Be friendly and meet girls socially (no dedicated approaches, no Hey you're cute I want to meet you, no flashy actions that get you unnecessary attention).
2. Network (meet groups, befriend guys)
3. Hang out and party together (that's how you create that fun vibe and flirty atmosphere where you work your magic)
4. Play it cool but escalate and pull the trigger when it's appropriate.
5. Network more, go out with girls girls girls.

Wash rinse repeat.

If girls hook up with some guys not you then befriend those guys and outshine them. With all that knowledge you can learn here and online it should be no problem. Connect with them over sport, gym, beer, etc. Even better introduce them to some girls and they will love you.

Vast majority of those frat bros are bunch of idiots with no game whatsoever. They just roll in groups create some havoc under liquid influence focus girls attention and escalate on the ones who give them obvious green light.

I couldn't agree more.

College Game and Social Proof

I'm a grad student and my course is incredibly demanding and I can't hang out with girls that do some humanities/social science shit and plenty time to spare. The only way for me is to take opportunities as they present themselves. Sitting somewhere and wait for the right girl to sit next to me or try some dg whilst going from place A to place B (hard if your mindset is deep in academic stuff). Frustrating but what can you do?


My Adventures in Game updates on the go: twits by Max Detrick

Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
-- Elon Musk

College Game and Social Proof

Quote: (10-06-2017 05:45 AM)ksbms Wrote:  

I'm a grad student and my course is incredibly demanding and I can't hang out with girls that do some humanities/social science shit and plenty time to spare. The only way for me is to take opportunities as they present themselves. Sitting somewhere and wait for the right girl to sit next to me or try some dg whilst going from place A to place B (hard if your mindset is deep in academic stuff). Frustrating but what can you do?

I know the feeling. Earlier in the semester I was doing a lot of approaches just to build social circles with mixed (mainly limited) success. Now I hardly have time to go around talking to random girls masquerading as the cool graduate student. It's tempting with all the attractive undergrads running around but it's somewhat of a mirage considering they often clam up if you're not in their immediate sphere of acquaintances. My motivation is limited right now and I can't escape the superficial college bubble soon enough.

College Game and Social Proof

Quote: (10-08-2017 11:01 AM)Rang off the Pipe Wrote:  

Quote: (10-06-2017 05:45 AM)ksbms Wrote:  

I'm a grad student and my course is incredibly demanding and I can't hang out with girls that do some humanities/social science shit and plenty time to spare. The only way for me is to take opportunities as they present themselves. Sitting somewhere and wait for the right girl to sit next to me or try some dg whilst going from place A to place B (hard if your mindset is deep in academic stuff). Frustrating but what can you do?

I know the feeling. Earlier in the semester I was doing a lot of approaches just to build social circles with mixed (mainly limited) success. Now I hardly have time to go around talking to random girls masquerading as the cool graduate student. It's tempting with all the attractive undergrads running around but it's somewhat of a mirage considering they often clam up if you're not in their immediate sphere of acquaintances. My motivation is limited right now and I can't escape the superficial college bubble soon enough.

I'm experience the "clamming up" vibe from most of these girls that I approach. If you know even a friend of hers who is in your class, you have a 10x chance of ever succeeding with her.

Especially the younger ones, they cling to either social circles or Tinder.

Girls don't even want to be approached at night time either. Day game is very hard in college these days unless you meet them at some social event or know a friend of hers that is with her.

With night game, they cling to their groups and usually don't want to be approached. Even if you get a number, their attention span is short and they are distracted by all the social media that they have.

Tinder has yielded more success, and that success is very small at the same time.

College Game and Social Proof

Theres a chick in my class that I opened who has been all clammed up when I speak to her one on one in class but during class discussions she's laughing at what I say I shit. I just look up her facebook and turns out she has a boyfriend of like 2 years which is why she's probably policing herself. Some of these girls just got other things going on you don't know about.

The other night I went to the college bar, opened and hooked up with a chick before she had to leave. She says she's very down to chill now. Don't get discouraged boys!

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