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What's your advice for a guy who doesn't care?

What's your advice for a guy who doesn't care?

Please don't make fun of me but I was 29 the first time I went on a date and the first time I fucked. And now I'm nearing 31.

I'm a nerd, a big looser and a big masturbator. Now I live in France, hardly have any friends and my French is not good at all. I work at a university with lots of girls around but I've not even talked to one of them in the few months I've been here. (My job doesn't involve students.)

I'm 170 cm. Indians, Turks and latinos often think I'm one of them. But several girls have fled when I told them where I was actually from. It's difficult for me to lie or to roleplay.

I've read The Game and was enlightened a lot but I think asking female opinion about something as an opener or engaging a girl you've just met in a test is just absurd.

My fundamental problem, I believe, is that I don't care. HOW CAN YOU LOOSE SOMETHING THAT YOU DON'T HAVE?? (I mean the 'target'.)[Image: huh.gif]
Let me give you an example. I went to a castle in the city. A lone girl who was taking photos caught my attention but I didn't approach her immediately. When I was exiting I saw her again checking the photos on her camera. I approached and said:

(no reaction)
Where are you from?
I like photography too and put some of the photos I take on Flickr.
-(She noded and smiled.)
Are you here as a tourist?

While I was talking to her, she was still checking the photos on her camera. At this point I thought watching a DVD at home would be more fun than a conversation like this. So, I left without goodbye.

You may ask if I don't care why am I writing this. The answer is I do care but not in real time. For example in the case of that Polish girl, after leaving I thought she was probably a student and I could've talked to her about her major and student life. Also I could've shown my Flickr photos to her on my cellphone. Some regrets!

What's your advice for a guy who doesn't care?

Go to bars and clubs. Women go to those things to find guys to have sex with.

BTW, as shit as I am with chicks, even I know that approach was terrible. It's OK though, you gave it a shot, and now you'll know what not to do in the future.

What's your advice for a guy who doesn't care?


I've read The Game and was enlightened a lot but I think asking female opinion about something as an opener or engaging a girl you've just met in a test is just absurd.

Opinion openers aren't the only way to approach girls. Have you read Roosh's stuff?


I'm a nerd, a big looser

First, start rethinking your self-image. If that is how you see yourself, then it's how women will see you too.

Work on your inner game and keep approaching. Don't give up.

What's your advice for a guy who doesn't care?

You need to change. Stop masturbating(serious). With that shit you become comfortable and not wanting to get laid.. stop jackin' off and you'll want to get satisfied by a woman's touch cause you build up so much tension within yourself.

Also, you have personal problems that a lot of guys suffer from, but yours looks bad. Just forget about the past and look towards the future. Read a book on game(Bang), or anything... then just go out there and be social. Just start talking to people(yes old people as well) so you get in a social mindset, getting in a social mindset will allow you to be more confident of yourself as well as your approaches.

There are several threads on here about game so do some exploring but don't become a couch jockey.

Good luck.

What's your advice for a guy who doesn't care?

Quote: (12-08-2011 05:13 PM)esperar Wrote:  

Go to bars and clubs. Women go to those things to find guys to have sex with.

BTW, as shit as I am with chicks, even I know that approach was terrible. It's OK though, you gave it a shot, and now you'll know what not to do in the future.

There is no such thing as a bad approach, the only thing that's bad is to not approach.

Anything can work if it comes from the right state of mind and confidence.

Confidence is the biggest turn on and the biggest attraction tool.

What's your advice for a guy who doesn't care?

Read Bang. Read Heartiste's archives.

And if you didn't care, you wouldn't mind using an opinion opener. Whether or not opinion opener's are effective, however, is another story.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

What's your advice for a guy who doesn't care?

I have this problem myself. Just be confident and keep pushing even if you don't give a shit. Getting a number and a "cool vibe" helps, since once you do, and the first conversation terminates, you're left with something. You get regret the next day, you can call her. If not, well, who cares. You still raise your confidence.

Any approach that sounds natural works. I unintentionally opened yesterday in a Subway (the sub place) with a very sarcastic "Two decades of listening to 'the grinch' in stores, and it never gets old". Even going (later on) "of course he'd be a grinch, he's got termites in his smile. That doesn't sound pleasant" worked. As long as you get conversation going, you can say anything. The less you think about it, the better.

What's your advice for a guy who doesn't care?

Quote: (12-08-2011 11:07 PM)Amour Fou Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2011 05:13 PM)esperar Wrote:  

Go to bars and clubs. Women go to those things to find guys to have sex with.

BTW, as shit as I am with chicks, even I know that approach was terrible. It's OK though, you gave it a shot, and now you'll know what not to do in the future.

There is no such thing as a bad approach, the only thing that's bad is to not approach.

Anything can work if it comes from the right state of mind and confidence.

Confidence is the biggest turn on and the biggest attraction tool.

Yeah, you're probably right. Like I said, at least he knows not to approach like this again.

What's your advice for a guy who doesn't care?

Quote: (12-08-2011 03:09 PM)penisofgod Wrote:  

Please don't make fun of me but I was 29 the first time I went on a date and the first time I fucked. And now I'm nearing 31.

I'm a nerd, a big looser and a big masturbator. Now I live in France, hardly have any friends and my French is not good at all. I work at a university with lots of girls around but I've not even talked to one of them in the few months I've been here. (My job doesn't involve students.)

I'm 170 cm. Indians, Turks and latinos often think I'm one of them. But several girls have fled when I told them where I was actually from. It's difficult for me to lie or to roleplay.

I've read The Game and was enlightened a lot but I think asking female opinion about something as an opener or engaging a girl you've just met in a test is just absurd.

My fundamental problem, I believe, is that I don't care. HOW CAN YOU LOOSE SOMETHING THAT YOU DON'T HAVE?? (I mean the 'target'.)[Image: huh.gif]
Let me give you an example. I went to a castle in the city. A lone girl who was taking photos caught my attention but I didn't approach her immediately. When I was exiting I saw her again checking the photos on her camera. I approached and said:

(no reaction)
Where are you from?
I like photography too and put some of the photos I take on Flickr.
-(She noded and smiled.)
Are you here as a tourist?

While I was talking to her, she was still checking the photos on her camera. At this point I thought watching a DVD at home would be more fun than a conversation like this. So, I left without goodbye.

You may ask if I don't care why am I writing this. The answer is I do care but not in real time. For example in the case of that Polish girl, after leaving I thought she was probably a student and I could've talked to her about her major and student life. Also I could've shown my Flickr photos to her on my cellphone. Some regrets!

I have to ask where did you come from originally? what is your ancestry?
How come you do not speak french? This board is pretty international, so I don't see how your nationality could be the reason women fled from you.

One of the ways to build attraction is to ask a woman her opinion. Heck even if you make friends with a guy, just go up to him and ask him what he thinks of this or that. There could be a million reason the girl acted weird.

Now in your case you could have asked her about photography, her life/major etc. and the other things you brought up. You are still learning but sooner or later you'll add a few notches in your belt. Just keep in mind enxt time the kind of questions to ask

Even the TOP gurus who can have 4 somes of girls drooling over their dicks one time and can fuck them all can't pick up every girl. They can get phone numbers from a high % of women, but the reality you'll have trouble getting one night stands from more than 10-15% of women, and only 40% of women at any given time are open to being approached by men. In otherwords, if a single 1 girl is not receptive to you, don;t make much of it.

I play a relatively safe game in that I usually only approach girls who make eye contact (ie show interest in me) but I'm also above average in looks department. But you can still getlots of women without good looks.

What's your advice for a guy who doesn't care?

OK. So, I rethink my self image, stop fucking myself and talk more to others to get into a social mindset. Sounds like a plan.

What's your advice for a guy who doesn't care?

No one is as bad with women as I am, but if even I can manage to get chicks attracted to me, I'm sure you can too.

What's your advice for a guy who doesn't care?

Confidence is the key, girls love a confident man.

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What's your advice for a guy who doesn't care?

Quote: (12-08-2011 06:28 PM)drymarro Wrote:  

You need to change. Stop masturbating(serious). With that shit you become comfortable and not wanting to get laid.. stop jackin' off and you'll want to get satisfied by a woman's touch cause you build up so much tension within yourself.

I really don't know how to solve that one. It's become so habitual that something just doesn't feel right when I don't do it.

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